Meeting Cheryle

By Joyce Devries

Published on Jun 13, 2006


Note, this a true story, some of the names have been changed, but certainly not the events of the days!, this is taken right from my diary entry of the time.

My (email) name is Joyce Devries and of all of the adventures I have had dressed as a woman, this was the ultimate. I got courted by a true and real Lesbian Female, my spouse and her Bi female lover and my date went out for a romantic date to Stage West (, and double dated and here is diary entry for you all to enjoy.

I am 5'2", TV, live near Toronto, Ont., Canada, pass quite well as a woman and have done tons of "real life" things as a woman, this one was an awesome special, romantic adventure.


I took the Friday off from work and was all excited the night before the date and Sharon insisted that I start the whole experience early and told me to spend the Thursday evening in my room and dressed in lingerie for the evening. So I did and chose a pink babydoll outfit and matching panties and nude pantyhose and slipped into bed dreaming about the day ahead, but not before laying everything out I was going to be wearing and grabbing the photo albums out I wanted to show Cheryle.

I woke in the morning after hearing the family upstairs leave for the day, slipped into the shower and got "squeaky clean", and then slipped into my pink satin makeup coat and headed for the bedroom to start getting dressed. I was tingling with anticipation as I slipped on my white satin gloves, but not before slipping on my silky and lace burgundy panties, and then grabbed for a pair of ultra sheer nude pantyhose. I carefully slipped them on and as I tugged them up, could imagine Cheryle's hands caressing the pure silk feeling on my thighs, I then put on a pair of low 2" black heels to prevent the hose from running and made my way to the bathroom to start putting on my makeup. As I looked at myself, I KNEW that I had to do an outstanding job and carefully started by applying a perfect foundation application, making my skin all look even and fresh. Then came to the eyes, a healthy application of eyeliner, not too thick, not too light, but perfect for the office. Then eye shadow, since I was going to be wearing fuschia, I decided on a deep pink, and applied a light coat on both my upper and lower lids and was really thrilled at how it turned out. I then applied a very thick coating of long lash mascara that made my lashes really stand out. Next was blush, and this I did not want to screw up and applied just the right amount to my cheeks and applied a lighter colour under to highlight them even more, making sure I was perfect for the office and not too dark. I decided to leave my lipstick application for the last minute and decided to wear my formal lipstick, which was dark reddish pink for the lunch, a bit of overkill for daytime wear, but after all I was trying to dress to impress Cheryle. With my makeup set, I slipped off my robe and grabbed my Halston's perfume and doused my body in it, from my ankles to behind my ears and such, I knew it was too much but did not care, I was dressing to impress a very attractive Lesbian.

I then left the bathroom and headed to the bedroom to get dressed and was still tingling as I slowly started to slip on my brand new black full filled front lace and silk camisole over my bra, then my very short black fully lined skirt, I loved the feeling as I slid it up my legs and then I grabbed my jacket and slipped it on and then checked my look out in the mirror and liked what I saw!. I then sat down and carefully worked on my nails, shaping them the best I could for the length they were and then applied nail polish the same shade as my lipstick and it was a glossy shiny style. I found myself constantly checking the mirror and appearance as time went by, knowing how important this date was. Once I had all my clothes on, I went to my vanity and started choosing my jewelry, this was the tough part, choosing the right jewelry to compliment the outfit, and after all sorts of trying things on, decided on a pair of long gold earrings, dangly, dainty and very business. I then went with my thin gold anklet on my right ankle and then slipped on my silver charm bracelet on my right wrist and then put on my business watch on my left wrist. I then started to debate on putting on the diamond necklace that spelled my name (from a very erotic adventure the year before), or a 20 inch strand of pearls, and decided that the beauty of the lace in the camisole was all that was needed, as it was very filling of the front of my jacket and needed no highlighting.

