Meeting at the Beach

By Dov Bear

Published on Jun 3, 2002



Disclaimer: This story concerns homosexual men and their sexual activities. It was inspired by events that might have happened, but didn't. This tale is entirely fictional. If there are any similarities to actual people, places or events, it is purely coincidental. If you are under 18 or if reading this story would be illegal for you in your area or if you don't like the subject matter, please leave now. Otherwise read on and the author hopes you enjoy it.

Meeting at the beach

It was about sunset. After a long day of harsh negotiations, I could, finally, take a break, have a beer, and put my ideas in order...

This was not my first visit to Tel-Aviv. I work for a large electronics company in the field of defense. I have been involved with defense activities most of my life. I enrolled in the Army when I was 17, made my tours of duty, climbed the ladder of the military career in the Communications Corps, until I was "promoted" to civil life with the rank of lieutenant colonel and an M. Sc. EE. degree. It was then that I joined the company I am working for, and, using my technical and military background, together with my personnel management skills, I became "Regional Sales Manager for Europe & Middle East" - which is a very impressive title for a well-paid traveling salesman.

During some of my previous visits to Israel, I managed to close a few interesting deals, and built a very close relation with some bright young officers, that helped me push my projects. So, here I am, after a hard day's work, at the bar, on the beach. I drop my blue blazer, loosen up my tie, open up my shirt, take off my shoes and socks, sit at a table, playing with my feet on the sand and get my ice-cold beer.

The hour is that magic hour when everything gets bathed in the warm gold of sunset. I let my thoughts drift away. In front of me, back lit by the setting sun, a group of hunks play volleyball.

So, what have I got: Good business is brewing, I don't have any immediate preoccupations, the kids are studying in college and my wife is either tending the garden or teaching art at the local University... I am at peace with the world.

I sip my beer and let my thoughts wander. What else can I ask from life? I look at the guys playing in front of me: the dying sun paints a golden halo around them, breaking its rays in their body hair. They look like dark silhouettes, framed by a gold line. They play just for the sake of playing. Like they would be just playing for me. Their hard bodies shine, sweating under the sun... I look at them and drawl.

Please, don't get me wrong, I am very happy with my wife and my life, but if I must, I should confess that once upon a time, during one of my tours of duty, it happened that a guy and I got very close - you know, the heath of the tent, the distance from home, the hormones boiling, a few glasses too many...

I should recognize as well, I enjoy looking at strong, beautiful men, being in their company. But that's it. Most of the time... Besides, what is the harm to sit here, at peace with the world, on the beach and fantasize...?

Then, one of the guys jumped high, hit the ball with all his strength, a blond, muscular giant tried to catch it, but the angle was impossible, the ball bounced and both, ball and player landed at my feet, among a cloud of sand. Before I could react, the guy broke in apologies, stopped and said: - "Colonel? I am very sorry, Sir, I didn't recognize you"... - "Watch what you do... What the heck?... - Is that you, Lieutenant?" The guy laughed. - "It's Captain today, Colonel, and that thanks to the project you sold us. I'm glad you did recognize me - it is over a year since the last time we met".

As if I could have forgotten! At that time, over a year ago, we were discussing a very important project, the most important one I had dealt till then, a decisive project that would either get me promoted or sacked. And this young Lieutenant was finding problems and rising objections to any proposal I made. And if that was not enough, he was even discussing with higher-ranking officers that seemed to be convinced! I thought I'd kill him! But then I began to listen to the objections, and a new light began to rise in my mind... This guy's objections came from real field experience! - He really understood what to expect from our products, he could pinpoint what was missing there and how to make the project succeed!

Like crazy, I scribbled down his objections, my ideas and every possible association. That night I had a pair of long phone calls with my engineering teams - one to describe the problems, the other to gather solutions, then prepare my presentation. After a night with no-sleep and a few jugs of black coffee, I gave the best presentation of my life. Later, we had a free discussion, during which I could feel the change in the audience: that "pain-in-the-ass", young Lieutenant, instead of rising new objections, was in fact supporting me in front of his superiors! Once he understood the modifications I proposed, based on the ideas and sketches of my presentation, he helped me close the deal - and my company got one of the most successful projects we ever had. I was really in-debt to this guy. Perhaps it was more than that. Some kind of closeness I could not explain.

-"Yes, Yaron, it's over a year. Glad to see you again. What are you doing here? I thought you lived in Jerusalem."

"- You're right! My wife and baby are at home in Jerusalem, but tonight I will be staying here: I made a few suggestions for improvements to another project I'm in charge of - which perhaps I'd like to discuss with you, and they called me here for a series of meetings."

"I have just finished my last meeting today, I have another meeting tomorrow at 06:00 and a friend of mine will be the soloist at the Israel Philharmonic concert tonight. So I will stay in Tel-Aviv for the night. I was just playing ball with the guys, before I go to the Soldier's Residence for a shower, a shave and dressing decently for the concert."

