Me and Tony

By m

Published on Dec 20, 2003



This is a true story. It isn't very long, but you might find it interesting. I've changed the names for all the usual reasons.

I met Tony at work a few years ago, and for some odd reason he seemed to want to always be with me even though we worked in different departments. Neither of us are stunningly good looking, and we also had girlfriends. Although, from quite an early age I was interested in men and noticed Tony's tight trousers and the very obvious bulge in the front. My big problem is denial, and it comes across in a very negative fashion, both verbally and occasionally physically. But I hasten to add that I'm not a violent person in the biblical sense of the word. Well, Tony had a slight disability and was also a little slow on the uptake (shall we say). I found out that as a baby he had cerebral palsy, which acounted for his manner. Anyway, I don't really know how it started, perhaps a lift home on a rainy day and a cup of coffee at his place and eventually a drink at the local pub. On one occasion a group of us were going out for a few drinks and cos Tony was going to be alone that evening I decided to invite him along to meet the lads. They don't know about us either. Everyone was staying at my place for the night as most of them were driving, and the method in my madness is to hopefully fondle one of the guys while they slept off the booze. A very dangerous game , especially when it involves your friends. But nevertheless it has to be done. After a few of these nights, Tony and I became closer, more I think in a protective way at first. We made a joke about sleeping arrangements and decided to top and tail in my bed. ( He said rubbing his hands together gleefully). Well, during the night I tried my luck and got the shock of my life. I tentatively placed my hand on Tony's leg. No movement. Stroked his thigh, nothing. Then I went in for the kill and this was the shock! What he lacks in the brain department he certainly makes up for it elsewhere. This guy was huge and I even got a torch under the duvet to see just what I was holding. Getting a bit braver, I squeezed it and he got so hard I thought he was going to cum in my hand. My curiosity sated, I rolled over and went to sleep. In the morning I got up to make us both a cup of tea and for a laugh decided to climb over him, making some feeble excuse about the bed being too close to the wall on my side. He said nothing as I brushed his early morning glory, and cracked a joke about my effects on men in my bed. We had breakfast and shortly he went home. Mmmm! Time for some serious masturbation, and ignore the phone and doorbell. I had the best wank of my life that morning, and another two later on that day. This guy was hot and I needed to see him again. After work a few days later, I offered him a lift home and during the obligatory coffee we dicussed going out for a drink again. We did and knowing how deep he slept after alcohol I took my lust a stage futher. I actually climbed on top of him and masturbated in a sex kind of way eventually ejaculating on his belly. This scenario went on for some time and I felt really guilty for using him like this. He was none the wiser and I used to get so frustrated with him sometimes that I was downright nasty and personal towards him.You see I wanted him in a legit kind of way, not as some sort of pervy sex toy. Anyway, one day he had a bit of bad news and I was the one that he called. It was a death in the family and he needed an outsider to talk to I suppose. I hugged him and kissed his forehead, in a guy friendly way,( if such a thing exists). Then we had dinner and a few drinks and went to bed. Only this time we stayed up chatting and after brushing away a few more tears he told me that I was his best friend and he couldn't even talk to his own family the way that he talked to me. I hugged him again and we kissed, tongues and all. Then I totally took advantage of the situation and slid my hand down to his stomach and started to rub him gently. Not content with that I moved my hand lower and slipped it under the waistband of his boxer shorts. He just stared at me totally dazed and we kissed again, this time more passionately. All the while I was fondling his cock and balls. Which he seemed to take to quite well. Now, having got the formalities out of the way I moved down and proceeded to suck his nipples and the reaction was plain to see, he was enjoying this as much as I was. After about 10 or 15 minutes of this I asked him if he wanted to turn over for me. He obliged, and on removing his boxer shorts I started to finger his arse. He responded beautifully. I then asked him if he wanted me inside him, and he said yeah o.k. I lubed him up and got a condom out. The initial penetration was breathtaking on both parties and although he was very sore, allowed me to continue until I came inside him. Afterwards, we looked at each other and he asked me what that was all about. I made some feeble excuse about the drink, to which he replied bollocks. No-one can blame the booze for something like that and it was premeditated. I said, think what you like I'm sticking to that story. He got up and lit a cigarette, offered me one and wanted to talk. I felt rotten about what happened and asked him if he wanted to go home. He said no, this doesn't change anything. I heaved a huge sigh of relief and we made a pact that this was not to go any further. It was our private thing. Schoolboy stuff coming from a couple of thirtysomething guys. He also said that if his family found out I would be dead meat. Well, a few years later we are still very close, and the sex just gets better and better.

More to tell but perhaps another time. Thanks for yours X

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