Mean Boys

By Daimien Douglas

Published on Apr 15, 2007


Thanks to all who have written me. I will try my best to do my best (as usual). All comments, ideas or whatever you think I should know about my story, can be sent to

As the days past I made more and more friends throughout the school and Thomas and I became more like co-joined twins (which frustrated his previous friends I might add). He didn't really care and said that they were just being selfish- I was just happy to be around him as much as I was. I also became the topic of my lunch table conversation (you know how it is in highschool:people always seem to occupy themselves in the hot topic of the moment).I got to like Thomas immensely and I got the feeling that he felt the same about me as well. However, I didn't want a sexual relationship to come out of our friendship (previous experience has led me to the disapproval of leading friends onto you). We would hang out almost everyday and all day on Saturday as well. In my opinion, the only reason that we didn't hang out 24/7 was that neither of us wanted to seem to eager to be around each other that much.I fely so attracted to him, moreso to his great personality than his mouth-watering good looks. Personality plays about 90% in me being attracted to you. There was this really hot guy in my previous highschool named Jacob, but he was one cocky mouthfucker- he wanted to be friends with me but I turned him down all because of his stupid narcississtic behaviour. However back to Thomas, he does or says the most unusual things at the most unexpected time. This one time, we were hanging out at an ice-cream parlour in Eaton Centre in downtown Toronto. We sat there eating what we had ordered and as he told one of his infinite, he smiled, and I two dimples at each end of his smile. He was smiling so hard that some of his ice-cream slipped down his face, to which I scrunched my face up in fake disgust at his sloppiness. Seeing this, he smiled even bigger, trying to apologize.

" You enjoy looking at me, don't you?" he asked coming down from his high. It's true, I was looking at him the whole moment.

"What?" I asked, surprised at his observation.

"Well, you always seem to enjoy sitting and stare at me. So I was..."

"Yeah! Don't flatter yourself." I joked. He laughed again.

"So, you with Maria or what?" I asked picking at my milkshake with the short straw. 'How do they expect me to drink this thing if the straw is lost in it?' I questioned myself, completely forgotten that Thomas was there busy trying to answer my question.

"..............but no she isn't. Why'd you asked?" he finished.

"Hmmm............nottin. Just thought that someone like you would have the babes all over you, you know?" He blushed, and if I wasn't an observative person, I might of thought that it was his tan or the sunlight that lingered on him through the lightlytinted window of the ice-cream parlour.

"You should say." We both smiled, with him looking elsewhere. Normally he would directly at whoever he was talking with.

'He is sooo beautiful' I thought, feeling Doyle jr stir in my lycra shorts.

" So, you like anyone at school?" he interrupted my perving session, looking at me. It seemed like he was trying to figure out my answer to varify if I was lying - a little psych class thing we were doing in school he was applying it to real life (the little bastard!). He didn't know I picked up on his actions there.

"Yeah actually I do." I smiled seductively at him.

"Ha! You're blushing!" he pointed out making me blush even harder.

"I'm black. I don't blush" I lied trying to defend the obvious.

" You're not black! As a matter of fact you're very very light and it's very obvious when you do blush man, come on.I love your skin." He complimented.

"I know that. You can't keep your hands of me." I was referring to this one timein Psych. class when he kept playing with my hand, doodling all over it with his pen. Iwas shocked when I saw my hand at the end of the period. I was busy undressing the teacher with my eyes. He is soo hot.(hmmm I think im a little slut.) I think he knows, afterall he IS a psychology teacher.Oh well.

He giggled like a child when he remembered the time as well.

"So........what's her name?............or his name?" Now that shocked me. I looked over at him and he had this demonic grin on his face that I raised an eyebrow to.

"His name?!?" I asked surprised. I think I scared him when I asked because he stopped smiling and withdrew a bit in his seat.

"........I'll tell you but then I'll have to kill you." I laughed thinking of him and Eric. After that, we sat and chatted casually about things. He paid extra attention when I was telling him of the places I've lived,South Africa in particular. He loves nature and would love to go there to see the variety of wildlife.

"We'll go for our honey moon." I told him. He luaghed heartily. At that moment, I spotted Eric and a group of guys from school walking towards our direction. The ice-cream parlour is and open space and there are walkways on both sides of it. I was smiling at him, Eric, until I remember that we weren't friends.

"You fags enjoying yourselves I see." he said approaching our table, his clique continued walking.

"Funny you should use that word Eric." Thomas inputted calmly eating his almost molten ice-cream.

"And what the hell are you implying queer?!" He lowered himself to our level and turned slowly towards Thomas.

"I'm saying that..."

"Don't you have some toilet that needs cleaning man. Get!"

"Oooohhh. Says the immigrant." he twisted to me.

"You call me FAGGOT or FORIEGNER again and you'll be FUCKED." I got up to leave and Thomas folled right behind me. I made my way to the parking lot and got into my McLaren. We drove in silence all the way. I was to pissed with being called a foriegner to talk. I see it as a form of biasness and biasness evolves into rascism and I hate rascism beacuse I accept everyone. The drive was bad because late workers were still on the road and it took me about 30 minutes to get at Thomas' house. The road rage only added to my irritability. I drove up to his drive-way and turned off my car. We sat there in silence for about 5 minutes.

"I'm sorry about that asshole, man. He always osut to make me miserable."



" I'll see you at school tomorrow then?"

"It's friday" I laughed, so did he.

"Oh, okay. Wanna come over tomorrow?" he asked lowering his head for the second time today.

"Nah." he looked up at my confused. ".......way don't you come over at my house?" he breathed again and laughed.


With that I give him the hand and hug goodbyr thingy but he pulled me into a hug and patted me on the back. I laughed and he did as well. When he did, I felt his body jerk after every laugh, making me feel all warm inside. I watched him walk up to his door and wave at me as I backed out of his driveway. I smiled happily on my drive back.

Thanks for reading and for those of you who would like to send comments do so by sending them to I really dont proof read or anything of that sort so if there were grammer and all that shitty mistakes in it....bear with me im not dumb.

Next: Chapter 3

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