Me and the Arkansas Farmer

By Whipped

Published on Mar 13, 2021


This is a work of fiction. All characters in it are over 18 and you must be over 18 to read it. It takes place in an alternative America where slavery is legal and slaves over 18 can be used for sex. The main character enslaves himself and finds out what it actually means to be another man's property.

Never do anything like this in real life. Respect others, report any suspected abuse, and wear protection in real life.

Don't let your hormones get you into trouble.

And consider donating to Nifty if you enjoy this or other stories.

Most replies to the last chapter were asking for more about Bobby. This chapter is very extreme and details what I glossed over in the last one, but most of my readers fantasize about being slaves and wanted more details about his experience.

Hope you like this.

If you want more chapters, let me know.

Me and the Arkansas Farmer

Part 5


One second, I was talking to the judge. Then, I was flopping on the floor. My whole body was convulsing from shock. I think I passed out. The next thing I knew I was being strapped to a table. I tried to explain this wasn't what was supposed to be happening. I could hear people screaming. I wanted the man to know my grandfather would be pissed if something happened to me. He just laughed, shook his head, then inserted a metal device into my mouth. It kept my jaw wide open so I was open mouthed and drooling. Then a man with a white coat came in. I tried to explain to him the mistake of me being here, but all that came out were unintelligible sounds. He ignored me. It was like I wasn't even there. Then he walked over to me, stuck his fingers in my mouth, and began examining my teeth. Two minutes later, there was some kind of plyers in his hand. At first, I thought maybe I had a bad tooth he was going to pull. But he didn't rub anything on them to numb them or anything. Then I felt the metal in my mouth, wrapped around my front tooth, and he pulled. I screamed and pissed myself from the pain. Then I heard a clink as the tooth hit metal. Then the plyers were back in my mouth. I screamed for grandpa, begged the man to stop, but he just kept going. One tooth after the other, until none were left. He sprayed some kind of chemical in my mouth afterwards and then used a needle in my gums. The label on the needle said antiobiotics. Afterwards, he stuffed my gums full of some kind of padding to stop the bleeding, removed the device holding my mouth open, and just walked away. I lay there for a few minutes. I knew this was a mistake. Grandpa would sue the fuck out of them for this and somehow fix my teeth. Maybe they could reinsert them or something. Then another man walked in. I couldn't see him, but I felt his hand on my balls. He was massaging them or something. My mouth hurt, but my dick started to stiffen. He tightened the straps around my thighs, rubbed something on my nuts, and then said, "Stay still or I could knick something important or cut your whole dick off." Then, I felt a scalpel on my scrotum. I started crying as it dug in. I passed out again. I woke up and felt burning and pain on my dick and nuts, worse than I ever could have imagined. My balls and foreskin were in the pan with my teeth. A whole team of people came in then, checking the procedure. I heard them telling the doctor he did a good job. They asked if my owner planned to eat my testicles or foreskin or sell them or if they should dispose of them. And they cleaned my body of all the blood. A young lady said, "We can't continue until the bleeding stops or we will have to repeat the whole process. " And I was alone again. I think my brain shut down then. I knew when they came back, but I couldn't understand anything they said. It was like I was underwater or not in my body or something. I barely noticed as they shaved my head, body, and eyebrows. Then the cream went on every inch of me. And the burning started. Even through the brain fog, my body started thrashing. Every inch of me was on fire. I convulsed and whimpered and screamed the whole time, but nobody was there or cared. Then a woman came in and began wiping me down with a cloth. My whole body was on fire, but as she put the coolant on me I still started to harden. And it hurt to just not be soft. I thought I was going to die. Then another man came in. He reached into my mouth, gripped my tongue, and shoved a needle through it. Then he put a stud in the hole. Then he repeated the process on my lip, nipples, and even my junk. I know I tried to talk, but the stuffing in my mouth and piercings made even my screams and begging unintelligible. A young guy walked in then. I recognized him from school. His nane was Keith and he had played football with Healey. He gripped my face by the chin, lifted it up, and pressed a device to the underpart of my chin. Then he clicked a button. I jerked for a second, but was too overwhelmed by all of the pain from everything to do more than whimper as I was marked property. He leaned over to my ear afterward and whispered, "Your master must be one sadistic fuck. Nobody does all this shit, not even the foreign fucks. Good luck, bro." Then he wrapped a shock collar around my throat, like the one the Asian woman had worn, and clicked it closed. A few minutes later, I felt my legs spread wide. Keith was holding them spread. He said, "Don't look at your legs, bro, just focus on me and stay still." I pissed myself again when the stench of my burned flesh and the pain hit me. Then, I passed out. I spent the next week in silence. I was taken from the table to a sort of hospital room full of slaves. We were given some kind of disgusting mush to eat and our bandages were checked a few times a day. I think I was the only new slave. The rest were old and were there as part of some kind of organ harvesting program. I learned real quick not to speak or ask questions. One of the slaves had spoken to another when he arrived and wound up being flogged bloody while we all watched. I told myself, over and over, my grandpa would rescue me soon. And then one of the orderlies came in and said, "472391, get ready for transport." I climbed out of bed, naked. The burns on my skin had healed. My skin was smooth with no burn scars or anything. My piercings and gums had healed. They had even taken out all the gauze. My balls still hurt, but it was a ghost pain. They were gone. The stitches had even fallen out of my scrotum. I wasn't sure how grandpa could fix this, but I wasn't thinking about it. Just Oregon. I just had to get to grandpa so he could get me to Oregon and we could figure the rest out then. I climbed into the slave transport and was immediately hooded. I could breathe through a gap near the mouth, but couldn't see anything. I was still naked, except for the hood, piercings, and collar. A few minutes later, I was hauled out still hooded and then thrown to the ground. The hood was jerked off me. I looked up and saw Riley. Riley. I started crying and he just said, "Stop that shit, okay. Grandpa wants to see you. He is in the living room. I'm going out so don't call for me, okay." I watched him get into Healey's truck and drive off. Then, I stood up and walked into the house. Grandpa was on my mom's couch. She had bought it for her 28thth birthday. We used to watch Saturday cartoons on it, all curled up together. Grandpa looked different today. He looked at me like he had looked at Three. I had to make him realize I was still me. This was all a mistake. I said, "Grandpa, please... Then, I was on the ground. I felt the current through out my body, but sharpest everywhere I was pierced. I started crying and then it stopped. Then he quietly said, in the voice that used to precede a whipping with a belt, "Slaves don't speak unless spoken to. And they address all free men as master. Is that understood, slave?" I sobbed out, "Yes, master." He smiled slightly, then said, "Crawl to me." I crawled to him. On the floor. Naked. To my momma's couch. I stopped at his feet. He reached for my collar and pulled my head up, until I was sitting on my knees. I looked at him, begging him silently to see me. He looked the same. My sweet fat bearded grandpa, in his favorite jeans and button up shirt, who taught me to play baseball and coached little league and snuck me extra candy when nobody was looking. Then he said, "Unzip my pants, slave." I hesitated and he belted me across the face hard enough I fell back. He said, calmly, "Show me a use for that tongue, slaveboy, or I will have them cut it out too." He unbuttoned his shirt and took it off as I unzipped him. I could see his belly. He was fat and furry and my grandpa and I wasn't a queer and he couldn't mean this. Then he lifted up and slid his pants and underwear down to the floor. And I saw his cock. He was soft, but probably five inches soft. And it was thick. And hairy. His pubes were thick and even they had grey in them. His nuts were like low hanging golfballs. His foreskin hung low over the head of his dick. He gripped my head and said, "Suck it good slave or I'll have to tear into your pretty ass dry instead." I opened my mouth and took it in.

