Meeting Cheryle

By Joyce Devries

Published on Jun 26, 2006


Note, this a true story, some of the names have been changed, but certainly not the events of the days!, this is taken right from my diary entry of the time.

My (email) name is Joyce Devries and of all of the adventures I have had dressed as a woman, this was the ultimate. I got courted by a true and real Lesbian Female, my spouse and her Bi female lover and my date went out for a romantic date to Stage West (, and double dated and here is diary entry for you all to enjoy.

I am 5'2", TV, live near Toronto, Ont., Canada, pass quite well as a woman and have done tons of "real life" things as a woman, this one was an awesome special, romantic adventure.


I had all sorts of emotions run through me as we pulled up to Stage West, so many memories and just seeing the building had me tingling. Cheryle, having never been to Stage West made the comment about how huge the complex was, but the rest of us were quick to remind her that it was a hotel and theatre complex and the hotel was just a small part of it. We pulled into the parking lot and Brenda drove us right to the entrance of the hotel, where a man in a suit greeted us. He opened the back door for Sharon, and then me and I slid out, so did Sharon. Cheryle and Brenda stayed in the car and told us that they would park the car and would meet us inside. I could see the confused look on the guy in the suit as he opened the door for Cheryle to get out, but she did not and smiled and told him that she was helping to park the car. As I got out, I could see the guy was a little confused and headed into the lobby laughing a little with Sharon, and as we walked through the doors, she looked over at me and said, "if he only knew". I loved hearing our heels clicked as we walked through the lobby and we decided to sit on a couch in the lobby to wait for our dates. I loved looking around and taking in the ambiance of the lobby, and saw where Sharon and I usually checked in for our weekends at the theatre, and smiled. I also saw other people coming in for the show, I loved hearing their heels click across the floor, and the first couple we saw, the woman was in a little black dress, with strappy 3" heels, and looked very attractive.

Cheryle and Brenda eventually came through the front doors and also enjoyed hearing their heels click as they came towards us. Brenda came and offered a hand to Sharon and lifted her up off the couch and Cheryle did the same to me. Cheryle then asked, "what was next?" and the three of us quickly told her that we new what we had to do. Brenda and Sharon walked side by side and Cheryle and I walked side by side and we made our way to the coat check area, and I was about to pull off my coat and so was Sharon but we were stopped by Brenda and Cheryle and they came up behind us and removed our coats and went and checked them for us. Sharon and I were left standing there and giggling and looking around, and we were getting a few looks. The girls came back and I noticed they too had clutch purses that matched their heels, Brenda cream and Cheryle had a royal blue patent one. We walked along and headed towards the theatre, with me beside Cheryle and Brenda beside Sharon. We must have made quite the site and as we headed down the familiar hall that was marble that lead up to the dinner theatre I was tingling with even more excitement. I again loved hearing our heels clicking as we walked across the marble and then to the carpeted area that lead to the entrance of the dinner theatre.

As we walked up, I stood back with Sharon and let Cheryle and Brenda take the lead and had a quick look around and dreaded what I saw initially, I was way over dressed and so was Sharon as I saw a few of the other women, but put the thought out of my mind for the time being. The hostess came and took the tickets from Brenda and asked if we were all together and she told her we were and asked, "right this way ladies", and we followed her to the booth we were to be seated at, and I loved soaking in the atmosphere as we walked. After we got to the booth, the hostess told us that our waitress was to be with us shortly, and then I looked at the other girls and thought about the seating arrangement in the booth. Sharon leaned over to me and said, then quietly said, "men are on the outside, women on the inside, so they are dating us, slide in". I slid in to the right side, not even caring about my skirt and Sharon to the left and then the girls came in at the outer parts of the booth. I felt so special and before I knew it our waitress came, dressed in black pants and a lovely white blouse with red bowtie, and said, "good evening ladies, girls night out??". Sharon immediately spoke up and said, "yea, our partners all hate musicals and we girls love them". She smiled and told us that she was going to be our waitress for the evening, and then commented on how lovely we all looked and after we thanked her and she asked if we wanted drinks, and we all placed our order, myself and Cheryle a glass of white wine, and Sharon and Brenda mixed drinks. After she took our drink orders she said, "dinner is waiting when you are ready and have a great evening ladies, enjoy the show".

