Meeting Biker Charlie

By matt gurou

Published on Nov 30, 2004



A Pleasant Ass On The Road

Muscular and big Thom turns down the sound of "Silver Bells" and gently opens his car door. The coldness hits him like a rock at his face as he places one foot on the snowy ground underneath him. The other foot goes down and Thom plants himself up right looking in both directions to see if anyone else was on the road that might give him a hand. He wasn't much for hitchhiking, and he knew the danger that could await him if he had done so, but he was so tired to even care.

He drops down to look under the car. His face numb from the snow embedding it. "Fuck" Thom says. Over and over he keeps repeating it. "FUCK!" He kicks his bumper. He screams as loud as he can but no can here. Just as he was going back to get in to his big ford truck, he notices the front light of a motorcycle blazing in front of him.

The man approaches him with his motorcycle. Even bigger than Thom. He introduces himself as Charlie. "Need any help?" Charlie yells. "I got a bunch of big tools here. Let me get them off of the back here." Charlie reaches back and pulls out his box of tools. He throws the case over to Thom. The case goes flying through the air, and Thom, still not overcoming that "fear of the ball" catching phobia, he lets the box of tools fly on the ground.

"Ha. Might want to work on your catching skills, huh buddy?" Charlie said in his manly voice. The laughter turned into shock when he saw Thom's cute little bubble butt fly into the air as Thom went down to pick up the tools. The sweat pants that Thom had been wearing shaped the two rounded globes showed directly where to insert the tools. Thom came up and looked back just to make sure the cyclist was still there, and not preparing to leave on him. On Thom's way down to picking up the tools, his sweat pants and boxers went a little down on him. A part of his crack was exposed.

"On second thought -- I could give you a ride. For a price" Charlie said. Acting like he had never seen that luscious crack. "What do I have to do?" He said. "Well -- I have to go in to that forest for a report. Over there" Charlie was pointing to the forest in front of Thom. Thom looked at the forest. He was a little uneasy, I mean he didn't think their were any ghosts, but it seemed a bit that this big biker wanted to go in to a forest to do a report.

Charlie threw a helmet over at Thom. Lucky for Thom, he reached out his arms and caught it in his hands. He put it on, and felt excited about his first motorcycle ride with this complete stranger. He wasn't a gay man, but he did notice when a man was attractive, and Thom seemed attracted to Charlie. Charlie had a definite stamp on Thom. His ass was going to be his by the end of the night, and it wouldn't be rape. It would be the choice of Thom.

As Thom climbed on the back of Charlie and wrapped his big muscular arms around Charlie's sexy waist. "Feel what I have underneath it" Charlie said. Thom pondered on the fact of the cyclists orientation, but as a bodybuilder, he was interested to feel what he had underneath the drivers thick shirt. He was also worried that the driver would become cold by the snow falling from the sky. Thom thought it'd be best to let the worrying escape, and he felt more enticed to feel this guys stomach. He lifted up the shirt, and rubbed his hand feeling Charlie's abs. Thom felt a stir in his pants from how quiet Charlie was, and how sexy his hand was moving about Charlie's luscious abs.

As Charlie approached the forest, he got off the motorcycle and told Thom to stay put. Thom, being the epitome of a dumb ass, followed Charlie's instructions. Charlie was gone for not more than a minute when he appeared naked. A pack of snow covering is genitals, and a firm line of snow guarding his forbidden crack. Thom dropped his jaw in aw, and was frozen solid by what he had seen. Charlie didn't shiver or anything. He was so sexy -- it made Thom want to climb out of his skin.

"As I promised you. I'll give you a ride home, for a price. Now I promise not to hurt you in any way shape or form. All I ask you, is to get off that motorcycle, and drop to your knees."

Thom heard sirens coming from the road. The sirens got closer and closer when a cop car approached the forest. Thom on his knees. Charlie naked. The cop stepped out of his car, and walked towards the men. The cop was an African American and looked as if he were seven feet tall. He looked muscled, like Charlie and Thom.

