Meeting Cheryle

By Joyce Devries

Published on Jul 14, 2006


Note, this a true story, some of the names have been changed, but certainly not the events of the days!, this is taken right from my diary entry of the time.

My (email) name is Joyce Devries and of all of the adventures I have had dressed as a woman, this was the ultimate. I got courted by a true and real Lesbian Female, my spouse and her Bi female lover and my date went out for a romantic date to Stage West (, and double dated and here is diary entry for you all to enjoy.

I am 5'2", TV, live near Toronto, Ont., Canada, pass quite well as a woman and have done tons of "real life" things as a woman, this one was an awesome special, romantic adventure.


Cheryle started the car and started driving us home and all the while not saying much, but gently stroking my hand. Eventually we got to our place and I could see that Sharon and Brenda still were not home and we had the house to ourselves. I told Cheryle this and I thought she was going to want to head right to the bedroom, but instead she surprised me and "blurted out", "awesome!, cannot wait to see your wardrobe!". As we pulled into the driveway, I could see that my Lesbian neighbors were not home and were a little disappointed, Cheryle grabbed my dress and I grabbed for the satin pillow and my heels and we went into the house. Cheryle asked me where to hang up my dress and I took it from her and went to the front closet and hung it up and asked Cheryle to get comfortable. As I came back through the kitchen, I called out and asked Cheryle if she wanted something to drink, and she asked if I had any wine and went and poured two glasses and went and sat with her. As we sat on the couch Cheryle gently caressed my exposed silky legs, and I did he same as her and loved the feeling. We exchanged a few small kisses and as we finished the last of our glasses of wine, she said, "so sweetie, where are all of these gorgeous dresses you keep telling me about".

I stood up and grabbed her hand and then walked her downstairs, but not before both of us grabbed our purses. I brought her into the furnace room, where two very large closets, have all of my semi-formal, formal and Bridal/Bridesmaid dresses and some of my career suits. I asked her where she wanted to start and she told me that she wanted to see the formal dresses first and I opened the door and she said, "OH MY GOD!", I only have a couple and I can see you have a ton. I smiled and said, "told you so". I said, anything you want to see in particular, and she said, jokingly, "yea them all", I laughed and told her we would at it all day. She smiled at me and dove right in and started pulling out dress after dress and was handing them to me and I was hanging them up on the pipes close to the ceiling of the furnace room. As she was pulling out the dresses she commented, "my do we see a pattern to these dresses, I see you LOVE the off the shoulder look", I told her I did, and she said, you were not kidding when you said, we had similar tastes". She then pulled out one of my favorites, and it was a short black beaded and lace over satin dress. She held it up to me and said, "ah yes, the LBD, every girl has to have one in their closet". I asked what "LBD" was and she giggled and walked up to me and handed me the dress and said, "little black dress silly, now I want to see you in this, and I want to try this one on", and grabbed a floor length blue sequined off the shoulder gown and reached down and quickly pulled off her dress in one motion. She was just standing in her bra, thigh highs and heels and I told her if she was going to try the dress on, she would at least need to be in a proper bra, and grabbed her hand and as we giggled walked to my bedroom.

When we got to my bedroom, she commented it was more like an office but after showing her my lingerie drawer and casual clothing closet, she giggled and said, "quaint". I then rummaged through my lingerie drawer and knew that I had two low back strapless bras, one was a little larger than the other, and finally found my older one, that was smaller and then a slightly larger one, that was definitely prettier and handed it to Cheryle. Cheryle slowly took off lacey front closure bra and walked towards me and grabbed the strapless bra and held out her bra and smiled and kissed me a little and said, "trade?". I handed it to her and she turned and teasingly asked me to help her slip it on, and I did and as it did up the snaps, I reached around and slowly caressed her breasts and slowly kissed her neck and savored her sweet smelling perfume and squeezed her very large nipples pushing out the bra. I then released her nipples and told her to go get into the dress and I would join her and she spun around and gave me a long kiss and told me she would be waiting for me in the other room, and she left. I carefully slipped out of my sweater and then skirt, my socks, sneakers, and then finally the strapless bra I slipped on my smaller low backed strapless bra. After struggling to get it on, for modesty grabbed my comfy blue terri cloth robe and finally dug out a pair of 4" black patent heels for the dress Cheryle wanted me in and made my way to the furnace room, but not before grabbing a full length mirror for us to pose in front of.

