Meeting Carson

By Remy Cox

Published on Jun 7, 2001


Remy Cox (

Now again I have to say this is all a work of fiction that implies nothing about the sexuality or lifestyles of Carson Daly, Michael Owen or J.C. Chasez. This is from the depths of my mind where everything can be bent twisted and shaped into things that don't really exist. If this isn't your cup of tea don't read if it is enjoy and comments and suggestions are always welcomed.

Meeting Carson 2

I still couldn't believe what happened. The part had been moved to tonight.

I had business to take care of the last night and I didn't want to be in a bad mood, of course Carson did fix the mood and put a smile on my face. We went almost everywhere last night it seemed and when people stopped us he just blew them off. He wasn't trying to answer any questions and I wasn't trying to answer anything either. I just wanted to be there with him and enjoy our time together. My boss even tried to hold me up telling me that he needed me to do a couple of things and I wasn't trying to hear any of it actually. The merger was complete and I was going to hold him to his word. I walked out of the boardroom and didn't look back. I wasn't looking back either for the first time in my life I was looking forward and I like what I had in my sights. Nothing in my mind told me this wrong, but I knew I had some reservations, but who wouldn't have them. There was always going to be reservations and what ifs because I knew he was on a rebound here. Something could snap back or I could be the transition person and that's the worse place you ever wanted to find yourself being the transition person. Sometimes it was ok when you don't mind it when you weren't ready or looking for anything permanent because for the most part it wasn't going to happen.

I guess I was feeling a little uneasy about that the possibility that I'm totally slipping into what I'm feeling right now and that I don't have any control over what I'm feeling. I'm living out a fantasy, but it's more than that. It's my life and it's his life. I thought it would be different on some levels and it goes far beyond what I ever imagined. Closing my eyes for a moment I thought I could break right now because I had that feeling that I was going to wake up at any moment now or even worse that I would turn and he would be gone or telling me that he made a mistake. Pressing my hands together for a moment I moved towards the bathroom and just trying to keep telling myself that it was real that this was no dream and if it was I was never waking up from in. Looking into the mirror I watched the person who stared back at me so unsure of anything, but so sure of the love he felt. Was it love or was it something more, maybe something less. Maybe it wasn't anything at all. I frowned for a moment thinking that I didn't that I couldn't control it at all. I smiled for a moment trying to push those thoughts away. I couldn't let myself go there. We were both going to see where this went and I mean there's things I knew I wouldn't ordinarily be opened to but with this party I wasn't sure what to expect tonight. I mean I knew what he wanted to do part of me did even though I pushed those thoughts from my mind I knew better. Starting the shower I felt a hand slip over my shoulder and I turned towards sparkling blue eyes that brought a smile to my face instantly.

"Oh you're walking now." Carson said with a bit of a grin slipping his arms around me resting his chin on my shoulder lightly, his fingers tracing back and forth along my chest. I could stay like this forever, but today was going to be a long day. I had to go to the airport and pick up his friend one of them. He didn't tell me who though. He said they would know who I was. "You still want me to pick up your friend, Carson?" I turned towards him and he dived in for a good morning kiss letting his lips brush along my lightly and he nodded. "Yeah I want you to pick him up. It's going to be ok. I have to ride up to West Palm to pick someone up. I won't be back until a little later." I know it all sounded right, but I was just a little nervous. His arms pulled me closer to him and I could feel the hairs on his chest brushing along m smooth one and he just held me there like he never wanted to let go. It's like he knew what I was thinking and believe me not many people know what's going on upstairs in my head most of the time. I scare myself most of the time, but that's another story.

"Alright if you need me to do it." I told him looking towards his eyes. Who could resist him? Stealing another kiss he pulled me towards the shower and stepped in with me and just started lathering up my body. I shivered under his touch as his fingertips caressed my nipples. I moaned softly as he started twisting and turning them, pulling on the hardening nubs of flesh. "I never want this to end." I whispered to him as he cupped my sacs in my hand stimulated me in two spots then three as his lips brushed along my shoulders and then four when the tip of is cock brushed along my ass. "If we keep this up we're never going to get out of here." I told him.

"I know. We need to see daylight don't we? Well not all the time." He chuckled offering me another loving kiss. His tongue gliding over my own when I parted my lips. He moved down kissing along my back. His tongue dipping along the spine until he reached the small of my back. "Oh, Carson." I said in a soft breath trying to steady myself. "You're going to drive me insane." I was starting to lose my ability to speak coherently even as I let that slip out. He just smiled. I could feel his lips curling into a smile as he pressed them right above my rear opting to wait for a minute before continuing. When he did I could feel his teeth tracing along my skin in an upward motion towards my neck. When he reached the back of my neck at the base he nipped at it twice and pressed against me rubbing his cock between my cheeks. He held me close with his eyes closed. His hands moving along my body in a lingering fashion stopping here and there never staying in one spot for a moment, but he moved them back and forth, stroking me like a kitten even coaxing a purr or two out of me at times.

