Me and Chan

By Anony Mous

Published on Jan 17, 2003


Chanthon was leaning in slowly towards me to lock lips with me. But with every centimeter he got closer, I got twice as nervous. This was all so new to me.

[Aw hell, fuck it.] I thought to myself. [Could he be doing this to see if I really am gay? Sure. But why would he? He's already said he knows it was him that caused me to stand at attention.] The next thought was not only a thought to myself, but a command, too. [Go for it, ya horny bastard! You're tired of this shell of being gay, so if he tells everyone, big fuckin' deal. It's about time people get used to gays. Fuck being nervous, just kiss the man.]

I decided my brain / heart was right. I should just go for it. So that's exactly what I did.

I leaned forward too, so he'd know he wasn't alone in the act. An instant before our lips touched, I became aware of the heat of his mouth getting nearer. His lips met mine; his were so soft. I could tell just from all the times I' stared at him in class that they were, but this reaffirmed it. They were sooo soft. I hadn't kissed anyone before, but from the way most lips looked, his looked (and felt) like the softest, most supple lips there were.

I was enjoying the hell out of this. Shit, why shouldn't I? I had never kissed anyone, let alone a guy, but I had finally decided to just go for it.

[Shit...] I thought. [I can't believe this. Chanthon is so fuckin' hot... how did I wind up with him?]

We were still kissing by this point, about half a minute later. Since I was new to the games, I could only guess my way along and "follow" his lead. Although I decided I had to have my hands around him, so I put them around the back of his head and held his head while we kissed. Just imagine, my cock was stretching to kiss him, too.

We ended the kiss and looked at each other, my hands still resting on the back of his head.

"Wow. Have you ever been kissed? Or, have you ever kissed anyone?" he asked.

[What should I reply to that?] I wondered. [Uh, idiot, he's not another moron from school. He's your potential boyfriend for the moment. Reply with HONESTY, fool.]

"Honestly, no, I haven't." I said. "You?"

"No... in fact, I'm new to kissing and sex, and all that."

[Sex? Wait a sec., when did someone say anything about sex? Okaaay, just ignore it.]

"Sex? I was asking if you'd ever kissed or been kissed. Not anything about sex." I said.

[DUMBASS! What did I just tell you?]

"I was just saying, that's all. I figured that'd be the next question." he said.

[Okay, just kiss him again so he doesn't feel weird. Wait... when did you become a sexpert? How the hell would you know if that would make him feel better? Shut up, just do it.]

I kissed him. It took him off guard a little, but he got over it very quickly. We only kissed for a few seconds this time, not the clock-buster of before. But nonetheless, it was just as good as last time.

"I think I'm in love with you Chanthon... I've been staring at you in class for the past couple of months in class. I've wanted you since the first week, actually. When you got involved with Judy though, it was like a shot to the heart, `cause I thought for sure you weren't gay then." I told him.

"I've been kind of interested in you for a couple of months... I like the big, muscular types. I only started dating Judy for outward appearances... that way, no one would know I was gay."

"What are you gonna tell her now? You can't just lead her on like that forever." I said.

"I know, and I'm gonna tell her. I was thinking all this over while I was in the shower. How I'd `seduce' you, tell her, you know." He said. "I'm just gonna ask her what she thinks of gays first, then slowly lead into it... I don't want to crush her."

"That sounds like that's the best way to do it. So, does this mean you're gonna be my new boyfriend? Ooh, its weird to say that... first time its meant anything." I asked.

"As long as you want to be mine, Eric." He said, looking into my eyes.

I just couldn't take it. I hugged him, placing my head to the right of his, just slumping my head over his shoulder. He leaned his head into mine, and we just held each other for several minutes. The feeling of his body pressing into mine eventually got the best of me, and my penis began to do its thing again. So I lowered my hands from his upper back to his ass. But I didn't leave them outside his pants. As I turned my head to kiss and suck his neck, I slipped my hands under his pants, but left them outside his boxer briefs. I didn't want to have sex tonight... well, yeah, I wanted to have sex, but we had something special going on here, and I didn't want to treat it like a quick night of sex.

He reciprocated and brought his hands down from my lower back to my ass and slipped them inside my pants in the same way. I grabbed his ass and squeezed a little, enjoying his firm buns in my hands. He rubbed my ass, rubbing his hnd up and down over my crack, while I contentedly sucked on his neck.

Then it occurred to me... what if he goes into school tomorrow and Judy sees the hickey before he gets a chance to tell her what's going on?

[Oh fuck.] I thought to myself.

I pulled off of him and stared in horror at the hickey that had formed on him. I couldn't believe I had done that so stupidly.

"Oh shit..." I said out loud.


"I gave you a hickey."

"So?" he asked.

"'So?' So, Judy's gonna see it and freak tomorrow!" I exclaimed.

"Oh shit!" he said as he pulled his hands out of my pants and sprinted towards the downstairs bathroom. He looked in the mirror at mark, clearly visible on his neck. "Wait, I think I can fix this... I've got a turtleneck that I almost threw out last week... its on my bedroom floor. It'll be okay, that'll cover it until I can tell her."

