Meeting Cheryle

By Joyce Devries

Published on Aug 7, 2006


Meeting Cheryle, Part #13

April 2005

By Joyce Devries, MSN ID:

Note, this a true story, some of the names have been changed, but certainly not the events of the days!, this is taken right from my diary entry of the time.

My (email) name is Joyce Devries and of all of the adventures I have had dressed as a woman, this was the ultimate. I got courted by a true and real Lesbian Female, my spouse and her Bi female lover and my date went out for a romantic date to Stage West (, and double dated and here is diary entry for you all to enjoy.

I am 5'2", TV, live near Toronto, Ont., Canada, pass quite well as a woman and have done tons of "real life" things as a woman, this one was an awesome special, romantic adventure.


I had left my coat at our table and went to get it, however, Paul was so hot, he told me that he definitely would be keeping me warm as we went out. So, in my tiny miniskirt and exposed legs to the cool May night wind, I held his hand as we walked to Carl's car. We got to the car and Paul opened the passenger side door and I slid in the front seat. Paul came around and he slid in the drivers seat and asked me where I thought we should go and I told him, "someplace nice and dark so I take care that nice hard piece of meat you have". Then for the first time, he reached over and started to slowly caress my silky legs and leaned in and our first kiss happened and it was long and slow, I could feel his scratchy beard as we kissed, and he kept on caressing my legs. His hands headed towards my crotch and I reached down and quickly stopped him and broke our kiss and told him, "NO!, not when I am on my period". He respected my wishes and pulled his hand away and stopped caressing me, but I quickly grabbed his hand back and put it to my legs and said, "still, enjoy the legs", he moaned and said he would. I on he other hand reached over and gently took my painted fingers and slowly caressed his bulging crotch. He moaned and started telling me how more sexy and sensuous than I was then his girlfriend (first time I officially found out he had one) and then broke the kiss and told him if it as alright for me to be doing this with him as he was attached. He told me it was fine and that they had an "open" relationship, and having casual sex with another woman was an alright thing.

I told him we should be moving the car and he quickly started the car and drove just next to a fast food restaurant in the same plaza in the lane beside the bar and turned off the car and then quickly got out of the car and came around and opened the door for me, after pushing the seats back, we crawled in like a couple of teenagers. The doors were barely closed and the dome light off and Paul leaned into me and we started kissing like no tomorrow. He was aggressive and was caressing my breasts and silky covered legs, whispering to me how hot he was and hot sexy I looked and the best part was he said, how he wished that his girlfriend had as sexy of legs as I did and wore skirts as short and perfume and makeup like me. The kissing continued for several minutes and he grabbed my right hand and pushed it onto his bulging crotch and took the hint and started caressing it through his tight jeans. He was moaning and breathing heavy and our kissing was fast and furious and finally I knew he could take no more and slowly unzipped his jeans and worked his very hard and wet cock out of his tight jeans and underwear. He was groaning as I slowly stroked it and as we kissed and the kissing got heavier and heavier, I broke our kiss and knew I wanted to suck him and asked him for a condom. I knew I had one in my purse, but felt it was his responsibility. He said, "shit", and then realized that his friend Carl might have some in his glove box. He opened the glove box and pulled out a brand new package of Trojan condoms, unopened and the regular style. I giggled and made comment that "someone stocked up". Between heavy breaths, Paul laughed and told me that Carl was a virgin and had never done anything sexually with a woman before, and the condoms were "just in case". I was blown away and told Paul, in a very sexy voice, "we have to talk after, but right now you need to cum".

I pulled out my lipstick out of my tiny purse and right in front of Paul applied a nice thick coat of my lipstick and I watched as Paul put on the condom and then as he stared at me in the eyes, I reached down and slowly stroked his throbbing member. I could see in his eyes that he was ready and gave him a light kiss and leaned over and helped him pull down his pants and underwear below his knees and then leaned down further and opened my lipstick covered lips wide and slowly engulfed his engorged member, his precum was all over the tip of his member under the condom. I am not a fan of giving blowjobs with condoms as the taste of latex is not that pleasant, but in this case not knowing his sexual history, it was the right call. I licked and sucked him up and down and he groaned telling me how hot he was and what a babe I was. I knew it was going to be a short lived job of having him cum and wrapped my lips around his member and started bobbing up and down and licking furiously and obviously he being young, before I knew it, he grabbed the back of my head and pushed it down and felt his cock jam to the back of my throat and then it started pulsing and I knew that he had cum. After he was done coming down from his orgasm, I was just sitting up and he leaned in and gave me a kiss on the cheek and told me I was incredible and wished that his girlfriend could learn to give a blowjob as good as I could. I smiled and reached down and squeezed his now limp member and said, "my pleasure".

