Me and My Boys

By moc.loa@efilrofsnevaeH

Published on Jul 2, 2008


Me and My Boys

Chapter 2:

**If you don't mind reading about gay sex between characters that don't intentionally resemble anyone in real life and if it is safe for you to do so in your area then please enjoy!! Also, your feedback at is greatly appreciated. **

I had to act quickly. Whatever I decided to do, it had to be done quickly and expeditiously. The first thing I did was text the guys to tell them that if they were free, I was having an emergency lunch session that afternoon. I needed their advice.

I got to my office and emailed the paper editor what I'd written yesterday so that it could run in the Orientation edition of the paper coming out tomorrow.

The next thing I did was open my office up to students. I talked to freshman advisees. I talked to upperclassmen who had come back early. I talked to parents, I talked to other faculty. I spent the entire morning and early afternoon talking and I was relieved that it helped me take my mind of my conundrum- at least until Charles called me saying that he was waiting in his car downstairs.

I went to meet him, sat in the back as his driver sped off to a Tapas restaurant we all liked in midtown.

"So what is this emergency?" Charles asked sounding bored in the way that he always did. "And tell me that it's more interesting than Beau's little problem of yesterday."

"Its Will," I said quietly not wanting to say too many words.

"What about him?" Charles said. I could tell he cared more than he was letting on. That's why I loved him. "He didn't die, did he?"

"No, he didn't die. He called me," I said. "Well, he texted me."

"So?" was Charles only reply. When I sat there quietly, he continued. "You have the date with that poor guy tonight, what's his name? Yeah, Jesse. You think you might like him right? Why even bother with Will again."

"He's in town," I said. We were coming up to the restaurant and I could see both Tanner and Beau already seated and talking. Beau was dressed in his typical actor get-up: jeans, a black T, a scarf, a headband and leg warmers for good measure. Tanner was in a dark suit and kept checking his watch as if he had somewhere to be. We got out of the car and joined them.

"Ok," Tanner said. "We already ordered for you guys. Steak for you and a platter for you." He was talking at record speeds. "We have to make this quick. I have a client coming in at 1."

"Don't your clients know that one o'clock is siesta hour?" Charles said.

"Some of us work for a living Charles, thanks for playing," Tanner retorted.

"Will called," I dropped. Tanner gasped audibly and Beau let out a quiet "No..."

"What did he say?" Beau asked.

I pulled out my phone and read the text message. I just got back into town and I'm leaving tomorrow. We should catch up tonight. Call me- I miss you. W.

"Wow," Beau said at a loss for words.

"What an asshole," was Tanner's response. Charles just sat there waiting for his steak.

"I don't think it's a big deal to see him," I began to say.

"No, Mike. You aren't going to see him," Tanner said.

"Why not?"

"Because in case you forgot the guy broke your heart. He screwed you up pretty badly and he can't just waltz back in here after a year and pick up how everything left off," Tanner said convincingly.

"I agree with him, Mike," Beau responded. "It just doesn't seem fair for him to expect you to be right here waiting for him whenever he decides to pop back into your life. Plus you have that date with the FB."

"Which is precisely it," I said. I knew the argument I was about to make was a week one, but I was out of rationale. "I don't even want to date Jesse. This is a good excuse to get out of it and go back being what we are- FBs.

"I thought we went over this," Tanner said.

"We did," I replied. "But now things are different." By now our food had come and I decided to drop the conversation. Charles rescued me by bringing up something that he'd seen go down at The Cube this past weekend. Thirty five minutes and a plate full of tapas later, I was ready to go back to work and make the necessary calls.

One thing I had gotten from the lunch was that cancelling my date with Jesse was irresponsible and a step in the wrong direction. I needed to keep the date and I needed it to go well. So I wasn't going to cancel, I was just going to push it up.

"Hey, Jesse," I said when he answered the phone on the second ring- eagerly. "Don't worry, I'm still up for tonight. But something came up and I was wondering if we could move dinner to 6 instead of 7:30." He agreed. I told him I had somewhere to be at nine. He said it was cool

Then came the hard part. I dialed the number out of memory. No matter how many times I deleted it from my cell phone it was still engrained in my memory.

