Me and the X Men

By Alex Paterson

Published on Oct 7, 2013


I don't own Marvel or any of the characters within this story and claim no rights to them, nor am I suggesting anything about the characters that are mentioned in this story or their sexual orientation within the Marvel comics.

If you're under age to view this kinda stuff, please don't read this, not that I could stop you but ya know, just say no kids. Also if male on male sexy time action offends you please don't read this. Simple.

This chapter will just be mostly story, with some sickeningly cutesy relationship stuff later on and then some lovely smut :)


I turn quickly on the spot, narrowly avoiding a spray of bullets from the automaton that I now faced, sending a dark tendril through its chest, sparks flying from the hole as it fell to the ground. Several more landed around the body of the other, more falling into the room in which I had trapped myself. I surrounded myself with tendrils, drawing them from the shadows around me and positioning them in a defensive circle around me. There's no damn way I can get out of this. Only way out is back towards that idiot Sinister. Fuck!' another load of bullets come flying towards me, the dark tendrils flicking around me to absorb the impact of the bullets. I swing my arm out and a wave of darkness slices through three of the robots, dissipating as the metal soldiers fall in pieces. More replaced those that fell and I could feel my energy being sapped by the maintenance of the shadowy guard around me. I can't keep this up much longer' my breathing was becoming laboured and my mind cloudy. I fell to the floor, drawing the shadows over me like a kid hiding under a blanket. I could feel bullets and fists pounding into the dark shield I had created around myself. I curled up, shivering but sweating, fighting to keep my eyes open. Then it stopped. My shield vanished back into the shadows as I lost the strength to maintain it, the last thing I saw being a muscular man, who looked to be made of steel, bending over me, and then my eyes closed.

-Medical Room-

"Is he going to be okay?" Piotr asked, trying to sound casual. Professor Xavier smiled,

"Yes Piotr, I believe he will be fine. Try not to worry. Come, he just needs rest." Piotr left the med bay, following behind the professor. Jean, a red-headed woman wearing a lab coat, stayed behind, checking the vitals of the slim, brunette boy lying, unconscious, on the bed.

Well, my name's Alex. I'm 18, gay and currently unconscious. I'm about 5'10" with dark brown hair and brown-gold eyes. I'm pretty slim but defined and I've got a pretty nice ass if I may say so, so stereotypical twink bottom really. My power is to control and summon darkness, which comes with prejudices of its own. All of this adds up to me being pretty much a societal outcast unfortunately. That is, until now.


I woke up with a start, gasping for breath and quickly looking around me, my heart racing. The bright light and stark white walls of the room disorientated me and I had to shield my eyes from the overwhelming brightness that was causing a searing pain behind my eyes. I closed my eyes and lay back down, thinking. Where the hell am I? Last thing I remember was being chased through Mister Sinister's lab by those damn robots and then I bloody fainted. And that guy... he was pretty hot actually. This isn't the time for that. Alright, gotta get up and-

"You're awake" the voice startled me and my eyes flew open, seeing a red-headed woman in a lab coat and glasses walking towards me. "Hah sorry to frighten you. I'm Jean" her smile seemed kind and genuine so I decided to trust her for now.

"Uh hi, I'm Alex. Where the hell am I?" I asked, watching her warily as her green eyes scanned me, probably for signs of residual damage.

She smiled again "you're in Professor Xavier's School for the Gifted." my look of confusion prompted her to add "more specifically, the med bay. You were unconscious for a while so we just wanted to make sure you were alright"

I nodded slowly, sitting up a bit "well I feel fine now, thanks. But uh exactly who is `we'?"

"I'll leave that up to the professor to explain, all you need to know is that you can trust us and you're safe here. There are some clothes for you here," she gestured to a folded pile of clothes on a nearby table "I'll leave you to get dressed, then I'll take you to see the professor, okay?" I nodded my assent and Jean walked out through the automatic doors. I swung my legs off the bed, grabbing the clothes and pulling them towards me: a pair of skinny jeans, a t-shirt and a baggy hoody. I found it weird that Jean had managed to guess my style, but quickly got dressed. As soon as I was dressed, Jean walked back in. "Were you watching me or something?" I asked, frowning at her. She laughed lightly,

"No, I knew you were dressed. I'm telepathic ya see" my alarmed look seemed to spur her on "that means I can read your-"

"No, I know what it means. I just uh didn't realise that... well that it was real"

She smiled at that "did you think you were the only one with powers?"