Since he was wearing a condom, I never needed to worry about cleaning him up and started straightening myself up, Paul, pulled off the condom and opened the back window and tossed it out and the contents of his load out. I opened my purse and pulled out my lipstick and applied another coat while Paul pulled up his pants and underwear and I did my best to straighten my skirt and sweater out and fluffed out my hair to look presentable for going back to the club. I then asked Paul about his friend Carl being a virgin and asked if he was sure and he told me he was very sure as they had been best friends in school since kindergarten. Paul then inquired why I was so interested and I said, "been a while since I have popped a cherry by giving a date a special blowjob" (which I had never done). Paul smiled and kissed me on the cheek and said, "I will ask him", with a big smile. I told him that when we got back into the club I would be using the ladies room, and if the answer was yes, have him meet me on the dance floor. I knew it was a bold move, but I was intrigued in sucking a virgin off and was in the mood for more sex.

I waited for Paul to get out and come around and open the door for me and then got out and back into the front seat. Paul then got in and started the car and drove us back to the original parking spot and turned off the car and leaned over and gave me a light kiss on the cheek and told me quietly in my ear how much he enjoyed my blowjob talents and hinted if I could give his girlfriend lessons and I smiled back and said, "only if I can eat her pussy first", he smiled and said "I doubt it, she is a very uptight person", I then smiled back and said, "too bad". He then walked around and opened my door and then helped me out and we walked hand in hand back into the club. We entered the loud club and I looked over and saw that my spouse and the other girls were sitting at our table and just at the entrance of the dance floor, I let go of Paul's hand and leaned and gave him a "thank you kiss" on the cheek and with my tiny purse in hand headed right that way, making sure to look back and making eye contact with my spouse Sharon, who had a wide smile on her face. I walked past Carl who was sitting at their table and gave him a flirting smile as I entered the ladies room.

I went into the ladies room and for how busy the club was, was surprised how few women were in it. I saw that one was in a stall and two were at the mirror fluffing their hair and fixing their makeup. I went to the stall that was next to the woman already in one and hung up my purse on the stall door hanger, I hiked up my skirt and pulled down my panties, sat down and did my business. I could here other girls coming in and going out of the ladies room as I was in the stall. I loved hearing the idle feminine chatter and missed the fact that I was alone in the fact of not having a "washroom partner". I finished my business and then after adjusting my skirt and panties, grabbed my purse and left the stall for the sink and mirrors and immediately saw Cheryle standing there adjusting her lipstick and fluffing out her hair. I stood next to her and opened my purse and grabbed my lipstick and started applying another coat. Cheryle looked at me in the mirror and said, "so where did you and your new friend disappear to?". I said, "he had a little problem I helped him with", Cheryle was in the middle of fluffing out her hair and said, "let me guess, in his pants?". I looked at her in the mirror and licked my lips and with a big smile said, "oh yes!", she continued to look at me and said, "we thought that is what happened". We were alone at the mirror and she leaned over and she said, "my what a little slut we have created", as I put the top on my lipstick, said back to her, "oh you have no idea, as I plan on taking his friend who is a virgin out to the car and pop his cherry by sucking him off", I then grabbed the lip gloss and put on a healthy coating of cherry flavored gloss. Cheryle smiled back into the mirror at me as she was finishing packing her purse and reached into her purse and pulled out $40, and handed it to me and told me Sharon told me to give it to me as her and Brenda had already left, as they had to work in the morning and thought that I would be a while more at the club, and probably would get a ride home with "my new friend", but wanted me to have some money for a taxi ride home just in case. We were alone in the ladies room as the last girl that was in one of the stalls came out of a stall and quickly fluffed her hair at the sinks and left, Cheryle looked around and quickly jammed fingers under her short skirt and brought her two index fingers under my nose and said with a sly smile, "remember this my 'party girl slut', you may have another cock to suck, but this weekend you were mine, but I can lend you out one more time". She put her pussy juice soaked fingers to my lips and I took the cue and licked off her juices and tasted her for the last time.

