Me and My Boys

By moc.loa@efilrofsnevaeH

Published on Aug 1, 2008


Me and My Boys

Chapter 6: Choices

**If you don't mind reading about gay sex between characters that don't intentionally resemble anyone in real life and if it is safe for you to do so in your area then please enjoy!! Also, your feedback at is greatly appreciated. **

Everything I'd feared came true the moment Will's lips touched mine. Jesse disappeared to me and it was just me and Will again, like we had been over a year ago. I completely forgot about the pain and the drama and all I knew was that he was making me feel better than I could ever remember feeling.

I didn't stop him. I let him undo my over shirt and slip off my under shirt. I let the feel of his hands on my bear chest drive me crazy as he kissed me and felt me at the same time. I let his lips leave my face and kiss my neck, my chest, my nipples. I let him kneel before me, licking the light trail of hair that connected my abs to my groin. I let him unbutton and lower my jeans. And finally, I let him take my impossibly hard cock into his mouth.

"Ahhh," I moaned softly as he licked the head of my cock just like he used to do. He knew exactly how I liked it, and at that moment that was all I could feel.

He continued to lick and to suck, sans the slurp I'd become used to but still annoyed by, and I continued to moan. I continued to roll my head back and flex my toes trying not to feel the love return but feeling it nonetheless.

And then I suddenly felt extremely hot. I thought about Jesse and his face and his smile and his laughter and I immediately felt as guilty as I'd ever felt. My hand that had been moving Will's face up and down suddenly stopped and Will looked up at me.

"Is everything ok?" he asked. I had to make a decision. I had to make a choice right then and there. Was everything ok? Could I do this?

"Yes," I said quietly, smiling down at him. "Everything is fine." And as quickly as I'd wanted to stop, I wanted to start again. I guided Will's head back to my cock and I stood there and enjoyed it.

**The next day, feeling half as horny and twice as guilty as I had the night before, I met Charles at the gym.

"You slept with him?" he asked as we peddled away on the bikes.

"Thank you for telling half of Gold's," I said.

"Congratulations," said the guy on the bike next to Charles on the other side.

"Thanks," I said to random biker. "But this isn't exactly congratulations worthy. I cheated on my boyfriend."

"Of three weeks," Charles added.

"Ouch," biker said. "I've been cheated on, and it's not a pretty look dude. My opinion? Class up and at least break up with the boyfriend first."

"No one asked for your opinion, did they?" Charles said reaching over and pulling the safety on the guy's bike so that it slowed and stopped. "Oops." Charles gave the guy a smile, the guy sneered something about being done anyway and Charles and I continued our conversation. "The way I see it is, you are a thinker. Some of us are doers. This is nature's way of telling you to stop thinking and start doing. You can be monogamous when you're old and ugly. Now is the time to have your cock and fuck it too."

Was he right? Last night, in the middle of the best head I'd gotten in a year, I'd decided I had to choose. But today, the prospect of making a choice seemed far more difficult than letting nature take its course.

That evening, after doing all of my lectures and meetings on autopilot, I sat in my office and typed the next week's article.

When it came down to it, was it necessary for me to make a choice? Could one really have their cock and eat it too? Or was I bound to have to choose at some point? And when it was time, who would it be? The guy who shattered the egg or the one who picked up the pieces?

I didn't have much time to think about it, because just as I was packing up to go home, Jesse called to remind me that we were meeting for dinner at a small restaurant in SoHo. I told him I'd be there in an hour- I had an hour to decide what I was going to do.

**That same night, Tanner had to make a decision of his own. He and Frank were out celebrating Frank's promotion with dinner and wine at one of New York's most prestigious Brazilian restaurants- el'Carne.

Tanner had decided last night to put his fake smile on and support Frank until he couldn't do it anymore. Unfortunately for both he and Frank, that threshold came sooner than later. He had no clue how to tell the man he loved and planned on marrying him that he didn't love him enough to go cross-country with him. It was an impossible situation, one Tanner did not like. It was a decision he dreaded having to make.

"It's going to be wonderful, Tanner," Frank was saying. "I spent the day at work reading up on Dallas. It's a very vibrant and young city. The real estate is affordable and to die for. I'm thinking a loft right in the historic downtown done just like our place here."

"I can't move," Tanner blurted out as the breadbasket was being placed.


