Meeting Cheryle

By Joyce Devries

Published on Jun 14, 2006


Note, this a true story, some of the names have been changed, but certainly not the events of the days!, this is taken right from my diary entry of the time.

My (email) name is Joyce Devries and of all of the adventures I have had dressed as a woman, this was the ultimate. I got courted by a true and real Lesbian Female, my spouse and her Bi female lover and my date went out for a romantic date to Stage West (, and double dated and here is diary entry for you all to enjoy.

I am 5'2", TV, live near Toronto, Ont., Canada, pass quite well as a woman and have done tons of "real life" things as a woman, this one was an awesome special, romantic adventure.


I got inside and watched as Cheryle drove off and then I walked past the living room mirror and could see that I was definitely not well put together, my hair was a bit of a mess, my lipstick was smeared, not a lot, but you could definitely tell I was kissing, my skirt side slits were way off, my skirt had turned. I was in the middle of cleaning up my appearance and the phone rang, it was Cheryle on her cell and she was giggling asked if I noticed if I was being checked out by my neighbor and told her, "no, she was seeing the mess I looked like and, I am sure she figured out what I was doing". She was laughing so hard and said, "I did not think your lips were smeared that bad, but what when I saw your skirt was sideways I knew you were in trouble". She told me to relax, that if my neighbor did not advertise she was a Lesbian, then she would be sure to keep it to herself. I agreed and then she said again how sexy it was in the car and told me to expect a very erotic weekend when we got together and be ready for anything.

After I calmed down I then realized that Cheryle was right, my neighbor was not going to say anything to Sharon, and I had the ammunition that I had seen her kissing her girlfriend a number of times when she thought no one was looking and relaxed. I stared at myself in the mirror and realized I was still very hot and bothered!. I quickly made my way down to my room and opened my lingerie drawer and pulled out my trusty vibrator and quickly and carefully pulled off my pantyhose and panties and quickly started to sit down on the toilet. I opened my jacket, and hiked my skirt up around my waist and turned on the vibrator and gently caressed my crotch and started caressing my breasts through my lace camisole and closed my eyes and dreamed about kissing Cheryle. It did not take long and before long I let go in my latex vagina, I was savoring the memory and did not care my release was running down my leg, but made my way to the shower and dumped my load. I washed out my vagina and cleaned myself up and after drying off my latex vagina, slipped it back on and was just planning on relaxing for a bit before jumping in the shower and washing all of my makeup off, I sat down and checked my email and sitting there was an email from my spouse Sharon and she said;

"Dear Joyce,

Hope you had a good time out today with Cheryle today, and you by now know that we are going to Stage West next weekend, if you like, stay dressed and we can go out for dinner when I get home would love to chat with you about your day.


I immediately responded and told her that I would love to go for dinner and checked the clock and saw that Cheryle and I had certainly had had a long lunch and it was 3:45pm, I knew I had time and started getting ready for Sharon to come home from work. I carefully put my panties and pantyhose back on and then went and touched up my makeup, after all, Cheryle had made a mess of it, and after touching up my eyes and cheeks I decided to leave my lips until Sharon came home. I knew that Sharon would be in very low heels and decided that I would grab my "work" 3" height black kid heels, and slipped them on and then decided I would relax before Sharon came home from work. I grabbed a glass of wine and surfed the internet a bit and then got a call from Sharon and she told me she was leaving from work and was 15 minutes away and went upstairs and grabbed my "Glamour" magazine and purse and sat on the couch and waited for Sharon to come home. About 20 minutes later I heard Sharon's car come in the driveway and quickly opened my purse and applied the same lipstick that I wore for Cheryle and hoped I had done well without a mirror.

I got up and waited for Sharon to come in the back door and when she did she slipped off her coat and plopped down her purse and she looked me up and down, came and gave me a little kiss on the lips and told me I looked great, "perfect for business formal", she told me that she had to use the washroom and that she would be right back, and she mentioned that I might want to get my light long spring coat as it was a little cool out. I went and got my coat and slipped it on and then went back to the kitchen to join Sharon and I had seen that she put on the matching lipstick that I was wearing and commented on it and she told me that if she did not, I would have sent her back to the bathroom to put it on so she put it on anyway, and laughed a little. I looked Sharon over and she was wearing one of her favorite business formal outfits, a black camisole shell, a below the knee red flowered skirt, and black single breasted jacket, she had on nude hose and about 2 inch "clunky" black pumps. She slipped on her jacket and grabbed her purse and asked if I was ready to go and I told her I was and tugged my purse over my shoulder and followed Sharon out the door to the car.

