Meeting Cheryle

By Joyce Devries

Published on Jun 13, 2006


Note, this a true story, some of the names have been changed, but certainly not the events of the days!, this is taken right from my diary entry of the time.

My (email) name is Joyce Devries and of all of the adventures I have had dressed as a woman, this was the ultimate. I got courted by a true and real Lesbian Female, my spouse and her Bi female lover and my date went out for a romantic date to Stage West (, and double dated and here is diary entry for you all to enjoy.

I am 5'2", TV, live near Toronto, Ont., Canada, pass quite well as a woman and have done tons of "real life" things as a woman, this one was an awesome special, romantic adventure.


After we left the store we were giggling and then started talking about the dress and how awesome it was and how some lucky rich teenage girl was going to be wearing it in a next month to her Prom, only to have the dress probably go into storage after the Prom. About 5 stores down was a store that caters to 18 to 35 year old female fashions, called "Le Chateau", and we decided to go in and look around and I was really hoping to find my sweater. As we split up and started looking around, a really cute salesgirl, dressed in a black leather miniskirt and a white sheer blouse, showing off her white lace camisole, moderately low black pumps and sheer nude hose, came and greeted me with, "can I help you with anything Miss". I decided to not say that I was "just looking" and asked her if she could help me find the sweater and I went on to describe it and she took a minute and then told me that she knew what I was describing but apologized that she did not think they had anything like that in the store. I asked her if she knew where I might find them and she told me that they had stocked them in the fall of 2004 but she had not seen them in quite some time and again apologized, I thanked her and started to walk around.

I was bummed out and was looking to find Brenda or Cheryle and heard Cheryle call out, "Joyce over here". I went over and she and Brenda were at a rack of skirts and pulled out what was an insanely short denim pleated miniskirt, I had seen them worn by "20 something", girls and teenage girls and in the back of mind had to admit I loved it, but it was not for me. Cheryle held it up to my waist and told me I should try it on, as if I found the sweater I wanted it would be the perfect garment to compliment it. I laughed out loud and told her that there was "no way in hell" me, a 37 year old woman was going to be pull off a skirt that short and young looking. Cheryle would not let up and insisted that I at least try it on, then Brenda joined in and before I knew it the same cute salesgirl in the black leather mini came up and commented, "sure try it on, that skirt compliments great looking legs, and you have great looking legs Miss". Well that was it, she convinced me, I was going to try it on, and said I would and Cheryle handed me a size 13/14 and I followed the cute salesgirl to the back of the store where the change rooms were. She showed me the door and I went in and asked me to ask her if I needed any assistance. I slipped out of my black skirt and heels and then slipped on the denim skirt.

To say it was short was an understatement, it was "panty showing short", a guys dream for staring at girls!, I tugged it down as far as it could go and turned to look in the mirror, and saw that my red business jacket was way longer than the skirt!. I slipped off my jacket and started looking at how the skirt was and was imaging a 19 year old women wearing it, showing off her legs and wanting to get laid. About that time the salesgirl came and asked if I needed any assistance, and I told her I needed another size as the 13/14 was huge on me and she went and then came back and handed me an 11/12 poking her hand through the door with it, I put it on and found it was perfect and fit in all the right places. I left off the jacket and decided that just my blouse and skirt was how they were going to see me model the skirt, which meant allowing whoever was in the change area to see my silky white lacy camisole under my blouse, which ironically was the same as what the cute sales girl was wearing.

As I left the change room, Brenda and Cheryle, who had put me up to it, started showering me with compliments and the salesgirl was quick to chime in, telling me how it complimented my legs and how pretty they were and the skirt looked perfect on me. Also in the change area was a couple of guys waiting for their girlfriends/wives to come out of the change rooms and I could tell they were looking me up and down. To say I not beet red, would be that I was lying, there I was in a white sheer blouse, white lace camisole somewhat visible, a skirt that was insanely short, barely covering my panties, in 3" heels, and in public area being gawked at by two guys with their tongues on the ground and Brenda and Cheryle who I could somehow could tell was enjoying the show, were smiling ear to ear. After modeling around for about 5 minutes I said that the skirt was "not me", and saw the disappointment in the eyes of Sharon and Brenda. I went back into the change room and slipped out of the skirt and back into my black skirt and jacket and grabbed the jean skirts and left the change area.