"Just close your eyes, luv." He told me his lips brushed along my neck and through my hair for a moment. "Just let it all take you away. Just give yourself to the sensations to the pleasure of what you're feeling. You can feel it in your stomach." They were hushed whispers his lips pressed up against the back of my ear in such a delicate manner that I could feel him there, but I couldn't. It was hard to explain. "Don't hold back, you've held back so much, but when you're with me you don't have to hold anything back. You can yell scream growl, grunt, call my name, call out to God just say something to let me know you're here with me, baby. We're here together." His hands stopped right at my chest when he said that and he pulled on my nipples, thumbing the flesh in a soft slow manner getting me closer to saying something, but even I didn't know what I was going to say. Words were lost on me at the moment. The pressure of his lips increased, as did the movement of his member between my cheeks. He speeded up and slowed down and I could feel it sliding, gliding over my private entrance. My fears melted away as I melted into him.

"Carson..." I whimpered his name as he moved his hips up against me then drew back watching as his massive member slid between my cheeks. He continued toying with me, teasing me, and torturing me it's all the same to me at the moment as he continued moving. He gave a few quick jabs along my ass and I just moaned loudly and he flung himself onto my back pulling me back and I just shuddered his hand slipping down to my own member. Fingers curled around my erection, slowly pumping it as he slowly pumped me. It was so erotic the movements that I thought I was going to loose control right here and now. He kissed my neck all over letting his tongue flick over my skin several times before lapping at the flesh finally nipping at it lightly with a soft chuckle. "What's so funny."

"Here I am hungry as a horse and the only thing that can keep me sated is you." He chuckled again letting his tongue trace along my arms as he pulled one up along the side of us while he continued the slow pumping action along my cock and ass. Nipping at my skin he purred softly just to give himself a change, but I wasn't complaining, not one bit. When he slipped his member from between my cheeks I felt his fingers dance along my ass and before I could say anything he was massaging my pucker just enjoying the sounds I was making as he teased me continuously, finger tips slipping in slightly, the brush right over the hole a finger slipping in completely to dash against my prostate. I didn't think I could take it and he had to catch me sometimes so I would fall. "I got you." He whispered and when he turned me towards his lips ran along my body and up to my lips. Tongue slipping in into the nether regions that he's been charting for the last two days. I didn't think there was anything left for him to explore, but far be it for me to stop him. He's not going to get any resistance from me, not at this point.

"Oooo." I cooed when his finger slipped into me. It was his forefinger and then his index joined it as it slid in and out of velvet passage. "Still nice and tight." He grinned. "Hmm I wonder for how long?" He teased with a wink slipping his fingers from me and proceeded to help me with my shower for real this time. Minutes were slipping by and I knew he had to get going. I wanted to return the favor, but I knew I should let him go but I did send him over board when I got to his nipples when it was time to was him. He almost came right there in the shower from the pinching, pulling, munching, suckling, tasting, nipping and nibbling it. They were red and sore by the time I was done with them, but he was already wanting more. I watched him for a moment and gave him a quick kiss before I moved into the bedroom. I slipped on a pair of jeans and a black T-shirt. "Are you sure this will be ok?" I asked him still not sure about any of this. "What if they're expecting you?" I didn't even know who I was going to meet and that was freaking me out a little too. I mean what if it was someone that would totally bitch me out. Frowning for a moment at the aspects of actually getting reamed by someone just because I was doing someone a favor, it really wasn't sitting well with me and Carson could see it in my eyes, my face everything.

"Don't worry about it." He told me bringing his hand to my face lightly. "I don't want you to worry about anything. This is your vacation. This is our time and we're going to have a blast. Remember we're going to see where this goes and you have to trust me too. I trust you implicitly." The way he said though made me think I was getting set up. Was this a good thing or a bad thing? I think it was good thing because he had that twinkle in his eyes accompanied by a curl to his lips. Oh he was up to something, but the question was what? "Who am I meeting?" He avoided that a couple of times, but before I could even question him a little more his lips brushed along mine. Silence me with a kiss will you? I wasn't complaining, or trying to get away from him. What can I say his kisses were pure bliss. I wanted to be showered in them continuously, but I knew I had to ease up so we both could get to where we needed to be. It wasn't going to be easy being apart from him, because it always felt like that if I was away from him for too long I would lose him. I mean what if he disappeared on me? I can't think like that, but I can't stop the thoughts from creeping up into my mind. They were always there, taunting and haunting me. I wanted them to go away, but they wouldn't. We woke up together; we fell a sleep together. We were in each other's almost all the time. I guess we needed time apart, but we were at that point when you didn't want to be away from each other at all.