Mr. Finley

This slut looked nothing like my grandson. He had been a good country boy. This was 472391, a fucking piece of smooth nutless Finley Farm branded and pierced chattel. I gasped when my cock went into his mouth. I could see the tears in his eyes as my cock expanded into his throat and showed him exactly what he was here for. I wanted to last an hour it felt so good, but I didn't last five minutes before he was choking on his grandpa's cocksnot and choking on what could have been his aunts or uncles. I held his head down as he gagged on it, then realized I needed a piss. So, I let go. I felt his panic as I started whizzing in his mouth. I just said, "Swallow or get the whip." And he did.


I walked in on Mr. Finley naked with a naked slave on its knees in front of him. I thought he had to be sucking his dick, but I realized after a second the slave was actually acting like a urinal for the farmer. Vacuum locked lips sucking the piss out of the old man. My dick started to harden. Mr. Finley noticed me arrive and said, "Just one second, Reddy." I watched the slave's throat move as it gulped, then the dick was pulled out of it's mouth and the dickhead wiped on it's tongue. I had no clue where he got the slave from, but when it turned it sure looked different to Three. It had no hair anywhere on it, not even where I let Three keep his hair. No eyebrows or anything. The collar it was wearing was smaller and metal, not leather. It had piercings, too, all over. Nipples, tongue, lips, even junk. And it had a dick, but no balls. At all. I realized there was a Finley Farms brand on it's thigh so it had to be his property. Not a loaner. It looked at me then and I realized its face looked weird. Mr. Finley said, "I took it's teeth. Makes the blowjobs better." I nodded. Mr. Finley touched it's face then, looked at me, and said, "The boys are gone. Use the first bedroom on the right. I got first go on Three, you can break it in." Then he threw me some lube. My dick got even harder. I asked, "You sure?" He nodded. I had just learned how good boy pussy could be and I wasn't about to turn down virgin slave boy ass. Although how a slave got his age without getting fucked was a mystery to me. I reached down for the slave's collar and dragged him down the hall while he stared at his master and whimpered. The room had a sign on it that said, "Bobby's Room." I pushed the door open and took the room in for a second. It was full of baseball trophies and posters of sport cars. There was a poster of some girl with a huge rack in a swimsuit on the ceiling. Some hunting gear was on the floor and muddy boots. Fishing pole in the corner. I hadn't seen Bobby in years, but it was a pretty typical country boy room. I hoped he wouldn't mind me fucking this slut in here. I told the slave, "Bend over the bed, facedown, ass up." He looked terrified, but obeyed. I watched his little toned slave ass as it laid on the camo sheets. Then I took off my shirt and pants. I rubbed my cock hard through my underwear and then took them off, too. I knew looking at him he was a slave, but I wasn't about to fuck him if he was tricked somehow or free. I laid my body on top of his, humping his smooth body and wiggling my dick in his buttcrack and asked, "You chose to be a slave, right? You signed papers before a judge?" His adolescent voice cracked as he said, "Yes, master, but.." I cut him off saying, "Then you're a slave now. And slaves get fucked." He started whimpering, "Please, please, please, please.." But I just covered his mouth, reached down to my dick, lined it up with his asshole, and showed the little faggot how a man fucked property.


