Meeting Cheryle

By Joyce Devries

Published on Jul 6, 2006


Meeting Cheryle, Part #8

April 2005

By Joyce Devries, MSN ID:

Note, this a true story, some of the names have been changed, but certainly not the events of the days!, this is taken right from my diary entry of the time.

My (email) name is Joyce Devries and of all of the adventures I have had dressed as a woman, this was the ultimate. I got courted by a true and real Lesbian Female, my spouse and her Bi female lover and my date went out for a romantic date to Stage West (, and double dated and here is diary entry for you all to enjoy.

I am 5'2", TV, live near Toronto, Ont., Canada, pass quite well as a woman and have done tons of "real life" things as a woman, this one was an awesome special, romantic adventure.


I woke in the morning alone in the bed, looking over at the clock, I saw it was coming up on 9am. I heard the shower running and decided to let Cheryle finish before getting a shower myself. Eventually Cheryle was finished and poked her head into the bedroom and said, "good, your up sleepy head, for today, I want you to wear the hose you have on now and the white panties, everything else is on the vanity, also, when you are ready to come out, call out for me, but do not come out of the bathroom". I eventually crawled out of bed and made my way to the bathroom, and after a morning pee, and a quick shower, I started going through the items that Cheryle had left out for me. What I found was a comfy white teri-cloth housecoat, and under it, the white satin heels from the night before, the small white satin purse, and when I looked in the purse, saw Cheryle had added the jewelry I had worn the night before, black eyeliner, a combination of pink/blue eye shadow, blush and the lipstick that I wore with the peignoir the night before.

I looked around and could not find a bra and was about to ask Cheryle where one was and decided not to ask and just went along with it. I carefully slipped on the ultra sheer white stay ups, then the pure white lace and satin panties, I then put on the comfy white housecoat and started to do my makeup. I was not sure what I was wearing or where we were going for lunch, and since it was a Sunday morning, went conservative, I applied a medium coat of eyeliner, and then pink on my upper lids and blue on my lower lids. I was applying my blush when I heard the click of heels walk past the door and knew that Cheryle has probably dressed for the day and after applying my blush I moved to my lips and applied a healthy coat. I was putting on the jewelry when I could here Cheryle moving around the apartment and closet doors opening and closing. The last thing I slipped on was the white satin heels, and after one final check, I packed the peignor in back in the lovely white satin sack and did the pink bow back up and opened the door and called out to Cheryle that I was ready and she told me that she would be right there. I heard her heels clicking as she came to just outside the door and told me to turn and face away from the door and to close my eyes.

I did and she came in and I felt a silk scarf being tied around my head, so it was covering my eyes. I could smell her lovely perfume and then she turned me around and kissed me lightly, and I tasted her lipstick from the night before, I loved it. She then said, "ready", I told her I was and she grabbed my hand and lead me down the hall into the living room. She then had me sit on the couch and I heard light music playing in the background and then the rustling of material, she the said, "now stick out your legs straight", I asked her what she was doing and told me that I just enjoy and promised me that I would love it. She then undid the robe and said, "oh I do love those cute little boobies", and leaned down and slowly licked my nipples. I could feel her sliding fabric up my legs, and then at one point grabbed my hand and helped me to stand up, I could tell she was wearing satin gloves and wondered what she had on. I then felt her pull a garment up around my waist and felt her tightening it up. Finally I could hear the swishing of a bunch of fabric, and when I did, I had a pretty good clue of what kind of outfit she was putting me in, it was going to be a Wedding dress, Bridesmaid dress or a Southern Belle gown, and knew she put me into a full crinoline. She asked me to bend over carefully and then started putting the dress on me, and guiding my arms into lovely lace covered sleeves. I then and could feel satin all over my bodice and then she did up a snap on my lower back and then felt her do up a zipper and then heard her fluffing out the dress and then. Could smell her perfume waft by my nose as she walked around front her heels clicking and fluffed out the front of the skirt, and then walked to the rear and knew for sure it was a Wedding gown as she started to put a headpiece on my head. I felt her put bobby pins in as she put the headpiece in place and could feel the organza cascading down my somewhat bare back and could not wait to see the dress.