"-Your baby? A concert? You love classical music?"

"-Guilty on all counts, Colonel! Danny is three months old, and I myself used to play the flute with the Young Philharmonic Orchestra!"

"- I didn't know! Congratulations for your Danny!"

It was difficult for me to put all those pieces together! In front of me stood the most handsome exemplar of a human male, his strong, bare chest covered with soft, velvety blond hair, that, with its slight shadow, added to the definition of his worked-out pecs, with patches of sand clinging to it, due to the sweat of the game, a darker trail going down, under his shorts, looking at me with clear blue eyes, full of respect and something that looked like admiration, and speaking to me about family, military projects and classical music... I tried to erase from my mind all lustful thoughts I might have harbored and said:

"- Well, Yaron, if you want to discuss anything, business or whatever, I don't have any other plans for tonight, we can have a beer here, or at my hotel, or if you want, have dinner - either before or after your concert."

"- Would you like to join me for the concert? I have two tickets, third row, in the middle. My friend's treat! He is a promising young violinist; he has studied with Isaac Stern."

"- Deal! Dinner - my treat. So, what did you want to discuss with me?"

Yaron asked for a moment, shouted something I did not understand to his friends, throwed them the ball back, run away to where he had left his things and came back carrying an army rucksack.

"- Sorry Colonel, but perhaps I should go to the Soldier's Residence before we begin speaking business. I cannot meet with you like this. I must take a shower."

My nose told me he was right, but I didn't bother, or perhaps I did even enjoy the rough smell of the sweaty hunk.

"- As you wish. But you can come to my hotel, two blocks from here, and shower there. I'll have to take a shower myself..."

I couldn't believe I had said that. It seemed the little head in my pants was doing the thinking now.

"- Well, Sir, if you don't mind..."

"- Lieutenant, let's keep it to Jack and Yaron for the evening, specially if we are going to shower together!"

He joined me in my laughter and said:

"- Agreed!"

I felt the anticipated joy of a meeting. Just friendship I thought; may be the camaraderie of partners in the old project. There was a kind of attraction between us. Something in me was thinking other things: The little friend in my pants twitched with anticipation, blood rushing to support it. Yaron put on a green tee shirt, his tennis shoes, took his rucksack in one hand, a hanger with his uniform in the other

"- Ready Sir, I mean - Jack..."

The clerk at the Sheraton's front-desk greeted me as usual, gave me my messages, without giving a second look at Yaron, who said something about the security of five stars hotels, and we climbed to my suite in the 22nd. floor. You see, being a highly paid executive, has some advantages, like having my own luxury suite, overlooking the Mediterranean Sea. My suite had a little terrace, with two sun-beds where to relax under the evening sun, a bathroom equipped with a Jacuzzi, a workroom with a desk, a pair of comfortable armchairs, and a very well equipped bar. A huge TV set and stereo gave all the available entertainment - as provided by the hotel. The big king-size bed sent vibrations to the little friend in my pants... I told Yaron to leave his things in the bedroom, gave him one of the two white robes and slippers supplied by the hotel, showed him where the bathroom was, and began working on my e-mail. About twenty minutes later, he came out, freshly shaved, dressed with the white robe, which was a bit too small for him. Yaron is about 6'4", with broad shoulders and very well built

  • the robe wouldn't close over his wide, triangular chest, was tight on his thighs and was a little short for his muscular legs. However, the sight was not a ridiculous sight but one of an extremely handsome, powerful, man, bursting out of the white robe.

"- I'm sorry, Jack, I used your aftershave."

"- Be my guest." - I said.

He smelled of my expensive aftershave, but his skin gave to it a musky touch. Boy, I felt I needed a cold shower!

"- Come here and relax" - I told him, showing him to the sun-terrace, I offered him a glass of whisky - the velvety single-malt I like, left him basking under the setting sun and went for my shower."

I felt uneasy. I felt a strong attraction to this young fellow. I told you I am a successful sales manager, happily married, pleased with my life and - suddenly, to risk everything I am and I got, because a nice young officer, that worked in a project of mine, is lying in my terrace, under the autumn sun? What is this attraction? Is it friendship? Is it the fondness for an eager student? Is it a more basic, animal thing? Sex? Do I fancy him? Specially him? Can't I get any woman I want? I undressed in the bedroom, put on the second robe and went for the shower.

It was obvious I was not thinking as clear as ever. I opened the water and let it run. First warm. Then hot. The water was running on my back. So soothing... I tried to drift and relax. I turned the shower cooler. I wanted to relax and get rid of this attraction. What was in this guy that he was so attractive to me?

