Meeting Cheryle

By Joyce Devries

Published on Jul 10, 2006


Note, this a true story, some of the names have been changed, but certainly not the events of the days!, this is taken right from my diary entry of the time.

My (email) name is Joyce Devries and of all of the adventures I have had dressed as a woman, this was the ultimate. I got courted by a true and real Lesbian Female, my spouse and her Bi female lover and my date went out for a romantic date to Stage West (, and double dated and here is diary entry for you all to enjoy.

I am 5'2", TV, live near Toronto, Ont., Canada, pass quite well as a woman and have done tons of "real life" things as a woman, this one was an awesome special, romantic adventure.


I grabbed the dress and kicked off my white satin heels and then carefully stepped into the dress. I pulled it up and was amazed at how it fitted me, almost perfect, I slipped the straps over my shoulders and then zipped it up as far as it could go and about that time I heard heel clicks coming down the hall. Cheryle entered the living room, wearing a pair of 3 1/2" black patent heels, and a white all lace and satin front closure pushup bra, her nude stay ups and that was it. She smiled and said, "Joyce, that that dress suits you completely", I protested and told her that my shoulders were too wide and she said, "well let's see what happens when we get the shawl on". She had me turn around and zipped up the rest of the dress and then turned me around again and saw that I was kind of loose in the chest, and she went for the breast pads and grabbed them and pushed them in, tweaking my nipples as she did, all the while smiling at me. They did not have the same effect as the Wedding gown, as the dress was a little loose in my breast area. Cheryle saw this and said, "something we will have to fix", she then grabbed the shawl and draped it over my shoulders then handed me the heels and carefully slipped them on my white stocking covered feet and commented, "well white is not the right colour, in the future, you will have to wear sheer nude toe to waist nylons". I joked with her and told her that I would make sure I would remember, but would be unlikely, wearing the dress again, and I could not hear her, but I swear she quietly said, "oh I would not bet on that". After she was done, she handed me the long blue satin gloves and asked me to put them on and she was going to go grab the flowers. I was just finishing putting on the gloves and Cheryle came back and handed me the flowers and then grabbed one of my satin covered hands and lead me to the mirror. She noticed that I still had on the jewelry from the Wedding dress and told me to "hang on", and she went to get it, and asked me to take off the jewelry I was wearing. I was in the middle of taking off the pearl necklace and Cheryle came up behind me and told me that she would help, and undid it, and then put on the necklace she was wearing with the dress, it was a silver chain with a blue stone that settled at my cleavage. She handed me the earrings, which were short and dangly clip on blue stones that complimented the dress, and I put them on. Cheryle handed me the flowers and then turned my body to face the mirror and I saw myself for the first time in the complete outfit. I made a comment that my shoulders looked too harsh and Cheryle made a comment and grabbed the satin shawl and carefully draped over my shoulders and then, I had to admit, I looked pretty good, the heels were "not my style", they were about 2 and a half inches and "clunky", they were strappy, and matched the dress perfectly in colour. I strolled around and looked at the rear of the dress and the plunge down the back and had to admit I looked great. Cheryle then came up behind me and grabbed around me and clutched my breasts again, and stared in the mirror at me and said, "see, the shawl makes the dress and you look gorgeous, any man or woman would want to date a girl dressed in this". She showed me how to allow the shawl to drop off my shoulders and showed me how to wear it when not in the Church, I smiled back at her in the mirror and told her not to be silly, and she kissed me on the neck and then reached to the zipper and undid the snap and zipper.

I slid out of the dress and satin gloves, and Cheryle bent down and undid the strappy heels and then after I slipped out of everything, Cheryle came to me and gave me a long kiss and after she broke the kiss, told me that my outfit for the rest of the day was in the bedroom, laid out on the bed, and that I should take off the makeup I was wearing and to put on makeup that was in my purse for the day, and invited me to use the vanity in the bedroom, rather than the washroom. I cupped my breasts with my hands and Cheryle saw it and started to giggle and as I stood there in my white satin and lace panties, white stockings, I quickly grabbed the white terri cloth robe and as started to the bedroom, she stopped me and as I turned around she came towards me, with the panties she was wearing under her dress, the ones that I pulled off of her, with her heels clicking, she slowly walked towards me and since I was barefoot, I looked up and her and she leaned down and gave me a long slow kiss our breasts rubbing together. She then broke the kiss and brought the panties to my nose and asked me to smell them, I found it odd, but did and all I could smell was her pungent musty scent, she had a wicked smile on her face and then put the soaking soiled cotton panties in my right hand. She then said, "I wore these all last night for you, and wore them this morning while I watched you suck off Joe, and today you are wearing these under your outfit, and no washing your face.". I did not know what to say, and she was giggling and pushed me towards the bedroom.