She then grabbed my hand with her satin covered hand and never said a word and walked me towards the large mirror in her living room, even though at the time, I had no clue where we were going, all I could hear was the swishing of a whole bunch of fabric, but could feel nothing against my stocking covered legs, which I found was odd. She then said, "ready", I told her I was and she then said, darn, forgot something, I will be right back and heard her heels clicking away quickly away from me. She came back and then felt her tugging at the front of the garment and started tugging at my breasts and I felt her put something in and then went to the other breast, and then said, "there now you are perfect". She then said, "now are you ready?", I told her I was and then she undid the blindfold and I was blown away at what I saw in the mirror nearly floored me and I felt myself turn as white as the dress I was wearing.

What she had put me in was a Wedding gown that made me feel and look like Cinderella, I put my hand to my mouth and was almost crying as I stared at myself. To describe this dress is almost impossible, I later found out it was a Dimetrios gown, top of the line of the collection. From the top down, it had long sleeves that met at points at the wrists, the sleeves were a soft lace satin, covered in tiny beads and sequins. The bodice was sweetheart, and dipped low down into my cleavage. It was tight around the bodice and Cheryle had gone and added some silicon pads under my breasts and pushed them up, I actually had VERY showing breasts, and sexy looking at that. The bodice went down to the waist and was basically satin, with the same lace overlay that was on the sleeves, thousands of tiny beads and sequins were all over it in a beautiful pattern. I finally dropped my hands and smoothed them over my front. Then stared at the skirt, it went WAY, WAY away from my body, I had never worn anything this huge, and the hem of the skirt was the same lace pattern as was around my bodice and breasts, for about 6 inches. I then noticed the larger beading work that was woven through the extremely large skirt, I was thinking "how the heck does a woman get through a door wearing a skirt this large". I then started to spin around and saw that the back of the dress had a fairly deep plunge, definitely below the bra line, I then saw that the back had the same design and beads and sequins on the front, plus at the base of the back a medium sized stiff white satin bow. I was lost in how pretty and lovely the headpiece looked as it cascaded down my semi-bare back, with layers and layers of tulle fabric.

I hardly noticed when Cheryle came back and was smiling ear to ear and handed me a pair of white satin wrist length satin gloves and said, "put these on, they complete the outfit". As I put them on, I could see Cheryle in the mirror staring and giggling at me and then turned me to her and said, "so this is what I looked like on my Wedding day" and gave me a little kiss. I then asked if it really was, and she said, oh yes, I took this out of preservation for you. She went on to describe that what I was wearing was a "Cinderella ball gown", no train at all, it was a Demitrios original, and the crinoline I was wearing was not a crinoline at all and was actually a 9 hoop, hooped underskirt garment, and the bottom circumference was 120". I asked if that is why I felt nothing when I walked and she told me that if I walked fast I would feel it but not when walking slow like I did to the mirror. I joked and asked her how she went through doors with this dress and she told me her Bridesmaid's helped and laughed and told me that going to the ladies room was another story. She then went on to tell me the dress as well as accessories was worth over $3000, but she did not care, her ex-husband's family paid for it and could care less about it, as it reminded it too much of her ex-husband and her "other life", she wanted nothing more to do with the garment. She then came close to me and gave me a little kiss and told me that any groom would want a Bride as pretty as me to 'consummate' his Wedding night.

I then held her satin gloved hands in my satin gloved hands and then looked her over and saw that she was what she was wearing, and it was a royal blue dress. It was spaghetti strapped A-lined and was gorgeous, it was floor length, and the bodice had a lovely rhinestone pattern all over it, her breasts were very well highlighted in the bodice area. The straps over her shoulders were highlighted with rhinestones she was wearing a blue silk shawl, I looked down and she was wearing matching blue satin strappy and "clunky" two and a half inch heels, to finish the look off she was wearing elbow length matching blue satin gloves. As I looked back at her face, also noticed that she had done her makeup very well, she wore a silver necklace with a blue stone at her lovely breasts, and blue stone drop earrings. She looked like the perfect Bridesmaid, I wanted to kiss her badly but restrained. I asked her about the dress and she said, "this is the dress that I wore last year, as a Bridesmaid, in the 'Wedding from hell', I hate it, but since you are probably going to be a taken Bride this morning, I thought it was appropriate to have a Bridesmaid, even though I hate this dress and ugly heels", reminds me so much of a terrible day. At first I was wondering about the "taken" comment she made, but quickly dismissed that was a slip on her part, or it meant one of her vibrators penetrating me. However, I was surprised about how passionate she was about such a lovely dress and heels and hating it so much, but appreciated the fact she wore it for me.