At least that's the point that I was at, but I knew if I kept on like this, I would lose him. Carson was still on the rebound and I so wanted not to be in the position I was right now. I was the rebound person and being the rebound person really never has its ups, not in the long run. You're the transition person and that usually means sooner or later it's all going to hit and you're going to be left behind. I don't want to be left behind, but I don't want to pressure him. I'm caught in the middle of something that I need to do to protect me, but all I want to do is protect him. He's doing so many things that he's, well not that he hasn't done it before from what he told me, but not things he does on a regular basis. It's hard to believe that he's not going to recoil sooner or later. I have to set myself up to fall to protect myself, but when I'm with him all I do is float. As blissful as it feels I know the true dangers behind these feelings. I can't delude myself into think that there's no possibility of being let down, but I know it's not the only possibility. The possibilities are endless, but I have to make myself are of most of them especially the extremes.

"Hey, you ok?" Carson asked. His voice was filled with such concern. I didn't want to worry him, but what can I say I can't hide the way I feel sometimes. We can do it most of the time, even some times, but not all of the time. "I'm ok." I told him with a light smile. Could I deny him? Would he hurt me? Would I hurt him? All these questions and not enough answers. Don't live in the world of what if, live in the world of today and look forward to tomorrow. Don't dread it. Good words to live by, but hard to put into practice as they say. Slipping from his embrace I took a step back letting my hand caress his face lightly as I spoke. "You better go. You don't want to keep your guest waiting." He gave me that gorgeous smile of his and I wanted to melt right there. I'm here with Carson Daly and he wants me here with him, but you know what the more and more I thought about it. The less and less he became Carson Daly and he was starting to become Carson. I mean sure there's so many elements of his life that I hadn't been introduced to yet, but I knew they were out there. I know he wanted me here, but how much of it would I be able to take. I've heard things about people changing, and I don't want to change. I'm learning about him and he's learning all about me. We like each other for who we are even though he's a little more open than I figured him for. He told me about some of the things he would like to see me do and while it got me hot it also make me think, whoa. But not whoa in a bad way. More like that Keanu type whoa.

"So I'll see you later today?" He asked me. "You better believe it. I mean we do have a party to get ready for right?" I said with a Cheshire smile. "Oh yeah we do don't we?" That was it. I knew he was up to something. There was no doubt in my mind. Moving towards the door I grabbed a light jacket when he ran over to me giving me a kiss behind my ear. "For luck." He told me causing me to blink several times. "Luck." What do I need luck for? What was I walking into? I wanted to ask him, but I didn't. I just decided to get going before I was late. "The chauffeur knows what to do." He whispered letting his lips brush along my lips. "You don't even have to get out and believe me it'll be better if you don't. Whatever happens just trust me. You trust me right? Tell me you trust me."

He wasn't pleading but there was this look in his eyes and sound in is voice telling me, urging me to tell him that I trusted him. Not like it was a hard thing to do because I did trust him. "Of course I trust you, Carson. Why wouldn't I." Smiling he gave me another kiss behind the ear holding me close. "I'm going to be late." I whispered. "I don't want to let go." He whispered back. "But if you don't get going I know he's going to be a little peeved." Which one was I picking up? I knew it had to be the two special guests he told me about. "Who?" I let my curiosity get to me. "You'll find out." Came his reply and I wanted to scream, but I decided to just nod instead.

"Alright. I'll see you soon then." I whispered before I headed out of the room and down the hall. I just wondered for a moment. What was he up to? I mean did he really mean for all us get to get together and have a good time. I mean where would that lead? Cristian would die if he knew what I was up to, hmm. Maybe I should call him, maybe?

An hour later....

We reached the Fort Lauderdale airport in good enough time. I hoped we weren't too late. I didn't' want any one made at Carson or me for that matter. The chauffeur slipped out of the front and told me to just wait. I didn't have a problem with doing that. We were parked in a designated spot so I was doing ok. I didn't want to have the airport police coming out to tell us to move or something. The seconds dragged onto minutes and I almost dozed off until I heard the trunk pop. Jumping up I almost hit my head on the roof of the limousine. Damn it! Looking around I couldn't see who was back there with the chauffeur and the voices were muffled, but they sure were talking up a storm not to mention there was as some laughter here and there. I slid over to the opposite side to give the other guy some room when he got in. It could either be JC or Michael. I didn't know what to think at the moment. Can you say that I was kind of out of touch with myself for the moment? My heartbeat picked up a little, but I had to remember that I just spent the last two days with Carson and I had been fine. Course that didn't mean I couldn't be a just a little nervous right?