I handed the two skirts to the cute salesgirl and thanked her for her help and followed Cheryle and Brenda out to the mall. We were close to the entrance of "The Bay", which is a large retail department store and both Cheryle and Brenda mentioned that they needed to stock up on nylons and that "The Bay" had a great selection and that we should check it out. I followed them loved it as we entered the lingerie section of the store that had the hosiery section. I was not in need of nylons at all, but started looking around like the other women to see if I could see anything interesting. Both Cheryle and Brenda told me that they needed to stock up on nylons as their workplace's dress code was that all females had to wear nylons at all times. I was taken back a little and asked, if they were serious, and they told me it was part of their employment contract, and again I was blown away. I then joined in and help them start looking, as we were looking for nylons that were on sale. I was the first to find some that were on sale, but were stockings, not pantyhose, and when I mentioned this, Cheryle immediately chimed up that she was interested, as she preferred stockings and garter belts as well as stay-ups compared to pantyhose. Brenda rolled her eyes and said, "only you Cheryle", and kept on looking. I was intrigued and stayed with Cheryle to help her keep looking, and she told me that she wanted "nearly black" or nude. I then asked and what denier are you looking for, and she said, "I prefer 20 for work as they last longer, but if we can find 15, they will work". I told her that I was wearing 15, and prefer it for work and wear 10 for formal occasions. She laughed and said, "my girl, you must have a bunch of disposable cash to be doing that". I laughed and told her that I must be lucky as I spent only about $10 a week on hose. She laughed and told me that one day I would have to teach her how to pull that off, I laughed back and told her I would. I asked her brand that she was looking for and was absolutely "blown away" when she mentioned that she wore the SAME kind as me and that was "Silks", by Phantom, and I had to comment to her that they were the same ones I was wearing. She laughed and said, "they make a great product and they feel so nice on".

Brenda found her pantyhose and grabbed 4 pair of nudes, and Cheryle grabbed 4 pairs of 20 denier stay ups and 4 pair of stockings, in a mix of "nearly black" and nude, as we walked to the checkout, Cheryle asked if I needed any and I told her that I bought mine on-line for a one month supply and get a great discount, almost half price from retail. She was really interested and told her what the web site was and she told me that she would definitely have to check it out. The girls paid for their hose and then we left the lingerie area and headed to the women's clothing area to look for my sweater, but alas, we did not find it, and decided that it was time to leave and I was a little disappointed, but knew that it was time. We walked back to the entrance we came in from and walked by the same mirror and I looked again at us and loved the look and loved the sound of our heels clicking in unison and how we all were dressed so similar.

We left the mall and walked back to Brenda's car and I slid in the back seat and never bothered to adjust my skirt as I slid in and basically the length as it rode up was almost to my panties, but never tugged it down, as I saw no need, it was just us girls. As we drove home Cheryle talked to me and told me she would keep her eye out at the store she found her sweater at and would let me know if they had another one and would also let Brenda know as well. They drove me back home and after we pulled in the driveway, Cheryle reached back to shake my hand and told me that it was nice to meet me and I could see that her eyes were looking down and realized that my lack of adjusting my skirt, probably meant my panties were in full view of her as she looked back, I said nothing and just shook her hand and thanked Brenda for the ride and gracefully slid out of the car, sliding my legs over and not exposing my panties any more as I got out. I walked to the front door and smiled as I saw Brenda and Cheryle leaving and reflected on a wonderful day. I then changed and showered and waited for Sharon to come home to tell her all about the day.

The week following, on a Tuesday, during the day, I got an email from Brenda and it was to call her and talk to her as she had some exciting news that she did not want to tell me via email. I picked up the email when I got home from work and she wanted me to call around 8pm when Brad was at the gym working out. 8pm came and I called her and she asked if I was dressed and I told her that I was not, and then she told me to get dressed as this news was so special I should be and when I asked what to wear, she said, "something sexy" and then to call her back. I then went to my closet and looked over my huge wardrobe and decided that my black leather miniskirt, sheer black hose and black lace blouse and silky camisole underneath, combined with 4" black patent heels was perfect and slipped into them, as well as a moderate makeup application and a very heavy application of my reddish pink formal lipstick. I felt so sexy and called Brenda back, she asked me to describe in detail what I was wearing and when I did, she said, "your are dressed perfect, now sit down and listen carefully before you comment".

I was already sitting down and she started to tell me about the car ride back to the office after dropping me at home off after our "girl's afternoon out". She told me that Cheryle was infatuated with me, and thought I was a wonderful person and so sexy and feminine, I loved the compliment, and told Brenda, but then she continued. She also told me that Cheryle figured out I was a Lesbian, or at least bisexual, by the charm bracelet I was wearing. She went on to describe that she started asking all sorts of questions, like, if I was married, single, Lesbian, Bi, etc., Brenda told me that she was all torn up inside as Cheryle is a co- worker and she did not want to lie and lead her on as she really was so attracted to me. She told me that she had made a decision and before she told me what that was, she asked me not too be mad at her. I promised her I would not be, and then she dropped the BOMB!, she had told Cheryle who and what I was and that she and Brad had been dating myself and Sharon for almost a year. She went on to say that it was a secret at her office, that Cheryle was a Lesbian, and privately, Cheryle knew that Brenda was bisexual, but the two of them had never discussed anything like this before.