Then the debate on what heels to wear started and I pulled out 4 pairs, a 3" black kid pair of pumps (my "going to the office shoes"), a 3" black suede pair of pumps (an all time favorite), a 4" pair of black kid pumps and finally a pair of black 4" patent pumps. I went to the upstairs mirror and modeled them all over and over and at times, wearing one on each foot!. I then thought of the day and what we were actually doing and it was only lunch and that was it, and decided on the 4" black kid pumps, patent would have been too formal and wanted at least 4" to show off my legs and impress Cheryle. I slipped them on and knew the look was perfect!. I modeled in front of the mirror, making sure everything was perfect and kept on checking the clock and could see it was getting closer and closer to 11am. I went and grabbed my purse and checked to ensure I had my keys, wallet and everything was ready and then waited for Cheryle to call. She called by cell at 11:15am, tell me she was running late, but she would be by to pick me up in a few minutes. I quickly ran to the upstairs bathroom and pulled out my lipstick and very, very carefully applied a perfect application, I checked over my complete makeup application and could tell that, except for my Wedding and my first date with a man, I had outdone myself for putting on my own makeup and not getting it done at the salon.

I then stood and walked around nervously and kept on checking myself over and over and ensuring everything was perfect. I went and grabbed my tote bag and packed it with my "favorites" photo album and my lingerie photo album, as I had promised Cheryle I would bring it and was coming back upstairs and I saw Cheryl's car come in the driveway and knew it was time. I grabbed the tote bag and stuffed my purse into my tote bag and did not even check the temperature and headed out the door, so excited to see Cheryle. Even though the walk to her car was about 30 feet, I used each inch of it to sway my hips and to show off my legs and strut the best I could and found that the temperature was warm enough that I did not need a jacket anyway.

Then fear shot through my spine, as I walked to the passenger side of Cheryle's car, my next-door neighbor, Grace, came pulling in our shared driveway. I was about at the side of the car and my next door neighbor, got out of her car and said, "excuse me, who are you?". I knew this might happen at some time and kept smiling and said, "oh hi, my name is Joyce, I am Sharon's sister in law in from Calgary, in on business, and I am staying at Sharon's to cut down on costs, and you must the Grace, nice to meet you", and walked forward and shook her had and she smiled and said, "well, she has mentioned you in the past, just never knew your name", I smiled and told her that I would be staying for the week and I was just going to a business meeting with a customer. She smiled and told me that she was glad to meet me and then for a second she looked me up and down and said, "you look very nice, love your outfit", I smiled and thanked her and then continued to Cheryle's car.

I made my way to the passenger side of Cheryle's car and opened the door and slid in. she immediately made the comment, "your neighbour?", I told her yes and that was the first time she has seen me, and she asked me what I told her and told her about lying about being Sharon's sister in law. She made the comment, "my she is a cutie, what a cute butt". I giggled a little and told her that she would like her even more as she was a divorced Lesbian like she was. Cheryle smiled and licked her lips and then looked me over and said, "no need to go to the salon and get done up dear, this is only lunch!". I laughed and told her that I had not gone to the salon, I did my makeup and hair myself. She grabbed my arm and got serious and said, "you are kidding me right?, Sharon and you worked on you all morning to make you look this good right?", I said proudly, "Sharon left for work at 7:30am, and this is all me!". Cheryle shook her head as she put the car in gear and said, "dear you should think about a career as a makeup artist, not a receptionist like you claim". I laughed and told her that I took pride in the job I did and she chuckled a little and said, "should come by and work with me some day when I have a hot date, I would even pay you!", I told her I would definitely entertain the idea!, but I was more comfortable working on myself and was not working on other girls. She patted my hand and told me that I should not sell myself short!. As she drove she asked me how long I took to get looking as good as I did and she was again floored when I told her I only spent 20 minutes, she started laughing and said that she took twice as long as that to get ready for a hot date and told me that I was "something else".

With all of the flattery out of the way, I realized that I had not even tried to adjust my skirt when I slid in and it was almost at my panties and I started to tug it down and Cheryle again patted my hand and said, "no worries dear, nothing I have not seen before, including those lovely burgundy panties you are wearing". I smiled and said, "I guess not", and then started to get a good look at what Cheryle was wearing, and it was as she promised the IDENTICAL outfit to what I wore when I first met her, except her heels were low black suede heels. I complimented her on her outfit and told me it was pretty much identical to mine, she patted my hand and told me, "except you are wearing pantyhose and I am wearing thigh highs and if it was not for the fact I am on my period, would not be wearing panties". I laughed with her and then continued to compliment her on her outfit and makeup, as she did look rather striking. She laughed a little and told me that she had a very important meeting with a client first thing in the morning and wanted to make a good impression. I told her that she did with me and she smiled and then gently reached over and caressed, very gently caressed, my very exposed silky legs and commented, "Silks?", and I cooed back and caressed her exposed silky thigh and said, "I see we both made the same decision". That broke the ice and we started laughing like a couple of school girls. I then had to comment on her perfume as it was subtle and floral and I asked her what it was and she said, "passion", and told her it was amazing and she asked me about mine and when I told her she old me she had never heard of it, but found it very sweet and feminine and that she would have to look into getting some for herself.