Yaron is about 6'4", has dark copper-blond, curly hair, he looks like Michelangelo's David, with an aquiline nose. Muscular, with a broad chest and neck, lean, with natural definition. When I saw him before, I was aware of his size, but the loose military uniform he was wearing, did not reveal the real forms of this man. Strong arms, but delicate hands: hands capable of either playing music or, as well, with no apparent effort, to brake the neck of an adversary, if need be. Muscular legs, like sculpted columns to support such a structure and defined six-pack abs that speak of continuous workout. Perhaps this, together with his leadership personality is the secret of his animal attraction. It was obvious when he entered the room. Most males would acknowledge him with respect, regardless of rank. Most females, would melt... So it was not only I the one attracted to this guy. Could it be perhaps a special scent he has. He's got always a clean scent, as if he just left the shower. Even when he was sweaty, he would not smell badly. His scent was strong, manly, but not offensive. It was almost pleasant. And I don't fancy smelly men. After my training in Panama, where we did sweat and share the same tent after sweating in the jungle, the last thing that would turn me on was the smell of sweat. And this guy had a strange scent... Could it be the master-student relation we built? He always looked at me with a kind of respect and appreciation when we worked together, perhaps the same kind of feeling I felt for him. Was it mutual?

My little head was thinking thoughts of its own. As much as I tried to relax and calm down, it was calling for blood to fill and engorge my dick. OK. I feel attracted. Shall I risk my position, my working relation, my friendship, just for a bit of steamy embrace - that is not like me. I turned the water to "Cold", let it run for a moment, while shivering all along, and once calmed, I shaved myself and decided to go out and face the danger. I had left Yaron on the sun deck, with a glass of my single malt. He was asleep. The glass was half empty on the table. The robe was open, his manhood, erect. It was an appalling sight. I was not prepared for it. I felt like peeping on someone's intimacy. My mouth was watering. I felt called by his powerful, big dick. It was towering close to 8". Without thinking I came closer, really close. I sat on the second sun bed. I leaned towards that dick. I was about to take it in my mouth. I smelled the fresh scent from the shower. To hell with all my reservations! My own dick was about to explode.

I had a flashback from Panama.

Pete and I were sent to the same training in the jungle, with many other recruits. We were close. We were sharing the same tent. The last night we were in the tents, we got a few beers. Perhaps a few beers too many. We had the last beer in the tent. We were past sobriety. I remember taking off my clothes and lying down to sleep. And then, Pete's mouth, hot and wet was on my dick. He was teasing me with his tongue. I thought I never had such an erection. He started licking my shaft. I was shivering. I kept my eyes closed. I didn't want him to stop. He began caressing my thighs, my legs, my butt. I began moaning. He was sucking my dick as if his life depended on that. I felt like I would explode. And explode I did! I don't remember having come like this before. He sucked and sucked. My dick almost hurt. He sucked me dry. But we never spoke about this. The next morning, we received new assignments and our ways parted.

I felt I don't want to have Yaron like that.

If we are to engage in sex, I want Yaron to share the moment with me. I don't want to have him while he is asleep - or while he seems to be asleep. What shall I do now? If I'll wake him now, it will be too embarassing for both of us. I went back to the bathroom.

"- Hi Yaron! Did I take too long? Don't fall asleep!" - I called before leaving the bathroom. He sprang like bitten by a snake, closed the robe, crossed his powerful legs to hide the mast protruding between them, he blushed, ashamed and embarrassed, and said:

"- Sorry, Jack, I think I fell asleep..."

I feigned not having seen him, offered some more whiskey and sat besides him.

The Panamanian flashback kept hunting me. It is not easy for me to handle that memory. I did not tell you exactly all that happened. Pete Salinas and I have been horsing around for some time, drinking together, bragging about our conquests, just like any other pair of guys in the base, but that was the cover as we were unknowingly, secretly, preparing for action. During the nights, Pete began bringing his mat close to mine. While we were supposedly sleeping, he would put his body against mine. Sometimes, he'd bring close only his butt. Just pushing his butt against my dick. I felt his eager ass thru my boxers. He wanted me full of shame. Other times he'd press his dick on my body. He got hard against my thigh. Moving softly in order not to wake me. But I was waiting for it. I enjoyed it. No thoughts about homosexuals, gays, improper conduct for a recruit or whatever you may call it. I was not thinking with my head. He was playing on me like making music. It was my pleasure. And that was all it counted. We never crossed the line. But the last night we spent together, we knew our ways would part. We had an exercise under the rain. It always rained in the jungle. The booze was only a pretext. I went to bed naked. Supposedly, I was too tired to put on dry underwear. I was signaling I was ready for more than rubbing one against the other. Pete only waited for the signal. He waited until I began breathing deeply as if asleep. He went then for my dick. He turned with his head to my dick, backwards; his face in my groin; his lips on the head of my dick. His tongue licking fast the head, the shaft, my balls. His groin was in front of me. He was naked too. The acrid smell of his groin was hitting my nose. I was aroused. And yes, I was a little bit drunk. And wanting. So, when he put all my dick in his mouth, when he swallowed my dick deep in his throat, giving me a feeling that was hotter and warmer and wetter than any cunt I had before, I grabbed Pete's dick in my own mouth and began to reciprocate. It was so great what I felt, that I wanted to give him back part of my pleasure. To get Pete's dick in my mouth was no easy task. He is of Mexican stock, short, dark and broad. His dick is not long, some 6" in all, but I never saw a wider one. When the platoon went to the showers, Pete's dick was the subject of admiration and jokes. I had to force open my mouth to get that monster in. With my lips I pushed his foreskin back and tasted that hidden flavor of his. The dark, silky head of his prick filled my mouth. And that was the moment, when I was sucking Pete's huge dick, which he was pushing to the back of my mouth, that I felt mine get really hard as steel, and big and stiff and broad, bigger than ever, and I went over the edge. My semen flowed like water. At the same time Pete's sperm rushed into my moth, he filled me with his cum, which I swallowed willingly. Four, five, six gushes of his thick fluid. He then sucked me dry and I dried him up too, drinking up to the last drop of his thick, sweet, sperm. No signs to be left, no proof that anything happened.