"Well uh yeah kinda. Wait, how did you..." I said, a little embarrassed and shocked

"Heh, don't worry, the professor will explain everything. Come on" she gestured for me to follow her, so I did. "Sorry to be all secretive about everything but its probably best that professor Xavier explains everything properly" I wasn't sure how to respond so I didn't. We walked to the end of a cold corridor with big metal doors lining it, into an elevator, riding it up to what I guessed was the ground floor. The doors opened onto a big entrance hall with wood panelled walls and two big staircases going up to a landing. Several teenagers were walking around, talking and carrying folders or books. Most of them turned their heads to look at me and Jean, then carried on walking, muttering to each other. I followed Jean down a corridor off the entrance hall towards a set of wooden double doors. Jean had barely began to knock when a voice said "Come in, you two". Jean held the door open for me and I walked into the large, comfortable office. It also had wood panelling on the walls and an expansive rug covered most of the wooden floorboards. Behind the big oak desk sat a bald man in a suit sat in a wheelchair, who I guessed was professor Xavier. He smiled at me and gestured to a chair in front of the desk "please sit down, Alex, and I shall explain everything." I was so happy at the thought of an explanation that I quickly took a seat, looking out the window onto an expanse of garden before turning to look at Xavier. Jean took the seat on my left and the professor began to explain. He explained that I was in a school for mutants, about the X-men and that it was them who found me in Sinister's lab and brought me back here. He also explained that I could, if I wanted, stay here and learn to control my powers properly in a safe environment. "Wow. Well that would be great" I smiled after he had finished "but I don't have any money or anything" I said, my smile faltering.

"Oh that won't be necessary, we have a school fund that will pay for all of your needs, so no need to worry about that"

"Oh, well then yeah that would be great"

"Wonderful," the professor smiled "Jean will show you to your room and help you get settled in." I got up with Jean and followed her out of the office, up the stairs in the entrance and along another corridor, stopping outside a door opposite a large window that looked out over the beautiful gardens of the mansion. "This is your room, hope you like it" Jean handed me a key and I unlocked the door to my room. Inside, it was huge. It had a double bed, a large wardrobe, a desk, a bookshelf and another door that led to a small en-suite. I smiled at the room, larger than any I had slept in before. Jean noticed my smile "take it you like it, then?"

"Hah, yeah you could say that." I walked towards the bed and sat down on it. Jean looked around, "I could take you shopping tomorrow if you want, get you some clothes and some stuff to make the room more... you"

"Cool, though I don't wanna spend the school's money on clothes"

"Hah don't worry about that, the professor's insanely rich, he only really ever spends it on the school and new students" Jean smiled kindly at me

"Well then, I'd love to" I grinned back at her. She laughed.

"Well, dinner's in about half an hour. I imagine you're pretty hungry?" she asked

As soon as she mentioned dinner, I realised it felt like my stomach was eating itself "Yeah I'm starving actually"

"Well, how about I give you a tour, then we can head to dinner?"

"Sure" I got up and followed her out of the room. She showed me around various classrooms and took me outside to see the various sports areas and the garden "you'll see the training rooms when you have your lessons, they're down in the basement where the med bay is. So, what's your power? The professor never actually said. I'm telepathic and telekinetic myself."

"That's so cool," I grinned "well I can sort of control darkness. I can control shadows, make them solid, and summon darkness. Though I don't really like doing that last one"

"Oh? Why not?"

"Well I dunno where exactly it comes from but it seems like a creepy place" I said, going a bit quiet.

"Hmm I know what you mean. I really do. Well, the professor can help you with that, trust me. So can you show me?" she asked, turning to me

"Sure." And to demonstrate, I drew the shadows from the surrounding trees around me with a motion of my hands and they circled around me, tendrils rising from the ground making me look like some weird shadow-human-octopus

"That's pretty damn cool"

"Hah thanks," I replied, allowing the shadows to return "though using my powers a lot kinda exhausts me, that's why I fainted just before you guys found me" I scuffed my feet, looking around at the empty lawns and courts around me, most of the other people having made their way inside, presumably for dinner.

"Yeah that's how it is with most people, you'll get better at it" she smiled encouragingly "so, wanna go get dinner?"

"Dear god yes please. Oh, by the way, who's the guy made of metal?" I asked, trying to sound casual. I knew she saw right through that by the smile on her face

"Ah, that's Pete. His name's Piotr but everyone just calls him Pete. Why do you ask?" She asked smugly, as if she didn't know

I pursed my lips "no reason, just saw him before I blacked out"

"Hmm. Don't worry, you're not the only one who finds him hot. You're also not the only gay guy here. Nobody here is homophobic, it wouldn't really be fair for any of us to discriminate against anybody" I felt a massive sense of relief at her words

"Thanks" I said quietly

She smiled "no problem, shopping with you will be great then" she laughed

I joined her laughing "I'm afraid I kinda hate shopping"

"Damn, you had to disappoint my stereotypical view of gays"

"Hah sorry to burst your bubble"

"Meh you're still gonna be my gbf so no worries"

"Oh Christ" we both laughed as we walked into the big dining room. There were already a lot of people sat around the big table that was piled with food. Nearly everyone turned to look at me as Jean and I walked in. She pulled me with her to two spare seats between a brunette girl about my age and a muscular guy with dark hair, one of the few who hadn't turned to look at me. As we sat down, professor Xavier, who was sat at the head of the table, began to speak "everybody, please welcome our newest student, Alex. He arrived here yesterday and has agreed to stay. Please introduce yourselves" going round the table, people introduced themselves. I remembered Kitty, codename Shadowcat, who could phase through objects; Kurt, codename Nightcrawler, who could teleport; Logan, codename Wolverine, wo had an adamantium skeleton and claws; and Piotr, codename Colossus, who could turn himself into an organic steel. When Piotr, Pete for short, was introducing himself, he finally turned and looked at me. "You, you're the one who found me" I said, interrupting Bobby who was just about to introduce himself.

