Mcmahon Moving and Storage

By Nick Bella

Published on Jun 21, 2023


Kevin was diligently licking the black seed out of his bride's pussy when Ty glanced at the clock. It was 9:45 and Ty had asked James to pick him up at 10:00. Ty slithered out of bed and went into the bathroom. He caught his reflection in the mirror and smiled. Ty's cock started to rise as he thought of last night's events and what was to come.

Ty splashed some water on his face, put on his tux shirt and pants. As he exited the bathroom he found Kevin gently licking Kathleen's pussy. Her face was milky white and she looked completely spent after her night of being fucked by her black lover.

Ty walked over and pushed the hair away from Kathleen's face kissing her gently on the lips. Kathleen started to speak softly "are you leavi..." but she let her voice trail off knowing she was never to ask Ty where he was going or when he was coming back. Kathleen heard the door of the suite close. She already missed Ty.

The doorman greeted Ty with a "good morning Sir" as he opened the door for Ty. James was standing next to the limo patiently waiting. As James saw Ty approach his smile grew wider and he opened the limo door. "G'morning Ty, did you have a good night Sir?" James said with a chuckle.

Ty climbed into the back of the limo. The scent of Kathleen's pussy was still present in the air. With a wide grin he began to tell James in detail the events of the night.

Kathleen kissed Kevin on the cheek and headed towards the bathroom. "We better bet moving buddy, the limo will be here in an hour to take us to the airport."

She turned on the shower and looked at herself in the mirror. Her face looked happy and satisfied. She had everything she wanted and finally felt complete.

The hot water felt refreshing as it cascaded down her body, rinsing all of the dried cum and piss off of her body. Kathleen examined her pussy, the lips were puffy and tender to the touch. She winced a bit remembering how the pain turned to pleasure as Ty's huge black cock ravaged her pussy.

Kathleen inserted a finger into her pussy. She could still feel Ty's slippery cum inside of her. She scooped out a little and tasted it. Inserting her fingers once again she brought herself to an explosive orgasm.

Kevin was sitting on the bed waiting for Kathleen to finish. Kathleen yelled from the bathroom "the shower is all yours."

Getting up from the bed Kevin walked into the bathroom. Kathleen had her foot on the toilet and was drying herself. Kevin noticed the chain around her ankle. Pointing to it he asked "is that new?"

"Yes" Kathleen gushed. "Isn't it beautiful? Ty gave it to me last night."

Kevin looked closer at the anklet. "Yes, very nice" he murmured.

Kathleen boasted proudly. "It's a black male symbol in black diamonds and a female symbol in white diamonds. It defines my relationship with Ty."

Kevin swallowed hard. Feeling like he had just gotten punched in the stomach. His cock started to harden in its steel cage. "I see that," he said softly.

Kathleen pulled her flame red hair back into a slick ponytail. She slipped on her pink lace panties and matching bra. She figured it would be okay to wear panties since she would not be seeing Ty for a week.

Dressing comfortably for the long flight, Kathleen decided to wear a simple knit dress and a pair of scandals. She was sitting at the dressing table applying her as Kevin entered the bedroom. "Do you have the tickets?"

Kevin opened his suitcase to check. Right on top were 2 first class tickets to San Francisco. They were a wedding present from Red and Nora, along with first class accommodations at an upscale B & B. Although Kevin knew he would miss Ty he was looking forward to spending a week alone with Kathleen.

"Yes I have the tickets right here." Kevin said in a meek voice.

Kevin put on a pair of dress pants and a dress shirt. As he slipped on his loafers Kathleen emerged from the living area. "The bellman is here for the bags. It is time to go."

As they approached the limo James greeted them with a smile. "G'mornin' how is the happy couple today?"

"Good morning James" Kathleen said in a cheerful voice.

As James opened the limo door Kathleen let out a squeal. She leapt into the limo right into Ty's strong arms.

"I didn't expect to see you." She shouted.

"You didn't think I was going to let you out of my sight for a week now did you." Ty exclaimed. Pulling Kathleen to him and kissing her passionately.

Kevin sat across from them watching is beautiful wife kissing her black lover. His feelings were conflicted.

Ty unzipped his pants and pulled out his hard black cock. He put his hand on the back of Kathleen's head and started to push her towards his cock. "Suck it baby" he whispered.

Kathleen could see his piss slit glistening with pre cum. She stuck out her tongue and licked it up, savoring the flavor. Ty looked across the limo and saw the blank stare on Kevin's face. "You look like you need some black cock too boy." Ty shouted.

A smile came across Kevin's face as he started to move towards Ty's cock. Lifting his foot Ty hit Kevin in the chest. Ty shouted "James pull over."

James pulled the car off to the side of the road. Kevin looked confused. "Get up front and take care of James. We got a 30 minute ride to the airport." Ty said with a laugh.

Kevin slid across the front seat. James had already released his big black cock. Kevin inhaled deeply taking in the scent. James laughed "I didn't have a chance to shower this morning boy." The musty smell was intoxicating to Kevin. He licked the thick black shaft from the base to the tip before taking the full length down his hungry throat. James let out a deep sigh.

Ty ran his fingers up Kathleen's milky white leg. As he made his way up to her pussy he felt the lace on her panties. "What the fuck are you wearin?" he hissed.

"I I I'm sorry baby," Kathleen stammered. "I didn't think I would be seeing you today and I didn't want to fly without panties."

