Meeting Marge

By leanbaby2002

Published on May 12, 2008



Chapter 1

I was a normal child, a little girl with curly blond hair that would change with the years into a salt and pepper colour, but when I was young I must have been a pretty child as there were occasionally ah's and oh's from other mothers looking at me.

I for my part was not in the least interested in such judgements, I was happy living my early childhood in a well protected, maybe slightly conservative upper middle class suburb on the edge o town. I played with children form the neighbourhood creating my child's parts of havoc mostly coming home in a state of pollution that earned me a stripping outdoors before being scrubbed clean.

In the group of neighbourly children were girls as well as boys and the ages ranged from very young to about 10 years. Ten years seemed to be a threshold between being a child and starting to be a teenager.

I may have been a little younger than ten when I started to discover my body. I noticed one way or another that boys were different and firstly asked my girlfriends about it. For most of them it was also a mystery but one did know that that had something to do with the making of babies. According to her boys had a little rod that they could stick into the snatch of a girl and that produced babies.

I was not very convinced by these answers so I asked my mother, who, to my surprise more or less confirmed the story but also gave some more explanations. Boys and girls first would fall in love and later would perform the act which resulted in a baby nine months later. I kept on being confused.

But all these explanations made me curious about my body and in the evenings under the bed sheets I started reconnaissance tours of my body. On the upper body I could not find anything interesting but the lower part of my belly held many surprises in store. Just rubbing that part above my snatch, pussy as my girlfriends insisted it was called, created a particular feeling in my belly and playing with my pussy intensified this nice feeling.

Stroking with my index finger from the bridge between my pussy and back hole I found out that there were a pair of lips that could be parted. Pushing further into the kind of tunnel that opened up behind the lips I found some other lips that also could be opened. The tunnel going into my belly was however not used to wash the pee out of my body. I also found out that all these lips ended on at their top in a kind of "rose-bud". I also noticed a second hole but that part was a no go area. It did not feel good to rub it and it's function was far from clean

Rubbing and massaging this bud, which I learned was my clitoris, intensified my feelings and grew during such treatments. I even told some girlfriends that I also had a little rod. Around this time I experienced also a first- mini- orgasm which made my evenings ever more interesting.

Playing with myself became an almost daily routine, sometimes only seconds sometimes longer. I also searched for possibilities to see myself naked in the large mirror in my parents' bedroom and I gradually started to see and feel that my body changed. The little pecks on my breast became bigger and harder and around them a circle of darker skin became visible and breasts became visible.

Observing girl friends I could see that they must have experienced the same changes. Some of them really started to have breasts and not the small rises on my breast that I had noticed. Still I felt at ease with my body and was not jealous, like some of my girlfriends were, of the more visible developments with other girls.

Chapter 2

Around this time I had my first experience with a boy. When we spent a holiday at the beach we shared the rented house with a family from my mom's side and they had a son who was about one year younger than me. As the bedrooms in the house were not unlimited it was decided that I would share a double bed with this boy. During the evenings under the sheets I believe I seduced him although he was not completely ignorant in sex matters.

I took the initiative asking him whether he had ever touched a girl which he of course denied but I needed not much convincing before he agreed to touch me and let me touch him he wanted to touch first however. So I was lying on my back with my pyjama trousers at my knees and he touched me. At his first touch it felt as if a bolt of electricity shot through my body. I felt his hand going from my navel steadily down over my pubes and then he reached my pussy, it was done clumsily but I loved every second of and I had to reach for his "rod".

I had seen some penises of boys before but taking his in my hand was different it was much longer than I had seen with the others; hairless and stiff and when I closed my hand around it I could feel it pulsating. When I really started to move my closed hand up and down his stiffness disappeared suddenly and he withdrew has hand from my pussy. Asking what had happened he told me that he was suddenly afraid of what we were doing. I could not bring him to continue which may have been good because we may have ended up really fucking and for that we were really too young.