"Uh yeah, glad to see you're doing okay" he smiled. I returned the smile then turned to look at Bobby, catching a grin from Jean out of the corner of my eye. "Sorry Bobby, what were you saying?"

"I'm Bobby, codename Iceman, I'm cryokinetic, and I can also turn my body into ice" he finished with a smile and a wink that made me melt a little inside. I smiled back at him Pick a guy, gawd I heard Jean's voice and turned on her quickly, feeling betrayed. But as I turned to her, I saw she was sat with her finger on her lips, and I realised she must have telepathically been bitchy. Um rude, I was just being friendly' I thought, in the hope she would hear. *Oh suuurrreee, I'm telepathic remember?* I blushed at this, realising I had probably just given her a bit of a show in my head just you stay out of my head'. I turned back to everyone realising that we had all been silent for a while. The professor broke the silence "Alex, why don't you introduce yourself to the group?"

"Oh, sure. Hi, I'm Alex, the new guy so I don't have a codename, I can manipulate and summon darkness" I said, my ears starting to burn a little as everyone looked at me

Ororo, Storm, spoke up at this "manipulate darkness?"

"Yeah... it might be easier to just show you", after looking for reassurance from the professor, I drew my hands up. The room blacked out, Kitty half-screamed. And then the lights were back, but I was gone. I slowly rose back up from the shadow on the ground, a solid mass of shadow before returning to my normal form. Most of the people at the table looked at least a little impressed, Kitty looked embarrassed at her reaction. "I can also make darkness corporeal and use it for stuff like shields or tendrils to attack with"

"Well that's pretty damn cool" Bobby said, with a grin

"Hah thanks" I smiled back at him. By this point, everyone had finished their dinner and so we dispersed for the night. "Hey Pete, why don't you give Alex a tour of the place?" I turned to see that Jean had grabbed Piotr by the arm and was walking him towards me. I looked towards her with confusion and opened my mouth to remind her that she had already given me a tour, but she shot me a death look and I heard not a word in my head, so I just smiled as Pete said "Sure" and Jean let go of him with a grin as he and I left the dining room together.

As Pete showed me through the various classrooms, a slightly awkward silence feel between his explanations. I forced myself to speak, figuring anything was better than silence "So uh how long have you been here?" I asked tentatively

"Just over five years" Pete replied, almost shortly. Ordinarily that would've sent me on an internal spiral of monologue that would result in that conclusion that he didn't like me, but he was too hot for me to let that be true. "So where are you from?"

"Russia originally, came to America for this school, been here since"

"Ah that's cool, I'm from South Africa originally, moved to the UK after that, but been living here for about four months"

"Cool, so how come you came over here?" he asked

I jumped at the opportunity to make conversation "Well I'd always wanted to. That and I had actually heard of this place before, tried to find it as soon as I got here, but got caught up in trying to bring down the big crime corporations"

Pete smiled "so you're pretty much a good guy then?"

"Heh yeah I guess you could say that, despite the impression my powers could give"

"I thought your power was pretty hot" Pete said, looking straight ahead

I stopped "sorry, whatnow? Did you just say hot?" I looked at him, slightly incredulous

He stopped now as well and turned to face me, though not looking at me. I could see a slight tinge of red in the tips of his ears and on his cheeks, it was adorable. "Uh yeah, sorry I thought you were, I mean I'm uh gay and I thought you were. Sorry." I couldn't help but laugh at how awkward he had become, though I realised that to be a mistake as he stepped back and turned away a bit. I grinned "I am gay. And thanks" I said, giving him a playful shove and continuing walking. He seemed to get the idea and caught up with me, seeming a bit more confident than before. He continued explaining the rooms while I was focused on the rock-hard muscle I had felt beneath his tight t-shirt when I shoved him. I also noticed that he was wearing grey sweat pants that clung to his ass a bit. I like guys in sweat pants, so that helped a lot. Though it did make me feel kinda self-conscious about my own ass, while it looked great in the skinny jeans I was wearing, my slim body didn't support enough weight to really fill out my clothes like Pete's buffness did. I realised I had been staring for a little while when I nearly walked into him as he stopped, and I realised we were outside my room. "Oh, well I guess this is me" I said a little reluctantly

"Yeah. Well breakfast is around 9 o'clock, want me to walk you down in the morning?" Pete asked

"Sure, that'd be great" I smiled at him

"Cool. Well see you in the morning." And he left. I watched him walk down the hall, the muscles in his back and shoulders, slightly visible under his tight clothing, moving with each step. As soon as I got in my room I stripped to my underwear, brushed my teeth and got into bed, using my powers to turn the lock on the door and close the curtains before I drifted straight off to sleep.

Next: Chapter 2

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