In the morning I told him I was too drunk and I did not remember anything that happened the night before - and he too told me he had been drunk himself; the typical way to bury unwanted memories, memories we were not ready to accept; we then packed all belongings and said goodbye without too many words. Only when I was to take my bus, he came and embraced me. We haven't seen each other since then.

Having told the real story for the first time, I feel much better. I never told this to anyone. It was easier for me to pretend the events of that night were the result of drunkenness - or even that Pete took advantage of me, than accepting that both of us wanted one another, and that we enjoyed pleasing each other. Since then, I had occasionally, some men. No long-term relations. I became aware that I enjoy men, as I enjoy being with women.

I got married with my sweetheart from High school and I have 2 wonderful kids. As I told you, they are now studying at the University. I'd never do anything to hurt them. However, rejecting my homosexual side would have been denying myself. In my scheme of thought, I kind of live in two different dimensions: In one I am the loving father and husband, truthful and reliable, and in some other dimension, where one aspect does not rival the other, I like to have sex with men. The two dimensions do not intersect and I would not let them interfere. And if need be, I know very well which one I am going to sacrifice for the sake of the other. Having said that, I can now let those experiences become warm memories and go back to Yaron.

"- I'll have another glass of scotch" -I said- "Will you join me?"

"- I don't know. I fell asleep..."

He lowered his eyes, looking at the thing protruding between his legs and raised his eyes looking at me. He stared at the tent that rose in front of me, the shadow of a smile flashed over his lips, he looked me sternly in the eyes and said:

"- Yes. I'll join you."

It was my turn to blush. Was I reading him right? Or did he mean to join me for a whisky? Was he playing with me? I served us both, generously, brought some cheese crackers from the bar, and sat down. Yaron opened:

"- I didn't know you were here, Jack. How long is it since you arrived? Are you staying for long?"

"- I'll be here just for this week. I'm flying back Friday evening."

"- Then I met you by sheer chance. I am glad for that. I have been thinking for sometime I had to talk to you. And thank you: You were the only person to listen to me, when I was isolated by the system. Only when you adopted my suggestions, the big bosses understood what I was bringing and my career flourished again. Thanks!"

"- Yaron, it is me the one in debt. If it wouldn't have been for your commitment, I wouldn't have listened. That project ended being the most important in my career. I think then we are even."

I didn't want gratitude to stand between us. We spoke about the project, about new ideas, about our mutual professional future. We explored things we shared. Things we liked. Or disliked. We were approaching each other as human beings, learning to trust the other, unconsciously cleaning the scene for more intimate steps. We were becoming really close. I looked at my watch.

"- Let's go and get dressed. If not, we will not have time for dinner before the concert..."