Sharon had parked well up on the driveway, so there was no way we were going to be running into our neighbor, and I slid into the passenger seat and Sharon in the driver seat and she asked where I wanted to go for dinner and I told her I really did not care, as long it was not our "regular" place, Kelsey's, and she suggested East Side Mario's, at Oakville Place mall, (a place we have been to numerous times) and I agreed, also mentioning that it was the first place I met Cheryle and she patted my hand and said, "oh my dear, I know, oh do I know". As we drove she asked general questions about how the day was and how lunch was and I told her it was nice, and she asked if Cheryle was dressed as nice as I was and giggled and told her she definitely was, but I was disappointed with the height of her heels. Sharon laughed and said, "not all of us like to destroy our feet and calves with CFM heels!". I told her that for lunch I did wear heels like that and she looked at me and rolled her eyes and said, "of course you did". We chatted about, "this, that and the other", and then got the parking lot of Oakville Place just outside of the entrance close to East Side Mario's. We got out of the car and I asked Sharon the time and she told me 5:45pm, and I reminded her that on a Friday evening, we may not get a seat!. She told me we were in no hurry and that we could wait and I agreed, and we walked towards the entrance with our heels clicking and I loved it all over again, hearing the sound.

We got to the entrance of the restaurant and we waited and the hostess came up and grabbed a couple of menu's and I was shocked as she asked us to follow her, as the restaurant was packed, but as we got to the table, she told us that this one had just come free for two and out timing was perfect. As I sat down, I looked around and saw that the restaurant was packed and that even though we were not in a booth, I felt comfortable. I also noticed that even though it was a Friday evening at a casual restaurant, I saw that Sharon and I were not the only women wearing skirts and heels and was pleasantly surprised. Our waitress came and introduced herself as "Maggie" and handed us our menus and asked if we would like something to drink, I ordered a cooler and Sharon ordered a glass of white wine.

We looked over the menus and Sharon asked what I felt like and I told her that I had a soup and salad and decided to go for some pasta. As the waitress came back with the drinks, she asked if we were ready to order and we told her we were and both ordered and as she left she said, "enjoy your drinks ladies", we both thanked her and after she left, we started talking. She asked me how much Cheryle told me at lunch today and I told her all about it, and she said, "sounds like she has not left anything out, so what are you going to wear?". I told her that I had a few ideas, as Cheryle wanted me to wear something to show off my legs and she laughed a little and said, "oh with your closets, that should not be a problem". I smiled and told her that I was not sure whether to go with one of my long gowns with a thigh high slit or one of my shorter elegant formal gowns, and Sharon giggled a little and said, "oh I am sure that you will work it out". I then asked her what she was planning on wearing and if she knew what Brenda was going to be wearing and she said she had no clue what Brenda was, but she had two dresses in mind that she was going to be selecting as her final decision and it was going to be a decision she would make before we went to the salon on Saturday. I asked if she could give me a clue and she said, "let's just say they are both dresses that you got me off of Ebay", I then had a pretty good idea of what she was thinking of.

Our food came, but before we started eating Sharon smiled at me and asked, so have you kissed Cheryle yet. I must have blushed and looked down and Sharon started to giggle and said, "thought so, tell me is she a good kisser?" I quietly told her that she was a good kisser, but that is as far as we got. Sharon laughed and told me it was a good thing, as not to spoil the special Saturday evening coming up. She then asked what else Cheryle had told me and I told her that she told me not to pack an overnight bag and that she was planning on dressing me for the trip home in some of her clothes. She laughed and said, "oh same size are we?". Well that opened up a "pandoras box", of things I told Sharon and as Sharon ate her food, all she was doing was smiling. I told her all about how Cheryle and I were practically identical physically and our dressing styles were almost identical, and she smiled, and said, "I guess you found your identical twin, well, almost". The conversation went on and on over dinner and I barely noticed the two women that sat directly across from us, both about the same age as us and both dress smartly for business in skirts, heels and hose. At one point I looked over and saw one of them checking Sharon and I up and down and our eyes met and we smiled back to each other. I caught Sharon seeing what I was doing and when I looked back at her she smiled and said, "you already have a Lesbian husband and now a Lesbian girlfriend, do you think that is not enough?".