As I got into the furnace room, Cheryle was already in the dress and was just finishing zipping it up as far as she could, and asked me to finish the zipping and I did, I also closed the snap at the top. She spun around and told me how much she loved the dress and then I looked down and saw that she had on her black patent heels and told her I would be right back. I went to my closet and dug out a pair of silver sparkly heels, 4" high and also a small sparkly silver clutch purse I bought to match the heels. As I walked back into the furnace room, I saw Cheryle walking around and modeling the dress and saw that she loved the thigh high slit, and then I handed her the heels and the purse, and she said, "Holy shit Joyce, talk about knowing how to accessorize!", she struggled a little to slip on the heels, as they were a size too small, but once on, she started parading around, while I quickly slipped out of my robe and into the short black dress. I asked her to help do me up and she did and told me how cute I looked in the dress and as I slipped on the heels she told me that the heels were perfect. She came up to me and gave me a little kiss and told me that she and I looked like we were ready to go out on a night on the town, looking for a couple of girls to "entertain", I giggled and we continued to compliment each other on the outfits.

After parading around for a few minutes, Cheryle and I spent the next hour or so, slipping in and out of several formal gowns, and I must have heard, "I am coming to raid your closets the next time I have to go to a formal occasion", about 50 times. At one point I went and got a camera at Cheryle's request and started snapping pictures of her in the dresses, as she did not want to forget how any of the dresses looked on her. She tried on a formal dress I had custom made, and dearly fell in love with it and told her that it was one I wore for new years Eve 2004, and all she could say was, "you must have looked stunning", and I told her I got tons of compliments, she smiled and said, "no doubt". When I told her that I wore it with matching satin heels and wore elbow length navy blue satin gloves and as well carried a navy blue satin clutch purse, she commented, "if I saw that entire ensemble, you would have been in serious trouble, as I would have been all over you in the ladies room". I laughed with her and told her it would have been difficult as the ladies room was always packed and lots of women were always in it. She smiled and came and gave me a kiss and told me that she would have taken me to my room and ravished me and would have enjoyed my lips on her pussy.

Cheryle, still dressed in the royal blue dress and I in a green velvet off the shoulder floor length formal, she said, "so this closet is the Bridal and Bridesmaid wear?", pointing at the closet next to the formal wear. I told her it was and after she opened it, she covered her mouth with her hands and said, "OH MY GOD, YOU HAVE TO BE KIDDING ME!". I started chuckling a little and told her, they were all mine and I had most of the accessories for them as well. She immediately started flipping through them and was speechless, all I heard from her was, "my God, where to start?". She pulled out a few and commented how retro they were and agreed with me that certainly were more feminine and "fluffy", back in the 1980's and early 90's. She then pulled out an emerald green satin creation, that was one of my favorites, with a wide- open plunging back, scalloped neckline, and a large bow at the bottom of the low back plunged the short sleeves were adorned with bows and the skirt had a built in crinoline. As Cheryle pulled it out she "squealed", "my dress, this is the dress I wore back the first time I was a Bridesmaid!, mine was royal blue, but the style is identical". She did not even ask me more and then and asked me to undo the dress she was in and I did and giggled a little and told her I would get the appropriate shoes for the dress. I left her changing out of the navy blue dress and into the green satin Bridesmaid dress, and went to my room, and grabbed the matching satin 3" heels and came in and handed them to her, and then moved around back to fasten the bow and finish zipping her up. She immediately commented on how the dress felt, and how she loved the feel of the satin as she paraded around in from of the mirror and caressing her breasts through the satin material. She had squeezed into the heels and was almost in tears, as she said that wearing the dress was bringing back so many memories and that she was really regretting getting rid of her own dress so quickly.