I made my way to the bedroom, and could hear Cheryle's heels clicking in the background as I walked. As I entered, I almost felt like squealing, what was laid out for me was a sweater I had dreamed about wearing for the past year. On the white satin covered sheets was a really cute pleated very short denim skirt, the one I had tried on the week before when we were out shopping that I thought was too short, and the sweater I had been looking for, not only last year, but the year before, a powder blue, "boat neck" sweater, definitely off the shoulder and "Marilyn Monroe". I also saw a purse, small, but with a very short strap, typical of what the "20 something" girls those days were carrying, then I saw a package of stay ups, brand new ultra sheer nude and as well, a pair of ankle socks but almost the same colour as the sweater, and finally a fairly worn and obviously old, strapless bra. I could hear Cheryle walking around the apartment as her heels clicked and then started looking for my heels, and then after picking up the lovely powder blue sweater found a pair of pure brand new white running shoes with powder blue laces on them, under it.

Then it hit me, the comment that Cheryle made the night before about my not having to worry about heels, and knew I was going to be in running shoes for us going out to lunch, this was definitely going to be a first for me in 15 years of dressing and passing and going out, not wearing heels with a skirt. I slipped out of the white terri cloth robe, and then slowly took off the white stay ups, and the white panties and then started getting dressed. I slipped on the strapless bra and added my "boobies" and noticed the bra was tight and adjusted it to the widest setting, and even though it was still tight, I knew I could live with it. Next was the panties, they were soaking wet, all over, I slid them up and could feel the wet parts on the edges of them and it felt weird knowing it was actually Cheryle's juices. I had no clue what Cheryle was up to, but decided to listen to her and slipped them on, smelling all the while her pungent odor coming from my crotch. I then Carefully slid on the ultra sheer nude stay ups, and was again surprised that Cheryle had gotten me a size that both legs came up to almost my panties, and it was going to be easy to wear a miniskirt. I then grabbed the denim miniskirt and carefully slid it up and as I looked at myself in the dressing mirror in Cheryle's bedroom, could not believe how short it was, but decided, "what the heck". After putting on the mini, I was in awe as I grabbed the sweater, and was thrilled even more as it was cashmere, I loved the feeling as I slipped it on. It felt like heaven, and as I slid it over my head, Cheryle had gotten the perfect size and it slid over my shoulders perfect and looked exactly like I wanted it to. I then slipped on the powder blue ankle socks and then grabbed for the pure white sneakers and slipped them on and then stood up and had a look at myself in the full length mirror in Cheryle's bedroom and had to admit that the whole look was, for a better word, "cute", I spun around a bit and even hiked up my skirt hem a bit to see how far it had to go up before my panties were going to be seen, and I was surprised how far.

I could hear the clicks of Cheryle's heels and snapped out of staring at myself and went to her vanity and turned on the lights and was thrilled to be sitting down at it and promised myself that one day I would have one built for my bedroom. Before I even opened the small black purse, I grabbed some tissue off Cheryle's vanity and wiped off the makeup I had put on earlier. I then opened the small black purse and found black eyeliner, dark blue eye shadow, mascara, my lipstick from the evening before, and dark blush. Other items in the purse were a small hair brush, several condoms, a small money purse, and keys I also saw that Cheryle had grabbed the keys out of my clutch purse and added them to this purse. I started with my eyes and applied a light application, after all it was a Sunday, then, used the dark eye shadow and applied it, but found it a little too dark, and used some tissue to rub a bit off to lighten the application. I then applied a thick application of mascara, and then a light application of blush, and finally the lipstick from the night before that matched my nails, it was a little much, but my nails were already done to match. I then looked in the purse for perfume, or jewelry, to complete my look and could not find it and finally put all of the makeup back into the purse and went to the mirror to give myself a look, and a "once over".