To say I was pissed off would have been an understatement, Brenda destroying our trust, but I kept my cool and kept listening and then said, "so?". Then the next BOMB, "she wants a romantic date with you, as a girl, and a girl only!". At this point I was totally confused and said, "WHAT!?". Brenda calmly went on to explain that Cheryle is a rather unique woman, she was a Lesbian, single, and has an uncanny knack for trying things WAY out of the ordinary. Again I was pissed, confused and offended, was I to be an experiment of this Lesbian to humiliate me?. Brenda could hear the concern in my voice and went on to explain that Cheryle thought I was one of the most feminine creatures she had ever met, the fact I dressed, thought, talked and such so much like her that her and I were a natural match.

I should have been drinking and drunk as the thoughts of what she was saying was making my head spin. There was a huge long pause on the phone line and then Brenda asked, "Joyce, are you there sweetie?". I said I was, and then she asked if I was interested in a romantic date with Cheryle, and I told her that I was not sure, as I was so confused and then Brenda said,

"Joyce, she thinks of you as a very ultra feminine female, she is tired of dating 'butch' Lesbians, she has told me time and time again that she is, and when she saw you and your demeanor and attention to detail on your appearance, as well as that very obvious charm bracelet that screams 'I am a Lesbian!", she was taken. When I told her who and what you were she was fascinated that someone like you could carry yourself so much better than 98% of the genetic female population, and you were not a genetic female. I would say go for it!, she thinks of you nothing other than a very attractive Lesbian/Bi female.".

I was blown away and tried to figure out what was going on and then Brenda said again, "just go with it Joyce, see what happens". At that point I agreed and asked so what is next?. Brenda told me in an excited voice that she was thrilled, and that she would call Cheryle right away and let her know my decision. Cheryle would then contact me directly via email. From that point, on it was up to the two of us to arrange things if we wanted to. On the Wednesday morning was an email from Cheryle that said this, verbatim,

Joyce, it was such a joy meeting a woman that was so like me that appreciates the finer things in life, like dressing properly that I could not help but be taken by your appearance, and then when Brenda told me about you I was blown away, can you please let me know what an appropriate time is that we can chat on the phone?, as I would really like to talk with you. Please let me know as I sincerely want to get to know you more as one woman to another.

I was getting excited as I knew this was real and not a joke, and knew it was even more real when I emailed her back and told her Friday evening at 10pm, and she asked back in one of her emails, "just wear something sexy when I call and give me your number". I told Sharon and she started laughing as she knew all about it and told me that I should be picking something special for Friday night and that she would make sure the house was quiet for the call. Over the next couple of days I was reeling and was thinking about what all this meant. Cheryle and I exchanged a few emails and in one I asked her that if we could use the call to get rid of the "usual" questions, as I felt and believed I was just as much as a female as she was!. She emailed me back and told me that I was also bound by the same rules and that I was asking her and she agreed.

So Friday evening came and even this was nothing more than a phone call, but I decided to dress up, and grabbed my favorite black lace and satin lace peignoir (a gift from former boyfriend) and slipped it on, but not before a sheer black pair of stockings and black lace garter belt and 4" black patent heels. After I was dressed, put on a little blush, lipstick and eyeliner and was waiting by the phone and at 10:15pm, the phone rang and I picked it up and said hello and the first words out of Cheryl's mouth was "my God dear, I have to say, you have such a sexy sweet voice". I laughed a little and told her that I used to be a female phone sexy operator, and then she started asking all sorts of questions about when that was, and that lasted for about an hour as I told her about it. During one pause in our conversation, she asked, "so what are you wearing?", I told her and she cooed, "I would love to see that in person". I laughed and then the long and drawn out conversation started of the "usual questions", like, who I was, if I was gay, when I started dressing and why, etc., and all of that came out, which went on for about and hour and a half. She learned all about me, I also found out that she knew all about Sharon and I's relationship with Brad and Brenda. I also asked the obvious question, knowing how bi-sexual Brenda was and her sexual appetite, why she and her had not gotten together in the past, as Brenda had never mentioned anything. She laughed and said that they had in the past attempted to date and exchanged a few kisses on dates, but both of them decided that they could not carry on an intimate relationship at the same time as a professional business relationship, so they ended it quickly. Then once Brenda started seeing Sharon, she knew that Brenda's appetite for females was taken care of and it never went any further, which was about the same time Sharon started dating Brenda.

