Measuring Up

By James Freemantle

Published on Mar 16, 2006



I can't believe what I did with James at the sand dunes. I had actually sucked James. I still feel awful that I had given in and let him use me. Now Billy has started with his demands. I think he would have tried to get me to blow him by now if I hadn't freaked out with him the other day. Billy does some strange things. I'm afraid of Billy. Yesterday we were at the beach. We were with a group of other kids and I was enjoying being normal again when Billy grabs my arm and said follow me. I followed him down the beach to a dune area not hidden from the beach and he stopped and said, "I have a hard-on, jerk me off." We were standing out in the open and I said, "Everyone can see us out here. What if someone walks down the beach?" He said listen pussy; unless you want the world to know what you do you had better get busy." This caused me to think, "Did James tells him about what I had done?" I reasoned that he would demand that I give him head if he knew. And he hasn't yet.

When I looked over at Billy he had removed his bating suit and was standing out on a public beach completely naked. He looked at me and said, "Come on kneel down here and jerk me off." I guess after what I had done already this was no worse. I sank to my knees before Billy and reached for his erection. The blasts of cum came quickly.

Billy looked down at me and moved forward with his slimy cock. He was trying to push his cock in my mouth as I turned my head. He was content to rub the slime over the side of my face. I was not quick enough with my reaction and Billy pushed his softening cock into my mouth. I jumped up and started to cough. I screamed, "Stop asshole" He glared at me and said, "You'll do it before the summers over. I'll make sure of it." I walked off down the beach and away from Billy. Now Billy could boast to everyone that I had his cock in my mouth.


I felt stupid that I had allowed Billy to stick his dick into my mouth also. I entered as James came from the shower. He was truly an exhibitionist. Billy asked James if I was a cocksucker yet. James said, "Ask him," as he pointed to me. Here I was with James naked and the others watching my reaction. I was in total humiliation when Alan spoke, "You have carried things a long way. I can't believe you let these perverts use you like this. Are you going to do it again?" Billy looked at me and said, "You have sucked James?" I looked down.

Billy said, "Shit Robert, I didn't think it would go this far. Hell jerking us off was fun but sucking that's sick." I looked at him and said, "I know I'm not gay but I did it." Billy said, "This is all bullshit there is no way you would suck James. You guys are just shitting me. You had me going for a minute."

I watched James walk to toward me. I opened my mouth as he pushed his cock inside. I guess I was humiliated when he used my mouth with Billy and Alan's eyes glued to my face. I realize I wanted his cum. I saw Billy move in front of me and say, "I'm ready. Do you understand? You have already had it in your mouth so this should be easy." I looked up at his face as I blushed again. He said, "Open wide then." I was ready for him to slide his rod into my mouth.

I had jerked Billy off a few times and I had him push his cock in my mouth at the beach. But I never really expected to suck his hard cock. He looked down and laughed, "Now suck it good and I expect you to suck me like you did James." I compared Billy's balls to James' and I tried to remember how much cum they had given when I had jerked him off. I saw the vast pubic hair that I had compared to an ape when I first jerked him off. I wanted to get this over with too.

I was sucking his cock. I started moving my head up and down like I had done earlier in the week at the dunes with James. I was able to take more of his cock into my mouth. I don't think his cock was as large as James. I was sure I gave his cock the proper worship. My lips stroked the hard shaft as it slid in and out of my mouth. Billy had gotten into the blowjob and was moving his hips to meet my sucking. I let his whole cock slide into my mouth. It became more of him fucking my mouth than me giving him a blowjob. I did not have to wait long. I felt the cum blast into my mouth. I clamped my lips tightly around the shaft of his prick and did not let a drop spill. After his cock stopped I slowly swallowed. Billy pushed me back from his cock and walked into his bedroom.

Alan was now removing his suit when I looked over at him. I could see that he was hard but he never made a move toward me. I felt awkward kneeling in the room and Alan not making a move. I didn't want to say. I guess I expected him to use my mouth after Billy pushed me back but he never made a move. I got up and sat on the couch. Alan looked at me and said, "Why are you letting them force you to do this?" I looked at Alan and became embarrassed as I said, "It is hard to explain. I was never forced to do the things I did."

I looked down and I felt my face blushing, "I've jerked off James dozens of times. He didn't even tell me to jerk him off in the mornings. I saw his erection and I just did it. I even swallowed his cock at the dunes and tasted my first cum He never forced me." Alan said, "Do I understand that if I said get over here and suck my cock that you would like it. Yet you say you're not gay." I looked at him puzzled, "Yea. I am sitting here with an erection talking about sucking your cock." Alan stood and I gasped when I looked at him. He was huge. I had never been in gym with Alan and I never realized he was so endowed. He said, "You think you could do justice to this cock, Robert." I looked at him and said, "I'll do whatever you say." Billy continued laughing after I had sucked Alan. He said, "Looks like this is going to be a good summer after all."


