Meet Your New Sales Partner

By Joe B

Published on Jan 11, 2016


This is a story that has gay actions and could be offensive to some people, do not read if you are offended by gay sex. why are you on this site if you are offended by this? you should ask yourself.

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I climbed out of bed and went in to the bathroom to clean up and piss, i turned the shower on and walked over to take a piss. the piss i took was one of those after sex pisses that feels so good and sent a shiver through my body, i turned around and my new freind was standing by the door still naked and half hard.

"Can i join you in the shower?" he said with a smile

"of course, i will wash your back and you can wash mine"

we hopped in to the shower and started cleaning up, he began to wash my back at the top and slowly worked his way down to my ass, he spent some time cleaning my ass cheeks and my crack. it felt really nice. We switched and I returned the favor starting at the top and also working my way down to his ass cleaning his cheeks and his ass crack. i got on my knees behind him and washed the back of his legs, once done I asked him to turn around and his cock brushed against my face, it was was soft and filled up, the way every man would like his cock to look like if he was soft. just hanging and looking big with being rock hard, i opened my mouth and swallowed his soft but firm cock, as I sucked him he grew in my my mouth and placed his hand on the back of my head. I worked his cock twisting my head as i took him in and out using my hand to jerk him as i sucked on his cock, i could taste the leaking pre-cum on my lips and tongue as i sucked him. spit dripped from my mouth as i slurped on his cock, he pulled my off for a second, leaned down and have me a long tongue kiss. The kiss broke and I went back to sucking him, this time I was taking his cock all the way until it hit the back of me throat, working my tongue around the cock as i pulled back. i pulled him off his cock and slowly slid my hand up and down his cock and said

"I want to taste your cum" saying this put him over the edge as I placed his dick back in my mouth he shot a load that hit the back of my throat and splashed on my tongue, I spit some back on his dick and sucked it back up as he started to soften up. i stood up and he pulled me in to give me a kiss that was slow and long.

"come on lets get in bed" I said

we dried each other off and got in bed, I laid on my back and he cam over and again kissed me long and deep, then proceeded to work his way down my chest, stomach, and reached my leaking dick. he he kissed the head and as he pulled away a long string of clear pre-cum ran from his lips to my cock. He then took my cock in to his mouth and sucked me as he lay across the bed. i was able to reach his ass and began to play with his hole, i took my finger down to his mouth and he put it in his mouth getting it wet with saliva, i took my finger back to his ass and pressed against his hole, he pushed back eagerly wanting me to penetrate him, my finger slid in and i worked it gently in his ass while he continued to suck me. "Fuck that feels good" he said as I fingered his ass. he stopped sucking me to enjoy his ass being finger fucked, he looked up at me and said "i want to feel your cock in my ass" he climbed on top of me and reached back to line my cock up with his ass, he pushed it until it popped in to his ass, he took a deep breath when he felt me penetrate him with my hard cock and did not move. "Kiss me" he said and leaned in kissing me, at the same time he slowly pushed down on my cock until I was all the way in his tight ass. he started to slowly ride me putting his hands on my chest as he began speeding up the rhythm. he cock was getting harder an harder as he road my dick and I wanted to suck him while he rode me, the best I could do was suck on his tongue as he rode me, my cock was going to explode any second. I let out a loud "fuck me!' and started filling his bowels with warm cum as i was coming I saw that his dick and shot cum on my check and stomach. he slowed down and began kissing me slowly, my dick still twitching inside his ass as we kissed for felt like forever, my dick slid out of his ass and he collapsed next to me, we both fell in to a deep sleep.

I awoke to the sound of the shower, i got up and stepped in staring at my friend, we both smiled as we cleaned up. eventuality he said "I have never in my life cum so hard or even had amazing sex like that, i should have hooked up with a man a long time ago"

"It looked like you came pretty hard with my cock in your ass"

"dude, you have no idea and I think you need to feel what it is like before tomorrow night"

"What happens tomorrow night?"

he explained that he has to go to bed early and get plenty of rest for Monday morning, I started to ask what are you doing Monday morning but remembered we were keeping this encounter anonymous so I stopped myself. He then said that he as going back to his room and suggested that we hang out tomorrow during the day. we got out of the shower, dried off and he got dressed and I put on some sweats to sleep in, i walked him to my door and we kissed and said good night.

it was midnight and i was ready to go back to bed, I laid there thinking of what I had just done and smiled. everything I had done so far was incredible feeling and I had no guilt or regrets. I then though of my last girlfriend and if she though I was gay for just jerking off then what would think if she saw what just went down in my room. I was getting hard thinking of the night and wondered what was going to happen on Sunday.

to be continued.......

I rushed through this one, i hope it works

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