She gave me a light kiss on the cheek and whispered in my ear, "have fun popping a cherry, I know I did this weekend and the choice of lip gloss is perfect" and reached around under my skirt to my panty covered rear and reached under my skirt and gently pushed at my hole as a reminder of the treatment she gave me and the fact I was still wearing a tampon. She smiled and then slung her purse over her shoulder and continued smiling at me and said nothing more and walked out of the ladies room as a couple more girls entered. I stuffed the $40 in my purse and closed it up and took one last look in the full length mirror and ensured everything was perfect and then left the ladies room myself.

As I walked past the table that Paul and Carl were at I saw that Paul was sitting there sipping on his drink and Carl was not and Paul just smiled at me and I knew that Carl was going to be on the dance floor. I got to the dance floor and at the exact spot I was dancing with Paul was Carl with a VERY nervous smile on his face. I placed my purse on the ledge of the window with a couple of other girls purses and turned towards Carl, and when I saw his face knew that if I was going to be popping a cherry that I was going to have to take the lead, he looked scared to death. I walked up to him with a very sexy motion and stared at him in the eyes and draped my arms on his shoulders and asked if he wanted to dance, he of course accepted and I took the lead and grabbed his hand and lead him to the dance floor. I got lucky as the song that came on was a slow song and pulled him close and started swaying back and forth with him. I could tell he was scared and told him to relax as we swayed back and forth. I glanced over at our table and had a weird feeling go through me as I saw that I truly was alone as there were other people sitting at our table and I was going to have to get home on my own and my lesbian lover for the weekend was gone. I stared into Carl's eyes as we danced and tried to give him a look that everything was alright but could tell he was very nervous. I took the lead and moved in close and leaned up to him and told him how sexy he looked and I wanted to take care of him and pulled him close and could feel the bulge in his pants was against my belly and he was rock hard. He then leaned into me and told me how sexy I was and that my legs were spectacular. I thanked him and suggested that after the song ended that we head to his car. He whispered in my ear, "are you sure?", I leaned in and very gently nibbled on his ear and said, "your cock is mine and I want it", (at that point I knew it was not me talking and it was the booze), I swear I felt his cock grow at least 2 times larger and could hear his breathing get faster and he held me tighter. I continued to tease him and would whisper in his ear telling how hot and horny I was to suck a young cock like his. The song ended and I knew the time was right, but also knew that I had to take the lead and grabbed my purse and his hand and quietly said to him we needed to find his car. I took the lead until we got outside and then he lead me to his car and was at least a gentleman and opened the passenger door and I slid in. He came around and went into the drivers seat and coyly said, so now what?. I put my hand on his and said, "drive over there and we will get into the back seat", after pointing to the place Paul and I parked, Carl started the car and drove us to the parking spot.

After parking Carl looked at me again and did not say anything, and I was giggling inside and realized that he was probably only 19 and definitely a virgin and knew condoms were not going to be needed. I told him we needed to get into the back seat and comfortable. He again was the gentleman and got out of his side and came and opened my door and we pulled the seats forward and crawled into the back seat. Once the lights were off I waited for him to make the first move, but he did not, I then gently moved my hand over and put it on his and moved his right hand to my silky exposed thighs and said, "you have been staring at them all night, now play with them". He gently started caressing my silky thighs and was telling me how smooth and sexy they were, I then took his other hand and placed it on my breasts and told him to caress them through my sweater and he did. I leaned in to him and put my face to his and gently kissed him on the lips. He was very nervous and obviously had no clue what to do, but I took the lead and finally the ice was broken as I gently stuck my tongue in his mouth, his breathing got much heavier at that point and I knew I was in total control.