The door finally opened and I tried to play it off being cool as I casually looked over to the door. The driver smiled peeking into the back just to see. The glass was already pulled up and he looked over at me before drawing back. "Everything's fine, Mr. Owen." He said while I just blinked at the name. "Thanks mate." Came the reply and I thought I was dreaming, but it wasn't a dream. In popped his head and I saw the brown hair and then the brown/green eyes that seemed to sparkle of the Liverpool attacker himself, Michael Owen. I didn't draw back; I didn't take a breath I just watching him slip into the back of the limousine. He was much shorter than I was, but was in great shape. He was wearing a pair of jeans and an Umbro shirt. Just traveling gear I guess. Atop his head set a pair of sun glasses and he gave me what I can only call a cheeky smile. I was frozen in my spot unable to say a word until the door close bringing me out of my stupor. Was this really happening? Was he really here? He didn't say anything until the driver got in the front starting the car. "So you're the one that Carson's been shagging all this time. A sight better than Tara, but what can I say she's not my type." That accent just sent me into orbit and was giving me an immediate hard-on. Oi vey this is not happening, please tell me this isn't happening. "Now come on don't you have something to say or has a cat got your tongue? Open your gob and let something pop out." He chuckled a little leaning back into the seat waiting for me to say something as the limo began moving.

"Please to meet you..." He put his hand up before I could even finish the sentence. I guess he knew what I was going to say. I was in the limo with one of the sexiest men in the world. "Please don't say Mr. Owen. Believe me before the weekend's over you'll be calling me anything, but that unless I want you to call me that." He gave that boyish smile of his and patted the spot next to him. "Come on. Nothing to fear here." I was a little hesitant, but I made my way over towards him. Sliding once then again over to him he slipped his hand into mine giving it a firm shake. "So tell me. What do you think of the mish mash between Carson and Tara? Do you think it's really over?" That's the one thing I didn't want to hear. I didn't want to hear anything like that. I wanted to be with him, but I had to face the truth that I'm seeing more than I need to in this. I mean could it really be over or do I want it to be over? "I don't know." I looked down at my hands trying to think about what to say next. Someone had to ring reality in right, but why did it have to be now? Why did it have to be him?

"Do you want it to be over, luv? Come on speak up. I won't laugh. I promise. I give you my word, but don't clam up on me. I'm not an ogre. At least I don't think I am." He said with a soft chuckle. "You care about him don't you? Already, after how many days? It just happens like that sometimes. Sometimes we can't control what happens, but by that same token you're dancing with fire with him. He's in the middle of something that could blow up in his and your face as well." He was saying all the things I needed to hear and didn't want to hear all the same time. "There's nothing we can do about that. Carson is Carson and we all have to be true to ourselves. He loves her I know he does and you know it too and even though he's being true to himself he has to be true to his heart. You can't expect him to give it all way all at once and write her off." I wanted to cry right then and there. I wanted the car to stop. I wanted it all to stop. I wanted Michael to be silent, but he kept talking. He was ripping my heart from my chest and kicking down the field of misery and despair. "Please..."

Michael looked over at me not with a grin on his face but with the softest look because tears had started to roll down my cheek. "Oh bloody hell. I open my gob and tears roll down your sweet face, but we have to face the facts, luv. I don't want to see him hurt. He really likes you and I know he wouldn't want to see you hurt, but he might not even know he might be the one that hurts you." His words were sincere and true. It was all a fantasy I was living. "Just a fantasy.' I told him turning from him to look at the window so he wouldn't see my tear stained face. I don't want anyone's pity. I have enough of that with my family. I just wanted to shrink away, disappear. I just wanted this to last when I knew there was a strong possibility that it might not. I played the odds, but I didn't want to face them. I wanted to hope with all my heart, with all my soul that I would have him in my life for all time. Things were starting to look up for me for a change. I hadn't noticed that Michael moved closer to me, or that we weren't going back to the Biltmore at least not the same way we had come up. I just wanted to flee the limo right now, but it was when I moved that I realized how close he had gotten not to mention I could feel him behind me there pressing up against my rear. "Ian..." I thought about pushing him away when I remembered what Carson had said. He had been with him and the same time possibly? My eyes closed when his lips touched the back of my neck in a gentle back and forth motion. His tongue passing between the soft lips to run along the back of my neck as he brushed himself along my rear a little. "I can see what Carson sees in you." He whispered. "Definitely different. Not just out to be seen with him or make a name for yourself. You care. You just want someone to hold you and make love to you and I know the way Carson does it. It's intense like there's no tomorrow and then it can be gentle and sweet, but he's a man of many moods and passions, as we all are. Do you think you can stand it? Do you think you can survive them all?" I didn't answer I just let him speak. I wanted him to have his say, because the more he spoke the more I wondered if we knew each other in a former life. This soccer player, an attacker who was attacking me like I was the only one left in the world, but with gentle caresses and sweet kisses.