"Sorry I interrupted you boys" The cop said, as he started unbuttoning his cop shirt. "But uh, you know. This is a case of public indecency" The cops shirt was off and his beautiful six pack and hot pecks were visible. He continued getting undressed by unbuttoning his pants. "This is a public place, guys. Sexual activity is not allowed. I don't care how empty this place is" The cop stepped out of his pants. His black 2xist jock strap was now visible for the both of them to see. It framed his package nicely. The cop was sure hung as a horse. He continued by taking off his shoes and socks. "I guess you guys will just have to do me a favor -- that is -- unless you guys want to spend your night at a police office" The cop said in a evil tone. Blackmail was a bitch. The cop finally, and slowly, took off his jockstrap revealing his beautiful penis to the world. Thom was sick with embarrassment and Charlie was planning on making the cop his bitch.

Charlie had broken the law many other ways before. He'd done GTA before, he brought illegal drugs in from Columbia to the U.S, and he was one of those bad ass bikers. Why would he not rape this handsome looking cop? He'd never had sex with someone black or brown before. Let alone make him a bitch. He knew how illegal it would be to do such a thing -- but look at this cop?! Using his powers to make Charlie get on his knees and orally pleasure him. Blackmail. Now that's illegal in my book.

"Turn around cop! I want to see that sexy ass of yours" Charlie had a plan. The cop turned around and because it had gotten dark outside, Charlie could not see the cute little ass of the cop. Tightened at all. "Ha. You little faggot biker you. All naked and shit. You got snow on your fucking crotch for Christ sakes. What a fucking pussy faggot boy. It's pussy faggots like you that deserve to be on your knees licking my fat throbbing cock. Now you want tolook at my ass? HA! This is going to just make the fellas at the station crazy. We prowl at night for faggots like you. Not to many faggots do this shit in public. We usually have to work to find our faggots, but I caught you fellas" The cop was being an asshole, and Charlie was going to give the cop a wild surprise.

Charlie crawled up to the cops ass and spread it wide. The cop pushed Charlies face in the black ass. "I took a large shit before I got out on the road. Can you smell that ass? Does it smell good down there? I bet!" The cop rambled on with arrogance in his tone. Charlie noticed that the cops ass was infact wide. It was definetly not a virgin ass. Charlie laughed in his biker tone. "You're a fucking faggot ass yourself." And with this big muscular arms and hands of his, He reached out around the black mans stomach, and punched his belly. The cop dove face first in the snow. He was knocked unconscience.

"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?" Thom screamed at Charlie. "YOU KILLED HIM!" Thom wasn't thinking like a true fighter. "Shut up dick-for-brains you stupid shit! I knocked him unconscience you dumb fuck! And now I'm about to fuck the brains out of this sick and pathetic bastard. He had it coming from the moment he attempted rape on our sweet little asses. My big ass. I guess you got a big ass too. I'm sure you're glad I'm not fucking it. But you're going to have to help"

Thom was appauled "Why the fuck do you want me to do anything? I'm an innocent man. My fucking truck broke down. You're a biker. What the fuck are you doing out in the winter anyways? Are you high off of crack? It's as slippery as a fucking ice rink you dumbass. So don't sit here and call me a dumbass. You're an asshole, and you've pissed me off big time. Go ahead. Fuck this man. But I'm getting the hell out of here."

"Okay. I'll ride you to wherever the fuck you need to go. Or a nearest gas station. I promise you. I keep my promises, okay dip shit? Just help me fuck this black man and I'll take you where ever you want to go." Charlie said. It was extremely unusual, and unexpected of Charlie. He didn't make deals, and he was usually the boss and if he wanted somebody to do something, he normally didn't have to negotiate. So he was going to make sure that Thom really did something.

"Thom come over here" Shouted Charlie. Thom dragged himself over to the naked cop. He must've been freezing in the snow. How can the two deal with it? It was practically 10 degrees below zero, and both of these men were naked!

"Okay I want you to give this man a rim job. Okay? It'll lubricate him before I fuck him up his ass." Charlie demanded at Thom. Thom looked puzzled, "What's a rim job?" He said. Charlie took a look at Thom, and definetly made Thom feel like a retard. "It's when you lick an asshole. Guy or girl. Orally satisfying the anus" Charlie said.