She then went to the couch and left me staring at myself in the mirror and I "swished" the dress back and forth and felt like the skirt was a making me look like a "bell", and as it "swished" back and forth. Cheryle came back and handed me a silk bouquet of flowers and handed them to me and said, "these are the flowers I had to carry last year, these ones are the best I can do for you now as the Bride". I held them in front of me and then Cheryle went and grabbed a camera and then came back and had me pose with the flowers and took all sorts of pictures. After all the pictures, she came and after putting down the camera, she moved close to me and came and gave me a long and slow kiss and pulled me close to her and then said softly, "when I wore this dress and stood for the Bride she wore a dress very similar to mine, not as elaborate, but close, and I wanted her to crawl up under my skirt and lick my pussy in her gown but it did not happen". I smiled as she looked at me and then she said, "when you are in my Wedding gown, you are going to be her, 'Melissa' and you will be eventually licking my pussy while I am wearing this dress, and you the Bride, "Melissa' will do a great job". She then turned me to the mirror and then stood behind me and as I stared at me in the gorgeous dress, and moved in and wrapped her arms around the front of the dress and caressed my breasts through the fabric of the dress. She started whispering in my ear, "oh Melissa, what gorgeous breasts, you teased me all day today, when we got you dressed in your gown, when I saw you walk down the isle and then kiss the man you married, I only wished it was me those lovely lipstick covered lips was kissing, you had my pussy wet all day". She then kissed me on the neck and continued to caress my breasts and I loved the scene in the mirror of her and I.

She then had me parade around the room in the dress, with the flowers in hand and kept commenting on how pretty and lovely I looked. As I walked around, and turned corners, I could feel the fabric of the hoop skirt brush my silky legs, and loved the feeling. Finally, she went and put on a CD of romantic slow dancing songs and turned up the volume slightly and came and said, "time for the Bride to dance with someone other than the groom or her father", and came and pulled me to the center of the living room. As we faced each other and started to dance, she pulled me close and stared at me and I quietly said, "thanks", and she told me it was "her pleasure", but she had a wicked grin on her face, then gently grabbed the back of my head and pulled my lipstick covered lips to hers and started gently kissing me as we swayed to the music. We continued to dance and kiss and every once in a while she would break our embrace and say things like, "oh what a pretty Bride, how many men in the crowd would want a piece of ass like you", and "how many women are so jealous of how gorgeous you look in that dress". Finally she was constantly telling me how pretty and lovely of a Bride I was, and then the conversation changed and I was a little confused, but could not care, as I felt amazing in the dress and in Cheryle's lovely arms.

Cheryle then started breaking our kissing more frequently and started with comments whispered in my ear like, "so what was it like as a first time for the Bride". I groaned back, and told her I had no clue what she was talking about and she whispered back, "the first time with Brad as a Bride in your Wedding dress". I whispered back that I was in heaven and loved it and felt so special, so demure and submissive. She whispered back, "I am so glad that I heard that, as you are such a lovely looking and seemingly virgin Bride". We continued to dance to the slow romantic music and continued kissing passionately, she slowly moved me around the room and I was lost in the passion of the moment and her kissing was so passionate and the thought of the first time I pleased a man in a Wedding dress was running tough my head. It was about 15 minutes after Cheryle and I were continually dancing and kissing and by that time, Cheryle had moved my hands down to her buttocks and we were totally enjoying each, other with my eyes closed, when I heard in the living room, a male voice say, "my Cheryle, what a sight". I quickly had a chill run down my satin covered spine and Cheryle broke the kiss and when I opened my eyes I was staring at her, and she blurted out, "shit!, you are early, give me a second".