Cheryle spoke up and asked, "so what next?", Sharon piped up again and said, "well first, if you have a strap for your clutch, get it out, then we go to the buffet". We all pulled out our straps and then I followed Cheryle out of the booth and Sharon did the same with Brenda, all slinging our clutch purse straps over our shoulders. I walked beside Cheryle as we made our way to the buffet area and she was making comments about the ambiance and how lovely it was, and kept looking me up and down and telling me how gorgeous I looked. We walked up the stairs to the buffet area and Cheryle and I grabbed a plate and went on one side and the other girls did the same on the other. We loaded our plates and Sharon and Brenda got through the line first and were waiting for us, and we walked back together, this time I walked with Sharon and our dates walked ahead of us and I whispered to Sharon, "I think we over dressed", and Sharon commented that we had not, just other women underdressed, and told me to relax as she had already spotted some other women dressed up.

We slid into the booth in the same way again and found our drinks waiting. As we ate, I flipped through the program for the show, I read that it was a musical knew the storyline and wondered how they were going to pull it off, putting a classic 1950's movies, Anne of Green Gables to music. I took the time to look around and saw what Sharon was talking about, there were more women that I thought were dressed up, some with long floor length gowns, but mainly spaghetti strapped dresses, and knee length, all with heels and some with hair upswept like Sharon's and Brenda's. Most of the men were wearing jackets and ties, some without ties, but not many. We had lots of girl talk at the table, some critiquing the outfits the other women were wearing and Sharon made the comment, "you should have seen some of the looks you got Joyce when you walked to get dinner, you were definitely being checked out". I commented that I hoped they were good looks, and she laughed a little, and said, "well judging by the fact the guys had their partners slapping them as they ogled at you, I would say yes". After we finished our plates, Sharon and Brenda said they were going for seconds, and Cheryle and I said we were fine and would wait for dessert, they then asked us to watch their clutch purses as they went. After Brenda and Sharon left, Cheryle moved closer to me and very quietly told me how hot she was and hoped the lights get dimmed during the show and I ensured her they would and that more importantly the way the booths were laid out, no one behind us could see us, and everyone would be looking forward, and also there was the tablecloth. She then discreetly reached over and gently caressed my silky thigh and smiled at me and licked her lips. I cringed as she was caressing it and closed my eyes and imagined later in the evening, and moaned, she stopped and I opened my eyes and looked at her and she made a kiss with her lips.

As we were waiting for the other girls to come back, Cheryle gently grabbed my right hand and examined my nails and told me how pretty they looked, and loved how they matched my lips perfectly, and I could see that her nails were about the same length, but she just had on a clear coat of polish. She was in the middle of caressing my hand and admiring my nails when the girls came back and Brenda laughingly commented, "mind yourself ladies, can you at least wait till the lights go down". They slid in and Cheryle moved her hands off mine and that was a good thing, as right about that time, a waiter came by and grabbed all of the used plates. I asked Cheryle if she was ready for dessert, she smiled and said with a wicked grin, "well that is not possible right now, but we can go for some of the sweets at the buffet". Brenda and Sharon were giggling and I asked the girls to look after our clutch purses as we slid out and starting walking to the buffet area and Cheryle was quietly commenting as we walked that I was being checked out and it was fun to watch. We walked into the buffet area and grabbed some pastries each and then back to the booth and as we walked, I could see the dinner theatre was really full and commented to Cheryle that the trip to the ladies room at intermission was going to be fun and when she asked why I told her about the very long lineups. She groaned and said that she hated waiting in line to use the ladies room, and I smiled back to her and told her that for me it was one of the best parts of coming to Stage West, lining up with all of the other well dressed women. She smiled back at me and told me most of the time for her it was for sporting events and such and I told her that this was going to be no sporting event.

We got back to the table and as we slid in, Sharon and Brenda slid out and went to get their dessert. As Cheryle and I ate I looked around and saw that the place was packed more than I thought and was getting really excited. Cheryle and I continued to discuss the ambiance and how lovely it was and as we were chatting the other girls came back with their dessert. As the girl talk continued, Sharon and Brenda were finishing their dessert and the announcement came that the show was to start in 15 minutes. I converted my clutch purse back to just a clutch and when Cheryle saw what I was doing ask me and I told her I had to use the ladies room and she told me that she would join me and did the same and converted hers to a clutch. As we slid out, I told Sharon to order Cheryle and I another couple of glasses of wine and then Cheryle asked where we were going and I told her to follow me, and even though there was a smaller ladies room closer to our booth, I lead her to the larger one near the buffet area. As we walked towards the ladies room, I loved looking around and soaked in the positive looks I was getting, and was so glad when we got to the entrance of the ladies room and found a lineup, just out the door.