"Hi Mike," he said. His voice sounded the exact same: sexy, foreign and exotic. "I was worried you wouldn't call."

"Now why wouldn't I call you?" I said with a tinge of sarcasm.

"I know, I know. I'm a jerk," he said. "But I really want to see you. I miss you." I didn't say anything. "I'm travelling with a couple people and we were all thinking about getting drinks at the old place around ten tonight. I'd love for you to join us."

I thought for what felt like hours. I wasn't naïve and I'd seen my share of daytime soaps. This was one of those episodes where the cute protagonist goes to the bar and sees his ex-lover sitting with a handsome stranger. They talk, they reminisce and just when the guard is down, the ex-lover announces that this is in fact his fiancé. I wasn't going to be caught unaware, so I put the ball in his court.

"I'll be pretty busy working tonight," I said confidently. "This is short notice you know. Why don't you stop by my place after you get drinks and we'll catch up? Gotta run, bye."

I hung up. I knew I'd played it well the moment my phone was off and I grinned in triumph. Tonight, I was going to have my cake and eat it too.

**Meanwhile, across town, Beau was busy rehearsing his scenes for the new production he was featured in. It wasn't a big part. It wasn't even a small part. Beau was part of the company of an off-Broadway production of Company. He also had to play the trombone in some of the numbers.

As Beau was trying to get a particularly nasty section of choreography down in the studio, another extra, a cute blonde haired blue eyed waif came over and said hi.

"Hello," Beau replied. He usually didn't talk to co-stars when it wasn't necessary. Acting was the single thing in Beau's life that he took seriously. He wasn't sure how he felt about this particular distraction.

"I hear that you broke up with a guy I know," the guy said.

"Umm. I just ended things with a guy named Becket," I responded.

"Yeah," he said. "I'm Luke. Becket and I used to be roommates."

"Oh," Beau replied suddenly feeling self conscience. "So you guys are close then?"

"Oh, god no. He was the most terrible roommate ever. I found out from a friend who ran into him at Holding Cell last night and when he said your name, I thought it sounded familiar."

"Yeah, that was me," Beau said grinning beside himself.

"Well, it's nice to meet you. It's about time someone showed that douche bag what was coming to him," Luke said.

"Yeah," Beau replied. "He was kind of a princess."

"Boy, do I know it? I have stories that would make you vomit your lunch," Luke said. In a flirtatious turn, he grabbed Beau's arm and let his hand linger there for a second.

"Who says I need help with that?" Beau joked. The two talked for a few more minutes until Beau mentioned that he really needed to work on some moves.

"Sure," Luke said. "If you want any more juicy Becket stories, I'd be glad to share." Then he paused. "Maybe over dinner."

Beau could see it coming from a mile away. To the constant smiling to the way Luke kept touching him to the position of the guy's thighs, Beau knew he was going to be asked out sometime during the conversation. And he was ready with his answer.

"Sorry, man," he replied. "I have a strict policy not to date guys I'm doing shows with."

Not phased in the slightest, Luke smiled and responded "Good thing this is my last week working with Company. I was just cast as a dancer in Wicked and I start this Friday."

Beau smiled widely and said "Well then we'll have to celebrate with drinks this Friday."

They exchanged numbers and two days after breaking up with Becket, Beau had found a new love of his life.

**Later that night, while I was scouring my closet for the proper 1st date, 1st re-date outfit, Charles had decided to hit up happy hour without me. Charles was a fixture on the New York club scene and with the amount of money he dropped on expensive champagne and private lounges, every club accommodated him to the best of their abilities. He'd partied with the best of them from Mick Jagger to Lindsay Lohan herself. One Tuesday morning he'd even surprised me with a evidence that he'd been the one to call the ambulance for Tara Reid the night before.

And tonight was no different for Charles. He swung right into Club Velvet around 8 o'clock for his first stop and was immediately greeted by the cute coach-check boy who knew Charles by more than just face. Charles, as usual, acted like he'd never seen the kid and proceeded to the bar.

"Your Charles Wise," a guy in an Italian suit said from two seats over. Charles looked up and without smiling replied.