I laughed and told her that I would be fine and grabbed my purse and told her I had to use the ladies room and slid out of my chair slowly and carefully, not even adjusting my already high riding skirt to ride up, to allow the girls next to us a little show. I slid out and never looked back so, I am not sure if they saw anything and then checked around as I walked to the ladies room and saw what I saw before and that was a surprising number of women in skirt, heels and hose. It was around 7:30pm when I walked into the washroom, and was shocked, it was packed, now this washroom only has 3 stalls and there were four girls at the mirror touching themselves up, all of the stalls were full and three girls were waiting for a stall. To say I was nervous was an understatement and to say we had room to move was also an understatement!. I smiled as much as I could and shuffled around as girls left the mirrors and others entered the stalls, my eyes and body wanted to look around and check out what all of the girls were wearing and such. However being so close, and I mean close enough I could smell their lipstick and blush on some of these girls, I kept my eyes straight ahead and exchanged, the common, comment of, "I cannot believe it is this packed", echoed over and over and I joined in the chorus. I heard more and more girls come in behind me and eventually it was my turn for a stall and took the first opportunity and went in and sat down and did my business, loving the fact the stalls next to either side of me, I could see heels and hose pulled down and heard girls peeing.

I took my time and pulled up my pantyhose and adjusted my skirt and jacket and slung my purse over my shoulder and opened the door, and was greeted by a girl rushing into the stall. I looked around and could see that the mirror only had one girl at it and the ladies room had thinned out quite a bit. I felt really confident, as due to the packed ladies room, not really anyone was paying attention to anyone, and I went to the mirror and pulled out my lipstick and touched up my lips and fluffed out my hair and smiled at the girl next to me and the others that were looking at me in the lineup and packed my purse and left the ladies room. I loved the sound of my heels clicking as I walked back to the table and when I got there, Sharon immediately commented, "there you are, I was going to send out a search party, is everything alright?". I told her that the ladies room was packed and she giggled a little and told me that she figured as much as the number of women she saw going in and out, and I giggled with her and told her it reminded me of going to the ladies room at Stage West at intermission when the lineups are out the door. Sharon smiled and told me that it was her turn and also told me that she had paid the bill. As she got up to go to the ladies room and grabbed her purse, I told her in a fun way that when she came back that her lips should be matching mine and she said, "darn forgot it in my makeup bag at home", while smiling. I simply opened my purse and pulled out my lipstick and handed it her and she put it in her purse and apprehensively said, "alright", and watched her walk to the ladies room.

I took the time to look around at the restaurant and did some people watching. As I looked around I could see that there were other girls that were in skirts, and heels and hose, but it was more of the casual variety, Sharon and I and I were definitely a little out of place looking like two girls coming from the office, I smiled and finished my drink and did not really care. Before I knew it Sharon came back from the ladies room and I commented to her about how fast it was and she said, "I was alone, went in and peed and then fixed my hair and lips". I was floored, and had to laugh and noticed that she did what she said she would and her lips were fixed and were the exact shade as mine and she handed me back my lipstick and I put it back in my purse. She then said, "ready?". I told her I was and grabbed for my long coat and Sharon slipped hers on and we left the restaurant, and as we left the hostess said, "have a good evening ladies". We walked back to the car and again I loved hearing our heels clicking in unison and then she unlocked the car and I slid in the passenger side, but this time I tugged down my skirt as I slid in. Sharon saw what I was doing and just smiled at me and started driving home, she then asked what I wanted to do when home and I suggested snuggling in and watching a movie, she asked me which one and I told her, "Runaway Bride", she moved her hand to mine and smiled and said, "perfect".

We held hands all the way home and then when we got home, Sharon expressed a firm interest in getting out of her work clothes, and I protested, but she pleaded and I told her as long as we changed into our matching peignoirs and she left on her hose and heels I would agree. She smiled and said she would and I went to my bedroom and she hers and we both changed out of our "work" clothes and met in the family room to watch the movie. Sharon came downstairs in her matching peignoir, with popcorn and a couple of wine coolers and we snuggled up under a down filled comforter and watched the movie and every once in a while giving each other long lingering loving kisses. Eventually, the movie ended and we held hands and went up to bed, and after a wonderful day, all I remembered was snuggling in to Sharon's breasts as I drifted off to sleep, dreaming about the weekend that was to come.