As we stood I whispered to Cheryle, that "this is nothing, wait till intermission", but then I looked behind us and saw we had gotten in line just in time, as the line grew behind us, and told Sharon to look back and said, "whew, just in time". I had a blast watching the ladies coming out of the ladies room some dressed up like me and some dressed in slacks and blouses, but all were wearing dress shoes. What was also fun was watching the guys, no lineup coming in and out of the washroom, checking us all out in line, I laughed inside and loved it. I was behind Cheryle and as we entered the ladies room, as usual, really enjoyed what I saw, women at the mirror fixing their makeup and hair and saw a lineup for the mirror and women coming out of one of the 5 stalls. Finally it was our turn and Cheryle went and grabbed a stall and one quickly came open after she went in. I entered the stall and put my clutch purse on the shelf and hiked my dress and carefully pulled down my pantyhose and panties and sat down and did my business. I loved it, hearing the girl talk on the other side of the stall doors, and the tinkling of the other women peeing, as well see the heels of women on either side of me. After doing my business, I cleaned up and very carefully pulled up my panties and pantyhose and left the stall. As I left another woman came rushing in behind me, and there was a small lineup for the mirror, I got in line and I saw Cheryle was already at the mirror, fluffing out her hair and applying another coat of lip gloss. She saw me in the mirror and smiled as she closed her purse and walked away, I was second in line and eventually got to the mirror and as I looked in the mirror, I say that my lips had no need to be fixed. I opened my purse and then pulled out my blush (even though I did not need it) and freshened it up, then pulled out my comb and gently fluffed out my hair. I had a woman on either side of me and I was in heaven as the usual female smiles back and forth as we fluffed. I closed up my clutch purse and headed to the door, were I found Cheryle waiting for me, along with another woman that was waiting for someone else. I saw Cheryle smiling and as we walked out of the ladies room and by the line of the women still waiting in line she quietly said to me, "I see why you like it, not like a dirty sports stadium ladies room".

As we walked away from them I said, "told you so", Cheryle giggled and then we walked towards our table and by this time I was not really caring what or who was watching me, I just wanted the show to be over and on the way home to Cheryle's place, but knew the show would be fun. As we arrived at the seats, we found ourselves alone and new drinks set in front of where each of us were sitting and Cheryle and I slid in and asked each other were the other girls were as we did not see them when we went to the ladies room. Eventually, we spotted them coming from the other direction from where we went, and they were talking to each other as they reached the table, they actually looked like a really nice couple together. After they got to the table, Sharon slid in next to me and then Brenda took her place and Cheryle and I both asked where they had gone. Sharon laughed and said, "to the ladies room of course, but not the one a mile away like you girls did", Cheryle looked at me and asked what Sharon was talking about and I told her, that the one they went to was not that fun. All of the girls laughed and I told Cheryle that for the intermission that we were going back to the same one, she just rolled her eyes and Sharon and Brenda laughed.

It was about 2 minutes later that the lights went down and show started, and so did the fun. Cheryle moved close to me almost immediately, and I looked over at Sharon and Brenda and Brenda did the same thing. The play started and it was a musical, so there was lots of singing and noise and Cheryle noticed that everyone was looking forward and took advantage of it. She slid in even closer to me and at first we held hands below the table but that soon changed as the play went on, and she let go of my hand and moved it to my well exposed thigh and slowly started caressing the inside of my leg. I did not resist her and spread my legs as far as I could give with the tightness of my skirt, all the while staring at the stage. She realized what I did and moved her hand slowly, ever so slowly, pushing the hem of my skirt up to my crotch until she reached my panties and she slowly caressed my crotch. I was absolutely tingling with excitement, but just looked over at her and smiled and then back to the play, she was close enough to me, so that she could easily lean into me and gently blew in my ear. As she gently and slowly caressed my crotch she whispered in my ear, "pantyhose my dear?", I very quietly told her I had to because stockings and stay ups would show when I walked with the high slit of the dress. She licked my ear lobe and quietly said, "well tonight will be the last time you wear pantyhose this weekend my dear, and my you even put perfume behind your ears and smell lovely, so sexy and divine". I cringed and could feel my own sex build and put my hand on her thigh and even though she was wearing pants, she opened her legs and I was not looking at her but I knew what she wanted. I slowly moved my hand to her pant covered leg and then moved my hand to her crotch, and slowly caressed it. Cheryle leaned in and told me to enjoy, I could feel the warmth and the fact it was a little damp, I knew she was excited as I was.