"I can't leave Manhattan. I, I," he stammered. He suddenly felt hot so he took a drink of water.

"But you sounded so excited last night, especially while I was-"

Tanner blushed. "I know. But that was different. You were excited, so I had to be excited."

"Why didn't you just say you didn't want to go when I was still on the phone with Schwartz?" Frank asked.

"Because. I'm not going to be the one that comes between you and your dreams. You've been working so hard for this for as long as I've known you. I wish I could follow you to Texas, but my life is here in Manhattan," Tanner said. The words were genuine and he didn't care if they sounded selfish. They were how he felt.

"Wow," Frank replied. "I'm, I'm sorry you feel that way. Can you give me a second?" Frank took out his phone and Tanner rolled his eyes. "Hello? Peggy, hi. Is Bill there? Mr. Schwartz, I'm sorry to bother you at home. It's just that I'm having second thoughts about the move to Dallas. I don't think I'll be able to do it. No, I understand. Here? That would be wonderful, sir. Thank you. I'll see you tomorrow."

Tanner couldn't believe his ears. Overcome with emotion and a tear running down his face, he stood up and gave Frank a kiss right there in the middle of el`Carne.

"What was that for?" Frank asked.

"I can't believe you just did that."

"It was easy. I would never, ever go anywhere without you. Especially a place as dry as Texas, can you imagine?"

"So what are you going to do?" Tanner asked.

"I'm not sure," Frank replied. "Schwartz said he'll recommend to the board I be made a partner here. If not, I'll try again next year."

Tanner was delighted to see that Frank was smiling. At that moment, he knew that he'd met the man of his dreams.

**Beau had also been dreaming about a man- a man that he couldn't have. He hadn't heard from Phillip since they're late night booty call last Friday, but the straight guy's body, face and cock kept creeping into Beau's mind.

Beau wondered when the next time would be that he'd get that call. That "I'll be there in five" and he lived for it. In order to take his mind off of Phillip, Beau tried his best to stay occupied. With me out with Jesse, Tanner out with Frank and Charles probably getting hammered somewhere on the NYU campus, the only thing Beau could do was sleep and dream.

And then, as if Phillip had been reading his mind, the midnight call came fifteen minutes after one.

"You busy?" Phillip whispered.

"You always ask that," Beau joked. Phillip didn't get it. "I'm not busy."

"Can I come up? I went out for a run and I passed by your place."

Beau got out of bed and looked out his window. Phillip was waving up at him. Beau buzzed him in.

"You're a fan of jogging at night," Beau said as Phillip was busy kissing his neck.

"Does it bother you?" Phillip whispered stopping and looking at Beau. Beau smiled.

"Not at all." Phillip went on to take Beau's pajama pants off and dove right in. He turned my friend around and began intensely eating Beau's ass.

"Mmmm," Phillip moaned as his tongue dug deeper and deeper into Beau's hole. It didn't take long for Beau to get loosened up- not as if the two of them had the time, Philip was moving at a sloppy schoolboy. Before Beau even knew what was happening, Phillip was slipping a condom on his cock and getting ready to slide in.

Beau turned around and lay on his back and said "Why such a hurry? Slow down, man."

"I don't want my girl to wake up and find me gone, dude," Phillip said. "Do you want to do this or not?"

Did he? Did he really want to be the ass a straight guy came to when he wanted something other than pussy? Did he want to be the mouth that got creamed in but never got kissed? At that time, he had to make a decision. Looking up at the rugged hotness of his almost perfect straight guy, the decision was easy.

"Of course I do," Beau cooed. Phillip smiled, lifted Beau's leg over his shoulder and slowly slipped his cock into my friend's ass.

A minute later, Phillip was pumping away. Beau's hands couldn't find a spot to rest. He felt the light layer of hair on Phillip's chest. He felt the light layer of sweat on his arms. He felt the soft blonde hair on his head, all while Phillip was pumping in and out of his ass as if there was no tomorrow.

"Ah, ah, ah," Phillip shouted as he pumped deeper and deeper into Beau's ass. He felt Phillip's entire body tense up and simultaneously, his did as well. He realized that he hadn't even been touching his own cock, but instead had both hands clawing at Phillip's back. Just as he felt Phillip thrust in one last time and spill his seed deep into his guts, his own cocked jumped one more time and let loose all over his abs.

