Me and Chris

By Dejah Vu

Published on May 18, 1998



The following text is a fictional account of events which I WISH had taken place in my youth. Therefore, any resemblance to actual persons and/or events is purely coincidental. This story depicts consensual sex between two 15-year-old boys--HOT SEX! So if you think that reading it might A) offend you, B) be illegal where you live and/or C) get you into trouble with your parents (i.e. you're under 18) THEN YOU MUST STOP NOW, GET RID OF THIS STORY, AND NEVER THINK ABOUT IT AGAIN UNTIL NONE OF THE ABOVE APPLIES!!! (or so they say...)

Me and Chris

By Dejah Vu

I was in my first year of high school and had just turned 15 about three weeks ago. Chris was still 14, but his 15th birthday was only a day away. He and I had been best friends since the Seventh grade. We'd seen each other through many good and bad times since then, and as a result, he knew more about me than anyone, maybe even myself, and I knew as much about him. One night a couple of weeks ago I lost my virginity to a girl who I'd known for less than three hours when the event took place. After that I couldn't imagine that anything could be more exciting!! I thought I had reached the heights of pleasure and ecstasy, until Chris and I discovered what we could do for each other!

Although I had never thought of it as an "attraction" before, I found myself more and more attracted to Chris's body lately. I guess I had just considered it to be an admiration of sorts. He and I had almost identical builds: Tall for our age, but not too tall, somewhere around 5'8" or so. Neither of us was particularly into body building, but we were energetic kids, and as such had become naturally toned and lean. Our bodies were smooth and virtually hairless, except for the normal patches most 15-year-old boys have. We were both very popular with the girls at school. We both had blond hair that reached a couple of inches below our shoulders. He had the most boyish-looking face of anyone I knew, and a mannerism to match. I think I was the only one who could see through his innocent smile to the devious grin behind it...

I remember several times during the rainy winter months when we used to go dirt-bike riding in an empty lot behind a supermarket near his house. The best part was riding through the mud and puddles; we'd end up covered head to toe with mud. On one occasion in particular when we got back to his house, we decided that the best way to keep from tracking the mud all over the house would be to leave all of our muddy clothes outside and then run in and shower off. As Chris started removing his clothes, I found my eyes drawn to him uncontrollably. We had both taken our shoes off, and were working on the difficult task of removing our soaking wet Levi's. Chris had managed to get his off down to his knees, but he couldn't get them any further. "Hey, help me get these off, they're stuck!" he giggled slightly at his own predicament.

"Hold on," I told him as I struggled to stand up with my own jeans down just below my hips. As I stood up he sat down on the ground. I reached down and took hold of the end of his pant legs and started to pull for all I was worth. As I was pulling on his pants, Chris pulled back with his legs. "Uuuggghhh! Jesus Christ!!" I grunted as we struggled for his freedom from the muddy Levi's.

"Ok, almost there," Chris muttered back and he gave a quick jerk back with his legs. The pants didn't give, so the only thing left was me. I lost my balance completely and ended up tumbling forward. "Oh shit!" I yelled as I landed right on top of him!

Our crotches had ended up separated only by the wet, muddy fabric of our briefs. The feelings I experienced were most unexpected. I acted as if I were struggling to get up, which I was, a little...But I spent a little extra time grinding my hardening prick into his, which also felt like it was getting stiffer. Finally, reluctantly, I climbed up onto my knees and immediately went back to the task at hand. As I reached down to take a grip on his pant legs again, I noticed that the bulge in his underwear had indeed grown considerably. The only thing that broke my stare was that I noticed his eyes locked on my bulge which had actually turned into a tent in the front of my briefs. "Uuhhhh...I ummmm...." I struggled for what to say next.

"Don't worry about it," Chris comforted me. "It happens sometimes, I know."

We finally got his pants off and then mine and headed in for the shower. I secretly wanted for the two of us to take a shower together. But after what had happened outside, I knew there would be no concealing my true desires so I kept that thought to myself, for the time being...