"I..." I didn't know what to say. This had to be a movie, something, something other than real. My mind was losing itself in the idea, the thought that someone could care about me this way. Reality, reality where are you. I wanted it close, but Michael was closer. He wanted me. I could feel it in his kisses and why, I'm not beautiful, I'm not stunning. "I'm just some thing for you guys to have a good time with." Michael stopped in his trail of kisses along my neck. "Some thing? Is that how you see yourself, Ian. You can't think of yourself like that and no we don't. If Carson thought of you as some thing, Ian, he would've left you behind long ago. He doesn't think of you as some thing and neither do I. You can't make judgements like that. You wouldn't want anyone to make judgements of you like that would you? Carson is a beautiful wonderful person who's not sure of things at the moment. If there's one thing defines him is his convictions. Once he's set his mind there's no turning back and no deciding that it was a mistake." He touched my cheek lightly kissing the side of my neck while his hand moved between my legs. "You are a beautiful passionate man and anyone with half a brain would be lucky to have you." Gasping as he began caressing through my pants I just wanted to get away for a moment to catch my breath. He just took me through an emotional upheaval and now he was trying to make out with me. "What are you doing?" I asked turning towards him. He gave me this look that said it all. I stunned the hell out of him and then he smiled sliding back some rubbing his crotch slowly. "Blood hell I don't believe it. Most would be all over me right now, but you're trapped in the emotional throws of what's happening." He chuckled a little and pulled me towards him and his eyes just told me to fight him and I did struggling with him, but it's not that I didn't want to be near him, but there was so many things going through me. I just need to get out of my system and it's like Michael knew. "Get it all out baby. Yell, scream, hell hit me, but don't let me get away with anything." He kissed me softly on the forehead and I pushed him away and he pushed me back and slipped up into my lap looking into my eyes. Youthful exuberance one could say, but it's not like I'm that far ahead of him. Three years that's all, but he smiled down at me brushing his fingers through my hair as he pulled his shirt off wearing a tank top on underneath.

My eyes looked down for a moment as he rolled us around so he was sitting and I was sitting in his lap. I was taller and bigger than he was but he was holding me up just fine. "He's a special isn't he?" I nodded. "He's your fantasy. He told me, but you know that fantasies aren't real. They don't last forever, even dreams end eventually." Thing is where is that going to leave me? Twisting in the wind? The back of his hand brushed along the side of my face as he brought me closer. Leaving his hand along the side of my face he began kissing along my neck teasing it lightly as he brought me closer to him. I could feel the rise of his member against me even as his free hand moved down to caress my ass. "Me on the other hand. I don't have anyone. Don't need anyone actually. I have all the things I want; all the things I need. Good career, great family, good life." What was he saying to me? Before I could ask him, Michael's lips brushed along mine in a lingering kiss and he began moving his hips a little to add to the sensations I was feeling at the moment. I wanted to slip away, but I couldn't. I was caught in the idea of possibilities. Was so scared at the moment. Scared of losing Carson even as the idea of did I really have him. What were we? We never said that we were in love, but it was something intense something that couldn't be understood, by most, but understood by enough. I felt myself falling out of control. I wanted Carson to catch me, but deep in my heart, my soul I knew that he might not be there to catch me.

I was expecting too much.

"Man of little words, but a lot of heart." He just looked at me with those beautiful eyes of his and I looked away. I didn't know of I felt guilty, but there was a word for what I was feeling right now. "Why did you make me feel this way. Are you doing this out of spite or personal satisfaction." I slipped from his lap and over to one of the seats along the side. "Nothing of the sort, Ian. God you Americans have a flair for the dramatic." He said shaking his head as he proceeded to slip his shirt back on. "You think I was just going to let you do what ever you wanted? Have you manipulate me like that." I rolled my eyes. "The arrogance. I don't care who you are. You can go to hell for all I care." I said simply. I wasn't playing games. I never play games. Silence drifted between us for a good portion of the ride and I wondered where the hell we were. I didn't want to be in the back with Michael Owen. He was a pretentious snob that just dashed all my hopes and tried to move in for the kill. "You know what you are?" I said in a bitter tone and a look of near hate. "What?" He sounded almost amused when he answered. "Come on, Ian, hit me with your best shot." I didn't dare look over at him because I knew he was smiling. "A cad." I spat out and I heard a muffled laugh. "A cad?" He asked curiously like he didn't know what it meant. "A cad." I told him.