"That was great," Phillip said as he stood up. He reached for a towel and wiped himself off. "Thanks for the help man."

"No problem," Beau said, almost unable to move. He lay there watching Phillip get dressed. "I hope you're girl isn't up when you get home."

By this time, Phillip had finished putting his clothes on and was sitting next to Beau to put his shoes back on.

"Yeah, I hope not either," Phillip said. "I don't know what I'd do if she found out I was doing this. I'm crazy about her, you know?"

Beau didn't know. "Yeah," Beau said.

"Are you seeing anyone?" Phillip asked moving to tie his other shoe. "I'm sure a guy like you has the girls all lined up."

Girls? Not since the 11th grade when everyone needed a date to the prom. And as Phillip was leaving, Beau realized why Phillip was so comfortable having sex with him- he thought they were both in the same boat- straight guys who liked helping each other out but loved their girlfriends.

**That night, while having dinner with Jesse, I couldn't stop the guilt from coursing through my body if I'd tried. I wisely stayed away from wine at dinner, not wanting to get trashed like I'd been the last two times I went out and couldn't control myself.

"You seem different tonight," Jesse told me when we were waiting on dessert.

"Huh?" I said blankly. "Oh, nothing. No. I'm fine." I wasn't convincing, even to myself. I knew I had to do it soon. Jesse wasn't stupid and he'd pick up that something had happened.

I decided to wait until we were finished with dinner and walking down 7th Avenue in the general direction of Jesse's apartment in the fashion district.

"I have something to tell you," I said suddenly. Jesse asked what it was. I swallowed hard. "I um, I um saw Will the other day."

There was silence between us. A couple walked past us raving about how great Wicked had just been and I wanted desperately to be part of their crew.

"What happened?"

I had to do it. I'd come too far now. I'd already decided and this was my choice.

"We um, we hooked up," I said slowly.

"Ah, Mike," Jesse said. "Why would you do that? Are you kidding me?"

"I'm so sorry," I said. By now we'd stopped walking and were simply standing there in the middle of 7th Avenue. People were walking past us as if nothing was wrong. "I didn't plan for it to happen. I really really like you."

"Just not enough," Jesse said.

"Don't do this. I'm sorry."

"So am I," Jesse said. "I could live with the fact that you weren't over him. But I lived with that assuming that one day you would be and that is clearly not the case."

"Jesse," I began.

"I feel sorry for you, Mike. You're letting go of a guy that will never break your heart for a guy who already has," Jesse continued. I had started crying. He started walking away. I called his name twice, but to no avail. That night, I walked home alone.

**The next morning, I cancelled my class and decided to stay in and mope. Charles called saying that the guys were taking me out to an early dinner in Lolita and that I should be ready at 6. Knowing I'd have little to no desire to get up and get dressed, Charles showed up at 5 wearing dashing black slacks and a silk lined Vivian Westwood vest.

"Is that a girl's vest?" I asked him as he opened my shades and pulled me out of my covers.

"It was until I paid 300 dollars for it," he replied. "Now get up. I brought essentials. You don't have class tomorrow do you?"

"No, but I'm giving a seminar at four," I said remembering that it was my week to do a freshman seminar on Wednesday.

"PM? Whatever," Charles said. "You'll be plenty recovered by then. Drink this."

Charles' idea of break up essentials, as I found out, was a bottle of Champagne, some face cream to even the skin tone and reduce bags and a new pair of shoes.

"You didn't have to buy me shoes," I said to him.

"We wear the same size. I'm taking them back tomorrow?" I couldn't help but smile. "Now get up and get in the shower. You smell like a sailor during fleet week."

"When is that this year?"

"Go!" he said pushing me into the bathroom. An hour later, the two of us were making our way downtown to a swanky Italian restaurant in the up and coming neighborhood just south of Little Italy. Tanner was already waiting with a table and a martini in hand. He told us Beau was on the phone.

"Is he talking to straightee?" we all wondered. Beau finally joined us, saying he was in fact talking to straightee and the guy was calling in advance to plan a late night boogie this time.

"Oh progress," Charles joked. "Maybe in two or three years, he'll ask you out on a date."

"It'll have to be on one of the other boroughs though. He wouldn't be caught dead with a fag on Manhattan."