Before I could turn around and see who it was, Cheryle grabbed my hand and pulled me quickly down the hall towards the bedroom, nearly pulling me out off my heels and the dress was rustling loudly down towards the bathroom. She pushed me through the bathroom door and gathered my skirt and made sure that it would make it through and then came in and closed the door behind us. I had no clue what was going on, but only knew that the little bathroom was filled with three of us, Cheryle me, and my dress!. I was about to open my mouth and ask what was going on and Cheryle brought her satin covered finger to my lips and she had a wicked smile and said, "that is Joe, your Groom for this morning". I must have had a confused look on my face, as she continued with her wicked smile and said, "when the time is right, go for it girl, you game?". I had a pretty good idea of what was going on and what I was feeling was so hot then realized that I wanted whatever a groom had to offer a Bride, my emotions were on "overdrive". I smiled and quietly said, "sure, why not", Cheryle came to me and kissed me deeply, her tongue jamming in and out of my mouth, she broke the kiss, and said, "perfect, and I want to watch the show". Now, fix your lipstick, and I will go tell the groom, he has a new Bride, and wait in here until you hear the "appropriate music". As I closed the lipstick, I had to ask, "he is gay right?", Cheryle told me not to worry, "he has been tested recently, and has not had a partner for months, kind of like me, well until last night, and he knows who and what you are, and I have told him that you are on your period". She gave me a little kiss and then continued, "After I told him about you and how you love to go out to functions dressed up, he went to your website, and got hold of me and was all excited to eventually meet you". She then came and gave me a long kiss and gently whispered in my ear, "now, I will go get your Groom ready, enjoy what he has to offer and fix your lips again". She pulled back and smiled and then left the bathroom and I heard her heels clicking down the hall, I was just finishing applying my lipstick, and heard her heels quickly come down the hall, and she came in the bathroom and handed me the boguet of silk flowers and then reached above my head and pulled down an organza veil, and told me that she was going to help me out of the bathroom, and helped push the skirt and I "popped" out into the hallway.

Cheryle then reminded me not to come until I heard the music and I saw her walk down the hall and into the living room area of her apartment, and then I heard the familiar Wedding march song start. I smiled and knew what to do and started slowly walking towards the living room and as I entered, I saw the "Groom", Joe standing with his hands folded in front of and smiling ear to ear. Cheryle was right next to him, her hands folded before her as well, and smiling almost as much as Joe. To describe Joe, he was wearing a dark blue suit, lighter blue dress shirt and dark red tie, and was wearing nice dress shoes. Joe stood almost 6" tall, and if he was 55, really did not show it, he had "salt and pepper" hair and a moustache, I thought he looked very handsome the way he was dressed and looked. I walked up to him, and stood about 3 feet away and the music ended and I was smiling back at him, Cheryle then said, "I pronounce you 'man and wife', you may kiss the Bride".

Joe walked up to me slowly, then raised my veil, and fluffed it back to the rest of my headpiece and then stared at me deep in the eyes and moved his head slowly to mine and I tilted my head and our lips met in a soft kiss, it was much different than the soft lips of Cheryle, but I relaxed and let him take the lead. His moustache tickled me as we kissed, but I liked it, he was a gentleman and broke our very light and romantic kiss and held my arms and told me how beautiful and lovely I looked then asked me to spin around so he could enjoy my look, and commented again as I came back to face him. He then came to me again and leaned in and we had another light kiss, except this one was much longer and more lingering and he gently grabbed the waist of my dress as we kissed. After we broke the kiss, he commented again, "such a beautiful, beautiful Bride", I smiled and thanked him, and just then Cheryle put on a romantic "typical", first Wedding song, Whitney Houston, 'I will always love you'", and Joe came and took me in his arms and we started dancing around the living room, and he was quite the dancer, with his arm wrapped around my waist, and he had gently put my left arm up on his shoulder, I held my flowers in my right hand.

I stared deeply into his eyes and for a long time, we said nothing to one another, just stared. I heard Cheryle's heels clicking down the hall then come back, and looked over and saw her sitting on the couch, arms crossed and staring at me. I was still holding my flowers and at one point, during the next song, I heard Cheryle's heels clicking and then she grabbed the flowers from me and said, "won't be needing these my newlywed Bride anymore", and that freed up my right hand to put on Joe's waist. I was in a trance staring at Joe and slowly bit my lip and I gave him the "green light" when I did it again and he then moved his lips to mine and this time the kissing was more intense, deeper and more passionate, but I could tell he was waiting for me to reciprocate and I eventually did, and he started gently probing my mouth with his tongue, and our tongues danced. He continued to gently probe my mouth with his tongue and I started to get lost in his passion, every once in a while, usually between songs, he would move his lips to my ear and tell me how pretty and sexy and romantic I looked. I was getting hotter and hotter due to his chivalry, that I finally took the hint and slowly and gently moved my right hand to his crotch and found a very large bulge in the front of his pants. I slowly and gently caressed it as we kissed and slowly danced to the romantic and slow music, I knew I had had an effect and heard him groaning as we kissed. The next song started, that turned out to be the last was "Lady in Red", Joe was definitely getting to a point that he could take no more and started groaning and thrusting his crotch into my satin covered hand. About half way through the song he then slowly leaned into me and quietly asked, "my dear Bride, care to consummate our marriage?". I smiled at him as he moved away and asked "how?", and he said, "I hear you are on your period", I smiled and licked my lips while all the while staring at him, and said, "there are other ways". He smiled and said, "I have been told you know what you are good with those", and reached down and slowly brought his hand to my lips, gently moved his fingers across my lips. I gently grabbed a finger that was across my lips and closed them and closed my eyes and started sucking and licking it.