"You sure?" I asked. He nodded. "Okay. Sorry, I didn't mean to freak you, Chanthon."

"It's okay, Eric." He said as he kissed me again, wrapping his arms around me and holding me again.

"Damn, I think I love you Chanthon."

"I love you, too, Eric."

"Are we gonna be exclusive? I mean, can we have sex with other guys, should the opportunities arise?" I asked.

"I dunno." He said. "I like the idea of knowing for sure we're not gonna get any diseases, but then again, it doesn't seem like any of the guys we know have anything. But that also doesn't mean jack shit, either."

"True... but I've got a couple of friends, who, if they turn out to be gay, are just physically begging to have their cock sucked. Some from school, some that live around my house."

"I think we can deal with that." He said with a smile.

"Cool." I looked at my watch. It was 5:30. "Shit! I gotta run. My parents are gonna be so pissed."

"Aw hell, and I was having fun." He said. "Wait, gimmie your number so I can call ya."

"Okay." I said. We ran back to the pool table where the chalkboard for darts was. I quickly scribbled it on there, knowing that he'd erase it after he wrote it somewhere else.

"'kay, I gotta go. Shit, I wish I could stay longer. Call me tonight, okay?" I asked.

"I'll do that."

I walked upstairs with Chanthon behind me and left to head home. I walked down the drive and looked back. He was still in the door, and he waved at me. I waved back. I quickened my pace, knowing I needed to get home.

-A Little While Later-

I was still walking. I was about a block from home now. I had been thinking about Chanthon the whole time.. I was only a few houses away from home, and I was looking around, taking in my surroundings. I saw my friend's house across the street from mine. I thought it would be nice to talk with Jory for a couple of minutes, maybe tell him what was now goin' on with me. He always claimed that he had no issues with gay people, and that many of his friends were gay. I never believed him, but what the hell. I crossed the street and went to the side of his house to knock on his window, which was actually to the room that he shared with his brother who was only a year older, my age.. To my surprise, the window was open, and the light on his desk was on. I got closer to the window and heard a creaking noise. I wasn't prepared for what I saw next.

The creaking sounds were the result of an up-and-down motion on Jory's bed, the bottom bunk of the bunk bed that Jory and Michael, slept in. I could see two people on the bed, but who they were was difficult to tell. It had clouded over outside, and they had a few big trees within a few yards of their house. My eyes were slowly adjusting to the dim light of his room.

I could see the outline of a dick from the bottom person and a head going up and down on it, but I couldn't see the crotch of the other person... the angle and light was wrong. Then I noticed it was Jory's face going up and down on the cock.

They moved. Michael's face was hit by the light.

[Oh my God, no wonder Jory doesn't have a problem with gays, he's gay! So is Michael! Holy fucking shit!]

I stood there and watched this a little more. Jory was on top, since he only weighed about 150, and Michael was about 200. Michael wasn't big, not by any means. He was only about 5'11", and he was a jock. He was on the high school's football team, and he worked out. He wasn't muscular as the stereotype says (you know, bulging arms and pecs and legs) but he was quite well defined, the kind of guy most men (at least, gay men anyhow) find attractive. And he seemed to like wearing semi-tight t-shirts, now that I think of it. Wow. Talk about a shocker.

Jory was a hot little shit, too. He was about 5' 9", maybe 5'10", and was skinnier than Michael. He wasn't muscular; he was more built for running. But he wasn't a toothpick either.

Michael had brown hair, while Jory had blonde which he had recently dyed brown. For some reason, it worked on him.

They were both completely nude, none of the cheap through-the-zipper shit. Jory was goin' at it on Mike's rod, and seem to genuinely be enjoying himself, so clearly, he was gay. However, Michael wasn't doing anything but laying there. I could see his eyes, so he was awake. And Jory's cock was right over his face.

Michael decided when I finished that thought that he should get to work, or back to work, or whatever. He lifted Jory's lower body and put his cock in his mouth. Michael wasn't new to this, either. He sucked with experience on Jory's cock. He wrapped his arms around Jory's lower back and just kept moving his head up and down as much as he could while having it sandwiched between the bed and Jory's crotch. Michael began to moan, so I knew he was getting close to cumming. I decided that I wanted a chance on his cock before he blew his load. After all, I was new to this and wanted some experience. And Chanthon told me he was okay with it.

"That must be quite a mouthful." I said, knowing full well that the shaft buried in his mouth was 8" long and wide enough to choke a horse.

They both freaked and flew out of the bed, with Michael almost sending Jory crashing to the floor in the process. They didn't bother to cover themselves; they knew who it was, and they knew I had seen their cocks before. We had slept nude together during sleep overs before. Granted, they didn't sleep in my bed with me, but I saw them nude before they got into their sleeping bags. And they've seen me nude, too.

"What the fuck, Eric? Eric, that is you, right?" Jory asked, completely freaked.

"Yes. And I see that you don't think highly of me, considering your cock has deflated." I said.