I stood in front of the mirror and again thought the look was "cute", and looked at my makeup application and thought it was perfect for the look. I went and grabbed the small purse with the short strap, slung it over my shoulder and made my way out of the bedroom. I walked down the hall, feeling so weird that I was not hearing my heels clicking and entered the living room. I saw Cheryle, she was checking her purse and saw me come in the room and smiled at me and said, "very nice, just the way I want you dressed!".

I smiled back at her and looked her over and loved the way she looked, from top to bottom, she was wearing long dangly gold earrings and a 20" strand of white pearls, her hair and makeup were perfect, I stared at her hair, that was curly and framed her face perfectly, showing off her cute dimples. She looked like she was ready for the office, her lips and cheeks were perfect, eyes were well defined. I could see that she wore the blue dress I had provided her perfectly, her body filled it out well, and the 3 «" black patent heels set the whole look off, she even set the whole look more off with a tiny gold anklet on her right ankle.

Cheryle walked towards me and as she got closer I could smell that she had freshened her lovely and floral smelling perfume. She came to me and gave me a light kiss and held me at arms length, and said, "almost perfect, now come with me and I will make you perfect". She then grabbed my hand and with her heels clicking on the floor, and lead me to the bathroom. She was smiling and grabbed for her makeup bag and was wondering what she was up to and she said, "now, you are dressed like I want you, a '20 something party girl', now we have to complete the look". She pulled out black liquid eyeliner and put her hand under my chin and tilted my head a little and told me to look up. She was giggling a little bit and told me that I would, "love it", and told me that she kept her word and that I was not going to be in heels. When she was done with my eyes, she pulled out her darker formal blush and started working on my face and I had to giggle and told her I had already put blush on. She smiled wide and said, "yea, like you are going to the office as a 37 year old business woman, not like going out as a 20 something 'party girl'". I had to stop her and ask her that the whole, "20 something party girl" idea came up and she giggled a little and said that after Brenda her and I went shopping, and saw the skirt I wore thought it was perfect for me, and then Sharon got into the act and before they knew it the idea grew. She finished and then turned me to the mirror and I saw what she had done, my eyes were VERY well defined, definitely what the younger girls were wearing those days. My cheeks were also much darker and much more defined. She told me that she would be right back and left me staring at myself in the mirror. Cheryle came right back into the bathroom and announced it was time for jewelry and put on a pair of huge silver hoop clip-on earrings on me, then a simple silver necklace with a little silver bear figurine resting near my breasts. Finally was a series of silver bangles on both my wrists, she smiled looked at me in the mirror and said, "now you are ready, shall we go for brunch?".

I still had the purse she had given me and opened it to try and find the final touch and that was my perfume for the day. Cheryle saw me looking through the purse and asked what I was looking for and when I told her she blurted out and said, "shoot almost forgot", then grabbed my hand and then quickly lead me into the bedroom. I was a little confused, but like the weekend so far, decided to go with it. As we got near the bed, Cheryle gave me a long and soft kiss, and lowered her hands to my rear and then flipped up my skirt and massaged my rear through the panties. She then quietly told me to lie down on the bed, with my head on the pillow I used the night before. I wondered what she was up to and then felt her crawl up on the bed and as I looked down and saw her crawling up on the bed, she had hiked her dress, exposing her shaved vagina and stay ups. She was looking down at me and smiling and said in a sexy voice, "stick out your tongue dear", she then brought her very musty and moist pussy to my face and I could feel her grab the headboard of the bed and then while straddling my face lowered until my tongue touched her moist slit.

I reached up to gently grab her hips and then she took over, as I held my tongue out, she rocked back and forth, slow at first groaning and making sure that she was moving her ever moistening pussy all over my face. She was making large circular motions, and coming back to my tongue and rubbed her now hard clit over my tongue. I could tell Cheryle was getting right into it and was starting to groan and moan louder and louder, she kept on moaning, "yes Joy, yes, keep it up girl", before long, she was in a rhythm, moving her crotch all over my face, then concentrating her slit on my tongue teasing her clit. It kept getting faster and faster and then before I knew it, she was bucking and grunting, and I knew she had cum. She was breathing heavy and then after slowly, moving her very wet pussy all over my face, she gently climbed off me and got off the bed and then helped me up off the bed. She was smiling and as she smoothed out the skirt of the dress asked, "so Joy, like that perfume application?". I was not sure what she was talking about and was about to go to the bathroom to clean up and she grabbed my arm and said, "not so fast dear". I told her I had to clean up and asked what was up, she smiled and said, "oh no dear Joy, and that is your name for today, Joyce is a more mature name, a '20 something girl', is Joy, you will leave what I have put on your face, and other women will know the smell and know you are most likely a Lesbian and what you have been up to, and are my lover!".

