Me and the Coffee Kid

By min gus

Published on Feb 27, 2015



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WARNING: The following text contains scenes of textual nudity and graphic sex between consenting males. If you are offended by such material, or are under the legal age of consent to read such material, please do not read any further. All persons and events depicted in the following story are entirely fictitious. Any resemblance to those living or dead is purely coincidental.

Me and the Coffee Kid

He was a cute guy. Probably like 21 or 22. He came in every morning with his skateboard and backpack, probably on his way to school. Real friendly too. Always smiling and saying "hey" and "what's up" to me and my co-workers. He always ordered just a medium coffee, no room for cream. None of that latte or cappuccino bullshit for him. I liked that.

He rarely stuck around once his coffee was ready. He would say, "See ya!" Then he'd head out the door, take a running jump on his skateboard and disappear into the day.

I really wanted to get to know him. But other than a cheerful salutation, he didn't say much to me. I was about ten years older than him. He had much more in common with my younger co-workers. Some of them seemed to know him, from school maybe. Or maybe it's just coffee shop camaraderie. I never thought he'd be interested in me other than my functional role of coffee pourer. So I never really pursued a conversation. I was happy just to see him smile. Sometimes just the few minutes he was in the shop would put me in a good mood all morning long.

I usually go home for lunch after work but today I was too hungry to wait. The pizza place down the street had some good slices so I started walking in that direction.

I heard it coming from behind me. A skateboard was approaching. Soon it whooshed right by me and sped off ahead. It was the coffee kid. I watched his graceful movements as he kicked and surfed down the sidewalk. He was confident in his effortless balance as he rode into the distance. Then he skidded to a stop, kicked up his board and went into the same pizza place I was headed for. This must be my lucky day.

By the time I got there, coffee kid was sitting down at a table eating a slice of cheese pizza and writing in a notebook. I went up to the counter and ordered a slice of pepperoni.

"Hey coffee guy!" he yelled from his table. I looked up at him, surprised that he recognized me. I grabbed my slice and headed towards him.

"Hey coffee kid," I laughed, "What's up?" I stood by his table and he seemed genuinely glad to see me. He gestured for me to share his table. I put my paper plate down and had a seat.

He stuck out his hand for me to shake. His hand was much smaller than mine and I gave it a firm squeeze before I let go. "It's funny we see each other almost everyday but we don't know each other's names. I'm Doc." he said.

"Yeah, I'm Ben." I said. "Doc's a cool name. Is it your real name or are you just a drug dealer or something?" I joked.

He laughed. "No, I do 'em but I don't deal 'em."

"So why Doc?" I asked.

"It's been said that I have a knack for making people feel better. I don't know, it's silly."

"I don't think it's silly. I know I feel better after you come in the shop for your morning cup."

He laughed again. "That's cool. I like everyone who works there. They seem like cool people"

"So what do you do?" I asked him.

"Just schooling it right now. Taking mostly art classes."

I'm not much of a socializer but I felt pretty comfortable talking to this kid. We started to talk about art. He said that he likes to draw and paint. I told him I'd like to see some of his stuff. He opened his notebook and showed me some of his drawings. He said they were just sketches but they were really good. As I turned the pages I saw many different styles of art. From cartoony to abstract to realistic. Then I turned a page and saw a sketch of a familiar face. It was a really good sketch- of me. I looked up at him and he gave me a sheepish smile.

"When did you do this?" I asked him.

"I don't know... last week or something" he mumbled back.

"I don't remember you sketching at the coffeeshop"

"I uhh did it from a picture I took."

So this kid who I thought didn't really notice me had sketched my face from a picture he took of me on the sly. I guess he did notice me after all.

"Cool man," I said. "It looks just like me."

We finished our slices as I looked at more of his artwork. He pointed out sketches of buildings that I recognized from around the neighborhood. Then he pointed to a drawing of an old house and said that's where he lives. It's an old Victorian and he rents out a room on the top floor. I told him that I loved old architecture, especially old Victorians. He said it wasn't far from here and I could check it out if I wanted to. I didn't have to be anywhere so what the hell.

On our walk to his house he started asking about me. I told him that I was a musician. That made him light up. He said he was learning the guitar and asked if I would teach him some chords. I told him of course!

He opened the old wooden gate and let me in his front yard. It was a beautiful house at one time but was now in need of repair. Still, I marvelled at the gingerbread detail through the cobwebs and peeling paint. We walked up a creaky wooden stairway that led up the side of the house to a door on the second floor. He jammed the key in the knob and I followed him in.

It was a small studio apartment sectioned off from the rest of the house. Perhaps a servant's quarters a hundred years ago. He didn't have the posters of rock icons and beer memorabilia that normally grace the walls of a college student's room. Instead he had framed prints by Van Gogh and other drawings and paintings that I assumed were Doc's original work. He had an old turntable and a crate full of albums. He put on a record and told me to have a seat. I sat on the couch which probably doubled as his bed. 60's Kinks started rocking loud out of the speakers. He went into the bathroom but didn't close the door all the way. I heard his piss hit the toilet water. He came back out of the bathroom with a pipe and a small mason jar of weed. He held them up and gestured an offer. This kid was full of surprises. He sat next to me and packed the bowl. We took turns puffing until it was dust. He asked me if I wanted more but I was good. I was real good. I had a new friend.