"Hell I was hopping for scoundrel like Han Solo from Star Wars." I rolled my eyes looking over at him. "You're not scruffy looking enough." I bit my lip wondering for a moment and left it at that ready to dismiss him enough. "But it's always been my life's ambition to be a nerf herder." He said finally and I looked over at him and I couldn't help but smile. "He smiles." Was all he said. "And what a beautiful smile it is on such sweet lips that spit out such venom. One would think he does not have it in him, but you would be a full to do so. Called me cad I think I'm mortally wounded my friend. What would you have me do to repair the damage I've done?" That could go so many ways, but I only shrugged. I wasn't giving in. I wasn't going to give him the satisfaction. "Could I kiss thee?" He whispered moving towards me. "Could I cares thee? Could I hold thee in my arms for an eternity? What can I do to redeem myself in your eyes? Please the silence is killing me. The one and two word answers not enough to sustain me." My brow arched and I shook my head. "Football player with the soul of a poet. Who would've thought?" He smiled counting the number of words I said. "Eleven, twelve if I take the contraction apart." He moved closer ever so slowly his head turning to let our eyes fall upon one another.

"So tell me, tell me what it is I can do. What it is we can do to make what's happened between us better." I had known him all of what an hour almost and he's acting like we've known each other forever and ever. "Ian please..." He whispered reaching out to me with his hand. "You know you want to take my hand. You don't want to fight or argue. That's not the reason we're here now is it?" I could give less than a damn about the reason, but I know I was still made. I wasn't about to share this with him, but he was so damn endearing at the moment. "You do this a lot don't you?"

His brow perked up at the sound of my voice. "What? Beg? This isn't begging." He started out and I pressed my finger to his lips. "Did I say it was begging?" He kissed my finger lightly and I watched him and I could see it in his eyes. I was about to say something when I looked down. What I saw caused me to blush and look away. "What?" He looked down and saw his erection through his pants. "Oh it has a mind of it's on." He started brushing himself along my leg and I closed my eyes feel his hardening cock through his pants. God he was big. "Come on Ian tell me. If I'm not beginning what? Being a cad again, horny as a virgin bride?" He chuckled.

I shook my head. "Now you're being incorrigible." I teased. The anger was still there, but lessening with each passing moment. "Oh, but what was I being before then?" He waggled his eyebrows and pressed up against me to lean up his lips pursing together for a kiss that he wasn't getting.

"Tell me what it was about then. It was about?" He said drawing back and I decided to move closer so our lips were a hairs-inch from one another. "About you getting what you want." I whispered before my lips touched his lightly. He shivered under the kiss and I did the same. My arms slipped up around his neck and he advanced towards me pressing against me. "Oh. I don't everything I want. I wish I could, but sometimes there are some things worth wanting." I thought about what he said for a moment and it just caught me by surprise as he drew back. I wasn't sure what to think, but something told me not to write him off. I looked out the window and his hand slipped to mine as he pulled me towards him into a passionate kiss.

Our tongues slipped passed our lips, dancing around with one another in our mouths. Our hands roaming across each other's bodies. He moved down to kiss me through my shirt before he laid on top of me letting his hands caress my shoulders as he looked down at me. How I ended up on the floor again I don't know, but that's exactly where I was. Michael was looking down into my eyes and I was looking up into his, hands moving along his back to his tight ass. Caressing it lightly he smiled brushing himself against me as he teased me. Oh he loved this, but I was loved it too. Yeah he got me fired up, but...hell I don't want to think about it, not right now. He began flexing his ass a little grinning as he dived in for another kiss letting his tongue slip into my mouth. I could feel it dancing around in my mouth battling for dominance over the heated, moist chamber. His hands ran along my body slowly as he began pressing up against me some rubbing himself all over me. I gave his ass a swat and he groaned a little but didn't tell me to swat. He smiled at me with a glint in his eye. "Carson said you were an arse man." He chuckled for a moment and then thought about it. 'Come on." He moved towards the seat in the back and looked around to see where we were. "The driver's taking a scenic route." He said with a smile. The stop the chauffeur made was to fill the tank up course we both were oblivious to what he was doing. He was taking the back roads so we didn't have much to worry about.