She was giggling a little and with her heels clicking she came and handed me my little purse and then went and grabbed her purse and came and gave me a little kiss on the lips and giggled even harder and said, "oh yea, you smell 'ripe'". She then reached into her purse and pulled out what looked like a package of eye shadow in different colours and handed it to me and told me that it was what she wore the night before, lips gloss, and opened it and wiped her finger on the red coloured one, and then made the motion with her lips we used to put on lipstick and I took the hint and she wiped her finger across my lips and then showed me the "pucker" motion, like we do after we put on our lipstick. I took the hint and could taste cherries, and Sharon smiled and gave me a little kiss and told me that now my lips were perfect and yummy, and went on to describe that the container she had me put in my purse had 4 different flavors and that I should experiment with them, depending on who I was kissing. She gave me a little kiss again, and said, "but for me, I always want cherry, after all, I took yours last night". She then turned me to the mirror and I could see my lips glistening in the light and said, "now you are perfect, no one can consider you anything else but a "20 something party girl".

I smiled back while looking at her in the mirror and told her I may look like one, but no one is going to believe that I was one, after all being a woman at my age. She smiled and reached into her purse and pulled out a laminated card and said, "I beg to differ", and she handed me the card and I was blown away!. She handed me a University student card!!!, it had my picture on it and it was real, I apparently was a student at the University of Toronto, and my birthday was September 29th, 1981, a 24 year old. I stared at the picture of me and it was taken off my web site, but had been altered with darker makeup and my features made me look a little younger. I looked back up at Cheryle who was smiling and said, "told you so", and then I started with the questions, like "how" and "why". She laughed and said that when the plan was set for me, she decided to go all the way, and "called in a few favors" and got my ID as well the picture modified. As I stuffed the card into my purse I asked Cheryle where I would even need it, and she said, "you never know".

Cheryle was still giggling and grabbed my hand and told me it was time to go and lead me into the living room, and had the Wedding night lingerie pillow laid out and handed it to me and I asked if she was sure and said, "you looked gorgeous in it, and besides, it was going to Goodwill eventually". She told me that she had already checked the temperature and that no coats were needed. Cheryle then grabbed my dress from last evening and had already put my 4 3/4' black patent heels and black clutch purse in a plastic bag and we headed out the door to Brunch. As she locked the door to her apartment, she grabbed my hand and we held hands walking to the elevator. We got to the elevator and when it came, I was disappointed, as we were all alone, and the ride to the parking garage bottom was faster than I liked and Cheryle leaned in for only a little kiss. Cheryle lead the way holding hands and we got to her small compact car and she lead the way and opened the car and carefully hung up my dress and then carefully took the lingerie pillow and placed it in the back seat and then opened my door and invited me to slide into my seat. I did and even though I tugged down my skirt, and it was still riding up to almost my panties!. Cheryle got to the drivers side and side in, her skirt riding up as well, and saw that I was trying to tug down my skirt and giggled, and told me not to fight it and I left it the way it was and held her hand after she started the car. I asked what restaurant we were going to and she told me that she had already picked place, it was going to be a family restaurant and it was going to be "Golden Griddle" and had an awesome brunch buffet.

First off, it was a Sunday, both of us were so much so overdressed for a casual outing on Sunday morning. Plus the fact we were going to a family restaurant for a brunch, I was not sure what I was getting into, but was in the mood of "what the heck". As Cheryle drove us to the restaurant, she kept stoking my hand and occasionally rubbing my silky nylon covered legs and occasionally right up to my cotton covered vagina and kept telling me how sexy I felt and looked. I, in turn, reached down and slowly stroked her very silky covered legs and enjoyed them, even making the comment she was wearing the same denier as I was and she smiled back and gently nodded. As we drove to the restaurant, Cheryle asked me to describe what the morning was like to me and I started blushing, and she looked over at me and said, "bet that tongue and jaw are getting sore?". Cheryle started giggling, and told me that she could not speak for Joe, but the licking and sucking I had done on her was amazing, reminded her a lot of her last girlfriend. Again I blushed a bunch and Cheryle saw it and squeezed my hand more and told me it was alright. The restaurant was not far from Cheryle's apartment and it was near 11am when we pulled into the parking lot of "Golden Griddle", and I could see the parking lot was fairly full. Cheryle shut off the car and announced, "here we are, are you ready?", I told her I was and then grabbed my purse and opened my door and slowly slid my legs out and carefully stood up. As we walked to the door of the restaurant, Cheryle looked over at me and smiled, and for the first time in going out dressed, in over 15 years, I felt so weird, as my heels were not clicking on the pavement, but Cheryle's were. We got to the door and Cheryle opened it for me and we went in and I was not sure I was ready for what I saw.