Another change that I noticed around my 12th birthday I did not like. As soon as I discovered my first pubic hairs and the first hair under my armpits I panicked. As always the first answers came from girlfriends, who told me that these hairs, the armpit ones could be shaved and they even told me that later on I would even get hairs on my legs.

I turned to my mom, who was very understanding telling me however that my development was slower than with other girls, which did nothing to solve my problem of course. After some serious nagging she bought me a lady shaver probably to get rid of my pestering her. That saved my problem; I shaved everything off also my pubes and never gave them a chance to return.

Around this time I had my first period and I thank my mother until today that she had warned me before that a thing like that was in store for me. Still when it happened the first impulse was to panic. Was it happening because of something I did? But remembering what my mother said I could inform her and also with her advice the regular days became part of my life.

Chapter 3

Having a rather slim but powerful body my parents asked me whether I wanted to go for swimming in a club which was how I landed in one of the local sports club. The club had male and female members although of course I saw more of the latter ones. During this time I had another sexual experience that would be important for my later development. After the training hours the girls normally changed their clothes in pairs and the girl I frequently shared the dressing cabin with was Debbie.

Debbie was about two years older than me. At school an age difference like that would almost guarantee that we would never have had contacts but at a sport's club these differences were not taken so seriously. During one evening changing into our street clothes she noticed that I shaved my pubes and asked me about it. I told her that I hated all body hair and loved to have a smooth skin.

She smiled knowingly and said that she also shaved and she continued that one of the reasons for her to do it was that it turned her on when she stroked herself. I was taken aback by this openness but her next question was even bolder. Did I also like to masturbate? At first I shied away from an answer but later that evening sitting together at a McDonald's I confessed to her that I did indeed liked to masturbate.

The following week I was in the cabin with another girl and there fore it was two weeks later when she organised it to change together. In the cabin she got out of her swimming gear quickly and stalled until I also was naked. She turned me around to face her and asked me whether she could touch me. Although taken aback again I was curious how that would feel so I said yes.

Her hand on my pussy gave me that same lightening bold I remembered from the short moments I had with my nephew and again I reacted with touching hers. It is good to touch yourself but stroking someone else who is also shaved was so good that I got weak knees. We did do nothing more just rubbing our shaven pubic areas and a short rub of our full hands over our pussies but it was a kind of sealing a bond together and she became my first real girl friend.

During the time after this first touching we regularly had short body contacts after the training hours but for the rest we were just normal young girl-friends who were mainly interested in boys. Until the moment that she told me that after the graduation she would leave for a collage that was in another part of the country. Seeing my disappointment she proposed to make a private party the week before she would leave. Just she and I at her parent's house who were abroad at the time. She would cook and we would eat together and we could hear some music afterwards and I should stay the night over.

When the evening came I got to the house she lived in. The evening started special indeed, she had prepared a really good meal and we dined like adults. White wine with the starters and red wine with the main course and I even believed I tasted some kind of liquor in the espresso after the meal. When we started to listen to the music I was tipsy to say the least.

That must have been part of the plan because when she proposed to listen to the music naked I had no inhibitions. After we shed our clothes she embraced me and started to dance. It was heavenly; feeling a naked female body against mine, breasts on breast belly on belly and it did not take long before our hands started the journey downwards.

After the first rubs she took me by the hand and led me to her bed. I was in a twilight world a little drunk but horny in a way I had never experienced. She kissed me and I kissed her back, I learned to know the long luxurious female to female tongue kiss that knew all my secrets because they were also her secrets. During she kissed my lips she started to fuck me with her fingers and I moaned. These fingers that knew about outer lips and inner lips, which knew what to do with my clit and these fingers entered me after having wetted themselves on my juices.