She then said, "alright, now I want to see the dress you wore as a Bridesmaid for real for the first time". I went and grabbed the dress and then hung it up and had Cheryle unzip me and I slipped out of my dress and heard Cheryle make all sorts of comments about how lovely the dress looked as I slipped on the dress, and once on, after Cheryle helped zip me up, excused myself and went to my room to get the matching satin 3" heels. I slipped them on and then decided on getting flowers to match my dress and grabbed some that Cheryle could pose with and walked back to the furnace room and Cheryle said, "thought so!", and grabbed the flowers and the two of us paraded around and she looked at me and commented, "now you are a pretty Bridesmaid, bet you got lots of compliments". I told her I did and really enjoyed the day as a Bridesmaid for real. She asked me to tell her about the day as we posed and complimented each other, and after the long story, she was laughing and said, "well, at least Sharon got to enjoy the reception and got a long goodnight kiss from a handsome guy, and you as well". I told her I had to admit that even today seeing my spouse kiss another woman, or a man, is no big deal, but that night was a shock, and it was my first kiss from a man as well, which was also weird. We took pictures of one another and then she started looking further through the closets with the Bridesmaid dresses in it and came across the section that I have my "Southern Belle" Bridesmaid dresses on hangers.

She immediately said again, "oh my God, look at these, they are incredible!". I told her that of all of my Bridesmaid dresses that the 3 Southern Belle dresses were among my favorites. She said, "well let's see what they look like on!", and grabbed for a red satin gown and I grabbed for a pale pink Loralie creation, one that had a built in crinoline, as I knew that I only had one very, very full crinoline for the dresses that would be appropriate for either, but wanted Cheryle to experience the very large crinoline under her Southern Belle dress. Before I got the crinoline and change into my dress, I went to my bedroom and got the matching heels for her and my dress and came back into the furnace room, and Cheryle had already stripped out the dress she was in and was in the red Southern Belle dress and asked me to finish zipper her up. She giggled at the fact that I even had matching satin heels for these, and was shocked when I told her I had many matching shoes and virtually paid nothing for them.

She was about to slip the shoes on and I stopped her and went to the closet and pulled out a very, very large crinoline I got with one of my Wedding dressing purchases on Ebay. She gasped when she saw it and asked if that was for her dress and I said it was and carefully helped her slip it on, and told her to up the strings at the waist and she would be fine. As she was doing that, I slipped out of my dress and into the Loralie pink Bridesmaid dress and managed to get it done up by myself. We both slipped on the matching heels and looked in the mirror and Cheryle commented how lovely we looked and asked how the heck she could go to the ladies room with all of the fabric under her dress and it reminded her of her own Wedding. I had fun describing the time I was a Bridesmaid for real and that the Bride had on an even bigger crinoline and I had to help her use the ladies room, and having to jam myself, her and another Bridesmaid in the stall. She also never knew that a Bridesmaid's job was to help pull down the Brides panties and pantyhose and help wipe up, as she could not have reached her crotch, when wearing such garments, she told me that somehow she managed to do it herself, wiping up that was. She had a wicked smile and said, "too bad that I was not that Bride and you my Bridesmaid helping me, I would be asking for a finger swipe or two across my clit as you wiped me up". I smiled and told her that the Bride I was standing for was another story, but that was for another time.

I broke the conversation by saying that the outfits that were not finished, and she said, "you have to be kidding me", and told her I was not, and went to the closet and pulled out a red parasol umbrella and opened it and handed it to her and she squealed and said, "wow, how cute!", I told her that I got it as part of the entire outfit and that off Ebay the outfit (without the crinoline) was bought for $15, and she could not believe it. She then started to parade around and admired the beautiful dress and I went and grabbed a pair of pink lace wrist length gloves and a pink lace parasol and joined her and she smiled and said, "now that is a very, very cute outfit, so much lace and satin, definitely a Cinderella Bridesmaid". We went and took a bunch of pictures of each other posing and such in our outfits. Finally Cheryle asked, "so you told me that you and Sharon have got a few matching Bridesmaid dresses, can we try those on?, I have an idea.", to which she had a wicked smile on her face.

I smiled back and played along and asked, "so what colour, blue, purple, green or wine?", she smiled back and said, "blue". I reached in the closet and pulled out a pair of matching Bridesmaid dresses that Sharon and I had gotten fitted and worn in a mock Wedding. They were 1990's Alfred Angelo creations and absolutely gorgeous, with wide open backs adorned by pearls and silky blue satin with slightly low cut fronts. The bodice was lace over satin and the skirt gathered around the waist and flared way out to the floor and was worn with a light crinoline. She squealed and told me how much she loved them and asked me to undo her dress and then after I did, I went to my bedroom and pulled out my matching heels for the dress and then went up to Sharon's bedroom and got her matching heels for the dress and joined Cheryle back in the furnace room. She had already gotten the dress and found one of the crinolines and slipped it on and then when I arrived she grabbed the heels and I told her that she was lucky, that Sharon was the same size as her and she slipped them on. She then told me to turn around and undid my dress and as I slipped it off and then into my matching dress, Cheryle was parading around the room enjoying the dress. After she helped me zipper up my dress, she did up the bow at the very top, and realized she needed that done as well and I did hers. After we both were all set, we grabbed flowers and started to parade around and complimented each other and then Cheryle looked at me and said, "can we go someplace with music, I want to dance with you".

