Me and Luka

By BelfastDude Blah

Published on Feb 4, 2023


Thanks for all the feedback. I'll reply to all of the emails tonight, honestly thanks so much! This is an updated version taking feedback on board that was soooo helpful =)

I've had some feedback about typos and will work on getting them sorted, but for some in the US it might be confusing because I'm using UK English. Aside from that, I;ve lost my glasses and tend to read far to quickly (habit!) so sorry about all those mistakes!

Also, where I use Gaelic words in the following chapters, don't be afraid! I'll add translations in brackets. I just thought I'd use it to make the story as real to me as possible. Anyway, keep emailing & thankyouuu =)


You must be over 18 (21 in some places) to read this story. If you do not like to read about sex or gay love, please close this window.

Author's Note:

Before reading, this is my very first story, so go easy on me if you don't like it. I'm trying to learn more, and this will probably be updated. Chapter 2 is also on its way.

This story is a work of fiction, using some non-fictional bases from my own life. It is not a sleeze-read, but more of a love story. Sex scenes and areas in which sex is mentioned in detail are not for getting off on, but for reading and feeling. I hope you see and feel the passion in the story as it progresses.

Copyright 2009 Alex, All rights reserved.

You can get in touch at if. Abuse will be ignored.

Me and Luka

Chapter I

Written by Alex

The rain was pouring, and I knew I'd have to walk home again. The school day flew through... it felt like seconds. I just drifted along. Chemistry wasn't too bad, but I wish we'd got more covered. We had two chemistry teachers because our class made fun of one or the other when they were on their own. I viewed it as sad, they were both two nice teachers and they were the only two in the school who'd take time out to talk to me about how I was feeling. They really looked out for me. I can remember when Máire (pronounced Moya - we call teachers my first names in Gaelic schools) helped me with my Irish grammar even though she was a science teacher - it made school bearable to know that I was being looked out for.

After the bell rang I headed to form class for 3:30 enrollment. While I was walking through the old building (used to be a convent), I ran to the new one where my classroom was, trying to ignore any humorous looks I got from irritating classmates. I jolted up to the fourth floor and ran into the classroom, sitting down just before Éilís (teacher - Eylish) walked in. She loved having the opportunity to snap at pupils who came as much as a second late.

After being handed notices for the upcoming sports day (a day off in my case!) I walked slowly out of the classroom, trying not to get in the way of any big mouths. "Slán go fóill!" (Goodbye - slen go foyle). I turned round to find my teacher smiling - well, she wasn't so bad sometimes.

I wandered out through the main entrance, picking up my books from the art class. "Don't force yourself to read - bad for the mind!" my art teacher said, scaring me slightly. She had a habit of just, appearing. The art class used to be a morgue, but was to be demolished for a new building. My art teacher often complained about it, and about the whiney principle we had who bullied her into working hard. "Don't let him get to you miss!" We smiled at each other, and I walked out and down the hill that led up to the school buildings. I passed the bus stop where my brother and a massive crowd stood, knowing that if I walked, I would be home in an hour - much quicker than taking the busses which would be full and halting at every bus top to both collect journey-makers and to let others off. And the crap I'd get on a bus would be too much.

My name is Alex. I suppose I'm pretty boring; small, thin, long dirty-fair hair and hazel eyes; average 'boy next door'. Living in Ireland is pretty cool because there is so much music around me - I loved going to traditional music gigs and visiting friends in the south. I spoke Gaelic with a lot of my friends, which gave me a group to belong to... but belonging isn't very fulfilling when they're normal people my own age who would backstab continuously. It was December 2007, and I was 17. I was pretty lonely, always a loner, even with the trad music and Gaelic 'groups'.

Ten minutes up the road, I passed the city cemetery, around five minutes up the road from the school bus stop and crossed at the lights to the smaller cemetery, the rain lashing across my face. Stopping for a second to catch my breath, one bus went past and a few people from my class started banging the windows and laughing. I was used to this - I simply looked down at the ground and walked slowly. Once they had passed I lit up a cigarette and continued on. "I gotta quit" I thought, then laughed inside at my own silly habits.

"You okay?" I thought it was someone trying to be funny or about to make a joke out of me. I walked slightly faster, but the voice spoke again. "Seriously, are you okay? I'm not gonna be mean, I swear..." I turned around, startled by a reply to my ignorace, and was slightly startled that this small boy, about my height, was standing behind me. I looked up at him, and forced a small smile.

"Oh sorry (I always apologized for myself), em, yeah. Thank you. Just out of breath, but thanks!"

I couldn't help but notice that he was beautiful. We were both small, thin - normal in build. But his face was so gorgeous, I wanted to put my hand on it and kiss him. His beauty touched me so deep I wanted to cry - he was just so beautiful. His hair was long and brown and he wore glasses that made him look cuter. He had little dimples and red cheeks from the cold... he was just stunning, an angel.