We were both taken with one another, that it was when we were entering on the highway that Cheryle asked, "holy crap, where are we going for lunch?". Since we were almost half way to the exit for the place that Sharon and I usually went for lunch, Kelsey's, I suggested that as it had booths and we could have more privacy, Cheryle agreed. We left the highway and as we turned to go North, Cheryle reached over and gently grabbed my hand and we held hands all the way to the restaurant, and I loved it, so warm and feminine. I directed Cheryle to Kelsey's and we pulled into the parking lot, I had to laugh, it was only a month after Sharon and I had our "hen day" out and had gone there. After we parked, Cheryle grabbed her purse and I my tote bag and got out of the car, and since my skirt was almost at my waist, I carefully slid out and at the same time tugged my skirt down. Cheryle saw me and giggled and then made the comment, "and on top of the perfect makeup job, CFM's!", I looked down at my heels and said, "quite frankly, this is the height I am used to wearing". She laughed and said, "again girl, you are something else, bet you cannot wear those all day long", and I told her, "Cheryle you have a lot to learn about me, and it HAVE worn these MORE than all day long, 16 hours to be exact on one occasion". She laughed, and I loved it, our heels clicking in unison as we walked to the entrance of Kelsey's. We got to the door and Cheryle started with the chivalry and opened the door for me and commented, "Ladies first", I laughed and walked in. I was floored as we entered and the hostess said, "good afternoon ladies, would you like a booth ladies?". I spoke up and said we did, said, she smiled and said, yes and then she said, " right this way ladies". She lead us to a booth in about the middle of the restaurant and handed us our menu's and told us our waitress, Barb, was going to be along to serve us shortly.

The waitress, Barb, then came and asked "anything to drink ladies?", I chose a cooler, and then she asked Cheryle what she wanted and she chose an ice tea, and then I immediately changed my order to the same as Cheryle. After the waitress left, Cheryle commented, "you did not have to do that, change your drink order", and I quickly corrected her, "she probably thinks I am entertaining a client, and you always order what a client orders". She laughed again and told me that she had a bunch to learn, about being a business woman.

I did not even open my menu as I knew exactly what I wanted and Cheryle asked me what was good, and I told her, "practically anything", but I was going for the soup and salad. The waitress came back and took our orders (Cheryle went for the Fajitas) and Cheryle made the comment as she left, "the waitresses here should at least wear skirts, they would get better tips". Cheryle showed her Lesbian side and said, "I would love to get into her panties", motioning to the cute 20 something waitress that took our order and I had to agree she was a cutie and the fact she had no Wedding ring on meant she was single, but I also made the same comment that a skirt rather than pants was a way to go. The waitress came back and brought us our drinks and took our orders for food and at that point I told Cheryle that I had to use the ladies room and grabbed my purse and excused myself. I took the opportunity to slowly walk to the ladies room, swaying my hips and paying particular attention to putting one foot in front of the other and strutting in my 4" heels. I never looked back, but knew that Cheryle was watching me, I turned the corner for the ladies room and went in and could she Cheryle looking at me. Once in the room, I was by myself, and headed to an end stall and sat down and did my business. After I pulled up my skirt and arranged everything I went to the vanity mirror and fluffed out my hair and even though my lips were fine, I applied another coat of lipstick, just as another woman entered the ladies room and smiled at me and I smiled back. I joined Cheryle back at the table and she made the comment, "so 16 hours wearing 4" heels, and what a cute little ass you have", I blushed and told her "yes", I wore them as a date for a guy to a Wedding. She laughed and then told me part of her youth was working as an exotic dancer and that she wore heels 4" and higher for entire shifts and they were as long, or longer than 16 hours.