Billy said, "James video taped you sucking Alan." Alan looked at him and said, "You can't show that to anyone. My dad and mom are very religious." He asked Billy, "Will you talk to him and find out what I have to do to keep him from showing the tape?" He said, "Maybe I will. What's in it for me?" He blushed as he said, "What do you want?" He became serious for the first time and told me, "You will owe me. If you agree I'll get James to hide the tape. Do we have a deal?"

Alan was so glad to keep the tape from being shown he would have agreed to anything. Billy went off to talk to James. In about ten minutes Billy asked Alan to come into James' room. James looked at him and said, "Billy said you have agreed to submit to him if I put the tape away. Is this right?"

Alan said, "Yes, please don't show the tape. I could get in big trouble if my older brother saw it. We are friends so can't you just destroy it? He smiled and said, "Kneel down." Alan was nervous but he slowly knelt down between Billy and James. He said, "I won't do the sex part." James said, "You will obey everything Billy tells you no matter who is around. Do you agree?"

Alan said, "Yes, but I won't do any of the sex stuff." James said, "Do you agree to obey Billy?" Alan again said, "What about the sex stuff?" James caused him to blush again as he said, "You can not put conditions. It will be up to Billy. Do you agree for the rest of the vacation?" Alan said, "He said only one week." James said, "If you agree I'll put the tape in a safe place. At the end of the summer I'll give it to you."


Alan said, "Yes." He also agreed to "no conditions". He was nervous as he went back to his bed. He climbed under the covers and waited for Billy to return to the room. As Billy entered he asked, "I don't have to do the sex part?" Billy looked over at him and said, "Just shut up?" Alan said, "Yea, but..." He never finished his sentence. Billy grabbed his foot and pulled him off the bed. It knocked the wind out of him and he lay on the floor for a few minutes. As his head cleared he rose and said, "Sorry." Billy said. That's better. Now I want to get ready for bed. Come over here."

Billy said, "Get me a towel; I'm going to take a shower." He grabbed a towel and handed it to him. Billy looked at him and said, "Well?" He just froze. What could he want? Alan quickly knelt at his feet as Billy looked down at him and said, "You are a dumb ass. I can't shower in my clothes. Help me undress." He started to stand up but Billy pushed on his shoulders and said, "Since you are down there you might as well be useful." He glanced up. Billy said, "Get my shoes off. Start undressing me."

Alan removed his shoes and then removed his socks. He looked up at him in an unsure manner. Billy said, "Now my pants. You just as well learn what its like. You will be real familiar with this before the summer is over." Alan's face was dark red as he reached up and removed the belt. He bit his lower lip. After success with the button to the shorts he pushed the zipper down. Billy pulled his shorts past his knees and stepped out of them. I could see from the living room the bulge in Billy's jockeys. His cock was just in front of Alan's face.

He looked down at Alan and said, "Well?" Alan looked up at him as Billy said, "Well come on." Alan slowly moved his hand and he was about to touch Billy's cock but Billy pushed his hand away. He yelled, "What the hell, I need to take a shower. What are you doing?" He noticed Billy's hard cock as he walked toward the shower. Billy looked back at Alan and said, "I'll be back." Alan's face was flushed as he got back in my bed. He dreaded Alan's return form the showers.

Alan helped him undress tonight and he thought he wanted him to kneel but he just wanted him to get his stuff ready for a shower. Billy let him lead the way and he removed shorts and jockeys. Then he started to go for Billy's cock and he knew it would not be long before Billy would make him suck it. Alan's hard-on was at full staff as he made the decision to submit to Billy.


The next afternoon I saw Alan. I said, "Did you do it?" His eyes tear up as he said, "You mean did I suck Billy off? Well it's hard to say what I did unless I tell you the whole story. This morning I woke up early. I guess it was around five o'clock. I dressed quietly and left for the beach. I walked for a few hours. It was as if I was the only person in the world. I would see a few fishermen as I walked but most of the beach was deserted. I had to clear my mind.

I remembered going for Billy's bone last night and he didn't even want me to touch him. I was confused. I'm not gay like, um, sorry but like you are. I was into the "keep the video hidden thing." I would have done anything for Billy. He had a power over me that I can't explain. Robert, it did not excite me to think that you were going to suck my dick yesterday. I was hard because James could make you degrade yourself in front of us. Shit you never looked at us and you almost cried when James pulled his cock from you and went into the bedroom."