"You sick fuck! My mouth isn't going near that anus!" Thom yelled. "Well, you have no choice now do you? Now get down their and lick his ass!" Thom was thinking about how the man stated the large dumb he had had earlier in the day. That didn't help the fact that he was actually going to lick where waste comes out. Dirt, mostly. Hairy. Sweaty. Smelly. It's like a nightmare, this whole night. "Go on now. Lick it up. It's not that bad -- trust me. I got raped before. When I was 10 or so. A man told me to lick his ass, and I stabbed him in the belly. His ass was so good, I licked his dead ass. I'm not exactly gay though. I'm so confused with shit -- and I'm a biker and shit. It's just an image. But I do have some muscles. Anyways I'm not going to fucking ramble, I've got a thick hard cock and I want my orgasm and I won't enjoy it unless you lick this assholes asshole. Hear me loud and clear fucker? NOW DO IT!" Charlie said.

Thom kneeled down, and dug his face in to the unconscience black cops dirty asshole. He stretched the buns of steel and swished along the sides of the whole. It was by far satisfying. Asshole tasted totally different that shit, at least to Thom that is. It had a sweeter scent. It was unlike anything Thom had felt before.

"Okay times up. Like that licking?" The biker took Thom and jabbed his tongue into Thom's mouth. He wanted a good taste of the asshole. He loved the taste and breath of a man who had just rimmed somebody. He used to make other bikers rim him, and than he'd make out with them -- tasting his ass -- right afterwards. Thom was passionate in this kiss. He felt an odd sexy connection between him and Charlie. As if they were meant to be together, even if both had a totally different life. After all, both of them weren't gay, but drawn to how sexy and naughty this was. Like a hot sweaty college frat experiment.

"Now I'm going to get me that orgasm I've been longing for" Charlie said, pulling his tongue away from Thom's mouth. Thom didn't want this kiss to end, but he knew that Charlie had a destination. So did he. So Charlie went down to the black cop, and put him in a fucking formation. He stuck his big thick cock in the cop, and the cop woke up. Charlie kept jabbing at the mans asshole. The cop squealed and he grabbed onto one of the low hanging branches. Charlie said "How do you like being raped, you asshole cop!"

The cop just moaned. As if he were taking this well. As if this was the way he wanted things to happen. Maybe he was just high off of crack, or something. The cop still moaned with more and more pleasure. The cop kept screaming "FUCK ME, FUCK ME, Oh yeah FUCK ME" And Charlie laughed as he put his thick cock in the cops ass. "Oh yeah bitch. Oh yeah," Than as the strokes got faster, the cops moans got louder. Finally Charlie relaxed. The tension was flushed out of his body, and he pulled out his oozing cock. He shook it all over the cops back. The cum erupting from his thick penis like a volcano.

"Okay let's go let's go!" Charlie said. They both ran. Charlie went and got his pants back on, but he couldn't find his shirt so he just hopped on the motorcycle. Thom thought "Fuck the helmet" as he hopped on and they blazed off. The cop shot a couple of bullets at them as they drove past. They missed. Thom was so fucked up from the nights activities, that the bullets weren't a big deal. Charlie just thought that it'd be best to hurray off.

After awhile of chasing, the cop had lost them. They didn't run in to any trouble with police, later on as they were driving to the directions that Thom had given Charlie. Thom had been in a daze. Drooling over the touch of Charlie's abs. He had slipped his hands down Charlie's pants and felt his meaty cheeks. He squeezed them and went around to feel Charlie's hard cock. Charlie was pissed at how Thom had been teasing him.

Than they were about to arrive at Thom's destination at the home of his family. Charlie hadn't out a card with an address written kind of sloppily on it. "Yeah. That's it. If you ever are in the need^Åof a good ride, just stop by or call my house. It's all on that card. If you need directions, just go on It's the shit!" They both laughed. Charlie, almost there, felt Thom stroking his gigantic cock. He rubbed it gently and when they arrived at the home, Charlie erupted.

"Nice meeting you Thom" Charlie said.

"Nice meeting you too, Charlie" Thom said. "Thanks for the ride"

Then Thom was off into the home of his family.

"How was your ride here? I hope you didn't run in to any problems!" Thom's mother stated. "Nah I had a great time. It was the best damn ride I've ever had" Thom said.

The END of PART 1








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