The caressing and teasing from both sides continued on and off for the entire first part of the show. I looked over at Brenda and Sharon and could see they were doing something similar to us, but were sitting further apart. I totally enjoyed the feminine company of Cheryle and was so involved with her that I was not even paying attention to the play, all I know there was lots of singing and dancing and I sipped on my wine. Then it happened, I was not sure if it was the wine or the attention that Cheryle was giving me, but all off a sudden I had to pee like "no tomorrow". I pushed Cheryle's hands away and whispered to her that I really had to pee, she laughed a little and patted my hand, and I was not even paying attention to the show, I was going to grab my clutch purse and run to the ladies room, but then the play ended for the first part and the house lights came on and they announced a 15 minute intermission. I then squeezed my legs together and decided to wait, and watched the other people heading to the washrooms and then smiled as Sharon and Brenda grabbed their clutch purses and excused themselves and walked towards the smaller ladies room side by side. Cheryle grabbed her clutch purse and asked if I was ready to go and I smiled and told her I was not yet, as someone had to order the drinks for the second half. If I could have kissed her I would have, but with people walking by us, would have looked odd. Even though I had to pee like "no tomorrow", wanted to have the line as long as possible to the ladies room for when we went.

I was so relieved when our waitress came back and asked, "another round ladies", I did not even wait for Cheryle and told the waitress "it would be perfect". Cheryle was smiling at me as she started to leave and said, "ok, now, can we go to the ladies room?, as I have to pee", I quickly grabbed my purse and for a very fleeting second I thought about going to the same ladies room as the other girls, but knew I could hold it and make it to the other larger ladies room. Cheryle smiled as turned to go the other direction and followed me and told me that she was sure I was going to head towards the ladies room that the other girls went to and I smiled over to her and told her that I would have nothing to do with it, and was looking forward to the lineup. She groaned and said, "hope your bladder is better than mine", I smiled over at her and told her I was fine as we walked up to the main ladies room, away from the direction that Brenda and Sharon went. Cheryle whispered to me, "I hope you know what you are doing", as we walked up the isle to the ladies room, I spotted it, a very, very long line coming out of the ladies room. Cheryle did not see it at first but as we approached the ladies room, she groaned and said, "you have got to be kidding".

As we walked to the back of the line I was having a ball, checking out all of the other women in line and watching the others coming out of the ladies room, with their hair fixed and lips fixed. Cheryle was behind me and I could hear her whisper to herself, "this is ridiculous", I looked back at her and told her to relax that we would not have to wait long and to enjoy the show. Well, the line was not moving that fast, and I loved it as the guys were going into their bathroom and coming out quickly. I was really pleased to see that I got to see even more women dressed up, with long dresses and heels and smiled as they walked by. The line was moving slowly, but eventually we entered the ladies room and as we did, I looked behind me and could see the line was still as long as when we got in it and had to smile. As well entered the ladies room, I could see that the room was a buzz of feminine activity with heels clicking and as I looked at the mirror I saw 5 women at the mirror touching themselves up. I then looked over and saw women leaving stalls and lining up for the mirror and was smiling so large inside, but kept my eyes fixed on an available stall. Finally I was next in line, and when the young woman in a spaghetti strapped red dress and black strappy heels came out I headed for it, and smiled as we passed each other. I was not so careful this time as I plopped down my purse on the shelf in the stall and pulled my panties and pantyhose down and was lucky not to put a run in my hose. Now, since I had to "pee like no tomorrow", I knew peeing like I felt like it would have definitely not sounded like a woman peeing and gabbed my sex and squeezed and only allowed a "tinkle" sound to hit the water. It took a while, but eventually I was relieved, and wiped up and pulled up my panties and pantyhose and smoothed out my dress and left the stall.

I did not see Cheryle, and thought she had left the ladies room, and went and got in line for the mirror, all the while staring at the women that were fluffing their hair and touching up their makeup. There was 5 girls in front of me and as I looked over, I saw the lineup for the ladies room was still out the door, eventually it was my turn at the mirror and was in between two other formally dressed women, one was much older than me and the other was not much older than me. I did not bother to check them out as far as what they were wearing and stuck at the job at hand, and opened my purse and fluffed out my hair, put on a little more blush, put on a fresh coat of lipstick and then finally I opened my Obsession perfume and touched behind my ears. The older woman next to me was packing her purse and looked at me in the mirror and smiled, "very nice dear". I smiled and thanked her and packed my clutch purse and saw in the mirror at the very end Cheryle, adjusting her lips. I walked to the entrance of the ladies room and joined another formally dressed woman that was obviously was waiting for her "washroom partner", and looked me over and quietly said, "I love your dress". I smiled and thanked her and then saw Cheryle walking toward me and told the woman that was next to me to enjoy the rest of the show and she told me to do the same. As we left the ladies room, the lineup was smaller and Cheryle looked at me and smiled and said, "well the lineup was a pain, but lots of good scenery to look at". I smiled back at her and loved the walk back to the table, as I knew I was being checked out and eventually got back to the table.