I had my first real orgasm which lasted so beautifully long and which pulsed through my body which shuddering waves of ecstasy. After my body recovered it was my turn to finger Debbie: It was great to part her lips, search for her clit and massaging it while sticking a finger of my other hand into her love tunnel. At her moaning I sped up my treatment until also she lifted up from the bed in spasms of a deep orgasm. We slept in each others arms and in the morning the first thing on our minds was to do it all over again.

A shadow on the evening that we discovered only later that next morning was that her fingers had taken my virginity. I probably had been so turned on the night before that I did not notice the sting that that must have given. We only saw it the next morning but the advantage of being alone in the house meant that we could leisurely wash the sheets.

It goes without saying that our parting was a hard one and in the first months of our separation we wrote some very heart ached letters. But she found new friends and I renewed my interest for boys, which I had not lost during our "affair" anyway.

Chapter 4

I had several boyfriends but maybe subconsciously I never got into a situation with them in which more than petting and kissing was possible. My friendship with Debbie brought me into contact with some older boys and it was one of them that became my steady boyfriend up to his graduation. And I can tell you that I was envied because of this friend being seen by most of the girls as the number one catch in the graduation calls of that year.

Still also with him we only kissed but with a certain growing passion and when he asked me to go to bed with him after the graduation ball, I was young, close to seventeen but I had not really much problems with accepting. One time had to be the first time and Tony was a very good catch anyway.

The ball was Ok my first experience of such an event and being there as the partner of Tony made even more special. We were elected amongst the first best looking couples which made very proud of course. After the end of the party we went to a motel room which he had succeeded to book and I was lying on the bed in my under wear looking at him preparing for our big moment and looking at him I was shocked. He had hair everywhere breast, legs and when he took off his shorts I saw a bif bush of black hair from with a white dot in the middle which was his penis.

My first intercourse was a long way worse than being with Debbie, firstly the hair was a turnoff, and secondly Tony did not know much about woman so the act of love more or less became a kind of consented rape. Him entering a dried up girl, no fore play and as soon as he hit the bottom he came. The only highlight was that when I felt his sperm in me at last I got a warm feeling and his last thrusts at last were done in a wet slippery love tunnel.

After this date that had gone wrong at least from my point of view my love for Tony quickly disappeared and I was alone again. During the last high school years I started to surf much in the internet and I found many the contact sites. Of course I embraced these sites as a possibility to find a second Debbie but it did not work the way I had hoped for. I really had a big put down when I let somebody make a date with me. The girl was fine, really fine but during the first date she already confessed that she was married to an older man who thought it great to see his wife together with another woman. She guaranteed me that he would be almost invisible and that there was absolutely no danger that he would want to participate. I thanked her very much but rejected the offer. Although I visited the pages also after this intermezzo I did not make a new contact.

Other sites I found in the web were the numerous sites with beautiful women. I feasted my eyes on many shaven beauties and while I got ever bolder I stared to download lesbian movies.I envied the actresses. They had all the fun and I was sitting at home masturbating while looking at them. I seriously thought about auditing for a job with one of the sites "Women Seeking Women" which was strangely my favourite one although in many of the movies elder women were seen. Sites like "Sapphic Erotica" and "Little Butt" or even the movies of Vic Thomas generally had all young women casts but WSW was more real more passionate. I also bought my first dildos and vibrators which was easier as I had expected after finding a shop with rather nice woman behind the counter.

One of the other things that I did during this time was taking better care of my body hair. My dislike for this hair got me to shaving myself daily which gave me a good feeling when under the shower but during the day I felt the tiny little hairs growing back again. I tried to wax myself which was OK but took a lot of preparation and could only be done when the hair was more than half a centimetre long. So I bought my self an epilator, the first session was as painful as with the wax but I found out that I could epilate hairs as soon as they became visible. After that I treated myself every three weeks and felt myself so good that I stopped to wear knickers.

And don't think I stayed only at home alone, no I had a good social life with friend, male and female and especially during the summer I loved to flash some sights of my upper legs and bare pussy. The only problem was that all my friends were straight and refused to be seduced.