The first thing I noticed was that the restaurant was packed, but not like what I was used to, the place was full of families having Sunday brunch. As we stood and waited to be seated I took the time to look around and saw that there were a number of teenage girls I saw that made me nervous and I saw that after looking quickly Cheryle and I were the only women wearing skirts or dresses. The hostess came and grabbed a couple of menu's and said, "right this way ladies", and Cheryle and I then walked behind her and she lead us to the a table almost in the middle of the restaurant. As we got to the table, the hostess told us that our waitress would be with us shortly. As we sat down, I continued to look around and finally found a few other women and girls that were wearing skirts and dressed up, and I figured that they were going or coming from Church being a Sunday morning. Now, as I looked around more I saw that they were wearing skirts or dresses that were "proper", well below the knee, appropriate for Church, and what Cheryle and I were wearing was certainly NOT.

Our waitress came, looking very pretty wearing a sharp pant and blouse outfit and greeted us with "good morning ladies, the buffet is ready when you are, and any beverages with brunch?". Cheryle ordered a tea and then the waitress said, "of course Mam, and you will have Miss?", I asked for a glass of orange juice and she smiled and jotted down our order and walked away. Cheryle was laughing and said, "see, I am a 'Mam', and you a 'Miss'", I just rolled my eyes and Cheryle then smiled and looked at me and said, "shall we go get brunch 'Miss' my dear?". I smiled at Cheryle and I slung my purse over my shoulder and stood up and joined Cheryle to go to the buffet table. As I walked to the buffet table, I followed Cheryle and could hear her heels click on the floor and was aware my walking was not doing the same, I also could feel the eyes of men, women and teenage girls, looking me up and down. As I stood in line I was right next to a 30 something female and as was grabbing my food, I carefully glanced over at her and she seemingly did not smell the "perfume" I was wearing, and across the buffet from me was Cheryle and she smiled a little at me. After getting our first plate of food, we walked back to the table and Cheryle was smiling at me as we sat down. I told her that I was glad the woman next to me did not get a sniff of my "perfume", Cheryle had a wicked smile and said, "oh you did not see it, she gave you a weird look when she first came and stood next to you, I saw it, but you did not". I could see the woman sitting at a table in the distance with another woman and I could only imagine what she probably told her about the "oversexed girl at the buffet", more importantly, the walk to the ladies room, looked like it would go right past her table.

Cheryle then asked if I liked the outfit that I was wearing and I told her that it was really nice, but not sure of her intention with the whole, "20 something party girl", and she just said, "the day is young". She told me that the entire outfit, from top to bottom was mine, compliments of her, Sharon and Brenda, including the panties. We then started talking about how romantic and special the previous evening was and how she really enjoyed the play at Stage West and more importantly enjoyed all of my oral abilities, and she was getting wet just thinking about it all over again.

As we ate, Cheryle asked if when we got to our house that she could see some of the Bridal and formal fashions I had as she could not believe that I had as many as I told her about. I told her that we could do that and she had me explain how I had done it and had fun telling her all about Ebay and getting $280 dresses for less than $20, and some including, matching purses, heels, gloves and other accessories. She told me I was nuts and asked if I had a chance to actually wear them out in public on dates, and I told her a select few, the ones that were on the side of being formal and passing as a formal dress and not just being a Bridesmaid dress. She had me go on describing my formal and all of my Bridesmaid dresses, which was my favorite, which was the most sexy, which was the most feminine and she asked, "more importantly the one you wore for real". I smiled across the table at her and answered all of her questions and I could see her smiling and enjoying all I had to say. I could not help but keep looking around the restaurant and saw many more women and girls dressed in dresses and skirts (proper ones, below the knees), and felt much better. At one point Cheryle saw what I was looking at and said, "oh dear Joy, their skirts and dresses are too long, ours are so much nicer, now let's go get dessert, but I know the kind of dessert I would love to be giving you right now". I grabbed my purse and so did Cheryle and we walked up to the table that had the desserts and I knew that I was being noticed, but after seeing other women in skirts, I was feeling a little more confident, but Cheryle leaned in to me and quietly said, "bet there are men young and old, staring at you right now, thinking how having sex with you and being their 'dessert'", I smiled and looked her and kept walking. However as I approached the table and felt my short skirt brushing across my silky covered legs as I walked, knew that she was probably right.