"Dump him. Look, our waiter is cute, and the two of you are probably in the same profession," Tanner said coming into the joke. "What do you guys call it these days? Struggling artists?"

"As a matter of fact, I have an opening night this Saturday and you're all going to be there." We were, regardless of the fact that we had no clue what the show was and if history was any indication, it was a weird production off-off-off-Broadway and the three of us with our dates would probably make up the bulk of the audience.

The conversation eventually shifted towards Tanner, who was beaming at the fact that Frank wasn't making him move to Dallas and that he wasn't leaving either. If I'd ever had any doubts about the two of them, they were immediately squashed.

And then before I knew it, dinner had come and gone, there were several glasses per capita on the table and the conversation turned to me.

"I'm doing fine," I said. "I just needed today to mope and sit around. What did I expect you know? I decided to sleep with Will and then tell Jesse. I knew this would happen."

"I hate to say I told you so," Tanner said.

"Stop it," Beau chided.

"It's alright ya'll. I'll be fine. Besides, the best thing about being with two guys is that you always have one to fall back on."

And that's when my mourning ended. Sure I'd lost Jesse, probably the sweetest guy I'd been with in a while. Sure I felt sad and guilty, and that feeling wasn't going to go away. But for some reason this break up was different. I still had Will.

After dinner, with my new mindset and my new shoes, I made my way uptown to Will's super chic loft on Madison. He buzzed me up and with no words or ceremony, I gave him a huge margarita tasting kiss.

"What was that for?" he asked when he'd closed the door and we'd both sat down on the couch.

"For being you," I said. "For coming back to me when everything inside of me said you wouldn't. Thank you."

"You're welcome," he said. Those were the only words we spoke that night. We continued to make out on his couch before he stood up and moved me to his leopard print sheets. I lay back and he moved to lay on top of me, slipping his hand into my unbuttoned slacks and holding my head.

I couldn't have asked for more. He kissed my guilt away. He slowly and methodically undressed the both of us until we lay there, kneeling on his bed, kissing like school children and grinding our naked and hard cocks on each other. The next thing I knew, he had turned around and was grinding his ass into my cock as we continued to kiss.

Before I knew it, I was inside of him, feeling him and making love to him like I hadn't done to anyone in over a year. I remembered why I loved this guy so much and the thought of Jesse was nowhere to be found. With Will on all fours in front of me, my hard as a rock 7 inch cock pumping in and out of his tight ass, there was no one in the world but us.

I could feel myself reaching my climax and I pulled out of Will, ripped of the condom and turned him around so that I could see the sheer joy and ecstasy on his face as I spilled what seemed like gallons of cum onto his smooth chest.

When I'd finally caught my breath back, I lay next to him with his arm cradling me like he'd always done and he smiled. He didn't have to do anything but smile and a year of pain was sufficiently erased.

**The next week flew past. I wasn't sure if it was because I was simultaneously suppressing my guilt while enjoying my newfound excitement. For Charles, it was the laundry list of events he, as a socialite and gatekeeper of the gay Manhattan world, had to keep up with. And no surprise, either Justin or Jay was at his side for all of them.

On Wednesday night, while I was occupied with a post-seminar reception, Charles was at boat party with Jay on the East River.

On Thursday night, he again invited me to hang out with him and Justin and a group of other NYU students at his apartment. I went only because Will had a Vogue photo shoot to do that night.

"You're boyfriend shoots for Vogue?" one of the undergrads asked me.

It felt good to hear the words boyfriend used when referring to Will again.

And on Friday, while Will and I were watching the much hyped closing of Passing Strange, Charles was out at a swank little club in Soho, sans Jay and Justin for the first time in a couple of weeks.

Charles and I met at Prada on Saturday morning because he needed to pick up a new outfit for Beau's event tonight. We'd found out that he wasn't in fact in a show. Instead, he was a human art piece at a new gallery opening. Charles' inside connection told him the event promised to be filled with the elite of Manhattan art enthusiasts, including a large population of the wealthy gay community.

"It's time to put the old duds away and pull out your best Prada," Charles warned as we were greeted at Prada with two glasses of bubbly champagne and strawberries. "I love shopping on Saturday mornings."

Charles was looking for a sweater for tonight, something light, fit for fall and totally chic.

"I have to turn heads tonight," he said. I asked him who he'd be going with. "Why do you people care so much?"