He looked down at his penis, hanging almost limp now, then looked back up at me through the window. They both came over and knelt in front of it.

"Yeah, well, you scared the shit out of me." he said.

"Same here, man." Michael said. "You can't tell anyone at school about me, man. It'd ruin my social life."

Jory didn't have anything to worry about, since he went to another school.

"Relax Michael, I'm not gonna tell anyone. You gonna let me in?"

"Yeah, gimmie a sec." Jory said, heading for the clothes on the floor by the nightstand.

"Don't worry about the door. Just get the screen out of the window and I'll hoist myself in so your Mom and Dad don't know I'm here."

"Ooookay..." he said, looking at Michael, who was in turn, looking at him with a look on his face that said "yeah right, he's going to hoist that body up here".

They took out the screen, and I proved I had pretty good upper-body strength for someone who didn't work out.. I crawled in, and Jory put the screen back in the window. Since I had shown up unexpectedly, he decided it might be a good idea to shut the blinds, too.

Michael sat down on the bed, and Jory sat down beside him. Both were still fully nude.

"You know, I hadn't really suspected you of being gay, Michael. I kind of figured Jory was, but only because he seemed to make a big deal of not caring about whether or not someone was gay." I said. "I also wouldn't have expected to ever find out this way, either, but yet, here I am."

"So what are you here for?" Michael asked, still nervous.

"How come you're so nervous, Mike?"

"Because I didn't want you to know, and I don't know what you'll do with the fact, now that you know it."

"Oh, hell, don't worry. Here, maybe this will help you feel more comfortable." I said as I began to remove my clothes. When I got to my boxer-briefs, I took a look at the both of them, Michael was still nervous, but Jory's cock was heading for full mast again. It was only a few more seconds before it reached it's full 6.5".

I slipped out of my underwear, and revealed a cock that I had somehow managed to suppress. For the time being.

"How's that?"

"That's nice... real nice." Jory said.

"What about you Michael? This make you any more comfortable?"

"Not really."

"Okay, let me see if this helps."

I walked over to him, my cock now fully erect at its 7" glory, and knelt down in front of him. I stuck my face between his legs and began to lick his meat with as much of my tongue as I could muster. I then knelt back on my haunches.

"Better?" I asked, with a huge grin on my face.

He just stared at me with a blank look on his face. He was clueless as to how to respond. So was his prick.

I went back in. I licked the length of it, stopping at the tip and curling my tongue underneath it and over the head, cover the majority of it with my tongue. I moved it back and forth, savoring the precum that had been on there from the job Jory had been giving him a couple minutes earlier. I then bent down and took the whole thing, which was starting to fill up again, into my mouth. I pushed him back on the bed with my left hand on his chest, and knelt over his crotch, holding his member with my right hand and slurping it up at the same time.

Up and down, up and down, enjoying the taste of this jock, and the smell of the odor of a man who's been sweating a bit. That rough, manly smell you get down there sometimes.

While I was doing this, Jory slipped off the bed and got on the floor. He pushed his hands against my inner thighs signaling me to spread them apart. I did just that, and he slid underneath, propping himself up against the bed. He loaded my cock into his mouth, which just made the situation that much more fun. I thought I was handling this whole thing pretty well for a beginner.

Michael's meat had now been erect for some time, and he was getting close to blowing his load. He was moaning more and more, and I could feel him tensing up, getting ready to explode. I, too, was nearing the limit in Jory's mouth. Michael moaned one last time before thrusting his meat deep into my mouth, hitting me in the face with his body, and blowing a huge load right into my waiting throat. Load one.... swallowed. Load two... mostly swallowed, some coming out mouth. Load three... more coming out mouth. Load four....straight for throat, swallowed. Load five... tiny shot that I handled easily.

I continued cleansing his fucker with my tongue and then his pubic hair, between the crotch and the legs, and his ball sack. I then wiped my mouth with a finger, which Michael sat up and sucked.

"I've always wanted to taste my cum." he said.

"Well, Jory's gonna taste mine in two seconds here."

Michael got on the floor and positioned his head close to Jory's. I moved back so I could pull out of Jory and feed it to Michael when Jory got his half. That wasn't far.

Spasm! My body jolted, and I sent a HUGE load into Jory's hungry mouth. I could feel that he had no problem with it. Wham! Another load into his mouth. Another one followed before I ripped my cock from his mouth, and quickly rammed it in Michael's penis cleaner. He sucked at it expertly, getting two loads for himself. He continued to suck, holding out hope for more. He was right. There were two more left, the last one being the biggest I felt shooting the whole time.

"Aw, shit, that was awesome." I said, panting.

"Fuck yeah." Jory said.

I looked at Michael. He was staring at my crotch. "What?" I looked down. There was a wad of cum in the hair. "Oh."

I raised myself on my knees towards his face, and he cleaned me up. "Happy, Michael?"


-Hope you liked this chapter. I know I did. I have to relieve myself now. That made me horny as all hell. Send any comments to Until next time, take care.

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