For his fifteenth birthday, Chris's parents agreed to take us to San Francisco to do the usual tourist routine. It seemed really cool the way they allowed us to stay in our own room in the hotel, gave us the freedom to roam around the city and explore as we pleased and generally allowed us to act like the kids that we were. That first day we were there we got our first real look at what gay men looked like and acted like...It kind of hit us on the head like a ton of bricks when one guy tried hitting on us while we were on a cable car! Of course, we both got really freaked out by the experience and told each other how "gross" it was and called the guy a "fag". I don't think either of us really meant what we were saying, it was just some "macho" front that teenage boys must put up. In reality I think we both found it a little flattering, at the very least. I was thinking to myself that I couldn't blame the guy for trying. I mean, I don't know which on of us he was most interested in, but I would certainly have tried to hit on Chris -- if I were gay, that is. Especially the way he was dressed that day. He wore Levi's as always, but these were particularly tight fitting leaving very little to the imagination. His ass proved it's firmness, holding up to the pressure put on it by those jeans. It was so beautifully rounded to near perfection! From the front, well, there was no need to ask "how's it hangin'?" Anyone with eyes could see that it was hangin' very much to the left! Even if I didn't know already, I would have certainly guessed correctly that in it's soft state, Chris's 15-year-old piece of meat was at least 3 inches long. My mouth was practically watering at the thought of how he looked underneath those jeans. A sight I was plenty familiar with, but had never thought of in quite this way. "C'mon dude, let's go!" Chris's voice interrupted my moment of admiration.

"Wha....Oh, I'm coming!" I yelled back and I jumped off of the cable car and chased after Chris, who was already a couple feet ahead of me. I hadn't even noticed that we'd stopped.

We goofed around for a while in china town. After that, we rode to Fisherman's Wharf and got something to eat. We giggled at the "flamers" that walked by. But each time, it made me flash back to what I'd been thinking just a little while earlier. Wow! I had to force myself to stop! A little while after it got dark, we hopped another cable car and headed back to the hotel. Once we got up to our floor, we stopped by his parents' room just to let them know we were back and to say goodnight. Then we walked down the hall to our own room to settle in for the night.

"Man, I can't believe that guy on the trolley today!" I commented to Chris as we got ready for bed in our room. "I mean do we really LOOK like we're fags or something?"

"Yeah, that guy was a queer! I think he wanted to suck your dick." Chris replied in a teasing tone. "He was looking at you, not me!"

"Ha ha, fuck you!" I retorted. "I saw him eyeing YOUR package, NOT MINE!" That was the best comeback I could manage. Chris's suggestion had sent my mind off in an entirely different direction. I would have expected to be repulsed by the thought of getting a blow job from another guy, but instead I found it excited me in a way I'd never been excited before. There was silence between us during which neither one seemed to notice that the other was not talking. Finally, Chris broke the silent spell.

"Haven't you ever wondered what it would be like?" He asked timidly and somewhat noncommittally.

"What WHAT would be like?" I knew what he meant, but I wanted more time to think about my answer.

"You know...what it would be do...." He paused nervously, "things with another guy.... Like sexual things."

"Well, I've thought about it a little..." A little MY ASS!! Or more accurately, HIS ass! That was all I could think about for half the day! "but I don't know..." I added so as to not close off any options, but at the same time, not admitting to anything. "What about you?"

"I dunno, I guess I've wondered, but you know..." Chris responded hesitantly. No, I didn't know!! But I was too afraid to say any more. That would be the final word on the matter for the time being.

As we stripped down to our shorts my eyes were drawn towards Chris' youthful body. Of course I'd seen him undressed before, after all, we were best friends so we practically did everything together. But after the events of that afternoon I found myself looking at him in a new way. I imagined myself running my hands across the velvety smoothness of his slim chest, feeling his erect nipples beneath my fingers.