I had chickened out. It was so good being close to Yaron, I did not want to ruin the moment being too forward. We went to the bedroom, where our clothes were. Yaron and I dropped our robes, without staring at each other, as men do at the locker room in the gym. I noticed Yaron gave half a step in my direction, then froze. I looked at him. He was standing naked, petrified, looking at me, with a special look in his eyes, both sweet and tormented, as if asking for something... I couldn't think. I gave a step forward and - he fell in my arms... It was the sweetest embrace I remember. No words were needed. It was strong, manly embrace, our arms holding tight, tight as if life depended on that. We stood there, embracing, without any movement. He is 6'4", some 4" higher than me; I buried my face in his shoulder, my lips in his neck. The perfume of my own aftershave on him was driving me mad. I felt something wet and warm fall on my shoulder. He was crying! I kissed him. I felt a moment of hesitation and then, Yaron kissed me back, with all his soul. It was my tongue in his mouth, then his in mine, tongue seeking for tongue, mouth for mouth, soul for soul. Our hands began to explore each other's back, shoulders, necks. He put his powerful hands behind my ears, pushing my mouth toward his. My hands slowly sloping down from his shoulders, down his mighty back, broad lats, tense in the embrace, to his thin hips, resting just above the curve of his bubble round gluts. I felt his dick going back to a half erection, while mine was hard as a rock. His dick was pressing, almost hurting my pubic region. His hands were "surveying" my back, as learning every muscle, every sign. Though I am some twenty years his senior, I am 6" tall, well built and I keep training at the gym. Many twenty years old gym goers look at me with approval, with envy. And Yaron, by the way he was caressing my back, was approving and enjoying my bod. As I was enjoying his. I gave a step back and, without breaking the kiss nor the embrace, we both fell on the bed. We began looking for an easier position, looking each other in the eyes, I kissed his throat, his shoulders, his pecs. His nipples began to harden, to swell. I fell on them, kissing, licking, biting, nibbling at them. Yaron began to breath deeper, to moan. One nipple, then the other. He closed his eyes. One of his hands was in my neck, the other in my back. Suddenly, with the swiftness of a catch fighter, he turned me on my back and went down to take care of my nipples. It was my turn to close my eyes and surrender to him. He grabbed my hands, one by one, stretched them over my head and licked my armpits. He licked my nipples with wet lips, sucking on them. Shivers went down my spine, concentrating in my dick. He licked my pecs, and went down to my navel, his tongue exploring my belly-button, then following the trail of hairs going from my navel to my pubs, until he had me with my legs wide open, his hands in my sides, his head over my cock, and after a very short hesitation, he went for it, grabbed my dick, opened his lips and sweetly began to suck it. Feeling his wet, hot mouth on my dickhead was delicious. I couldn't stand not to reciprocate. I turned myself to a 69 position and went for his dick. I was on my knees and elbows. He was under me. He had my dick in his mouth, his eyes closed, his hands in my ass-cheeks. I rejoiced my eyes looking at him: After a long summer under the sun, his lean body had that special bronze colour, that only blond people can get, but his cock was white, marble white, as it was kept hidden. All of Yaron's body was golden-bronze, but for the triangle that was covered by his bathing suit. He has a beautiful, huge, cock. I reclined my head on his copper-golden pubs, kissed his hard shaft. I rose to the tip. A large pink-purplish head, soft and sensitive, called for me. Yaron almost jumped at the first contact of my lips on his head. Extending my tongue, I licked the border of his head, all around. I opened my mouth and brought my lips to engulf all his dick's head. Yaron moaned. I was working his head with the tip of my tongue. Yaron was sucking my dick and moaning at the same time. I remembered what Pete had done to me, filled my lungs with air, opened my throat and went down on Yaron until my nose was almost touching his balls. I was amazed I could have all that cock inside of me, deep in my throat. Slowly, I began to bob my head up and down. Every time I went down, Yaron would moan. I kept on, as long as I could hold my breath. I could feel his abs begin to tighten. I didn't want the moment to end yet, so I left his dick, regained my breath and buried my nose in the fuzzy gold covering his balls. He understood what I was at, so he left for a while my cock, caressing my thighs and legs. I got one of his balls in my mouth, then the other. What a mouthful it was! But then, as if by mutual unspoken agreement, we both went back to each other's dick. I wanted him so hard! And hard he was!

I took him in my mouth, enjoying the size, the softness of his skin, the hardness of his dick. I had him again deep in my throat. I felt I was driving him crazy. I went on. I could see his balls begin to rise, his toes - to curve, his cock - to get stiffer, his hips - to raise and fall to my rhythm. I felt the eruption was coming, I rose a pair of inches, until his dick was only reaching the back of my mouth, I took my breath, and full of anticipation, I gave one more sway of my head and a powerful cry-moan came from Yaron's mouth, where my own cock was buried - as he burst in my mouth. I felt the hot semen of his, rushing in my mouth. His cum in my mouth, together with the warmth of Yaron's mouth closing back on my dick, made me go over the brink, and release what seemed to be a river of cum. I felt my mouth full of Yaron's mighty fluid, which tasted at the same time strange and salty and marvelous to me. Oh, how I liked to drink this elixir...

Yaron himself drank my love-fluids, eager, thirsty, as if after a march in the Negev desert. I did not count how many gushes of cum sprang from his dick - how could I?, nor from mine, but I'd swear we could have filled a glass - and even so, it would have not calmed our thirst for more... Spent, I turned back to embrace him again, and kiss him again, tasting in his mouth my own semen. It was me, the executive, the former military man, the former ELINT man, tasting semen in the mouth of a young Captain of a friendly foreign army, embracing in bed a fellow officer. And I did not have any regrets. It was a wonderful moment of peace.

However... "Post coitum omnia animal triste", said the Roman poet, i.e.: After fucking, every animal is sad - including, of course, man. I heard Yaron sob. He was shaking in my arms.

"- What happened with you? Why are you crying?"

"- Jack, I wanted this to happen for a long time. I have been thinking about you, almost since the project. I am OK with our encounter. What is bothering me is ... (a terrible sob shocked him and chocked him) ... my wife, my son..."