"It's pronounced Wise, like with a V." The response was meant to intimidate, but surprisingly to Charles, the guy didn't back down. Instead, he got up from his seat and moved one over so he was next to Charles. "Do I know you?" Charles asked immediately after.

"You want to," the guy said. " I'm going to make you an offer you can't refuse."

Charles was thrown off by the guy's arrogance. He was used to being the most confident person in a room.

"Oh yeah?" Charles said. The guy's attitude, although annoying, was slightly a turn on for Charles. He rarely met anyone who wasn't intimated by his gorgeous looks or copious amounts of money.

"In about five minutes, I'm going to go upstairs to the private lounge they have in the back. And you're going to come with me."

"Is that so?" Charles asked cocking his eyebrow. Never had he ever been approached so directly. He was usually the one approaching people, getting inside their heads and then getting inside their pants. This was new and part of him liked it.

"Oh, it's very so," the guy replied. "And you're going to let me do unspeakable things to you."

Charles gave the guy another smile. Though he'd met a formidable match, Charles wasn't going to be taken that easily. He said something to the bartender, signed a sheet of paper and gave him two one hundred dollar bills. The bartender then whispered something into an usher's ear. Not one to be outdone, Charles stood and said "Why don't you go upstairs now and I'll meet you in a few minutes to do those... um, unspeakable things. I never leave a class of Greygoose unfinished."

The guy's face lit up and within two seconds, he'd gone upstairs, leaving Charles sipping his expensive liquor.

When the guy arrived upstairs, he was greeted by an usher on Charles' payroll who showed him to the private lounge at the back. On the center couch, Charles had had the bartender send up an expensive bottle of champagne and a vibrator with a note attached that read: Have fun doing the unspeakable... without me. C

**That same night, I went on my date with Jesse. I'd settled on a pair of cute tight jeans and a black sweater that had the outline of a ferocious lion detailed in black as well.

"You look really good," Jesse said when I sat down at the table he'd been waiting at. One of the rules I made with him is that we didn't pick each other up on the first date. He agreed. Giorgio's was a small Italian restaurant in midtown that I'd been to once and Jesse said he loved. "They're ravioli is to die for," he'd said on the phone last night.

"You look good too," I said. He was wearing black slacks and a black button down. Something about him was extremely relaxed and it was rubbing off on me.

We spent all of dinner talking about our pasts together- how we'd both used each other to get over different break ups, cheat on different boyfriends and pass the time.

"Last Christmas?" he asked.

"The guy I was seeing was spending two weeks in Montreal with his family, so I called you," I said. We laughed at all of our embarrassing stories.

"Do you remember me ever answering my phone in the middle?"

"Yeah, I do," I replied. "What was that about?"

"I had a huge fight with a guy and that's why I called you over. He called while we were doing it and said he was coming over. I finished like two minutes later and right after you left, he came in."

"You're lying," I said. "Right after?"

"Right after. He asked me if a new cute guy lived on my floor," he said. We were both laughing. The stories were endless and always entertaining. We shared so much in common that I actually let myself go and had a good time.

After dinner, we went out for drinks. Charles had called me earlier and said we should meet up with him if we decided to get drinks. It was still early, so I gave Charles a call and he said he was leaving Velvet and heading to a little spot downtown- called Little Spot.

We got to Little Spot and Charles was holding court, as usual at the bar. We talked to him for a few- he did his normal intimidation on Jesse and bought us a couple of drinks. He made a few threesome jokes, and two drinks later, Jesse and I were heading back to my place- it was closest.

On the way to my apartment, while things were already getting hot and heavy, my phone rang and I suddenly remembered my later date.

"Will," I said as I answered it. "What's up?"

"When's the best time to drop by tonight?" he asked. I looked over at Jesse, who was walking right next to me with his hand around my waist.

"Whenever," I said, trying not to say too much. In all of our talking, I hadn't told Jesse about Will.

"Cool. I'll be over in fifteen minutes," Will said.

"Sounds good," I responded and then flipped my phone shut. By now we were at my building.

"What was that about?" Jesse asked.