'Are you ok?'

Chris' voice pulled me back to reality with a crash and I jerked my eyes away. 'Yeah, I was miles away. Must be more tired than I thought.'

The room had a double bed, which would not normally have been a problem, the two of us had often shared a bed in the past and never given it a second thought. Tonight however, I would far rather it had been too singles. As we climbed into bed I prayed that my friend would not notice the prominent bulge in the front of my shorts.

As I lay there, unable to sleep, I glanced across at the boy beside me. We had turned off the lights, but the TV was still on, and it's flickering picture caused shadows to dance across Chris' handsome features. The room was hot, and the sheets were pulled back leaving his upper body exposed. He looked so beautiful laying there, his features relaxed, his chest slowly rising and falling with the gentle rhythm of his breathing. A thought came unbidden to my mind, I wondered what it would be like to suck on his nipples, nip them between my teeth.... I mentally slapped myself. This was ridiculous, none of this could ever REALLY happen, could it? I closed my eyes, determined to sleep.

After a few minutes, Chris began to toss and turn in the bed, unable to sleep. I didn't know what was keeping Chris awake, but I knew why I was. I couldn't stop thinking about what we had just been discussing. The more I thought about it, the more I wanted to try it. And the more he tossed in the bed the more we seemed to touch under the sheets. The sensation of his skin touching mine was starting to drive me absolutely insane! First it was just our feet and legs. After a little longer our legs became entangled. Neither of us spoke a word. Neither of us made any attempt to pull away. We lay on our sides facing the same direction so that he was facing the edge of the bed, and I was facing his back. Our legs were tangled together about as much as they could be. So much so, in fact, that my crotch became pressed up against his warm ass, separated only by the thin fabric of our jockey shorts. Blood started flowing into my cock as it hardened against his perfectly rounded ass cheeks and then it found it's way between them and became comfortably nestled in the warmth of his crack. I heard a low moan come from deep in Chris's throat. It was definitely a sign of his approval of what was happening, and even seemed to beg me to continue pushing my now stiff prick against his backside.

"This is it!" I thought, "this is really happening!" My head was spinning with excitement. I let out a subtle, but lusty grunt in response to his pleading moan, and just as I did I felt him pressing back against my cock with his ass. I thought I would cum right then and there! I reached around in front of Chris and put my hand on his crotch. Immediately, I discovered through his thin underwear that he too had a raging hardon! "The light doesn't get any greener than this," I thought, so I squeezed slightly on his stiff prick which caused deeper moaning. He pressed against my crotch with his ass even harder and began pumping slowly backwards against me. As this continued, I put my hand inside his jockey shorts and for the first time ever I was feeling another boy's dick...and it felt wonderfully comfortable there! I felt the rhythmic pulsing that matched his increasingly fast heartbeat! In every way, his penis felt awesome: so velvety soft and warm and smooth, and at the same time, hard as steel. All I could think of was how bad I wanted that dick in my mouth!

Chris slipped out of his Jockeys to reveal nothing but a beautiful body. I caressed his soft buns and allowed my finger to creep ever so slightly between them which brought a slight gasp out of him. Then, with a gentle motion, I pulled Chris over onto his back. His boner was perfect! It was about seven inches long, about a half inch longer than my own. "Oh, yeah, that's fucking nice!" I said as I was seeing his bare boner for the first time up close.

"Well, fair's fair--lemme see yours, dude," Chris responded as he tugged at my red Jockey shorts. I got up partially on my knees and pulled them the rest of the way off. My stiff rod stood proudly at attention just inches from his face. Chris pulled me towards him and positioned me so that I was straddling his chest on my knees with my pecker just in front of his chin. He looked into my eyes as if to say, "there's no going back now, is there..." and he began to lick the head of my dick, slowly and passionately. I grunted my intense approval and scooted up closer to his warm, silky soft mouth. The next sensation I felt sent shivers up and down my entire body that were so intense that I thought I'd be paralyzed in my current position forever. Chris had sucked one of my balls into his hot mouth. What a wondrously warm and wet sensation! Then he switched and sucked on the other, rolling it on his tongue ever so gently. I was most disappointed when he stopped and was about to plead with him to continue until I felt his hot breath and slippery tongue continue on past my scrotum -- he kept going until his tongue had probed it's way into my pink, virgin hole.