Chapter 5

After finishing high school I went to the Loyola University of New Orleans to study music history and English and I found myself in a new world. Imagine a girl from the Mid West coming to New Orleans. It could have been on another planet. Maybe subconsciously I opted for the town because of its history for gay and lesbian people but in that case San Francisco might even have been better.

The first months I adapted to the New Orleans way of life. The town is also called the big easy and that's the pace of life down there. Also up north I used to wear just a dress form time to time. No knickers and no bra but in NO with its highly humid and hot climate that became my regular way of dressing. It was good that I had a passion for music because the town was so seductive that one would forget studying because it is much nicer to have long breakfasts at the Café Du Monde, spend the afternoons with long siestas under the big ventilator over my bed especially because my apartment was in old house close to the Vieux Carrè and did not have air-conditioning and dine in the Creole and Cajun restaurants as well in the Poor Boy joints in the evening. Getting contact with people was natural in this environment.

To live in New Orleans however and expect to be seduced by a gorgeous lesbian woman on the first day or even during the first months is illusory and consequently it did not happen and when it happened I did not recognize it for what is was. Her name was Margaux, Marge of Cajun heritage and some 15 years older than me, or around 35. We met at an evening in the Hard Rock Café where we both were with groups of friends. She saw me listen intently to some Cajun music and asked me whether I liked that kind of music. That evening we talked about musical tastes and at the end of the evening she asked me whether I would want to go to dinner with her in one of the Vieux Carré restaurants during the coming weekend.

On Saturday I went into town and was delighted to see that the restaurant was a Cajun one. She welcomed me when I came in and soon I found out that she was the owner of the place, inherited from her parents. That night we talked about music, about our earlier lives and she really pitied me for having lived in such a dull MidAmerican town and I got an invitation for the next weekend to visit her parents who lived in Cajun County near Lafayette, the area west of New Orleans.

If I thought the NO was on another Planet Cajun Country must have been in another galaxy. In a flat marsh country there were little towns with road signs in French and the town of Lafayette was a jewel and bustling with Cajun and Zydeco music. Marge's parents lived outside of town in an old plantation house in which they also had tourist guests but not during the weekend I was there. Arriving early Friday evening we were welcomed by parents and two brothers. One of the brothers had a friend as guest and the other one had his wife with him.

The dinner that night was spent in a large restaurant with live music and dance into the late evening. Of course I had to learn the Cajun dance like the two step, the waltz and the jig which I did as best as I can my partners were Marge's younger brother and his friend and it was obvious that both of them started some heavy flirting. Also during the next day and evening they continued their contest for me. I was flattered of course but only to a point.

That night in my room Marge came to me and lied beside me. She came right to point asking me why I had not reacted to the flirtations of the boys and while I was excusing myself not wanting to start something with them a fist night and that I was tired of the long ride she interrupted me and asked me whether I would respond when she started to flirt with me. When she saw my silent confirmation she kissed me on my mouth said that we would talk about it the following day and left for her own room.

Chapter 6

I was elated: Marge was lesbian; unconsciously I probably had known that all the way she had known it too but we both were afraid to spoil anything by asking until Marge had her confirmation when I rejected the boys. Still I slept well dreaming of tender hands on my body.

The next day was like heaven I saw her now with other eyes, I noticed that she also did wear no underwear and I was turned on. During the day we touched each other whenever a possibility occurred. When we were watching a street parade she stood behind and pressed

her abdomen to my butts I marvelled at feeling her pubic bone against me. On the drive back to NO I had to resist the urge to start touching her in all the beautiful places right away.

In NO we went to her apartment over the restaurant. Her bedroom also did not have an airco but a long balcony with doors opening to it, a lazy ventilator was slowly made its turns near the ceiling. Standing in the middle of the room we embraced each other and kissed at last. After we had undressed one another I slipped my hand between her legs and was delighted to feel no hair. Marge however had other plans she took my hand away and led me to the bed draping me on it on my back spreading my arms and legs and then she started the act of lesbian love on me.