"Nothing at all," I replied. I felt uncharacteristically naughty and for the first time ever concerning Will, I had a plan. "Let's just get upstairs and do what we do best."

Jesse smiled deviously and followed me upstairs.

**We left Charles flirting with the bartender at Little Spot, a struggling actor trying to pay his way through different classes. He met one criteria though and that was that he was hot. Everyone at the bar was vying for his attention, and like a good bartender, he was giving everyone their due attention- as well as flaunting a chiseled body and boyish face. But as soon as Charles showed up, hovering over the competition and dropping large bills they were one's, all eyes were on him and the bartender.

"When do you get off?" Charles yelled over the disco music.

"Whenever you want me to, stud," the guy said. Everyone at the bar was busy talking to their second choices, knowing they'd been overshadowed by the tall guy in the expensive suit.

"How about now?" Charles asked. "There are three bartenders. They'll cover you."

"You see all these people?" the guy said. "They're here to see me. I can't leave my fans empty handed."

"Well I have two hands and I know what to do with them," Charles said. They flirted a little more and finally settled on going home together when the guy was done at two.

Just as Charles saying one last inappropriate thing, he felt a tap on his shoulder. He turned around to find the guy from Velvet smiling at him.

"You didn't think I'd take no for an answer did you?" the guy asked. Charles was instantly turned on.

"I was hoping you wouldn't. But before you can get with me there's something you have to know." The guy asked what it was. Charles got close to him and whispered "That was a nice try back at Velvet, but I always do things my way."

The guy smiled, pressed his body next to Charles' and said back "Well then let's go. I like it your way."

The guy pressed even closer to Charles, their crotches coming together and Charles could feel the guys larger than normal tool. He smiled at the guy. As they were leaving Little Spot, Charles stopped at the bar and said to the bartender "I'll see you at two?"

The bartender watched Charles walk out with another man and was more turned on than he'd been all night.

Back at his apartment, Charles lost no time. He pushed the guy up against the wall of his bedroom and attacked his mouth with his own tongue. Taking a breather, Charles panted "What did you say your name was?"

The guy's shirt came off along with a couple of buttons and Charles attacked the guy's nipples.

"I didn't," the guy managed to say in between moans. "It's Jay."

Charles was on his knees and the guys pants were coming down. He looked up and smiled. "Well it's nice to meet you, Jay."

As soon as Jay was naked, Charles had him on his back on his 300 thread count sheets and was making out with him while simultaneously grinding his cock against Jay's.

Jay had heard Charles Wise was legendary, but the tails weren't doing him justice. Charles was all over the place- licking, kissing, sucking. He brought Jay to edge with only his tongue and then quickly went back to kissing him until the guy had time to recover.

After an hour of playing around, Charles was ready for the kill. He laid on his back, his eight inch cock sticking straight up and simply said to Jay "You want to ride it."

The statement was equal parts question and answer. It wasn't a command, but it wasn't a request. He knew Jay did and he knew Jay would. Jay was a creature all his own and had managed to make Charles sweat for the past hour, something most guys were too in awe to be able to do. His hands were everywhere as he straddled Charles' cock and got ready to sit on his huge cock.

He smiled down at Charles who was lying back with both hands behind his head. Jay braced himself on Charles' chest and a minute later had slid down all 8 inches. He let out a very loud moan, brought his hips up so that Charles' cock was almost out of his ass and then came back down again. Charles didn't do anything but smile as Jay did all the work. He could feel Jay's sweat drip down and the sight of this cute guy, rolling his eyes back and cocking his head back forth was driving Charles crazy. Not to mention the fact that there was now a steady stream of precum coming out of Jay's impossibly hard cock. Charles knew Jay would come any minute now and he decided to help him speed up the process.

In one swift motion, Charles sat up, swiftly put Jay on his back and began pounding him. Jay tried to speak but every word came out as an incoherent grunt. Charles was enjoying every second of the action. He grabbed Jay's dick and the second his hot hand was wrapped around it, ropes and ropes of sticky cum came shooting out. The sight of Jay's intense orgasm was enough to send even Charles over the edge without any assistance. He pulled out Jay's ass, ripped of the condom and without even touching himself, sprayed what felt like a bucket of hot cum all over Jay's torso, neck and face.