I laughed and asked her why she was not wearing them now, and she said, "after 2 years of stripping and wearing those night after night, you come to appreciate low heels all day my dear". That lead on to a long conversation about her erotic dancing career and she told me things that blew me away, about the Lesbian sex in the back rooms, pulling up your skirt to get screwed by the bouncers, the drugs and abuse and such, the great money, and that she was glad it was all behind her, but still liked the whole idea of showing off her body and stripping, but preferred to do in private and with females, not males. I licked my lips and smiled at her and said, "bet those are very erotic?", she smiled back and said, "perhaps you will experience a lap dance", while licking her lips as well.

Cheryle broke the erotic air that was between us and started talking to me about my web site and how she was fascinated at all of the pictures and stories and asked how many times I was actually a Bridesmaid, I laughed as I had to admit, even though the pictures tell the stories of multiple times I was a Bridesmaid, I was actually only one once for real at a genetic woman's Wedding, 300+ guests. However I stopped short at actually telling her what picture was from the actual, Wedding (she would learn what dress that was at a later time). She smiled as she sipped her iced tea and then started asking all sorts of questions about the "stories", on my web site, which I went to explain it was more like diary entries and she was floored and told me that my writing style was very probing and informative. She then went on to ask all about who took the pictures and where I rented all of the Bridesmaid and Bridal gowns from and when I told her I owned them all she nearly chocked on her ice tea!. She said, "the number of dresses in the pictures I counted were about 30 and at $300 a pop, they were almost 10 grand worth of dresses!". I laughed and said, "one word my dear, 'Ebay'", and grabbed her attention and then went on to describe all about how I had not paid more than $25 for the dresses/ensembles she saw that INCLUDED crinolines, matching satin shoes and in some cases corsages and silk bouquets. I told her all about the fact I was fascinated with the 1980's and 1990's dress styles for maids and she was floored as she was as well.

She excitedly told me that when she had to stand up for a friend last year she HATED the dress she wore as it was so boring, straight, off the shoulder, spaghetti strap style, with a matching silk wrap. She had to wear matching heels that were low and clunky, "but all the '20 something' girls loved them as they are 'so in nowadays'", she rolled her eyes and told me that she had two previously worn Bridesmaid dresses from the 90's. Once as a maid of honor and the other as a Bridesmaid, that she had to wear and to this day adores looking at the pictures and remember wearing them and how they felt and how romantic she felt when she wore them, but alas, she handed them into a consignment shop after wearing them for the day and regretted doing that. She said the most recent one was supposed to go straight to a consignment shop after the Wedding but her partner at the time convinced her otherwise and she has not got around to getting rid of it, as she wanted to forget the whole experience of the day as it was a "nightmare Wedding".

She then started asking me all about my fascination with Bridesmaid/Bridal/Formal fashions and I told her all about my love for romance as a woman, and she could totally understand. Now I love my spouse, but for some reason Cheryle was "clicking with me", more as a female, and she went on to tell me that she on occasion would get dressed up and would go to a Church and sit and watch a Wedding pretending to be a guest, just to see the Bride and the Bridesmaid's and all of the women dressed up, soaking in the ambiance of the day. She told me that she never thought of attempting to crash the reception and on some days would go to up to 4 Wedding ceremony's!. I was blown away!, and asked her that the next time she was going to be doing that to call me and I would get dressed in something special and join her!, and joked and said we could be the "long lost sisters". Sharon was not a fan doing this and not going unless you were invited, I tried once with her, but it did not work, we got all dressed up appropriately but when we got to the door of the Church she "chickened out".

She then mentioned that she had a gay male friend of hers that is always asking her "slip into something formal", to events with him, and some of them were Weddings and some business events, and she had always declined as most of the people knew she was a Lesbian and knew he was gay and thought the whole idea was "odd", but if I wanted she would tell him about me, perhaps he would like a girl like me. I told her that I was up for the idea as long it was on my terms and would love the chance to wear some of my formal fashions out in public. Cheryle had a sly smile on her face and said, "I will see what I can arrange, maybe surprise you", all the while smiling at me. I asked her to describe more about him and she told me he was 55, long divorced and of course was gay, and like her, had not found anyone long term yet, and had salt and pepper hair, decent looking and was the president of his own company and seemed to be very wealthy as he drove a really expensive car.