"Because this is new, Charles. You don't date," I said.

"Well maybe I'm looking for something different," he replied.

"Or maybe you're tired of cock chasing," I told him. He put down the black cashmere he'd been holding up.

"There is nothing like tired," he replied. "I like Justin, ok. What do you want me to say? Charles the man whore found someone he likes. With as many guys as I sleep with, it was bound to happen."

"And Jay?" I asked.

"He's just a hobby. And he won't leave me alone for some reason."

"Do you even know this guy and how he tracked you down?"

"I'm pretty sure I slept with him before, a long time ago probably. I don't know. I'm letting him down easy this weekend." He stopped talking and went back to shopping. A minute of silence later, and out of the blue, Charles said "I think I'm going to ask Justin to be, you know..."

"What?" I asked. I couldn't help but smile at his discomfort with the word.

"Exclusive," he said giving me a shifty eye. "I think I'm going to ask him to be exclusive."

"Hold the phone," I said while striking my best dramatic pose. "Is this real or am I witnessing pigs fly?"

"My glass is going to be flying into your face if you don't shut it," he said. "Speaking, of which, why is this empty?" The young lady helping us went to fetch some more champagne just as Charles was settling on an almost sheer grey high neck cashmere sweater with oversized metallic buttons on the collar. The look Charles picked may have been put together, but his situation was still confusing to me. Could my monog-o-phobe friend be ready to settle down? And was the lucky guy, the guy who was sure to be the envy of every eligible gay man in Manhattan, really a student of mine?

**The proof was in the pudding later that very night as the four of us, dates included, were walking around a very well put together human art display.

"This is gorgeous," Will said, hanging on my arm like the old days, while looking at a naked man painted a bright green and holding oranges.

"I can't say I get it," I told him. I couldn't lie.

"It's amazing." What was amazing was how nice my friends were being to him. It was almost as if a year without him hadn't passed. Charles, looking stunning as usual, was accompanied by an equally handsome Justin, in clothes I recognized as Charles' and too expensive for a college student to own. He gave Will a firm shake and said "It's good to see the prodigal boyfriend finally made his way home."

Beau was equally as cordial; though he couldn't talk while in position, wearing a military outfit and a Big Brother-esqu facemask while holding a basket of assorted fruit, he did let out a slight smile as Will and I passed.

The only one giving Will the cold shoulder was predictably Tanner. At one point during the night, he left Frank's side and pulled me into the bathroom.

"I hope you know what you're doing," he warned. We looked like two forty-something housewives powdering our noses during a debutante ball.

"I know what I'm doing, Tanner. Please stop worrying about me."

"If you say so."

"I've made my decision," I told him. "Now can you be nice to him for a second? We're all going to drinks after and I expect you to be cordial."

"I'll be cordial, but he better be paying," Tanner joked.

"I was thinking the speech therapist should pay," I joked back.

"Litigator, asshole."

Later that night, the four of us, along with Justin, Frank and Will all went out to Beau's favorite bar to celebrate.

"You were great," Will commented. Beau gushed over this. He loved Will and he didn't for one second hide his enthusiasm that we were back together. "But um, where is your date?"

"My date?" Beau feigned ignorance. "Who has time for a date?"

"Especially one with a girlfriend," Charles said.

"You're an asswipe," Beau replied. After much crowd chiding, Beau finally explained. "Yes, yes, I'm seeing a straight guy- technically. And yes he thinks I'm probably straight too."

"Is he blind?" I asked.

"He's misinformed," Beau defended. "But he's hot and he has a huge cock."

"Minors in the room," Frank joked covering Justin's ears.

"Hey," Justin replied. "I might be only 18, but I think I know a thing or two about huge cocks." He said giving Charles an obvious grope.

"He does," Charles said laughing.

"Say 18 a little louder, I don't think the DA across the bar heard you," I joked.

Tanner added with "You say 18, I say jailbait."

"I say barely legal," Charles said. "Your porn collection tells me you know all about that!"

The night continued just like that, the seven of us joking around and having a good time. Justin was the first to go home- a friend of his was having a kegger downtown and he'd promised to stop by. After making fun of Charles for being too young to crash a frat party, they said goodnight and promised to hook up later. Frank and Tanner were next to go home. Frank had briefs to read and testimony to go over the next day and Tanner had to get his beauty rest in time for our scheduled brunch. Beau got the late night call just as he was flirting with a cute guy at the bar and left to meet his straightee at his apartment.