The two collapsed on top of each other, breathing heavily and smiling.

"That was incredible," Jay said. Charles, recovering from his own orgasm didn't respond. He got up, grabbed a towel for himself and threw one to Jay. As he left the bedroom he said "Go ahead and use the restroom if you want. You can see yourself out."

Jay looked around, realized he'd just had sex with Charles Wise and didn't care that he was being so rudely dismissed.

** Across town, I was having some fun of my own. Jesse and I fell into our regular pattern of making each other feel good, but this time was different. I wasn't preoccupied with anything, I wasn't busy thinking about the last time I'd had it. I was in it and I was focused. Jesse rewarded my focus with what felt like the hottest blow job I'd had in a while.

Right when he was hitting his stride, deep throating my dripping cock, my doorbell rang.

"I'll get that," I said. Jesse looked at me extremely puzzled.

I put on a robe, waited a second trying not to look at Jesse so my cock would go down and went to meet Will.

"Whoa," Will said as I answered the door. He looked better than I'd remembered and his accent was even thicker in person. "In bed already?"

"I actually have company," I said. My mouth felt dry. I couldn't believe what was coming out of my mouth.

"Then why'd you-"

"I wanted to see you," I said. "And I wanted you to see me too. This is what you forfeited, Will. You don't get to come back here and reclaim it with a text message."

His face looked genuinely hurt, but I had to be strong. What he was feeling was a fraction of what I'd been through for the past year and no matter how hot he looked and sounded, I couldn't go back to the place I'd just escaped.

"Is everything ok?" Jesse asked from the room. I was half hoping he'd come into the living room naked and hard wondering what was going on. I didn't have such luck.

"Goodbye, Will," I said. I closed the door and went to back to Jesse.

"Wrong door," I said. He bought it and that night, we had the best sex the two of us have ever had together.

** The next morning, I met Tanner for breakfast at Oh's and he was all full of questions.

"How did Will look?" "Did we do anything together?" "How did I feel after seeing him."

And then I told him the story. The whole story. He was proud of me.

"You know, I don't know if I could have done that," he said.

"I didn't think I could have either. I mean, it was Will. There's two good years there Tanner now he's just a memory to me. I knew I wouldn't be able to do it and that's why I had Jesse there."

"Really?" he asked me.

"Of course. I didn't need to bring Jesse back to my place, but god I'm glad I did. Knowing that he was laying there waiting for me come pound him... I mean even Will couldn't compete with that." We both laughed.

"Well Frank and I didn't have quite as much fun last night," he said. "And so it begins."

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"He went to bed without anything. Not so much as a kiss. I went to shower, came out and he was already fast asleep. That's the first time that's happened."

"You mean you two... every night?"

"Not the full Monty every night, but in the time we've lived together, I've never gone to bed without anything less than a handy."

"Wow," I said. That was incredible news. I didn't know couples did it that often, that's for sure.

"I know. And then last night, nothing. Not so much as a smooch. It was embarrassing, Mike."

"Oh, I'm sure he was just tired."

"That's how it starts," Tanner said. "With him being tired tonight, not being in the mood tomorrow and before I know we haven't had sex in six months."

"I'm sure that's not going to happen to you," I reassured. I certainly hoped it wouldn't, but part of me was a little bit worried about my friend.

Later, I went back to my office and reflected about what had gone down that weekend. I realized that I already had my topic for next week's column. I had effectively put my past behind me. In one foul swoop, I had gone from pining over Will to having power over him. Who would have thought that with the help of a former FB, I'd recapture my sexual prowess that had defined my undergraduate experience.

And while I sat at my laptop taking notes, I had to ask myself why it was that my last session with Jesse had been so great? Was it because I had finally let go of the emotional baggage Will had left me with? Or was it because I finally had genuine feelings for Jesse? What's the correlation between feelings and sex?

The article wasn't due for another week, so I guess I'll have plenty of time to think about it.

**Welcome to the story of Mike and his boys. I hope you enjoyed it. Please send me your feedback at And also check out my other story on Nifty They Say.

Next: Chapter 3

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