He was moaning and then came and gave me another long kiss, and when he did that, I took the lead and slowly started undoing his belt, and with the other hand was caressing the bulge in his pants. I heard the clicks of Cheryle's heels and broke the kiss and looked over saw Cheryle coming over with a large pillow from the couch and put it down at my feet and was smiling and said, "wait Joe, I paid a lot for those stockings, let me help, after all, I am her Bridesmaid". She then grabbed my satin covered hand with hers and gently helped me lower my body so I was putting my knees on the pillow. It was difficult, as I could not see anything below my waist, but after a couple of times, we got it. Then Cheryle worked on moving my skirt and hoop slip, around so it was more behind me, and when she was satisfied she motioned to Joe, I looked up and saw Joe and his pants with the bulge coming toward me. I was staring at Joe and barely heard Cheryle say, "have fun you newlyweds", Joe was staring down at me and I knew what I had to do. I undid his pants and slowly tugged them down to well below his knees and then was staring at his pure white underwear and a large "tent", and then slowly pulled them down to exposed a fairly erect and wanting member.

His member was uncut, and was an average size one, I was pleased as I knew I could probably take him all the way in my mouth. I gently leaned forward and pulled his fore skin back and slowly licked off the pre-cum that he had formed, but before I got started, Cheryle came walking over, and excused herself and said, "the Bride needs something before she starts", she had my lipstick in her hand and gave it to me and smiled at me and I took the hint and applied a healthy coat and stared back at Joe. Cheryle walked back to the couch and then I gently grabbed Joe's member and balls with one satin covered hand and the base of his member with the other and then closed my eyes and slowly went to work on licking and moving my tongue up and down his shaft, and loved it as I licked and such, he was groaning and had his hands on the sides of my head. I knew I wanted this to be special and took my time and very gently licked and sucked up and down his shaft, before I tried to see how far I could take him in, I looked up at Joe and then opened wide and slid him as far as I could and clamped my lips down on the base of his member, his member hairs tickled my nose as I buried my face into his member.

I pulled back and was pleased to see that my lipstick mark was way at the base of his member, and Joe saw it too and when I looked up, he smiled as he looked at me and said, "perfect". I then started to really tease his member and flicked my tongue under his head and gently caressed his balls with my satin covered hand. In between bouts of doing that, I was taking my lipstick covered lips and wrapping them around his very stiff member and sucked up and down, and all the while flicking my tongue as I did. At one point I looked over and saw that Cheryle had her long dress all bunched up around her hips and was rubbing her crotch furiously, through a pair of panties, and she was staring at me. I went back to the routine and could hear Joe groaning louder and louder until he got to a point that I could taste his precum leaking out more and more and knew he was nearing the edge of orgasm. I took one of my hands and grasped the base of his member and squeezed tightly, and then broke off my sucking and started licking his balls. He groaned in disappointment and I smiled up at him and he had a pleading look in his eyes, and then started the routine all over again, and took my satin hand off the base of his member and he started groaning, "that's it dear, that's it". I got him to a fever pitch all over again, but stopped him again, much to his dismay, over 5 times, each time his comments became more urgent, till finally he was almost screaming, "Please, please my darling Bride no more". I then decided to give him his release and the last time I got him to a fever pitch, I picked up the pace of licking and sucking and finally I could feel his knees buckle and the precum oozing out and then he started to cum. I could hear him grunt and moan and then I was treated to spurt after spurt of his cum, they were strong bursts, and I could tell I had done a good job as they lasted almost 30 seconds. I swallowed it all and after he finished I carefully licked him up and had to smile as he was very sensitive and finally pulled away and said, "enough my new Bride, enough'.