The week following the big weekend had me scrambling and trying on dress after dress, I tried on long dresses with thigh high front slits, I knew that Sharon was wearing a long dress and honestly had no clue what Brenda or Cheryle were wearing and was not sure what to wear, I went from dress to dress to dress. I decided to start flipping through some of my photo albums to see what would look good and got even more confused!. I had been to Stage West at least 10 times and knew what was acceptable for dressing for females, and also did not want to wear a dress I had worn there before. I was then looking through pictures that I had not scanned yet or put in my photo albums from my Royal Botanical Gardens fall photo shoots and ran across pictures of me in a dress that I had totally forgot about. This dress I got off a woman on Ebay, she wore it on an Alaskan cruise, it is a stunning dress, mid-thigh length (nice and short), crushed velvet kind of material, it was a dark purple and black colour with gold highlights, has a sweetheart neckline, and the stunning part of the dress was the wide open back, open enough to almost to the tops of your panties. The sleeves were short and "puffed out" a little, as I pulled it out and slipped it on, and then went to the mirror, I knew this WAS the dress I was going to be wearing, I forgot just down sexy and feminine it was. I quickly went to my lingerie drawer and grabbed a pair of ultra sheer, "nearly black" stockings and a garter belt and slipped them on. I then and picked a pair of 4" black patent heels and headed back to the mirror and almost died, the look was perfect. I even grabbed a clutch purse that came with the dress that was the same purple, black and gold colouring and went back to the mirror and started to parade around. Much to my dismay, as I walked around my stocking tops and garter belt straps were showing as I walked, the skirt was too tight and rode up, so I would have to go with pantyhose for the Saturday evening if I chose the dress.

Even though I was sold on that dress I still went through my closets and pulled out more short and sexy formal dresses and even a few more long ones and still kept coming back to the dress I was originally sold on. Cheryle emailed me on the Tuesday before the date and told me she had to know the colour of my dress, and even though I was not 100% sure, I knew I had to pick something, and since the dresses I was planning on were black in some form or another, I told her black, and she emailed me back and told me, "perfect, see you Saturday". After I got the response back from Cheryle I knew that my dress was set and started planning for the jewelry that I was going to be wearing, and decided on it was going to be a long sparkly earring set and an elaborate rhinestone necklace, I was planning on my formal gold watch and a sparkly rhinestone bracelet. I then realized that Cheryle was probably going to be bringing me a corsage and I had to keep one of my wrists clear in case it was a wrist style of corsage and decided to pack the bracelet in case it was not a wrist style. I thought about an anklet, but I was planning on wearing my 4 _" black patent heels that had ankle straps and decided to simply pack a simple gold anklet in my clutch purse for possibly wearing it the following day.

I got an email on the Wednesday from Cheryle telling me that she was going to be stopping by "sometime" on Thursday to pick up what I wanted her to wear on the Sunday for the trip home from her apartment. I had already thought about this the minute I challenged Cheryle and went and grabbed one of my favorite outfits, which was a blue comfy sweater dress what was originally Sharon's, that ended up in my wardrobe after Sharon outgrew it. It is circa 1980's, with a short skirt, shoulder pads and long sleeves, and I knew that it would look great on Cheryle and if she did not like it, I would laugh as she would have no choice. That Wednesday evening when I came home that evening from my usual night of bowling was a pair of Sharon's heels, they were navy blue with about a 1 1/2" heel from an outfit she wore to a Wedding and a note that said, "leave these out for Cheryle", I wondered what it was about, and decided to include them for when I left out the dress for Cheryle. I left the items out for Thursday morning as I went to work and then when I came home from work there was a bag that was on the back door and when I opened it was a package that was in a "Mary Kay", bag, and written on it was, "wear this Saturday evening, and when you go to the salon, I want glamour length nails". What was in the bag was nail polish and a matching tube of lipstick, in a shade I have never worn before, it was a burgundy/deep red colour, and it was colour last, I put it up to my face and had to admit, with my complexion it was a different and complimentary look and as I looked in the mirror, knew that it would compliment the dress as well. I was confused about the "glamour length nails", but after emailing Sharon, she told me to simply ask for that at the salon and they would know what to do.