Our kissing got more and more passionate and his caressing got more and more aggressive, when one of his hands went way up my silky thigh to the top of my thigh high nylons I immediately stopped our kissing and reached down and grabbed his hand and pulled it back and said, "NOT when I am on my period, leave my pussy alone". He apologized and I told him it was alight, but it was not something most women are comfortable with and told him I was one of them and I would take care of him other ways. I then reached down and slowly caressed the front of his tight jeans and like Paul his was totally rock hard. After breaking our last kiss, I took the lead and leaned down and undid his belt and in one motion, pulled down his pants and underwear to his knees. All Carl did was leaning back and moaned and I grabbed his very wet member and stared at him in the eyes and said, "are you ready", he stared back at me with pleading eyes and said, "this has never happened before". I wanted to prolong the pleasure for Carl and sat up and reached over for my tiny purse and slowly pulled out my lipstick and very, very slowly applied a very healthy coat as he stared at me and said, "well it will be my pleasure". He asked what he was supposed to do and I said, "sit back and enjoy the ride". I then very slowly leaned over and opened my lipstick covered lips and started sucking and licking his hard member, I licked like I had never done any guy before as I wanted him to remember this first time forever, all the while Carl was moaning and touching my head and telling me how good it felt. I was a little disappointed as Carl only took about 2 minutes before he blew his virgin load, and it was a ton, straight into my mouth and I swallowed as fast as I could not to lose any of it. It went on for about 20 seconds and I never let go of his member with my mouth until he started getting soft and all the while he was jerking and groaning as I sucked. I slowly sat up to him and gave him a little kiss on the cheek and asked if he liked the blowjob and though his panting said, "that was fucking incredible". I watched as he did up his pants and I opened my tiny purse and took out my lipstick and freshened my lips. As I was putting lipstick away he asked if I he could see me again and I told him, "I do not think my girlfriend would appreciate that", he then asked, "girlfriend?", and I told him that I was bisexual and that at the current time I was in a long term relationship with another woman, but from time to time I liked to take advantage of what men had to offer.

He said he understood (which I knew he did not) and we both got into the front of the car after he opened the door for me and I slid in, we drove to the same spot the car was originally and headed hand in hand back into the loud club. We walked past the dance floor to the table Paul and Carl was at and Paul was sitting there with a drink waiting for me and a huge smile on his face. Carl said he had to use the washroom and I sat down across from Paul. Paul stared at me and said, "how was he", and I commented back, "he blew like a rocket", Paul smiled and said, "bet it did not take long", and I told him not at all. I then excused myself and headed to the ladies room as I had to pee and as I looked around could see that the club was really thinning out and since I was not wearing a watch, had no clue what time it was. As I walked to the ladies room, I realized that I was glad I was not in 4" heels as I was not steady on my feet with all of the drinks I had consumed. I sort of carefully stumbled into the ladies room and quickly found a stall. I hung up my purse and quickly lowered my panties and hiked my skirt and sat and did my business. As I sat there I realized that #1, I had had a little too much to drink, and #2, I wanted to go home, but did not want either of the guys I just blew know where I lived so I wanted a taxi. I cleaned myself up and did not even bother with the opportunity of fixing my lipstick and hair and headed right out of the ladies room towards the table that Carl and Paul were sitting at.

As I walked I was again glad I was not in heels as I would have probably fallen over. I got to the table and Paul asked me if I wanted another drink as it was last call, and being a Sunday evening it was only 12:30am, and I told him I had had enough and wanted to go home. Paul grabbed my hand and said that "it would be his honor" to drive me home and I refused and told him I wanted a taxi. Paul respected that and went to the bar and asked for a taxi to be called and I told him the general area of my house and he said he would make the call and got up and headed to the bar. I looked over and saw Carl and he had a "thank you very much" look on his face as he stared at me. I was starting to fall asleep after the night before and such and again was glad I was not in 4" heels like I usually am. Paul came back and told me the taxi was to arrive within two minutes and he wanted to walk me out and wait for it and I agreed and went over and gave Carl a peck on the cheek and told him not to forget the blowjob I gave him and he said he never would, but before that he asked for my phone number, I smiled and told him that I would not give it to him but reached into my purse for a purse and on one of the napkins on the table, wrote out my hotmail email address. Paul then came and grabbed my coat and helped me slip it on my and then said, "time for you to go home my dear", then helped me stand up and then walked me out to the front of the club.