"- Captain! Get yourself together! "

I shouted at him, like giving an order and stood up. And continued:

"- What is the nonsense you are speaking about? What changed with you in the last four hours? Did you stop loving Debbie? Don't you love your wife any more? Aren't you any longer Danny's loving father?"

Yaron was obviously shocked. He didn't expect this type of reaction.

"- Yes, I love them, more than anything else in my life. But I have cheated on them..."

"- Cheated? Denying the attraction and affection between us was to cheat on you, to cheat on ourselves. Stop the nonsense. Our relation is not competing with them, I am not a rival of theirs! Your family and myself are - and shall be - in different planes of reality in our lives. I don't have any doubt where your commitment stands, the same as you know what my feelings are for my wife and family, where my basic duty is. And we both know that the same as we pledged our duty to our countries and we are ready even to sacrifice our life, if need be; we have our duty, we are committed, to our families, above all. So lets keep this night as a short parenthesis in our duties. Look at you. We are not as proper, as we should. Let's get tidy as fits two officers! I see we'll have to skip dinner for now, because we have a concert and we cannot keep the orchestra waiting! Instinctively, Yaron stood at attention to my commanding voice. Then he got the absurdity of the situation. A broad smile broke Yaron's face:

"- You're right, Sir!"

He swept away the sincere tears that rolled from his eyes and said, softly:

"- Thanks, Jack! You are right!"

And then, in a casual way, but looking me in the eyes Yaron added:

"-You gave me back my peace of mind."

I could only embrace him. My throat chocked. He broke the embrace and shook my hand, with a firm, warm and strong handshake and then, he went back to the bathroom, where I joined him for a short clean up (with no "foul-play"), we dressed up and in a few moments we were in the cab that would take us to the concert hall.

Just before we arrived, his cellular phone rang. It seems that everyone in Israel has a cellular phone. It was Debbie, Yaron's wife. He spoke with her in English, both for my sake and, as well for hers, as she is American born. It was a regular, loving, husband and wife conversation, which included some words to little Danny too. He told Debbie about our meeting at the beach, that we discussed business, that he had invited me to his friend's concert and I had reciprocated inviting him for dinner. Debbie instructed Yaron to invite me for dinner Friday evening, (I had met her in the past); however as I was scheduled to fly home that Friday, I was to take a rain check. That call really brought back peace to Yaron. While Yaron went to get the tickets left for him by his friend at the ticket office, I managed to cross the street, find a drugstore and buy condoms - an officer should always be ready for action... The concert was superb. Yaron's friend played Mendelssohn's Concert for Violin as a well-seasoned virtuoso. As an "encore" he played a Partita for Violin Solo from Bach, a real display of virtuosity. The last time I had heard that Partita, it was by Yehudi Menuhim, then close to ninety years old. I told the young virtuoso, when we met after the concert, that his performance reminded me the one by the great Maestro. Yaron and his friend were flattered. We stayed there for a while, after which Yaron and I went to a good restaurant, as we both were in a superb mood - and starving... After supper, we took a cab and went back to my hotel room. "- Yaron, I'd like you to stay for the nigh ... It was quite late for him to go to the Soldier's Residence, and neither of us really wanted him to go. He looked me with playful eyes and agreed. We undressed with no hurry, prepared our things for next day, brushed our teeth and, together, went to bed naked. He laid down, on the right side of the bed (I always sleep on the left side), while I set the wake-up call. I turned out the lights and turned to embrace him. This time we knew we'll have all the night for us and we would enjoy every minute of it. But we knew as well, that we had only that night, as I had to leave by the week's end ... Yaron leaned on his left arm and rose his right one, rising the bed covers, to welcome me. I entered his arms, my right arm under his head, my hand on his rigth shoulder, and my left arm under his right one, holding him in a tight, strong, manly embrace. His embrace was really tight ,strong. I held him tighter. He just mumbled:

"- Hold me tighter, stronger, until it hurts ..."

"- What?" - said I.

"- Shut up and hold me ..."

I did embrace him as tight as I could. It was a moment of a strange closeness and tenderness. I caressed him with my cheek. His right hand caressing my back. I let my left hand play on his back, his thigh, the small of his back, again, the top of his gluts . I felt the beginning of the cleft between his ass cheeks. Soft hair gave me the feeling of velvet. He rose a bit his left leg, to let me feel the humidity between his ass-cheeks. I could feel him getting hard against my thigh. I sled my left leg between his legs. He crossed his right leg over mine, doubling the embrace. I pushed my left leg hard upwards, pushing my knee against his ass. He moaned. His dick was stabbing my side. My own cock, hardened and engrossed was pushing against his belly. I felt every inch of his body with every inch of mine. His strong limbs against mine. His left hand rose to my neck and with a swift movement, turned my head away from his neck, my mouth in front of his and we kissed again. His breath was sweet to me, his tongue was tickling mine and I was almost on top of him. I knew I was going to have him . I think he understood my thoughts, as he crossed his legs around my back, bringing his rosebud to touch the head of my dick. His breath became heavier. His embrace, tighter. His kisses, eager. I felt hard as steel. I tried to losen the hold of him to reach first for the condoms and KY. He whispered:

"- I'm clean..."