"Oh, God, dude!! Oh my God that feels so fucking good!!" I could barely manage to push the words out as I let out a groan that was driven by the most intense pleasure I'd felt in my life up to that point! "Oh man, I wanna suck your dick too!" The lust I was feeling at that moment was stronger than any desire I'd ever known...I HAD to have that dick! So, reluctantly, I lifted myself up and off of Chris's divine tongue, but just long enough for me to spin myself around and position myself with my willing mouth directly over the object of my every desire. Before I had a chance to move any further towards it, I once again felt Chris's soft sheath enveloping my throbbing cock. I needed no further prompting and dove in for my first taste of rock hard cock. His dick felt wonderful in my mouth and the taste was something unlike any other, but by no means was it unpleasant. I sucked his mushroom head past my lips causing Chris to stiffen for just a second. Then I moistened the underside of his gorgeous pecker with my tongue until I reached his nut-sack and gently rolled one of his perfect orbs into my warm wet sanctuary. Meanwhile, Chris reciprocated my every move with one better as we redefined the '69er' position. After gently caressing each of his balls with my tongue I made my way to his awaiting asscrack. The boy scent that emanated from between his cheeks was intoxicating...I've never known a more erotic scent and it was driving me to the brink of orgasm! I plunged my tongue into his hole and lubricated it with my saliva. Chris squirmed in ecstasy beneath me and I could feel his cock start to tighten up as it rubbed against my chest. His hips began to buck up against me wildly as he began to shoot his thick hot sticky load all over my chest. I bolted back to his gushing pecker to claim as much of the boy cum for my own as I could. I put his dick back into my mouth and swallowed every last drop of cum that he still had to offer. Most of it shooting straight down my throat with just a little bit spilling through my lips and dripping down my chin...In all of this splendor, I didn't notice that I was mere seconds away from shooting my own building load... The sensation started somewhere in the tips of my toes and rushed all the way up to the top of my head and back down to my crotch where it shot into the back of Chris's throat. I heard him start to gag just a little bit before he started swallowing madly. I released gush after hot gush of cum during what was surely the most intense orgasm I've ever experienced in my entire existence.

I collapsed on top of Chris as the last drop of my energy was drained. "Oh God!... That was too fucking awesome!" I heard Chris pant.

"Uuhhhh...yeah..." I managed to mutter between my own short breaths.

"I've wanted to do this for a long time, you know..." Chris said after I had rolled over and onto the bed next to him.

I paused just for a moment, smiling, "Yeah, I think I knew. I've wanted to do it for a long time too. We should do this a lot, don't you think?!"

Chris didn't say anything right away. Instead, he got up and walked towards the bathroom. He turned on the light and looked back at me saying "C'mon dude....It's shower time!"

Well, I'm sure I don't have to tell you what happened next, do I. But I WILL tell you...Next time!

Feedback: All comments, questions, etc. are welcomed! I'll truly do my very best to answer everybody. Everybody, that is, except for those who want to call me some kind of freak or what ever...If you think I'm a freak for writing something like this, then why have YOU read it all the way to the END??

This is my VERY FIRST attempt at erotic fiction (and my first attempt to write anything since I was in school, a few years ago), so I'm anxious to know what people think. If it looks good, I'll continue on where this episode leaves off.

I wish to express my most sincere THANKS!!!! To Gymnopedies, who gave me the creative push, as well as some inspiration, that I really needed to make this happen... Without him, I'm sure I'd have given up before I was even half finished.

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