I was totally lost in talking about formal and Bridesmaid fashions that I forgot the reason that Cheryle had actually asked me to lunch and then point blank asked her. She smiled and looked around and then when she could see no one was looking, gently grabbed my hands and said, "Sharon, Brenda and I have been working on an idea, and I think you will like it". I smiled and told her that I knew something was up and she laughed a little and then asked me to guess what it was. I said, "I have no clue", she tugged my hands a little more and I gave up and blurted out, "I don't know, an orgy with the four of us". Cheryle rolled her eyes and said, "now that does sound interesting, as from what I have seen from pictures of Sharon she looks quite yummy, but I could never 'do' Brenda as we are co-workers".

She then squeezed my hands more and looked me deep in the eyes and said, "next weekend, I would be honored if you would be my date to Stage West Saturday evening, my treat, and afterwards I would like you to spend the evening at my apartment". I was blown away!, I told her that I did not know what to say and told her and she laughed a little and said, "how about yes!". I said I would have to check with Sharon, and she started laughing and said, "I do not think that will be necessary I told you she is a part of it and we are double dating with her and Brenda and we are sharing a booth!". I was flabbergasted and told her I would certainly go with her, and the thoughts that ran through my mind were fast and furious. She could see my confusion and told me to relax and that plans had already been made, tickets bought and salon appointments set, car arrangements set and Sharon knew all about it, my only job was to choose my outfit, the was to be Saturday April 23rd.

About this time our waitress Barb came with our food and placed it down and asked if everything was alright and I was flush and asked for a vodka cooler, basically to calm my nerves, I heard Cheryle giggle and said that she would have one as well. I was still blown away, but Cheryle maintained her composure as she started eating her lunch and smiled at me and said, "so dear, now you have to decide on what to wear for our date". I was still in shock and told Cheryle that she knew I had a massive wardrobe and a full closet of formal dresses and asked what she wanted me to wear. She giggled and said, "I hear you know Stage West, I have never been there before, wear what you are comfortable wearing". I told her ALL of my formal dresses were perfect for Stage West, but I was more interested in what she wanted to see me wearing. She thought for a bit as she munched on her salad and then looked over at me and smiled and said, "surprise me, but whatever you choose, I want you to be the best looking woman in the place". I smiled back at her and said, "romantic and feminine?, or ultra sexy?". She took a drink of her iced tea and said, "I do not care, just show off those sexy legs of yours, in a long or short dress, and for sure CFM's dear". I took a sip of my iced tea and said, "CFM's, are a given I will plan on my highest, and what are you going to be wearing?". She told me that she had her outfit already picked out a week ago and it was a secret but promised me that I had to tell her 4 days in advance what colour my outfit was going to be and I knew then that she was going to be getting me a corsage, but never said anything to her. All she told me about her outfit was there was going to be no doubt who was dating who when she picked me up. We never stopped smiling back at one another and I told her that I had a few outfits in mind and would not disappoint her, and she smiled even wider and said, "oh I have no doubt with your fashion style there are going to be women envious of what you are wearing". I laughed and made the comment with her fashion style that she too might be considered one of the best dressed women at Stage West, she smirked and said, "I may be one of the most best dressed, but will not be the most feminine". I left the conversation at that and was lost in thought of what I was going to be wearing and I barely heard Cheryle ask about the photo albums I had brought and jerked back to reality and grabbed my "favorites" album and handed it to Cheryle.

She had pretty much finished her lunch and was thumbing through the pictures and was making all sorts of comments and made the comment that many of the pictures in the album were not on my web site. She was looking one of my favorite pictures, it was one that was a fluke pose and to this day sits on the wall of my photographer's studio, and was of me in my favorite hunter green satin Bridesmaid dress, and the waitress came with our coolers and saw the pictures that Cheryle was looking at and commented, "what a nice picture, my sister wore a dress like that years ago in a Wedding and then to her Senior Prom, you look really pretty, and make a gorgeous looking Bridesmaid". I smiled and thanked her and she left and Cheryle kept looking at the album and kept on making comment after comment about the dresses and how lovely they were and that she would love a day of just being 15 years old again and playing dress up with another girl and to feel how all of the dresses felt as she really regretted getting rid of the ones she had worn, I just smiled back at her and told her "dreams do come true". She smiled and giggled and also commented on the many pictures of Sharon and I kissing and also noted that in some we had very similar or even matching dresses on. I smiled and went on tell her not only did we have similar outfits, but we had 4 matching sets of Bridesmaid dresses complete with matching heels and in one case, matching satin purses. She laughed and commented again how she had never known a woman like me, so infatuated with Wedding attire.