The music had actually stopped just as we were walking out and the DJ told us that the evening of entertainment was over and Paul stayed at my side and we walked out to the very cool May air. It was windy and I was glad I had on the jacket and hugged tight to Paul as with my exposed legs under my short shirt and it was getting chilly, Paul kept looking down at me, and about 30 seconds after we got out of the club, the taxi pulled up. I looked up at Paul and he lowered his lips to mine and gave me a long kiss after thanking me for the evening and I shuddered at the feel of his kiss and passion of his young lips. Then as we broke the kiss he opened the back door of the taxi and helped me slide in. I got in the back of the taxi and Paul closed the door and I let the driver knew where I lived and looked back and saw Paul waving as the taxi pulled away. I struggled to stay awake as the taxi driver got on the highway, and thought about the entire weekend and what just happened. The taxi driver never said a word to me and before I knew it we got to my house, which I noticed was completely black, Sharon had obviously already gone to bed long ago. I looked at the clock on the dashboard of the taxi and saw that it was 1:15am, and knew that I was going to be calling in sick on the Monday morning.

I opened my purse and pulled out my wallet and paid the $22 for the taxi ride and tip and thanked the taxi driver and then reached around in my purse for the key to get into the house I grabbed them. I then left the taxi and carefully walked to the back entrance and went down the short stairs to my room and struggled in the near darkness and opened the door and after turning on the lights, made my way to my bedroom. Once in my bedroom, I saw that Sharon had laid out the bed a long handmade black peignoir and wrap that another boyfriend had bought me, and Sharon had the matching one and had made and a note and a vibrator that was hers on top. I opened the note and it read:

Dear Joy,

My, my oh my, we seemed to have created a little slut monster. Cheryle called and told us that you had got tired of fish and went for beef, and after sucking the one guys cock you went out with to his car with, you were going again for his friend, or was there more guys?. Have a good sleep and I will call you tomorrow, I want to hear all about it.

Kisses, your husband Sharon

I stripped out of my clothes and into the lingerie she had laid out and left on my thigh highs and had pulled off my foundations garments and left on my latex vagina and panties and laid back. I turned on the vibrator and found the sensitive spot on my crotch and leaned back and imagined all of the images of the weekend and it was not long before I found myself exploding in my latex vagina. I had to scramble as best I could to the shower and dumped my latex vagina on the floor and cleaned up and went to my lingerie drawer and grabbed another pair of panties and then finally crawled into bed after turning off the lights and feeling my head hit the pillow was the last thing I remember.



The next day while lounging around the house in my lingerie from the night before and a housecoat, after calling in sick to work, I got an email first thing in the morning from Paul, and it was a voucher to call and have flowers delivered. I called and gave them the voucher number and told me they would be at the house in a few hours, I have no clue what they were, but appreciated the jester. Then around 4pm they came, a dozen red roses, and a dozen pink ones, the red ones from Paul and the pink from Carl.

I got an email from my spouse in the morning asking since we had the house, might I want to get together for a dinner date after she got off work?. I told her I would and she said she would call in the afternoon to confirm.

At 3pm, a courier came to the door and rang the doorbell and I opened the door and asked if I was Joyce Devries and when I told him I was, he had me sign paperwork and handed me a very large rectangular box and a smaller rectangular one. After he left I quickly opened both and in one was a Bridal gown preserve box, and when I opened I knew it was Cheryle's Wedding dress, her headpiece and crinoline and shoes. The other was the Bridesmaid dress Cheryle wore to the Wedding the year before, shoes, stole. In was a note what said,

"These are yours now, enjoy them and get good use out of them, maybe Joe will want to see you in the Wedding gown again"

Kisses, Cheryle

My spouse called the house and I spoke with her and she said, "I am in business wear, and want you too as well, so wear that sexy red outfit you wore that one time when you went to lunch". I told her the skirt was not really proper office wear, she giggled back and said, "'office sexy'", and I want you in it, and be sure to wear those silky thigh highs as well, I will pick you up at 5:30pm, after I get off, be ready and sexy".

See, "Sucking Brad", for a continuation..

So here is the offer: I AM NOT A PRO. This 38 year old, petite, passable TV, would love to entertain you if you are in my area, Toronto Ontario, as described in the story above. I love to be the girl of your dreams, and as long as I can remain the girl at all times, I would love to hear from you. I am not interested in being a TV/TS "girlfriend" and "BI" sex, but rather I will be the woman of your dreams for a wonderful and possible formal evening, I promise, you will not go home frustrated. If you are a NON-smoking male or female, that would like my company for the evening, please contact me, kisses,

Joyce Devries, MSN:

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