That left Charles, Will and I, tipsy and wandering around midtown in search for another fun group of people to hang with. Just as I was ready to call it a night, we were passed by a group of well dressed men, one of which was wearing a ball and chain around his neck. It didn't take long to realize we were coming head on to a bachelor party.

"Yo, where's the party?" one of the guys shouted at us. Charles gave me a smile and said "I know what I'm doing for the rest of the night."

"What is that?" Will asked, not catching on.

"The best man."

"What about Justin?" Will asked.

"What he doesn't know won't hurt him."

And while Will and I went back to my place for a repeat of that afternoon's festivities, Charles made the choice to go on the prowl and show these gentlemen exactly where the party was.

**Charles led the four new additions to his passé to a strip club he knew on 23rd street. Being the savvy and crafty man he was, Charles made it a point to have connections everywhere- including a female strip club. Twenty minutes later, Charles was sitting next to the best man as the groom-to-be was enjoying a lap dance complimentary of Charles.

"Do you want one too?" Charles asked Chance, the best man and the cutest of the bunch.

"Not from her," Chance replied smiling.

"Not from this her," Charles asked raising an eyebrow. "Or any her?" This question was combined with a well placed hand to the thigh and a killer smile. Charles' initial scoping of the group lead him to the conclusion that the best dressed, most flirtatious and sober of the group was probably the gay one- not to mention that he'd ordered a Vodka/Redbull at the bar. Years of practice were in his favor and now was the test.

"You got me figured out," Chance replied. "But take it easy, my friends don't know."

"Don't know what?" the groom slurred. He was holding on to the dancer's hips and sipping on a light beer.

"Don't know that I'm sending you to rehab as a wedding present." This got a laugh out of everyone. "Speaking of weddings, you have one in less than 7 hours. Shouldn't you be getting some sleep?"

"I told Kristy a morning wedding was stupid," the groom said, his way of agreeing.

Charles, being not so discreet, whispered to Chance as everyone was putting on their coats and walking out the door "How are we going to shake wheel three?"

"We aren't," Chance replied. "He's staying at my apartment tonight.

In a crafty move, Charles managed to get the other two guys in the group to take a cab to their apartments while he, Chance and drunk groom headed to Chance's place.

"Who's this guy?" drunk groom asked. "He's not a groomsman."

"He's a friend of mine," Chance said quickly. "I told him to get drinks with us. And he bought you a lap dance."

"Oh yeah," he replied. "Thanks for that dude."

"Charmed," Charles said, growing slightly impatient. He wasn't used to working this hard to get someone in bed, but Chance was his last call and he was determined to land the kill if he had to do it while his best friend watched.

"So is he coming over to hang out with us?" drunk groom asked.

"I suppose he is," Chance said giving Charles a raised eyebrow. Charles rewarded him with a discreetly placed under the seat ass-squeeze.

Fifteen minutes later, Chance and Charles were lugging a very drunk groom into Chance's bedroom. When they were satisfied that he was sufficiently hydrated and medicated with enough aspirin to curb any hangover, the two of them sat down on Chance's leather couch in the next room.

"Are you ok with doing it while your friend sleeps?" Charles asked.

"He's more like passed out. This is as drunk as he's been since college," Chance replied. He gave Charles a pretty deep and sexy kiss. The guy's sexy scruff rubbed Charles' face and his growl into Charles' mouth made my buddy's cock come to life.

"That's what I like to feel," Chance said giving Charles' cock a squeeze. Charles' cock jumped, a mixture of his horniness and his excitement that he was about to fuck this closeted guy while his super straight friend slept one thin wall over. "But just to be safe, let's keep it quiet."

Charles had no problem doing that. He could control his breathing and noises, and for the most part, Chance would have his mouth too full to say anything. Chance, eager to taste my hot friend's even hotter cock, knelt between Charles' legs and began deep throating his throbbing cock like a pro.

"You're fucking amazing at that, man," Charles whispered. Whether the guy was actually incredible or whether Charles was just glad for the change wasn't an important factor- the fact of the matter is, Charles was dripping precum into Chance's mouth faster than he could tell the guy to suck it.