Sharon and Brenda were already back at the table and as we slid in, they started laughing and told us that they were about to send out a search party to find us. We all had a good laugh and I had a huge smile on my face as Cheryle went on about the lineup of the ladies room. Sharon laughed and told Cheryle I was a "glutton for punishment" and laughed. Our drinks were ready and before I knew it the lights went down and just like the first act, Cheryle moved in close to me, and her hand was on my silky thigh right away, very slowly caressing. As the musical continued, I could have cared less what was going on up on the stage, as to me, it was more about being with Cheryle, but looked over and saw that Sharon and Brenda were right into it though. Soon into the second half, Cheryle leaned into me and whispered, "freshened your perfume, very nice, getting me even hotter". She spread her legs like the first time and guided my hand down to her crotch and I could tell she was even wetter than the first half. I slowly worked on her and she on me, and with the low moans from both of us, I knew we were both getting hot, but could not really do anything about it. Every once in a while, Sharon would look over and smile as she glanced down and saw were Cheryle's hand was. Finally the play came to an end and the lights came up and we all started chatting about the play, and Sharon was all excited as she loved it, for me it was a bore.

Eventually, it was time to go, Sharon had settled the bill, and we all grabbed our clutch purses and slid out of the booth. We all knew we were separating and I had to pee again and told the group I would be back and then Sharon moved close to me and gave me a "woman hug and light kiss", and quietly whispered, "Brenda and I ready to leave, have a great night with Cheryle, I need Brenda's pussy sooner than later". We broke our embrace, we all exchanged hugs and then as I watched as the two of them walk away, Cheryle told me that she would come to the ladies room for one last time. We both headed to the main ladies room as the rest of the theatre cleared out and found that the ladies room was pretty much empty, and as we entered both found a stall right away and went in and did our business. Cheryle was a few stalls down from me and I it was quiet in the room and I heard her tinkling as I sat down and put my purse on the shelf and pulled down my pantyhose and panties and did my own business. I finished up and wiped up and then adjusted my dress and then left he stall to the mirror, where I met Cheryle who was about to apply her lip gloss and she looked as me as fluffed out my hair and since no other women were right next to us, asked, "so what flavor?". I laughed a little and asked what she was asking about and she said, "my lip gloss, what flavor?", I was about to question her more, but another woman joined her and I at the mirror and we did not talk any more, she just applied some and smiled at me.

We both smiled as I opened my clutch purse and pulled out my lipstick and applied a nice thick coat, knowing that Cheryle soon would be kissing my lips. As I closed my lipstick and grabbed for my comb, I slowly licked my lips, not looking over at Cheryle, and after I brushed my hair out, and packed everything back in my purse, I looked over at Cheryle and she was smiling ear to ear. She closed her clutch purse and we both left the ladies room, heels clicking in unison, and she leaned over to me as we left the ladies room, and quietly said, "tease, just wait till I get you home, those lovely lips will have plenty to do!". I smiled and closed my eyes thinking about what was in store for the rest of the evening, and as we walked to the coat check I realized that the almost 5" heels I was wearing all evening, were definitely taking their toll on my calves and feet. Cheryle in her much lower more comfortable heels was walking a little fast and I could not keep up and I slowed right down, at one point she realized I was not beside her and stopped and looked back at me. She waited for me to catch up and walked slowly with me and asked if everything was alright and I told her my feet were killing me, and she giggled a little and said, "oh don't worry dear, after tonight, you will not have a problem for the rest of the weekend", I asked her what she was referring to and she said, "don't worry dear, I am going to take care of you". I wondered what she had in mind, but decided to forget about it for the time being and dismissed it, we got to the coat check and joined the line of people waiting for their coats. When it came to our turn, Cheryle opened her clutch purse and handed the ticket for my faux fur and handed it to the girl, and when she came back, she handed it to Cheryle and look at her a little odd as we walked away and Cheryle and I just smiled at each other. Cheryle held out my coat and draped it over my shoulders, with a few people giving us a few looks, but at this point, I did not care.

To be continued..

So here is the offer: I AM NOT A PRO. This 38 year old, petite, passable TV, would love to entertain you if you are in my area, Toronto Ontario, as described in the story above. I love to be the girl of your dreams, and as long as I can remain the girl at all times, I would love to hear from you. I am not interested in being a TV/TS "girlfriend" and "BI" sex, but rather I will be the woman of your dreams for a wonderful and possible formal evening, I promise, you will not go home frustrated. If you are a NON-smoking male or female, that would like my company for the evening, please contact me, kisses,

Joyce Devries, MSN:

Next: Chapter 7

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