I then asked the question I had been dying to ask ever since Brenda told me about Cheryle and that was "why me", after all, I was not a genetic female and she was so attractive she could have any Lesbian she wanted. I explained this to her and she started to giggle on the other end of the phone line and went into a long explanation of her love life and was basically telling me "too much information", but I listened intently. Bottom line, she was looking for someone or something, "different", she was so tired of the "typical" (her words not mine), "Lesbian, so into themselves and concerned about the politics and forgetting about how to be a woman first." I was totally blown away and knew that Cheryle's view of the Lesbian lifestyle was way different that I was used to, but chalked it up to individual preferences. She then went on to tell me that when she saw me, she saw the perfect woman that she would love to date and told me frankly that when she found out who I was, was really disappointed, but was intrigued all the same and wanted to know more about me and was always curious about girls like me and wanted to know more. At first I was offended and was felling like a "science experiment", and she could sense that and went on to explain it was nothing of the sort and that she really found the fact that girls like me take so much care and passion at making ourselves look so presentable that it was a genuine respect and admiration she had and wanted to experience dating a woman like myself once, and told me over and over that I was the perfect match for her.

I told her that if she wanted to get to know me more that she could see my web site and pictures and stories and she said that she could not wait to see them and read the stories, I also learned she was a divorced 35 year old woman, she married at 25, was fooling herself that she was straight and divorced at 27 with no children. After that she was and in and out of relationships and was not satisfied as she had a rather hungry sexual appetite, and none shared her same desires. She asked me during the call out of the blue to again describe my outfit in detail and I did and I could tell her breathing was getting heavier and heavier and knew what was going on.

I said, "so where are your fingers Cheryle", she answered back in a husky voice, "under my skirt dear, where do you think?". I giggled and then asked her to describe her outfit, she went on to describe in great detail her outfit. She told me that she had come home from a business dinner and was wearing the same fuchsia jacket and black skirt combination that she had worn when the first time I met her, combined with a plain black satin camisole, nude stay ups and no panties, with her "favorite", 2" black satin wide heeled pumps. I could tell she was getting hotter and hotter and I kept talking like I did when I was doing phone sex for female customers and she told me that she had two fingers jammed deep into her pussy and the other hand was massaging her clit, and then I heard her grunt and knew that she had cum. After she had calmed down she said, "oh you ARE good, thank you!", "so what are you doing next Friday?", I told her I was working, but could arrange for the day off and then she asked if I wanted to get together for lunch (thinking right away she had sex in mind), she had something she wanted to talk with me about. I tried asking her what it was about and she just laughed a little and told me that we had to talk in person about it, but sex on that day was not what she was thinking about, and I laughed and told her unless it was over the phone, I hoped not.

So Friday May 2nd was arranged to be our lunch out and I got tons of emails from Sharon as well as Brenda asking me all about it and was wondering what she was going to tell me, I had a funny feeling that Sharon knew all about it and so did Brenda, but decided to play my role and waited for the lunch with Cheryle to find out what the "buzz was". We exchanged a number of emails and decided that she would be picking me up at around 11am for lunch and I told her that I was going to be dressed and ready and wearing business formal wear and she joked that it would be funny if this time I wore the fuchsia jacket and black skirt and she would be wearing the same outfit I had one when we first met, I joked back and told her that was exactly what I was planning on wearing!. Cheryle then made the comment, "and dear wear those sexy burgundy panties like you were when I first met you", I made stupid and told her that I had no clue what she was talking about. She joked, "are you kidding me, after the show you put on in the car for me", I laughed and jokingly said I had no clue what she was talking about and she said, "oh my dear I know you do", I agreed that I would after joking back with her that I did not mean to show her what I was wearing. So with the outfits picked, all I was left with was wondering of what the news that Cheryle had for me was.

The week leading up to the lunch was exciting and interesting and I could not wait for the day to come. Finally the night before came and I was all tingling and Sharon asked me what I was wearing for the date and after I told her she said, "ah yes the perfect formal business woman have a good time, and we will talk after". I asked her why we would be talking after and she just commented back, "you will see why after you meet with Cheryle", right then I knew she knew what was going on and something was up.

To be continued..

So here is the offer: I AM NOT A PRO. This 38 year old, petite, passable TV, would love to entertain you if you are in my area, Toronto Ontario, as described in the story above. I love to be the girl of your dreams, and as long as I can remain the girl at all times, I would love to hear from you. I am not interested in being a TV/TS "girlfriend" and "BI" sex, but rather I will be the woman of your dreams for a wonderful and possible formal evening, I promise, you will not go home frustrated. If you are a NON-smoking male or female, that would like my company for the evening, please contact me, kisses,

Joyce Devries, MSN:

Next: Chapter 3

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