The Friday night before the big day arrived and I slipped into my favorite black long silk and lace peignoir and took Sharon's advice and was going to spend the night in my room and meet her the next day dressed for our salon appointment. I gathered my dress, heels and hose and knew that for this dress, I was going to have to wear a special bra, which I got for another dress that had a wide open back and it was a "convertible" bra, with a back strap that pretty much comes just above the panty line, it is a pain to wear, and after I realized that I needed snaps on the shoulders to hold the bra. So I spent the next hour or so sewing them into the shoulder pads of the dress and after I did I slipped the dress and the bra on to make sure they would work and they did, all I would need help from is Sharon to pin the back strap of my bra, below the huge back dip of the dress when I was getting ready for the evening. After the bra "situation" was taken care of I put together all of the rest of the outfit, with my jewelry, shoes, hose, heels and grabbed my clutch purse that matched the dress and started packing it. I had to laugh as I opened my "usual" black patent clutch purse and was transferring the contents, saw that there was no need to move over the condoms!. I packed the "usual", a compact, tissues, a small vile of my obsession perfume, a comb and spare set of house keys, knowing the lipstick would have to wait until after the salon trip. It was getting late and I wanted an early night and decided that I would pick out what I was going to be wearing to the salon in the morning as my mood dictated. I crawled into bed tingling with anticipation for the upcoming day.

I awoke the next morning, later than usual, but very well rested and ready for the day, I saw the time was 10am and knew our salon appointment was set for 1:45pm, for both Sharon and I. I relaxed in my lingerie and could hear Sharon walking around upstairs and up till about noon, I answered some emails and chatted on-line and just after noon, slipped into the shower for a very slow and thorough cleaning and once I was "squeaky clean", I slipped on my blue terri-cloth robe and moved to my room to start getting dressed for the day. I slipped on my latex vagina, and then the panties I was going to be wearing for the evening and they wear the ones that would match the bra I was going to be wearing, which were a black bikini, satin and lace combination, I love wearing them as they are so sexy. I then started looking through my closets and started wondering what to wear to the salon, with the only thing I had to be sure of was that I had to wear a blouse that was a button up blouse. I knew Sharon was probably going to be in jeans and a casual blouse and pondered wearing everything from a jean miniskirt to a pair of black leather pants. After going to the salon dressed for work in business formal in the past, and in miniskirts, I decided to "dress down", and grabbed a long calf length jean skirt that used to be in Sharon's closet, and a short sleeved denim style button up blouse. I also pulled out a plain white cotton bra and "daywear" 20 or so denier nude pantyhose and my low 2" black kid heels and laid them out on my bed.

I started to get ready by carefully slipping on the nude pantyhose, and then my plain bra and then moved to the bathroom to apply the little makeup I needed for the trip to the salon, which was a tiny touch of eyeliner and very light touch of blush and a very light coat of my "business lipstick", which was light reddish pink. I then slipped on the blouse and then the skirt and finally the heels. I never put on any perfume or jewelry and packed the new lipstick and nail polish in my regular purse and after slipping on my heels, double checked my look in the mirror and saw the time on the clock was 1:20pm and knew Sharon would be waiting for me upstairs. I went upstairs and Sharon was waiting for me, reading her book, and when I came up, she looked me over and said, just one thing, "nice", she asked if I was ready to go and I told her I was and she told me she had to use the washroom and when she was done, we would go. Sharon was wearing a pair of black stirrup pants and a green and white blouse and low 1" black heels, I was surprised to see that she was at least wearing nylons. When she came back from the washroom, she grabbed her purse and asked if I was ready to go, and I asked if we needed coats and she told me the temperature was warm enough that coats were not needed. I already had my purse ready and Sharon lead the way out the door to the car.

To be continued..

So here is the offer: I AM NOT A PRO. This 38 year old, petite, passable TV, would love to entertain you if you are in my area, Toronto Ontario, as described in the story above. I love to be the girl of your dreams, and as long as I can remain the girl at all times, I would love to hear from you. I am not interested in being a TV/TS "girlfriend" and "BI" sex, but rather I will be the woman of your dreams for a wonderful and possible formal evening, I promise, you will not go home frustrated. If you are a NON-smoking male or female, that would like my company for the evening, please contact me, kisses,

Joyce Devries, MSN:

Next: Chapter 5

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