Moving up towards the back of the limo with him he kept me on the floor and just smile. "I think you might enjoy this." He said with a smile. Kicking his shoes off I moved up but he pushed me back down. "Did I tell you to get up?" He said in a mock authoritative tone. I shook my head and slipped back down. "That's better." Putting his shoes off to the side he started to undo his belt followed by his slacks. I looked him over and saw he was wearing a jock strap. He turned slowly showing me his tight muscular ass and hamstrings. I moved up to start caressing them and he smiled with a deep growl. "Oh yeah, that's it." He looked back at me with a suggestive glance not saying anything just waiting to see what I was going to do. Sliding up slowly I began rubbing his ass lightly letting him get used to feeling my hand there before I gave it nice swat followed by a cool stream of air. I could hear Michael taking in sharp breaths as repeated the process several times until his ass was completely red. Just when he thought I was done my tongue ran along his tight cheeks, lapping at them slowly with my eyes closed. I could hear the leather of the seat making sounds as he shifted his weight. The man was in heaven. The sensations must be driving him wild at the moment. I heard him purr softly when my tongue flicked along his crack several times deliberately missing his hole each time. I wanted to dive right in and munch on his man pussy, but I knew better than that. I wanted him wet and begging for it. Part of me wanted to see how far he could be pushed. I also wanted to see what he would do. Pulling on the jockstrap I pulled his ass back to my lips kissing it lightly before I began nipping on it. "Oh fuck yeah." He growled pressing up against me but I pushed his ass back shaking my head. "Play nice now." I told him. "But I can't." He whispered. "I love what you're doing it, Ian. Fuck!" I moved around slowly so my head lay back against the seat and I looked up at him. "Beautiful view." I whispered pulling on the front of his thighs so he could sit on my face. The next minute was filled with a low grown as I began licking at his pucker and his ass slowly sucking on his tight ring of muscle sending him into orbit over and over again.

I continue flicking and darting my tongue at that tight ring of muscle several times. One of my hands moved to front of his jock to feel the member trapped within and it was already peeking out the tip of it. Taking advantage of his current state my thumb brushed right over the tip of his member and I don't know if he did it or if it as just a reflex, but it started leaking precum all over. I could feel him shudder and I nipped at his cheek to keep him going. "More..." He whispered moving his ass back and forth a little, the tip of my tongue brushing over his tight hole continuously and I don't think he had any complaints. Pulling him closer I began chewing on his hole lightly and he couldn't take and started cumming right there all of it hitting the back seat sliding down slowly as his orgasm gripped him. I didn't stop on his hole either. My tongue pressed inside and he melted against me pressing down. Pulling back to take a look at what I had did Michael fell back against me panting before pulling me into a deep kiss tasting his nether regions and not caring. Pulling me closer for a brief moment he pushed me back onto the side seat attacking me with all the energy he could muster. Where the energy came from is beyond me but he was pulling my clothing off almost ripping my shirt open. "No one's worked my ass over like that before." He panted sliding his fingers over my chest once he got my shirt off. "Oh really?" Grinning I pressed two of my fingers against his private entrance but decided to go with my forefinger, pressing it deep into him with one thrust. My finger continue burrowing into his ass until I hit pay dirt the tip of my finger brushing across his prostrate not once, but four times causing him to spasm over me. I watched as Michael's eyes rolled into the back of his head, as he let out another low moan, which was definitely encouraging.

I wasn't about to stop now that I had him going. Moving my finger in and out of his tight velvet channel, fucking him slowly with my forefinger I gave a light grin looking up into his eyes as he shudder enjoying the sensations. I enjoyed the look on his face. It was just pure pleasure. I thought he would let me keep going for a moment longer, but that wasn't the case. Pulling himself free from my grip and my finger I watched Michael slip towards the seat spreading his legs. Smiling I moved after him kissing along his legs tasting and nibbling at the succulent skin. Spreading his thighs slowly I kissed along the inside of them sucking on the tender flesh as he let out a slur of obscenities as I pulled his jock down. Pressing his hands against the seat of the limo he looked up at the moon roof realizing that we had stopped again. Didn't really care just wanted to enjoy the experience as my lips brushed over the tip of his cock. It was leaking precum like a broken faucet. My tongue slipped from confines of my mouth trailing over the tip several times spreading and tasting the liquid, savoring it. Savoring the taste of the substance I thought I would torture him a little more, but Michael had other ideas bringing his hand up under my chin to draw me into a tender kiss. It wasn't rough or forced. I could feel his hand slipping along the back of my leg up towards my ass caressing it as he pulled me closer to him. I didn't want him to let out.

Just twenty minutes ago or was it an hour I wanted to clock him and now I didn't want Michael to let me go. Pulling back for a moment I looked into his eyes so unsure about what was happening and what I was feeling until he kissed me again.