After a while of letting his head rest back on the couch as the hot cocksucker's head bobbed up and down below him, Charles decided it was time for a view change. He stood up, and brought Chance up to sit on the couch and began face fucking the dude who couldn't get enough. His cock went deep into Chance's throat and the guy, knowing how to work his lips, tongue and mouth, was bringing Charles to the edge rather quickly.

"Ah," Charles couldn't help but moaning a little bit as he got closer. "I'm close." He said. He grabbed the back of Chance's head and forcefully pulled the guy into his cock. Charles enjoyed every second of the feeling of this new guy eating his cum, rope upon rope cascading to the back of Chance's throat before eventually being swallowed for good.

"You taste so great," Chance said as Charles, now slightly sweaty, sat back down next to him on the couch. Chance kissed Charles, sharing a little bit of the taste of his own juice. Charles felt Chance's incredibly hard cock and stroked it for a minute before it exploded all over his hands. He brought his finger up to his lips and took a little in.

"You taste great too," Chance replied. A minute later, he said "You should probably go. I have an early morning."

Charles, ever the gentleman, got dressed and said he would see himself out.

"I'd love to do this again; maybe when my friend isn't passed out next door," Chance said as Charles was leaving. "Could I get your number?"

"That won't be necessary," Charles thought. The change was definitely welcome, but he was already thinking about the next time he could see Justin.

**The next afternoon, the four of us met, as per usual, for brunch and to recap stories. Beau was first, saying that he'd seen his straightee yet again and that they were beginning to talk more.

"So you're doing what god created man to do millions of years ago?" Tanner asked. "You're having a conversation with the man that you're sleeping with."

"I don't think god wanted men to sleep together," Charles said with the perfect dead-pan pitch. I couldn't help but laughing and almost choked on a piece of steak.

"It isn't even like that," Beau said. "The guy is actually really sweet. He's an ad exec and he coaches a YMCA basketball team at night."

"He's a saint," I mocked.

"Or he's sticking it to the little boys," Charles said.

"Ya'll are sick," Tanner said.

"Thank you Tanner. Can't I like someone? Besides, his girlfriend is going to see her parents next weekend and he wants me to spend the weekend."

I didn't have the heart to tell my friend he was being pathetic, so I ended the conversation with a simple joke. "Check the nightstand afterwards, Pretty Woman. That's where they usually put the payment."

"Cinda-fucking-rella!" Charles added laughing as hard as I'd seen him do in a while.

"Why are you in such a good mood? Oh, wait, you have a main squeeze now," I said to Charles after the laughing had died down.

"Actually, I fucked someone new last night," he replied.

"That's it, you have the herp," Tanner said to him.

"You didn't," I said to him. "Not one of those..." I said remembering the four guys I'd left Charles with last night. "Not the groom."

"You're getting on to me for doing a straight guy and you're having sex with a guy who's getting married today?" Beau said raising his voice. The table next to us stopped talking and Beau had effectively caused a scene. If we weren't such a staple at Anaria's we'd probably care, but we were and we didn't.

"Not the groom," Charles replied. "Although he probably heard us going at it from the next room." With this, Charles began sipping his drinks as our questions flew. He didn't answer any of them and instead changed the subject.

"Mike, so you and Will are official, now?" he asked calmly while we were still shouting questions at him.

"We're working on it," I replied. "But I don't know. I guess we're just moving forward. And I still haven't gotten my key back from Jesse."

Since making the decision to stick things out with Will, my only contact with Jesse was that moment of weakness that I called him. And after brunch, as I was walking home, all I could think about was Will. I was happy and excited and I couldn't wait to see where the two of us were headed together, but a little piece of me was still feeling guilty.

When I arrived home, as if someone somewhere had read my mind, the key I'd given Jesse was back on the table in my foyer. There was a small note attached to it that read "This was never for me. Good luck."

Reading it gave me both a sense of relief as well as a sense of supreme disappointment. Jesse had been so great, it was almost unbearable that I'd hurt him. But I was ready for something else. I couldn't guarantee that Will wouldn't hurt me again, but for the time being, I had to see for myself. This was my choice, and I'd effectively made it.

Thank you for continuing to follow Me and My Boys. As always, you're comments are more than welcome and can be sent to Hope to hear from you. M.

Next: Chapter 7

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