She then moved on to the lingerie album and I could tell she was getting potentially sexually excited judging by her facial expressions, and barely said a word, until she came to one picture of me in a black lace teddy and said, "oh my". She then closed the book and grabbed her purse and told me she had to use the ladies room and quickly left. I sipped on my cooler and thumbed through my favorites album and the waitress came back and saw I was looking and was looking at a picture of me wearing a very sexy short green lace dress and commented, "my dear you, certainly take a good picture", I smiled back her and thanked her and then and I ordered us another round of coolers, even though Cheryle had barely touched her first, but knew we were in for a long afternoon of conversation. Cheryle came back to the table and I could tell she was a little flushed and before she sat down, she carefully looked around making sure no one was looking and surprised the hell out of me by putting two fingers from her right hand right under my nose, and said, "this was your fault". I could smell a familiar musty scent and knew she had gone to the ladies room to masturbate. I said, "thought you were on your period", she told me she still was but it was "tampon change time", and she was so hot looking all of the pictures that the lingerie ones put her "over the edge and she could not help herself to get some relief". I laughed and asked what happened when she saw my web site, after all, these pictures were tame compared to those and she said, "my dear your site has given me endless hours of sexual enjoyment". I told her I was glad and that I wish I could have been there. She sipped on her cooler and then said, "my dear it has been 8 months since I have had sex, my toys are not cutting it anymore and cannot wait for next weekend, you better be ready for hours of using your mouth and tongue".

I smiled as I sipped on my cooler and said, "speaking of next weekend, what is the plan?". She said that her and Brenda would be coming to pick Sharon and I up at 4:30pm, so we should be dressed and ready for then. Of course the next stop was Stage West, where we had a booth for the 4 of us. After the show, we would be splitting up, Sharon and Brenda would be taking Brenda's car and going, "who knows where?", and she and I would be taking a short cab ride to her apartment, as it was not that far away from Stage West. She then got a devilish smile and told me that she had other ideas than what I probably was thinking about, and I should keep a very open mind. She had my attention and when I asked her she said, "well for example, as for sleeping attire leave that to me, and as for packing an overnight bag, don't bother, I will be dressing you in my clothes the next morning when we go to brunch". I smiled and told her I was game, but if that was the case, she would have to wear an outfit of mine. She smiled and said, "fine, I have a business call next Tuesday right in your area, have the outfit hanging on the back door and I will pick it up, and put everything you want me to wear with it". I told her I would, but as far as lingerie and shoes, she was on her own, as I knew we were slightly different sizes (she being a little larger than I) and did not want her to be uncomfortable for going to brunch.

With that all said, we were on our second vodka cooler each and the conversation started to get a little "looser". She then started asking about my own sexuality and what I preferred, men or women. She giggled a little when I told her that I was a Lesbian at heart, but from time to time could not resist what a man had to offer. She giggled again and said "a rock hard piece of meat to slid in your pussy", and I said, not mine it is virgin, but slide between my lipstick covered lips, yes, and when I date I men I always am on my period, 'no if ands or buts'". She continued to laugh and smile and said, "so do you have to know the man long before you take him between those lovely lipstick covered lips?". I found the question odd, but told her I was not a slut and preferred to have a wonderful romantic evening and dated "properly", if the date got really romantic, I would not let him go home frustrated. She quickly spoke up and apologized and meant no inference that I was a slut, but said, "sometimes, do you just know the moment is right and want what a man or woman has to offer no matter who they are". I laughed and had to admit that from time to time I had those thoughts and on one or two occasions had "gone for it", when the time was right.

