Me and Chan

By Anony Mous

Published on Nov 7, 2002


I had just slipped off my boxers when a thought occurred to me. "Shit... what if those sites on his computer were from his brother?"

I was getting butterflies that were growing by the moment in my stomach. The next thing that occurred to me was to snatch my boxers up off the floor and run like hell back to the room without making noise. So that's exactly what I did.

I almost lost my balance when I bent over to snatch up my boxers and stumbled towards the door. On my way out, the door gave a quick squeak, but one that wasn't loud enough to be heard over the noise of the shower. I was now standing in the hallway, completely nude, and confused and frozen for some reason. "What if it wasn't his brother? What if he is gay?" I thought to myself.

I couldn't take that chance. I could ruin everything if I were to walk into the shower right now without knowing whether or not he was gay. I finally regained my thoughts and ducked back into his room. I quickly pulled everything back on, and sat down at the computer just as he shut off the water. I started checking my email so I'd have an excuse, since I couldn't write enough of a speech in time for it to seem as though I had been working on it. I heard the door to the bathroom open, and what happened next made me freeze.

In walked Chanthon, in all his glory, fully nude.

Have you ever wished something like that would happen to you, but you know it never will? That's how I felt about this situation. It seemed like it was all surreal. He was nude, and knew I was there, and he knew I knew he was nude, and didn't seem to care.

"Get far with your speech?" he asked me.

Um, am I supposed to be ready to speak yet, after having the wind knocked out of me?

I paused for a moment... I wasn't sure what to do. I always thought I'd be the kind of guy that was impossible to fluster. Shit, I was dead wrong. I had no idea what I was doing, what I was supposed to be doing, or what I should do.

"No." was all that came out.

"No? Why not? Oh, I see." He said, looking over my shoulder.

He walked over to his chest of drawers and pulled out a pair of white briefs.

"Briefs? Why briefs? He just had boxers on before he went in the shower." I remembered. Oh well, I wasn't gonna complain!

He slipped the briefs on and continued to pull clothes out of the drawers. Still in his briefs and nothing else, he walked over to beside me, with his body not more than three inches from my arm. He was so close; I could feel the heat emanating from his body.

"So, are you going to do any work on your speech assignment?" he asked while accidentally brushing up against me in the process.

Fuck, I just wanted to bury my face in his crotch right then. To just reach my arms around his waist and squeeze his cock into my face. I actually began to salivate and drool. Thankfully, I caught it before it came out.

"I don't know," I managed to say, "I'm not getting any ideas for what to write about."

Damn, I couldn't believe I came up with that so fast! I was expecting blubbering to come out of me like you see in movies!

"That's fine, neither am I." he stated. "You wanna go downstairs and shoot pool for a while?"

"Sure. What time is it?" I asked, completely forgetting about the clock on the computer screen.

"Uh, 4:30."

"Okay. I'll have to call home at five, but I'm good till then."

"You're gonna leave at five?" he asked, finally getting dressed.

"No, my parents just flip out if I don't check in at five. I'll just let them know I'm at a friend's house."

"Yeah, hopefully a boyfriend's house." I thought to myself.


We both grabbed cues, Chanthon taking the most worn out one. We chalked up, and started looking for the triangle set.

"My damn brother never puts that thing back. I've told him and told him not to leave it lying around. I actually found it in the upstairs coat closet one day." He said. He was a little pissed that he couldn't find it again.

I wasn't searching as much as I was enjoying watching him. He had put on a semi-tight shirt and shorts. Shorts....that was the key. I was watching his ass while he was bent over when he suddenly stood up, triangle in hand and said, "Found the damn thing! It was under the stereo stand."

Let me explain something to you. These people were by no means poor. I'm sure you already knew that since they had a pool table. But they had much more . I looked around and counted eight speakers, a DSS system, and a sixty-inch Panasonic TV. This was quite the setup. Shit, I was impressed.

"What do your parents do for a living to make enough money for all this shit?" I asked as he got the table ready.

"My dad's a graphic artist, and my mom, believe it or not, is a Cardiologist. They rake in the cash."

"No shit! Man, am I jealous." I said, waiting to see who'd go first.

"Ah, don't be. You wanna flip a coin to see who goes first?"

"Nah, you can go ahead." I replied.

He leaned over the table, sized up the possibilities and chances, and aimed his cue.

Whack! He drew back and fired faster than the eye could see. That was one of the best breaks I had ever seen. Balls went flying everywhere. Somehow, I don't know how, but he managed to sink three stripes. But since they don't count on the break shot, and it was now my turn, I had the chance to take the lead. And I needed after seeing how well he plays.

I aimed my cue for the yellow stripe sitting by the left side pocket, drew back, and let her rip. Whack! I love the sound of clacking billiard balls. I hit it perfectly, which surprised me, and the ball went in without a problem.

"Not bad... see if you can do that again." He said, pointing to the red stripe by the far right corner.

That was gonna be a tricky shot, since a solid was in my way.

I sized up the situation, lowered my cue to the table, aimed, drew back, and again I fired. Again, that resounding "whack" came, and to my delight, the ball actually found its target, and sank the red stripe.

"Damn... not many of the people I play in this can make a shot like that." He said.

"I've had some practice..." I said, leaving the comment open ended.

He walked over to the side with the cue ball, and brushed up against me in the process. The pool table was in the corner, and I had no where to back up to, since there was a rather large cardboard box behind me labeled "Maytag".

Wait a sec., he chose to come this way rather than go around....why? Shit, I was happy about it, but I wanted to know why. Was he gay? Could he actually be? There have been signs everywhere and nothing to lead me to believe he was straight. But still, I couldn't afford the chance. So I let the event fade away, without thinking more of it.

Unfortunately, my dick didn't share the same sentiment. It was at full mast, tenting my pants pretty well, since they were only thin dress pants, and not jeans. I tried to position myself next to the box so that it wouldn't show. I was sure it was hidden when all of a sudden, he stopped. He looked at me without lifting his head from near the table and looked at me, dead in the eyes.

"Something going on over there?"

"No, why?"

"You seem to be getting a pavilion ready in your pants."

"Oh shit," I thought to myself, "I thought I had that hidden!"

I looked down and tried to position myself further behind the box, while trying to come up with an excuse.

"Well, you're not the only one on new meds." I said, trying to fake my way through. "I'm on new shit that has a side effect of increasing your blood pressure, and that can be the result."

"I don't think so. I bet you're not on meds, are you?" he said, slowly walking over to me.

"Um, no, not really." I stammered out.

"So that wasn't the result of something inside of you, but the effect something in here had on you." He said slowly, coming close to me.

Now I was scared. He wasn't acting like there was even a chance he was gay. He seemed more accusing than questioning. I wasn't sure what to do, so I just stood there.

"Could it have been me?" he asked as he wrapped his arms around me, with his hands crossed by my lower back.

I swallowed. Hard. I wasn't sure if this was some break-the-spine maneuver, or something sexual.

"I think it was." He said, slowly drawing me closer, until our faces were barely millimeters apart. "Nice..." he said, very gently, as he brought his lips closer and closer to mine.

Damn! I've done it again! Another cliffhanger! Okay, I know it's getting irritating; many of you have emailed me about the last one. I promise the next chapter won't leave you hanging without sex. I couldn't back out of what's happening, could I now? But I am going to have to take a break for a while. Two five-page chapters in this amount of time is a lot for me, especially since I've never written anything before. Email me anything you have to say or ask at

Next: Chapter 3

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