"- So am I. But in order to stay clean and for the sake of discipline, let's go by the rules."

"- You're right" - He answered and a smile rose to his face. And he released the grip of his legs . I stretched and got all the safe sex paraphernalia. My dick was towering, hard and eager with anticipation. I put a small dab of KY and spread it on my dickhead. It felt cold. Just in time. I was so excited that two more minutes and I would have had a premature ejaculation. I lubricated my shaft and put some more cream in the condom. I rolled down the rubber until it reached my pubs. I never gave any attention to that in full erection, the base of the shaft was covered with pubs. Now I was dressed for the occasion! Generously, I lubricated my rubber-covered dick and began to take care of Yaron's butt. I began caressing him by circling my lubricated fingers around and around his ass-bud. I spiralled toward the center. He opened his legs wider and wider, rising them, offering me full access to his hole. I felt his ass pulsating under my fingers and opening to accommodate me. I pushed one finger inside of him. His warm, wet insides were asking for more. A second finger followed, as soon as I felt Yaron to relax. I could feel two musculr rings forming Yaron's ass, I pushed against the most internal one, which opened into a wet and warm cavity. Slowly, his muscles relaxed. I begun to pump my fingers in and out. Yaron moaned softly. He was relaxed. Waiting. I took some more KY, added a bit on his ass, another on my hot dick and got ready for the action. I brought the engorged head of my penis to softly touch Yaron's ass. He shivered. I pushed, slowly increasing the pressure until I felt him opening up. And even more slowly, I began to enter him. He closed his eyes. All his senses were centred in his ass. I didn't want to hurt him. My dickhead was inside of him. I stopped, waiting for him to relax. Yaron lowered his feet, that he had held high, pointing to the ceiling, rested them on my shoulders to relax his muscles and, using my shoulders as a rest, raised his ass, impaling himself in my dick. So I pushed forward half an inch and waited again. I noted he held his breath, with closed his eyes, while I was pressing forward. He took his breath as I stopped and opened his eyes with a smile. I backed off half an inch and then pushed forward one full inch, with his help, rising his ass. Slowly, very slowly, as in a primitive dance, we repeated the ritual again and again, until my full dick was inside of him. I waited for a moment, for Yaron to feel comfortable. He relaxed his legs from my shoulders, opening them wide. I leaned forward to embrace him. He embraced me in a double embrace: his arms around my shoulders, his legs crossed around my back. A broad smile broke in his face.

"I got you. I have you inside my arms, inside my legs, inside my ass, inside of me. And I enjoy it!"

We kissed. I began with the old moves, in and out, softly, slowly. And Yaron, bracing himself from his legs, began mirroring my movements. We increased the rithm and I felt all the power grow in my loins. I felt his strong, muscular legs crossed around my hips, raising his ass to meet my dick, thrusting forward and then it became clear to me: Yaron was fucking my dick with his ass! This was not sex wih a passive, submissive lilly, but real sex between two men! Boy, I was getting close to the brink and then, he did the last thing I expected: at the end of the thrust, when my pubs were touching his hole, he delicately tightened his anal muscles, squeezing my dick - which was too much for me and with a powerful shout, I bursted, spilling volumes of cum within him, and falling, spent, in his arms. And at that moment, even before I stretched my hand to his dick, to finish him off, a loud moan burst from his throat, powerful contractions from his ass squeezed my still hard dick, as he came, sending spurts of white love cream on my chest, without either me or him stroking his erect member, just from the excitement of our love making. We stayed in that contorted embrace for some time, oh sweet time, until I thought he was getting uncomfortable and I withdraw from inside of him, while still holding each other in our embrace. I kissed him dearly, rose to go to the bathroom, to dispose off the used condom, and get a bit tidy. I came back to Yaron with a hot wet towel to clean him. He let me do. Surrendering to me. I throwed the towel to the ground, layed down, kissed Yaron softly again, sweetly, on is lips, embraced him and we dozed away until the morning.

I waked up at about 6:00 o'clock. Inside of Yaron's arms. My back was relaxing on his chest. His hands were holding my chest. I felt warm inside his embrace. I caressed his strong arms, surrounding me. He stirred against me. I felt his dick, almost limp, sitting between my as cheeks. I felt his bush against the small of my back. It felt really nice. What a way to wake up!! Yaron said:

"- Awake? It is still too early..."

"- What about yourself?"

"- I enjoy feeling you against me."

"- Well, perhaps this is the time for me to reciprocate you."

"- You don't have to."

I turned over, kissed him, and said:

"- I want to. But first things first. Back in a minute."