She covered me with kisses; my face, my neck, my breasts, my nipples were massaged and nibbled on with her teeth, she tongue fucked my naval and I felt as drifting above the bed. I felt my nipples get hard I felt my clit getting harder, my pussy started to produce fluids in a quantity that was hereto unknown to me and her tongue was omnipresent. The kissing lips went further down kissing my pubes going down along my right leg, nibbling my toes and starting the ascend along my left leg. And then they were at their destination. My pussy was touched for the first time by female lips and they knew what to do to make a girl happy. My outer lips got a treatment, my inner lips got a treatment and I felt first her tongue entering my love tunnel to be replaced by to long fingers that searched for A and G points. Oh, it was heaven she could have left her fingers and tongue there indefinitely but she even knew how to improve this heavenly feeling. I felt her tongue searching my clit

under its hood and than suddenly my but was captured with lips and teeth and the big finale did start. She treated my clit from gentle to cruel, when I thought she might bite it of and I did not care. Her massaging became softer again but she sped up the tempo until I reached my first real orgasm. With Debbie it must have been something else this was it; this was the real McCoy. I felt a thunderbolt starting in my clit engulfing my whole pubic area slamming through my belly up to my hearth warming it speeding it up, trying to leave through my nipples hammering them and than and up to my throat where it departed with a kind of animal groan that ended in a long cry. I also was vaguely aware that during the spasms of orgasm travelled my body she sucked on my pussy; she drank my juices until the last drop had been devoured by her.

When I landed on the bed again I was exhausted, elated and crying for happiness. I was engulfed in a feeling that was completely new to me. I looked at the source of all this pleasure and smiled weakly at her. Rest little lady she said but I have to tell you that the night is not over yet. Receiving is one joy but giving the other. Looking forward to the giving side of our love making I instantly got turned on again and felt my juices well up in my pussy.

The giving was as indeed as beautiful as the receiving part tasting her lips and criss crossing my tongue over her breasts licking up some of her sweat in the cleavage between her breasts. Nibbling her nipples until she were hard as diamonds. Her navel felt as a little cunt and I duplicated the little fuck scene she showed before. Down it went along one leg and up the other to her centre of lust and love. Circling my tongue along her lower lips I had a first taste of her juices and wanted more but I already know that they would not come on their own. I got hold of her clit and caressed and licked and pulled and nibbled so long until I felt her body stiffen. Hearing her love cry I got my reward. Fluids were oozing from her and I feasted on them. It was as if the love between could be drunk and we got drunk on the fluids. We slept in each others arms until a bright and warm next day in the Big Easy.

During the succeeding time I was living in a dream. Everything was beautiful, everything was rosy. I liked my studies during the day and in the evening I helped with the drinks in the restaurant, where some of Marge's girlfriends openly tried to seduce me away from her. I went to many of the music venues that NO offered. I learned to know the Cajun kitchen and the Creole kitchen and Marge even teased me with the assertion that she had put a Voodoo spell on me and gave me love potion every day.

If she meant her love juices by the potion at least that part of the assertion was true. We made love as much as we could and we behaved as teenagers in love as soon as we were together. She tore at my dress to give the passers by a glimpse of my knickers free body and I opened my legs in the tramways when nobody was looking enjoying her face when she had her eyed feasting on my pubes and pussy. We hired a boat to be able to make love outside in the bayous. We got into the same toilet for a quick stroking session and when we climbed chairs we grasped between the legs of the one leading, even when other people were present.

I was convinced that this situation would last forever. If Marge would have been a man I would have married her. Together with a small group of girl friends we even celebrated our "official" engagement. New Orleans was never so beautiful as the in the months that followed even autumn with its duller weather was a time of joy.

This is the end of the first part of this story, maybe more will follow

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