I was surprised but said "sure", and she grabbed my hand and I lead her upstairs to the living room, and I turned on a soft rock station, after gently putting down our flowers, she came to me and started kissing me, slowly at first then more and more passionately. Eventually she broke the kiss and held me close and quietly started to tell me about the time she was a Bridesmaid for the first time as we slowly rocked together, hugging closely and swaying to the music. She ran her nails up and down my open back and I did the same to her as our breasts rubbed together through the lace and silk fabric, and I was loving it. She quietly whispered in my ear as we slow danced together, and said, "when I was a Bridesmaid and wore a dress like this dress, I was just discovering my lesbian desires and had a wet pussy all day gawking at the maid of honor, her name was Veronica, will you be Veronica right now?". I was lost in the passion of the moment and quietly, groaned, "of course". She then started nibbling on my ears and licking them and very quietly telling me that she dreamed at the reception at the table that she fantasized about Veronica dropping to her knees and crawling up under long gown and crinoline and licking her pussy while no one could see. She really had me going and after a long kiss and lots more caressing she broke the kiss and went and grabbed a chair in the middle of the living room, adjusted her skirt and crinoline and sat down and then used her finger to motion me to her.

I came to her and leaned and we shared a long deep kiss, then I stood back up and watched her pull her skirt and crinoline up, and said, "please Veronica, you have had me wet all day, at the church and getting ready for the Wedding, come and eat my pussy out". I carefully adjusted my own skirt and crinoline and knelt before her. Her pussy was glistening and she was not wearing any panties, only stay ups under the dress, and I smiled up at her and she gently eased my lips to her wanting pussy and as I did she lower her crinoline and skirt over my head as I slowly licked and sucked up her juices and could hear her groan. It must have been quite the site, two women in identical satin bridesmaid dresses and one with nothing more than the bottom of her skirt and matching satin heels showing out from under another's skirt. I was enjoying the licking and groaning from Cheryle, and at her request inserted three fingers in her slick pussy as I licked her swollen clit. I was at it for about 5 minutes and I heard the front door open and the giggling of my spouse Sharon and Brenda come in with one set of heels clicking.

They came into the living room, and Brenda was the first to say, "oh my what have we here?", Sharon was laughing as well and said, "hi there, I guess you are Cheryle, and I guess my wife is under there?". Cheryle groaned back, "she is the maid of honor, doing her duty". I could hear both Sharon and Brenda giggle and then say, "shall we join them?". I never heard the response as Cheryle pushed down harder on my head through her skirt and told to lick me faster and to add another finger to her wet pussy.

I continued for about another 10 or 15 minutes or so and Cheryle started grinding into my face more and more and she bucked and came. I was about to stop and she started screaming out, "NO MORE, MORE, VERONICA, MORE", I continued on and her moaning did not stop, I could feel her orgasm building and falling and then could hear the clicks of two sets of heels and obviously it was Sharon and Brenda and then Cheryle started bucking and squealing that she was cumming and eventually she stopped and told me she had enough and then I heard clapping from Sharon and Brenda, saying things like, "bravo ladies, bravo", and "what a show, what a show". Cheryle then stood up and pulled her skirt off my head and helped me to my feet and immediately drew me in for a long kiss and thanked me. I then turned around and saw that Sharon and Brenda had gone and changed into the same outfits that they had worn before.

To be continued..

So here is the offer: I AM NOT A PRO. This 38 year old, petite, passable TV, would love to entertain you if you are in my area, Toronto Ontario, as described in the story above. I love to be the girl of your dreams, and as long as I can remain the girl at all times, I would love to hear from you. I am not interested in being a TV/TS "girlfriend" and "BI" sex, but rather I will be the woman of your dreams for a wonderful and possible formal evening, I promise, you will not go home frustrated. If you are a NON-smoking male or female, that would like my company for the evening, please contact me, kisses,

Joyce Devries, MSN:

Next: Chapter 11

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