And I went to the bathroom. After a long leek, I sat down to get rid of yesterday's supper, and then to clean myself. I took care to dry that last drop in the tip of my dick - just in case Yaron may come to suck me again. And I washed carefully my rear end, more careful than ususal, preparing for him. A few drops of my good perfume in my crotch and between my ass cheeks, and after an almost bridal preparation, I went back to the bedroom. Yaron was asleep again, on his back, his legs wide spread, his dick, resting, limp, soft on his left leg. The sheets had dropped to the floor. I climbed on the bed, from the feet side, my head was close to Yaron's slumbering cock. Slowly, sweetly, delicately, I kissed his dickhead and took the soft, limp cock in my mouth. Yaron stirred and moaned, still asleep. I felt the joyous sensation of having his full dick in my mouth. My nostrils filled with his manly scent. Not smell. He did not smell. Just a powerful manly natural scent. He was still soft. And then, as in an act of creation, I felt the veins in his dick began to beat, pumped by his powerful heart beat, as blood was being called. It was not easy now to hold all his dick inside my mouth. I begun to suck, sweetly, softly. And the dick was growing in my mouth. It was half an erection. It was still flexible. Half hard. I tried to swallow it in my throat. Yaron was moaning high. Awake.

"- Jack, what a wonderful way to wake up..."

"- I'm glad you enjoy the wakeup call. Wait for the breakfast I am preparing..."

I don't know how much he heard. His dick head was the one thinking now, as he begun moving his hips, fucking my face, my mouth. His dick was absolutely hard, ready for action. I left it for a moment and rose to kiss him, kiss to which he responded hotly. I sat on top of him, with both my legs to his sides, feeling his dick by my ass.

"- I want to give you this" - I said.

He looked at me with his beatyfull eyes. I took a second condom and the tube of KY. Dropped to the side, and begun dressing him for action. It was not small feat to put him a standard condom on that dick. I made a mess with all the lube I put him. As well as all the lube I put in my own ass. I had brought the opening of the lube tube inside my ass hole and squeezed a huge amount of lube inside. I mounted him, and straddling him again I rose my butt. I took his hard dick with my right hand, using the left one to support myself on Yaron's chest. I brought the head to my ass hole until I felt contact. A shiver went along my spine. It was huge.

"- I am OK, I don't want to hurt you..."

"- I want you Yaron, inside of me."

I bent forward to kiss him and pushed a bit my ass on that dick. I pressed down. I felt my ass widening. I opened it a bit, as if preparing to expel something from my guts, opening the chanel, to facilitate his entrance. I pushed a bit more. I felt a spark of pain. His head was halfway in. I took my breath. Waited a pair of seconds and pressed down a bit more. I touched with my right hand, the one that was guiding him inside of me. The head was inside. Did it hurt? Yes, a bit. Was it unpleasant? By no means, no. I rose a bit and pushed down. Again and again. Slowly, no hurry at all. Up and down, as he begun- again - to mimic my movements. It was just like a duet playing a Fugue from Bach. One voice, then the other, answering the first, playing its own music, but at the same time, the other voice music as well, in perfect armony. Making armony. I was rising and lowering myself on his pole. My respiration was get ting faster, as was his. I was enjoying that. But I wanted more. This was a position in which I was mastering him. He was in my ass, but still, I felt I was fucking him. So I closed my legs under him, grabbed his shoulders, and turned aside, bringing him on top of me.

"- Yaron, please, fuck me. Fuck me hard!"

I said, and opened my legs, my ass wide. I was not prepared for that ride. He begun to fuck me with all his rithm, with all his strength. I felt his cock move in my entrails, reaching deep inside me, in places I neveer dremt of, sensations I never had. I was reciprocating in this dance, wild dance, primitive and primordial dance, at the same rithm. I was trying to do what he did the night before. I did not feel like a femme or any bit less than him. We were building something really great. And I wanted more. I began to feel something twitch inside of me. Something growing. My dick was hard. Rock hard. My body was getting hard. My toes were closing. His moans were loud, he bent to kiss me, his breath was running like a steam engine. And his dick in and out of me, plowing me, about to seed me... I tried to contract my ass as he did, as I felt his thrust deep inside: I catched his cock with that! And at the same time, in that mighty thrust of him, in that contraction of mine, be both spurted and came... He mad two three more thrusts, softer, less urged ones, and I relaxed, opening wide... It was over, but what a fuck it was... My ass was tender, aching a bit, but joy went out of every pore of mine. He kissed me again and I did kiss him again on the mouth, as he began to withdraw from inside of me. As soon as he was out, he dropped besides me.

"- Good morning, Jack dear. This is becoming a habit. A sweet habit. I want it to continue..."

We looked inside the eyes of each other. Dawn was filling the room with light. We had to go to the office, to our presentations, to our work, and then, I would fly away...

I would have to leave. We knew that both. But we knew as well that I was to return. To each other. Soon.

Would you be surprised if I tell you that after some 7-8 very successful business trips to Israel, I am having my company to open a fixed representation there?

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