Again thanks to the coolers, conversation was getting even looser and she started drilling me about myself and Sharon's relationship with Brad and her co-worker, Brenda. I smiled and knew I had the "upper hand" and then started to describe our relationship and she was smiling and asked how often Sharon and Brenda go out together and I told I was not sure, her but at least twice a month and she giggled a little and said, "let me guess, Wednesday evenings?". I laughed and told her yes, but asked how she knew?. She said that Brenda was always be "glowing" coming in to work on Thursday mornings to the office and when she asked her why she was in such a good mood she just smiled and on one occasion, she said, "had oysters for dinner last evening" (Cheryle knew full well that Brenda did not eat seafood knew that she was referring to eating pussy). She told me that she knew she had a new girlfriend that she was dating and found it very interesting when she found out the whole situation with Sharon, Brenda myself and Brad. Then she smiled as she sipped on her cooler and then told me that after we met for the first time, she told me all about the arrangement that I was dating Brad. She then smiled even more and asked, "is it true that the first time you pleased Brad orally you were in a Wedding gown?". I told her it was and she asked how it made me feel and I told her, "what man alive does not fantasize about getting a blowjob from his new Bride in a white Wedding dress on his Wedding night?". She laughed and asked if I would do it again, I told her I would (thinking she was talking about Brad), and said I loved wearing my Wedding gowns and it was a bonus to get orally involved with a man when wearing one.

She then smiled with long evil grin and said bluntly, "so is he 'that' big", I sipped on my drink and then asked, "what do you mean?", knowing full well what she was asking but wanted her to say it. She smiled and said, "Brad's cock, I hear he is a monster". I smiled back and said, "you could say that, but why would you care?", she told me she had no interest in hearing about a male appendage, but wanted to know if the rumors were true and I told her they were and I had experienced at least 4 times first hand. She smiled even more and said, "and I hear you are quite good at giving a blowjob", I smiled back and said, "so I have been told", she giggled and said, "well dear, a talent like that should not go to waste". I was confused at the comment as this was a Lesbian girls afternoon out and was getting a little concerned that Cheryle was not used to drinking coolers, and was rambling off a bit and saw the waitress and ordered a coffee for Cheryle.

I was done my last cooler and had to "pee like no tomorrow" and told Cheryle and she said she had to use the ladies room too and we both grabbed out purses and headed for the ladies room, our heels clicking in unison, I loved it. We entered the ladies room and knowing this one well and the fact there was only three stalls I quickly saw that we were alone inside. I knew she was hot and she said in a husky voice she was so hot and wanted me bad and I told her I wanted her too and she gently moved to me and grabbed my waist carefully, and drew me in for a kiss and slowly we kissed, no tounges just kissing. She caressed my breasts through my black lace camisole, and I did hers as well, through her white silk blouse, and then she slowly worked and moved her other hand up my skirt and silky thigh, and then the outer door of the ladies room opened and we both broke off quickly and had barely had a chance to check ourselves in the mirror and adjust our skirt suits when the woman came walking into the inner door of the ladies room. We waited for her to grab a stall and then Cheryle and I did, one on either side of her. It sounds strange, but the sound of 3 women peeing at the same time is very erotic!. Cheryle left her stall first, then the other girl, and then after I managed to get everything back up, I left the stall and I found only Cheryle at the mirror, re-applying her lipstick, I joined her and was doing the same. I smiled as I put on my lipstick and told her I hoped we would kiss like that again, but next time in private. I asked her if she was alright to drive home and she said after the coffee she would be alright, before we left the ladies room, she came and game me a light kiss, so not to ruin our lipsticks and told me that she could not wait to get her hands on me the weekend of our date.

I wish we could have held hands back to the table, but we calmly walked back and slid back into the booth and Cheryle sipped on her coffee, Cheryle continued to thumb through the photo albums and ask all sorts of questions. The waitress came and asked if we were done and we said "just the bill please", and Cheryle had the photo album open on another one of my Bridesmaid dress pictures and the waitress made the comment, "how many times have you been a Bridesmaid?", I smiled and told her 10. "she smiled and exclaimed, "WOW!, I have been one twice and has left me almost broke", I smiled and told her I managed alright and she said she would be right back with the bill. Cheryle was looking at me and sipped on her coffee and said, "liar", and I just giggled. She came with the bill and said, "have a great afternoon ladies", we thanked her and I started digging for my wallet and Cheryle told me that she would take care of it and plopped down the money for the bill. I thanked her and told me that it was her pleasure and grabbed my purse and we headed out the restaurant and as we left, the hostess said, "hope your meal was good ladies and have a good afternoon". We both smiled back and thanked her and then headed out the door to the cool spring day and to Brenda's car, our heels clicking in unison.