He took a step back and pulled up his underwear and pants and was staring down at me and when he was done, offered me his hand and I never took my eyes off of him and he helped me up. He then gave me a light kiss on my cheek and whispered in my ear, "that was incredible, I have never had an experience like it". I looked over and Cheryle was all flush and red in the face, stood up and came and Joe gave her a light kiss on the face and said, "thank you for the Bride", Cheryle told him that he was welcome, and he excused himself, as he had to get to Church, and simply smiled at me and left. I was a little shocked, that he simply walked in, got a blowjob and then walked out, I turned to Cheryle, who was still breathing hard and she grabbed my hand and said, "now Melissa, we are alone, taking a break from the reception, I am supposed to be taking the Bride to the ladies room, but I need your lips on my pussy, come to my hotel room". She lead me over to the couch and she pulled her long dress up over her waist, sat down, and then asked me to remove her panties. I did my best to negotiate the dress and hoop slip and then got on my knees and looked up at Cheryle and she was smiling and lifted her bum off the couch and I pulled her panties off. The panties looked the same as the day before, white, cotton, with small pink and white flowers. All I knew was that they were soaking wet in the crotch, and were very, very pungent with the odor of Cheryle's pussy. I put them aside beside Cheryle on the couch, and Cheryle opened her legs wide and said, "tonight you get to make love to your Groom Melissa, but right now, I get the Bride first". She reached down and pushed my head to her glistening pussy and I started to gently use my satin covered fingers, open her glistening lips and exposed her very hard little clit.

I then leaned in and slowly blew on her clit and she started moaning, then flicked out my tongue and she jumped and started grinding her hips into my mouth and was quietly moaning, "Oh Melissa, that is it, make me cum, make me cum!". I started flicking my tongue over and over in quick jabs across her clit and I looked up and she was massaging her breasts through the dress, and I could see that her large and firm nipples were clearly visible. Cheryle must have been playing with herself for a long time, as it only took about 5 minutes of licking and she was bucking and screaming, "Oh my Melissa, I am coming, I am coming", and shuddered over and over and I kept licking until she settled down and I could tell she was very sensitive, as she pushed my head away. She calmed down, I licked my lips and could taste and smell Cheryle's musty smell all over my face. After she calmed down, she smiled and looked at me and asked if I had enjoyed the morning so far, and I had to smile and told her I did. She pulled down her dress and stood up and helped me up, and then came and gave me a long kiss and told me that I smelled strongly already of her pussy and could taste Joe in my mouth. She said she had an idea and she turned around and asked me to unzip her dress, which I did and then she quickly stripped out of the dress, satin gloves and clunky matching heels and before I knew it I was looking at her just wearing a pair of nude stay ups. She walked to me and said, I want you to try on the Bridesmaid dress, and just had a wide smile looking at me.

She motioned for me to turn around and I did and she carefully took off the headpiece, taking out the bobby pins and then I felt her undo and unzip the dress and then told me to put my arms up. She carefully started to gather the dress and then stopped and reached around and went into the front of the dress and pulled out the pads and but not before she took the advantage of the situation and pinched my nipples and kissed the back of my neck, and moaned, "mmmm, nice, nice and hard". I still had my arms up and she gathered the skirt of the dress and carefully pulled it up and over my head, and as she turned to put the dress on the couch, leaving me standing I just my white stay ups and Bridal jewelry and huge hoop slip. I reached up and covered my breasts and Cheryle turned around and had her royal blue Bridesmaid dress in her hands. She smiled and said, "now really Joyce, nothing I have not seen", and came and gave me a little kiss, and told me to turn around and undid the hoop slip and then lead me to the couch and sat me down and slid it off me, and smiled and told me that the slip alone cost over $100, I smiled and then me she told me she had to use the washroom and that I should change into the dress and left it on the couch as her free flopping breasts and bald pussy, went to the washroom.

To be continued...

So here is the offer: I AM NOT A PRO. This 38 year old, petite, passable TV, would love to entertain you if you are in my area, Toronto Ontario, as described in the story above. I love to be the girl of your dreams, and as long as I can remain the girl at all times, I would love to hear from you. I am not interested in being a TV/TS "girlfriend" and "BI" sex, but rather I will be the woman of your dreams for a wonderful and possible formal evening, I promise, you will not go home frustrated. If you are a NON-smoking male or female, that would like my company for the evening, please contact me, kisses,

Joyce Devries, MSN:

Next: Chapter 9

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