He made all my fears and uncertainties fade away. Everything that was wrong was gone. The idea that I could get left behind or just left all together fade away. I didn't want to be alone. I didn't want him to let me go. I didn't want to face the truth that Carson might go back to Tara, but being with him made it all better. His lips moved from my lips towards my neck nipping at it slowly, his hand moving down between my legs. "Mmm." He chuckled a little as he caressed me between my legs. "Not mad anymore?" He asked me with a sly grin. "Don't know what I am." I told him honestly as I held him close and he didn't say anything. He just held me to him. "What's going to happen?" It came from no where and he knew I wasn't talking about this. I was thinking about other things even as we were doing this. "I don't know Ian. I don't know." There was no right or wrong about what happened in all of the cases, but right now I had to face the fact that nothing is forever. Nothing is no matter how much you want it to be. Everything comes to an end eventually, but for now my fears and words were silenced by another tender kiss as Michael laid me on the floor and there was as a knock at the door. He looked towards the window seeing someone pressed there face against the window. I didn't say anything. His finger touched my lips lightly and he moved to see who was at the door.

From what I can see it wasn't he driver, but I wasn't at the best angle to see much except Michael's cute ass. He slid along the seat rolling the window down some and smiled at the other figure. "Hey Michael. Are you two going to get out of there soon or you still putting him through hell?" Michael looked back at me for a moment then towards the person on the other side of the glass. "What do you think, JC?" He asked him smiling at the other guy. I heard the name and wondered where we were. "Michael?" I got up slowly and he opened the door pulling JC. JC blinked a little looking us both over and just looked to Michael as Michael pulled the door close. "Where is he?" He asked him knowing something wasn't right. "Where is he?" He stated again and I could only assume he meant Carson. "He made a stop in town. Said he needed to get some things." JC could smell the sex in the air and glancing at the current state that Michael and I were in was just giving him more and more ideas as he looked to Michael with a light grin. "So?" Licking his lips JC moved down to the floor towards me to look me over. "Are we going to stay in here or are we going inside." JC straddled me right looking over at Michael in a seductive manner his hands sliding along my shoulders lightly waiting for Michael to say something before he made his next move but I could feel he was all to ready to have some fun. Michael moved towards JC, brushing his fingers through the eager beaver's hair. Leaning up slowly JC caught my lips in a soft kiss his hands slipping around my body as he moaned shifting against me slowly. I could feel Michael's hand along my shoulder as well and then his lips along my cheek as JC drew back slowly and we began a three-way kiss. My hands ran along Michael's thigh, my other hand found it's way along JC's back. "Mmm definitely a keeper." JC murmured letting his fingers dance along my chest.

Michael looked to JC and kissed him softly. "I know." He said solemnly drawing back to look at us both. "You know?" It was like I wasn't there for a moment, but JCs eyes reminded me that I was. He looked to me several times before slipping to the side seat. I stay on the floor not sure what to say or do. "Yeah I know." Michael said with a chuckle as he pulled his jock back up. JC wasn't sure what to make of the statement and I wasn't sure what to make of it either, but soon it wouldn't matter because Michael was pulling me up towards him so I could sit with him. I was definitely being pulled in different directions, but I didn't care. I just let my headrest against his thighs smelling the intoxication scent of his sex as his fingers drifted through my hair. JC on the other hand brought himself closer to us to see what was really going on. He looked in our eyes and in mind all he saw was uncertainty and in Michael's he saw something he rarely saw, but decided not to comment. Instead he chose to let his lips brush along my neck turning me on my back working at my belt. Michael's eyes met mine, but he said nothing nor did I. I just arched my back letting what was happening take place. JC's hands moving along my body in a manner that would make even the most conservative person would give in. "Stop." Michael said finally drawing his hand along my face. "Not here." He told JC. "Not like this." I don't think he was jealous, but the limo held a certain special meaning to him and he wasn't about to let it go. "Let's go inside." He picked up the phone and moments latter the limo started and pulled in around to the side of the mansion. I didn't know where we had ended up, but I wasn't complaining.

To be continued

I delayed putting this portion out just to give myself time to think it over and see if it's what I wanted to go out with the turn of events. Just what does Michael mean? If you don't know who Michael Owen is then you're doing yourself a great disservice. :) Look him up on the net believe me you won't be disappointed. Some of you may be guessing what may happen, but all I can say one never knows what can happen. Will Ian and Carson be together? Will Michael sweep Ian away though he's being a bloody bastard about it at times? Is JC sweet or just a minx looking to shag a couple of people? Who else is going to be pulled into this? One can only imagine or suggest. ;)

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