Brenda unlocked her car and I walked over to the passenger side and Brenda had already been seated and I immediately she noticed she had undone her jacket to expose her skirt and her skirt was so high up, I could see the bottom part of her stay ups. I slid in and put my purse at my feet and decided to play along and did not try to tug down my skirt as I sat down, but left my jacket done up and all that was peaking out was my nylon covered legs as I sat down. Cherlye started driving and I could feel the sexual tension in the car, and Cheryle made the first move and slowly slid over her hand and gently grabbed mine and I looked at her and smiled and held hers back. Not much was said during the ride, but Cheryle teased the palm of my hand with her red nailed fingers, and I looked back at her and bit my lip. She then at one point, slowly brought my hand to her silky, well exposed thigh, and put my hand on it. I took the hint and slowly started rubbing and caressing her thigh, from time to time she would moan and at one point whispered in a wanting voice, "higher", I then moved it higher and got to the bottoms of the elastic of the thigh highs and moaned, "mmmm, thigh highs, how sexy", she then told me, "never anything else dear, stockings or thigh highs, even in winter". She then slowly reached over and carefully placed her hand on my thigh and caressed a little and moaned, "oh how silky, more than mine, I will have to remember that for the Sunday when I dress you". I just smiled at her and we both continued to caress even more and it was a very gentle caress and I was really starting to get more and more turned on, and I could tell by her breathing so was she!. It was a good thing we pulled into the driveway when we did, or else Cheryle could have wrecked her car!.

Once in the driveway, and she put the car in park, she looked at me and asked if the neighbors were home and then started leaning in for a kiss, and moved towards her and we started kissing like "no tomorrow", but it was not like when Brad kissed me passionately, it was sweeter and much softer, I loved the taste of her lipstick and we gently exchanged tounges in each others mouths. It was so erotic and electric and could not help moving my hand under her skirt to gently caress the front of her panties and she moaned and could feel they were cotton. She did the same and at one point we broke our kiss to take a breath but we then started caressing each others breasts, and she groaned, "pantyhose, yuk, but love the feel of the panties, is that lace", I groaned back, "oh yes, always, but cotton?", and she again groaned and said, "always on my period dear, do not want to ruin expensive panties". We then started kissing hard again, with us now exploring our breasts with one hand and the other caressing each other's silky thighs and occasionally our panty covered crotches. After the next break for air, Cheryle commented, "oh God dear!, if I was not on my period, I would have those soft and lovely lips busy on my pussy and I love the way you kiss, sooo soft".

I groaned and then we started kissing again and then it happened, I heard a car drive up on the gravel, and knew that my neighbor came home and quickly broke our embrace and said to Cheryle, "shit!", and quickly backed off and started adjusting myself, tugging down my skirt. Cheryle was slower and said, "relax, she is a Lesbian and can understand, and I told her that I doubt she knew I was one and told her that I did not want her to think that Sharon's sister in law was a Lesbian". I wanted to get out of the car quickly and asked Cheryle how my lips were, if they were smeared and she said, "fine, now save that passion for next weekend, and this evening, I will be playing with myself thinking of you". I grabbed around for my tote bag and thanked Cheryle for the day and left the car. I thought I could head inside before my neighbor got out of her car, but she was standing right before me when I got out as she got out of her car. She paused for just a minor second and I could see her eyes look me up and down and said, "how was your business lunch?", I smiled back and she smiled and said, "hope you had fun", and I told her that it was a very productive meeting", she smiled as we walked past each other and said, "I bet".

To be continued..

So here is the offer: I AM NOT A PRO. This 38 year old, petite, passable TV, would love to entertain you if you are in my area, Toronto Ontario, as described in the story above. I love to be the girl of your dreams, and as long as I can remain the girl at all times, I would love to hear from you. I am not interested in being a TV/TS "girlfriend" and "BI" sex, but rather I will be the woman of your dreams for a wonderful and possible formal evening, I promise, you will not go home frustrated. If you are a NON-smoking male or female, that would like my company for the evening, please contact me, kisses,

Joyce Devries, MSN:

Next: Chapter 4

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