I said, "Dude I'm not gay. James made me suck him and Billy." Alan shook his head, "You will never get over this summer until you admit that you liked the sucking part. I like not being found out part but you like the sucking part. You all but asked me and Billy if we wanted our cocks sucked. If you aren't gay, you have to at least be bisexual." I hit a nerve with me and I looked down in shame. Alan said, "Listen Guy I've done a lot more than you even dreamed of."


Alan said, "I guess I should tell you the rest of the tale. I walked the beach until seven o'clock in the morning before I went back to the room. Billy was up when I entered. He smiled up at me as I entered the bedroom. He said, "You a queer like Robert? You want my cock?" My face turned red as I said, "No I'm not saying I want your cock" He looked at me and said, "Last night you came close to taking my load. You would have if you hadn't fallen asleep while I was in the shower."

I said, "I know." He said lets go to the beach. We walked the beach. He had me dry him off as he came out the surf. I know I blushed as another kid stood and talked to him. Billy looked at me and said, "Dry my bating suit asshole. Use the towel I feel water dripping down my legs." As Billy watched I dried his butt and crotch. You could see his cock start to grow as I dried his suit. The kid looked at me and said, "You had better take your Billy down to the dunes if you're going to have him feel you up. He is getting a bone Dude." My face blushed as I stopped drying his bathing suit. The kid said, "I sure would like to go down to the dunes with him if you aren't." Billy had a strange look when he told me, "I'm going to soak up some sun. Why don't you take a walk to the dunes? Do you understand?" I looked at him unsure what this meant. He said, "Understand?" I said, "I guess."

The kid walked with me down the beach. We walked until we were out of the sights of the last few bathers. He looked at me and asked, "What's with this thing with Billy?" He looked at me and said, "Let's stop here." I said, "Why?" I was getting nervous as he walked with me.

The kid said, "Let's swim for a bit." We enjoyed the breakers for about ten minutes when he said, "Let's stop." As we walked out of the surf he told me to get his towel and dry him off. I did as he asked. He said; "Dry me off just like you did for Billy." As I complied, I saw he was now sporting a hard-on. He looked down at it and said, "I think you could do a better job if you took my suit off." I slowly and cautiously pushed his suit to the sand and he stepped out of it. He said, "I think I see water on my pubes. Dry me off."

I was slowly being drawn into his plan. I knew what he wanted yet I moved the towel toward his pubes and started to dry his dark hairs. I had to push his erection aside as I used the towel. He let out little moans as I brushed it. I was amazed at the size of his cock. He was packing at least an eight iron. He said I think I feel water under my balls. As I moved the towel under his sacks he said, "You can see the water better if you were kneeling." I did as bid.

I was drying his large testicles with the towel and marveling as to how big they were. He swayed as I massaged his large orbs. He was into my towel job. I felt him start ruffling my hair as I knelt before him. He said, "You have them dry now." He said, "Look at me. I see more wetness." As my vision moved up, I saw the blood filled rod with its large head glistening with Billy's pre-cum. He said, "I want you to help me get off." It was more of a command than a question.

It was not to be Billy or James that required me to suck my first cock. The kid said, "I guess this is the first time for you, huh. Well don't worry it will just be our secret. Go easy and watch the teeth." I felt like I was in the middle of Fifth Avenue. I was not so afraid of giving him head as I was of being caught. We were out on a public beach. I looked around and did not see anyone in sight.

I was kneeling as I listened to him say, "Look and tell me you don't want to suck on this." He moved and started stroking his cock. I stared at his hardening member. He spoke softly as he said, "You are going to get a special treat from me. I have not been able to jerk off in a week." I watched the drop of cum glistening on the head of his cock. Before I realized what hat happened his cock slid into my mouth and I was sucking it. I thought, "I have a cock in my mouth."

He was moaning as he said, "Yea, I'm going to feed you my whole load. You'll swallow it too. I like your warm mouth. Keep going down on my bone, yea, swallows it, swallow it." I was in a fog as he began to fuck my face and I never even gagged. I was kneeling with a mouth full of cock and wondered what should I do? The kid hesitated, almost as if he had no control over his actions; he pulled the rod from my mouth. Then he places it against my lips. I opened my mouth as the large cock slid forward again. The next thing he was driving forward and then he slowed. I was doing my best to keep up with the strokes as he once again started. I thought a water faucet was inserted into me as it spurted. Cum flowed until my mouth was filled and was running down the sides of my chin. Then it was over. He just stood with his rod in my mouth and looked down at me. He said, "Now swallow." I swallowed my first cum. I was not gay but I enjoyed the whole situation. I was not abused and

in fact it was kind of sexual. I had a rush and it was better than the best sex I ever had. I wanted what I had done kept secret. But I also wanted him to know that I would do anything he asked. The kid and I walked toward Billy and he said, "See you later Alan. Thanks."