I choked on my grandfather's bitter cum as he gripped my head and held it down. He made a growling sound when he came and I kept expecting him to break out of this. To realize who I was. What he was doing. To stop. But he didn't. Not when he fucked my face or came or even when he pissed in my mouth. I thought I was going to throw up when I felt his dick pulse and the first burst of pee hit my tongue. Then I remembered his threat about my tongue. And I started using it on his dick as he peed. Hoping he wouldn't take my tongue if I showed him how good it could feel. Then I heard him speaking to someone. Then I was being dragged to my room. Then I was over my bed. Then a man was on top of me. I tried to explain and beg, but all he wanted to know was if I enslaved myself. And I had. I had agreed to this. All of it. I mean, I thought I'd be freed, but I knew this happened to slaves. And I had enslaved myself.


Maybe it was the piercings or being in a teenage boy's room who would never know what happened in here, but the kid was a damn good fuck. His hole was tighter than Three's and his voice was deeper. He had a smooth muscled farmboy body and I caressed every inch of it as I fucked him. I felt his toned arms, spanked his firm butt, rubbed his tight belly, gripped his thighs, and even bit his slaveboy neck hard enough to leave a mark. And his pussy. I had to slam about twenty times before my dick bottomed out in his slave cunt. It was like tearing him a new asshole. Every thrust felt tighter than the thrust before and his bucking against it and cries turned me on in a way I never expected they could. I almost didn't want it to end. He started crying out something, but the lack of teeth and lisp from piercings made it where I couldn't understand him. I started pounding harder, our bodies now slick with sweat, and realized it was about to happen. He pushed back, like a total slut, and I realized he was hard. He was liking this. I reached down and rubbed his dick and it started throbbing. And the convulsions inside of his ass as he dry came sucked the nut right out my big dick.


I couldn't believe Reddy was doing this. He taught me how to hunt geese and white tail. I hadn't seen him in years, but he knew me. He liked me. But he was doing it. I tried bucking him off, but it was useless. I tried screaming for my grandpa or Riley or Healey, but nobody came. Reddy rammed his dick in my ass over and over, hurting me more every stroke. He groped me all over my body. Fondling my chest. Fondling my arms, thighs, stomach, even my cock. Then, in the middle of crying, he hit something. And in the middle of all the pain, I moaned. He slammed again and I was half crying from pain and half moaning. Then he pumped in me and almost hit something and I shoved my dick back, trying to get him in the right spot. And then he reached down and jacked my dick. The rest of the fuck was a haze, a mix of pleasure and pain and humiliation until I had a dry orgasm and felt his jizz shoot up my butt. And he collapsed on top of me.


I stroked the boy's head, feeling how smooth it was without hair. He didn't look human, even, with no teeth and no hair or eyebrows. I liked feeling his body under me. He was taller and longer legged than Three and fit my body better. I praised him, "You have a tight cunt and good body, boy. Your master is going to get a lot of use out of your throat and butt. You did good, today" He just started crying. I wiped his tears and asked, "How long have you been a slave, boy?" I watched him pull himself together and manage to say, "Over a week, master." I was stunned. I asked, "Where you from? Originally." He replied, "Here, master." Then he looked around the room and pointed to a photo on the wall. Of Bobby. I pulled my dick out of him. I asked, "Bobby?" He nodded. Then he said, "472391".

Mr. Finley

I wasn't expecting Reddy to just take off. I was hoping to discuss a trade with him. He always had a soft spot for Bobby and he was sure eager to get into the boy's pussy. I figured it was only matter of days before Three would be mine.

Next: Chapter 6

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