The weed was strong. I closed my eyes and leaned back on the couch. My mind was wandering with the blasting music. I was high as a kite and sitting on a couch next to Doc. This kid I looked forward to seeing everyday. This kid who I barely knew. It was cool that we met at the pizza place. It was cool that he drew a sketch of me in his notebook. It was cool that he invited me over to his house. His house was cool. He was cool. He was cute. And he liked me. And I... was fuckin' stoned.

I opened my eyes and looked at him. He was leaning back with his eyes closed, smiling with his head nodding slightly in time with the loud rock music. I never noticed that his eyelashes were so long. Just then he opened his eyes and caught me staring at his face. His smile got bigger and he said, "Hey man, good weed huh?" I just nodded and stared at his eyes. I never realized how blue they were. His head was still nodding to the music as he stared right back at me. Then without blinking, he pressed his knee into my leg for a few seconds. Was this kid trying to seduce me? Then he did it again. This time holding his knee even longer into my leg. I didn't move. We just stared at each other. A mischievous smile grew on his face. He started rubbing his knee slowly up and down on my leg. I felt my dick start to move in my jeans.

I never had sex with a guy before. I thought about it. Hell, I even jerked off thinking about guys doing things with me. But I never actually did it. And now I really wanted it.

Doc moved closer to me on the couch. He grabbed my hand and put it on his leg. He leaned in and put his mouth right up to my ear. "You wanna?" he whispered with his warm breath.

I turned my head and Doc's face was right up in front of mine. He leaned his forehead into my forehead. I could feel his breathing on my face. He closed his eyes and pressed his lips softly on to mine. He kissed me gently. Then he kissed me again. I opened my mouth and his tongue quickly found mine. I sucked on his tongue and he sucked on mine. His hands grabbed my face as we kissed longer and harder. His mouth tasted so good. He pushed my shoulders back and crawled up to straddle me. I could feel his boner rub up against my stomach through his pants. He started grinding his ass onto my hard dick as he sat in my lap. Our mouths continued to kiss and suck while I felt his hand reach up under my shirt to rub the skin of my stomach and chest. I snuck my hands into the back of his t-shirt and slid the shirt up and off of his body. He unbuttoned my shirt and took it off. We made out some more as we layed down on the couch with him on top, bare chest against bare chest. Dry humping our hard cocks together, I reached around and started squeezing his ass through his jeans before I slid my hands under his belt to caress and knead his smooth butt cheeks. He broke our kiss and he stood up from the couch. He kicked off his shoes. I watched him unfasten his belt and push down his pants. He stood in front of me as I sat on the couch. The tip of his hard throbbing dick oozed a wet spot of precum on his boxerbriefs. I wanted to taste that wet spot.

I reached out and grabbed Doc by the waist and pulled his bulge into my face. He grabbed the back of my head and rubbed his dick and balls all over my cheeks, my nose, my lips. I opened my mouth and started sucking on the tip of his cock through his underwear, getting a taste of his sweet precum. His dick was hot and hard. Doc moaned as he thrust himself into my face. I reached up and yanked his underwear down and finally took his bare cock into my mouth. He gasped and moaned as he fucked my face, his hands on the back of my head pulling me towards him. I reached around and grabbed and squeezed his firm little ass with both hands. Spit drooled out of my mouth as his dick hit the back of my throat again and again. "I'm gonna cum, I'm gonna cum" he gasped. I felt the first spurt of hot cum fill the back of my throat. Then he pulled out of my mouth and more hot gooey juice splashed onto my face and lips. I looked up to watch his face while he shot his load on me. His eyes were closed in ecstasy and his mouth stiffened while he grunted and moaned. I took his dripping dick back into my mouth and sucked more jizz out of it. His knees buckled a bit as he looked down at my cum covered face. He got down on his knees and started licking his load off of my face. Then he shoved his cum covered tongue into my mouth and we frenched. He kissed and licked all over my face again and returned to my mouth to feed me more of his cum with his tongue and lips.

Then he pushed me back against the couch and pulled off my shoes and socks. He pulled off my pants and pulled my boxers off of me. He grabbed my throbbing dick and started jerking me off real hard and fast. Then he bent down and started sucking my cock while he jerked me off into his mouth. He started rubbing and playing with my balls with his hand while his mouth went up and down on my cock. I didn't know how long I would last but I didn't want it to end. Then his middle finger went under my balls and found my butthole. He started massaging my hole as he sucked me off. Oh my god! That was all I could take. I started shooting my load hard into his mouth. His lips wrapped tightly around my shaft as I came and came. He was swallowing my load. It felt so fucking good. After I finished cumming he opened wide to show me the jizz that was still pooled in his mouth. He got up off of his knees and let the cum drip from his mouth into my mouth. Then he kissed me and frenched me until all the cum was swallowed by us both. He collapsed on top of me as we layed back down on the couch. I put my arms around him and petted the back of his head with long slow strokes. He reached his face up for another kiss. The Kinks record ended. We layed naked on the couch in silence.

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