"Em... want me to walk with you?"

I answered quickly, "it's okay, you don't have to, I'm up Black Hawthorn. It's probably miles away from you, but thanks!" I forced another small smile and turned to walk.

"Wait! I'm about five minutes back from Black Hawthorn."

As he spoke, he jogged up to me. Side by side we walked. "Thank you. Em... I'm Alex..." I looked at him, smiling slightly.

"I'm Luka. I know your friend Eefa!"

"Cool, what year are you in?" I said, maybe sounding over-excited.

"I'm the year below you, but I'm only like 6 months younger than you I think!"

I smiled to myself, wondering how he knew that. He was so friendly. I just wanted to hug him, so so tight. We walked, talking about school and Purple Face (our obese, power-crazy head master) for another half hour in the rain, and (twice) hail. He made me laugh a bit, more than usual; my cheeks were sore from smiling. I might have seen him before. We both went into the city centre at weekends to drink and have fun with friends. On weekdays I was a bit of a geek, and weekends I was a silly geek who drank lots because everyone else did, but it's something I got used to easily - it's youth isn't it?

He told me of how he spotted me sitting at the Opera House singing with my "friends" around me. That was months ago though, before I was abandoned. He must have seen my face drop slightly, because he tapped my back and told me that town had got boring and was empty now. He seemed too considerate for someone of his type - outgoing, confident, stunning...

Finally, we came to his little housing estate, it was very quiet and calm - my friend Eefa's little old nan lived here - she's a nice lady!

"I'm up here, but wanna meet... like after school tomorrow?"

I smiled, maybe too excitedly, replying with an 'mhm' (yes) in less than a second. He giggled and looked directly into my eyes.

"See you at the bottom of the hill at 3:15!?"

I nodded and smiled; it seemed we didn't want to separate. At the same time, we both lifted our hands up a bit and even said "see ya later" at the same time. We both laughed and walked our own separate ways. It seemed to happen so quickly.

When I got home, I went straight to my room, took off my clothes and curled up into bed pulling the duvet over my head and closed my eyes. I just thought about him; his spontaneous act of kindness, his smile, his dimples... his beautiful smokey voice. It was such an amazing moment. I was the only one at home and the house was freezing. I hadn't bothered to turn the heating on and here I was, so warm with these fresh memories.

One small tear dropped from my eye. It was of happiness - he could be a real friend. But it was also of sadness - would he remember? Would he be there? I chose then to try thinking of something else, but within a few minutes I was sleeping softly.


With that, I woke up.


"Dinner's ready!" my mum shouted upstairs. I walked down and asked her how work was. She seemed cheery. She gave me a hug then handed me my plate, probably oblivious to the question I just asked. I have amazing parents; they're divorced, but still friends and fine with the fact I'm gay. When I came out at 14 they smiled and told me if I ever need to talk they'd be there. I knew I was very lucky.

Late that night it was pretty stormy and it was snowing, which is odd in February, but global warming is a pretty cuckoo thing. I just looked outside, constantly thinking of lyrics and lines in my head to describe how beautiful the back garden looked. I noticed a beautiful robin outside my window - it stayed in our garden most of the time - winter to summer. I said hello to the little creature and laughed to myself.

I finished my coffee and took off my clothes, taking my Mac off the desk and over to my bed. I switched the light off and pulled the cover over me, my back a tiny bit sore for a few seconds as it rested into the bed. I turned the Mac on and went onto a social network, checking comments and replying to messages. Some were from Eefa and my acquaintances and they always cheered me up, which could be quite annoying. For once I'd have liked someone to say "what is up with your hair in that pic" or something! But if that had happened I'd probably not take it the way I thought I might. I listened to some Heidi Talbot and turned off my lamp, shuffling my legs slightly to keep warm.

'Sleep tight' I thought to myself, and giggled, then quickly checked my friends requests. I was shocked to find one from Luka... should I accept the request? I can always delete him if he wants my profile to laugh at or something. My paranoia had kicked in, but it was nowhere near as great in strength as my attraction to Luka. I accepted the request and looked at his page, smiling at his main photo. He had such a beautiful smile with a perfect jawline. I scrolled down to his stats to find out the obvious. 'Em.....' I thought as I looked for it. 'Oh my god!!' I almost screamed before biting my lip to stop me. He was gay!

Maybe he likes me? Maybe not...

I shut the computer down to stop my mind from rambling. That night I thought about kissing him. The slightest most tender kiss aroused me so deeply. I masturbated that night thinking of us naked, him on top of me, my hands against his chest... simply kissing gently, but passionately. The orgasm I felt was so electrifying I was left feeling drained and breathing heavily.

I quickly fell asleep, but not before worrying if he would turn up or not.

Next chapter coming in a day or two, hope the updates aren't too bad! =) Alex xx

Next: Chapter 2

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