As we got to the dessert table, Cheryle and I both had the same idea and grabbed a bowl and filled it with a mixed fruit mixture. We walked back to the table and the woman that was up at the buffet table earlier walked past us and smiled at me, I smiled back at her and then continued to the table. After we slid in and started our dessert, Cheryle then started asking about my Wedding gowns, and what they were like and how I go them. I had fun telling her all about them and the day I went and had them filmed in a flower garden setting, one dress at one flower garden and one in another. She asked me all about how I felt, and if I got a crowd, and I told her I was on cloud nine and that at both garden settings I attracted attention and many people stopped and looked and told her about the little girl that walked by me and said, "mommy I saw the Bride".

I told Cheryle that I had to use the ladies room and grabbed the small purse and Cheryle told me that she was going to wait to settle the bill and go later. As I walked to the ladies room, I passed the table with the woman that I met at the buffet and her female friend and I saw her say something to her friend as I walked towards them, and both smiled at me as I walked by, but they were only looking at me. I entered the ladies room, and it was a small one, with only three stalls and a well lighted mirror area and sinks. I saw that the middle stall was occupied and took one of the outside ones and went in and hung up my purse and sat down and did my business. After doing my business, I pulled up my panties and grabbed my purse and headed to the mirror, nothing that the lady next to me still was in her stall. I was just opening my purse and was grabbing for my lipstick, when she came out and joined me at the mirror. I tried not to stare at her, but noticed she was a young "30 something", woman, in a snow white blouse, knee length black skirt and nude hose and about 2" black heels, she obviously came from Church or was going. She opened a black clutch purse and pulled out a lipstick and we both touched up our lips. When she was done, she packed up her purse, I put away my lipstick and grabbed my comb pick and started to fluff out her. I then saw her look me up and down in the mirror and commented, "cute outfit, love the sweater and nice legs", and the way I took it with her tone was, "she thought it was not appropriate for a Sunday morning", she quickly fluffed her hair and gave me a final smile and left the ladies room. I was not that far behind her and packed my purse and headed back to the table. Cheryle was waiting for me and had already laid out money for the bill, and said, "perfect timing, I will take a quick run to the ladies room, and when I get back we will go".

I looked around and still do some people watching and did not see the girl I saw in the bathroom. Our waitress came and told me that she would be right back with the change for the bill and I told her not to bother, and she smiled and said, "well you ladies have a great Sunday and thank you". Eventually Cheryle came back from the ladies room and said, "ready?", I told her I was and stood up and the two of us walked out of the restaurant, once again, I found it weird that I could hear Cheryle's heels clicking and nothing from my feet. We got to the car and I slid in as Cheryle opened my door and she slid in and then I immediately could tell that she had freshened her perfume and I told her she smelled lovely. She then moved towards me and grabbed the back of my head and slowly pulled my lips to hers and our freshly fixed lipstick covered lips met in a long slow kiss and she gently caressed my silky legs. After breaking our kiss she said, "my God am I hot, let's get you home", but not before guiding my hand under her dress and grabbing one of my fingers and guiding it to her bald nude vagina. I took the hint and slowly moved my finger in and found that she was extremely wet and gently inserted a finger and moved it around and Cheryle was moaning a little. I pulled out my finger and brought it to my lips and licked her tangy juices off and told her how delicious she was.

To be continued..

So here is the offer: I AM NOT A PRO. This 38 year old, petite, passable TV, would love to entertain you if you are in my area, Toronto Ontario, as described in the story above. I love to be the girl of your dreams, and as long as I can remain the girl at all times, I would love to hear from you. I am not interested in being a TV/TS "girlfriend" and "BI" sex, but rather I will be the woman of your dreams for a wonderful and possible formal evening, I promise, you will not go home frustrated. If you are a NON-smoking male or female, that would like my company for the evening, please contact me, kisses,

Joyce Devries, MSN:

Next: Chapter 10

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