I entered the room because all I wanted to do was get clean. I moved into the bathroom to shower when I heard James enter. He was talking to someone as he entered. I quickly turned off the water and stepped from the tub. I wrapped the towel around me and started toward the bedroom. James said, "Not so fast Alan, come in here a minute." I walked toward the Living room. The kid was standing talking to James. James looked at me and said, "You know him don't you?" Then he started laughing and said, "Of course you know him. I understand you know him in a special way."

My humiliation grew as I realized that James knew about the beach. He laughed again and asked, "Did you have a good time today." James grabbed my towel. He said, "Did you do it on your own or did he force you?" I was about to answer when the kid said, "I never forced him to suck me or swallow my load. He was willing and no one could be made to suck dick like he did."

James said, "Were you forced, Alan?" I looked at him and said, "He didn't force me." He said, "Then you wanted to suck his cock?" I looked at him puzzled, "No. I didn't want to suck him but I did." He said, "You don't mind sucking cock?" I looked down embarrassed. James looked at me and I could tell he was planning something. He said, "Kneel down."

I spoke before I thought and said, "I'm not going to do anything with you." He was angry as he said, "Do it now." James said in a commanding tone, "Well I'm telling you to. Do you understand?" I was mad as I knelt before James. I also knew my night would not be easy with James.

I was not prepared to give him a blow job. I always had a slightly aroused cock after watching him force Robert to take his load and I could never before explain why. I looked up to face James when I noticed his erection in his bathing suit. I also noticed that someone else had entered the room. I felt two hands touching my body, and I heard the voice of Billy asking "You going to do it" I remained silent. What was there to say anyway?

Suddenly I saw Billy looking at me kneeling before James. In a reflex I turned around to see if he was going to rescue me. James responded, by pulling me close to him. I felt his hardening cock press against my own face. He said he wanted me to suck his cock, and before I answered he started to slide his bathing suit down.

I looked over at Billy. He was content to be the voyeur as he said, "Just do it." I had never experienced such a weird feeling before. This was a thousand times more intense than what I had done with the kid. I was at the point where I was going to put on a show like you did, Robert. I never expected this to happen to me. I thought I would be able to keep everything private. I was always more afraid that I would be caught. This hurt my pride a little at first, but would be quickly forgotten as James took control. James spread his legs a little and pulled on my hair causing me to bend over. I felt very strange, but also to my surprise turned on. He gently rubbed his erection on the side of my face. He said, "I'm going to enter you now." He moved his big erection toward my lips. Then he pushed his cock into my mouth, just a little bit. It was a lot larger than I expected. He pushed a little further, and I felt my gag reflexes take hold. Then I relaxed a little. He stroked his cock across my lips and his balls softly massaged my chin. I relaxed a little more and at once, without a lot of effort he slid all the way in.

At first I didn't know what he expected of me but that didn't matter any way because he took control. He started pumping and he was moaning from his obvious pleasure. This was something I'd never experienced before. His moaning grew louder and louder. At this point he must also have reached his orgasm, because I felt his penis jerk and start pumping cum in to me. He slowly withdrew his softening cock from my mouth. Then I noticed Billy and the kid's roaring erections.

I felt my face go red as James pulled back his cock and we were still attached by a long string of his slime. I wanted to vanish into thin air. James watched my reaction and returned his cock to my lips. I opened my mouth as he shoved his cock all the way back in, and started pumping my mouth. He started pumping faster and harder and was soon pounding my face. Not long after, he shot a second load into me. It was only moments before the kid shoved his cock into my mouth. He had a thicker cock than James but much shorter. I felt my mouth being stretched but I did not feel the gagging reflexes. I started sucking on it like I had done on the beach. I wanted him to cum and with a few long deep thrusts he shot his load. Cum was now oozing out of my mouth. I thought, "One more cock to go now." It seemed to take ages before I saw Billy. I saw his cum dripping out of his softening cock. It was leaking down, over his balls and dripping onto the floor. He had jerked off onto the floor. I sat down on the floor and tried to get that look of shame off of my face.

Next: Chapter 3

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