Ty could feel his rage building as he tore the panties off Kathleen. "NO panties ever bitch unless you flowin. I want easy access to dat pussy 24/7 and you neva know when I may show up." Ty pushed Kathleen off of him and he put his face into his hands.

Kathleen slid over and kissed Ty softly on the cheek. "Sorry baby, it won't happen again."

James shot a huge load of black cum into Kevin's mouth as they were pulling into the terminal. "You better get off my cock boy." James said as he pulled Kevin off his cock.

Kevin wiped the cum from his lips before getting out of the limo. Winking at Kevin James said "thanks boy."

Ty and Kathleen breezed through security. Kevin was pulled aside. As the burley security agent ran his wand along Kevin's body it beeped when it got to his crotch. "You got anything in your pocket?' the agent asked.

"No" replied Kevin.

The agent ran the wand over his body for a second time and once again it beeped when it got near Kevin's crotch. The agent motioned for another agent to come over and he took Kevin into a private room. As the walked the agent said to Kevin "we are going to have to do a search on you." Kevin's heart began to race.

The agent looked at Kevin, "strip" he said with a rough Latino accent. As Kevin was stripping the first agent entered the room.

"Where are you traveling today Mr. McMahon?" The first agent asked.

Kevin cleared his throat. "San Francisco, Sir."

The agent was looking at Kevin's ticket. "And for what reason?"

"My honeymoon," Kevin replied

The agent walked towards Kevin. He placed a billy club under Kevin's balls and lifted raised his caged cock. "And what is this?" the agent asked inquisitively.

Once again Kevin cleared his throat. He felt that the room was closing in on him and his cock began to swell. "It's a chastity device, Sir."

The agent ran the detector over Kevin's crotch and once again it beeped. "You will need to remove it." The agent said with a demanding tone.

"I can't, Sir. I don't have the key." Kevin said while looking down.

"Who put this device on you?"

"My Master, Sir." Kevin replied meekly.

Kevin could see the bulge growing in the agents' pants as he asked "and what do you do for your Master, Mr. McMahon?"

Kevin's mind began to race. Had he said too much? Should he have just said his wife put the chastity device on him? "I service him."

The first agent looked at the second agent and tilted his head towards the door. The second agent walked over and locked the door. The first agent pushed Kevin to his knees.

Kevin immediately inhaled deeply. The agent smiled. "Take it out." He barked.

Kevin unzipped the agent's polyester pants and pulled out his uncut Latino cock.

The agent looked down at Kevin. "Suck it." Was all he said.

Kevin took the uncut cock into his mouth. It smelled rank and tasted sour. He heard the agent moan as he pushed his Latino cock down Kevin's throat.

The second agent pulled Kevin up by the hips. Kevin heard him spit and then felt the agent rubbing his slimy cock head against Kevin's hungry hole.

Kevin relaxed and allowed the Latino cock to enter him. "You got a sweet pussy, baby." He heard the agent say.

The first agent grabbed Kevin by the hair and started face fucking him harder. "Hurry up and make me cum bitch. I gotta get back on the floor."

Kevin used his best talents and soon felt the agent's cock head start to swell. The agent let out a loud moan as he pumps his load down Kevin's throat.

The first agent reached over and pinched the second agent's nipples. "Oh fuck man" he shouted. "I'm gonna blow." And with that he let filled Kevin's ass with his Latino cum.

As the first agent was stuffing his half hard cock back into his pants he looked at Kevin and smiled. "You are free to go."

Kevin quickly dressed and headed to the gate. The flight was already boarding. He glanced around and he did not see Ty and Kathleen.

"Good morning, Sir and welcome to flight 1475 non stop to San Francisco" the flight attendant said with a simile.

Kevin smiles politely at the flight attendant. He boarded the plane only to find Ty sitting his seat next to Kathleen. Ty smiled at Kevin. "You are in seat 34 C. Have a good flight." He said sarcastically.

Ty hung his head and walked to the rear of the plane and took his seat.

Jennifer was standing near the cockpit looking at her first class patrons. Of course, she could not take her eyes off of Ty. Her heart seemed to race every time she looked his way.

When Jennifer arrived at Ty's row she made sure she leaned over to give him a nice view of her ample breasts. She gently squeezed his bicep and asked "may I offer you something."

Ty was amused by the flirtation. "I'll have a Moscato and the lady will have a white wine."

Kathleen smiled sweetly. She loved that Ty would order for her. She loved that her man was in control.

Jennifer returned with the drinks. She pulled the side tray out of the seat and her hand lightly brushed over Ty's crotch. She put the drinks on the tray. "Will that be all?" she politely asked.

Ty winked at Jennifer. "For now" was all he said.

Kathleen was drifting off to sleep when she felt Ty's fingers make their way to her pussy. He gently started circling her pussy lips with his finger and when he went to insert his finger into her pussy Kathleen tried to close her legs.

Ty gave her a stern look and Kathleen knew better than to fight it. She opened her legs and let Ty enter her pussy. Jennifer walked by and smiled. She stopped at their row reaching up she pulled a small blanket from the overhead and placed it on Kathleen's lap.

With that Ty inserted another finger into Kathleen's wet pussy. She began to buck up and down riding his fingers. When he inserted a third it was too much and Kathleen's pussy started to quiver as she exploded into an orgasm.

Ty pulled his fingers out of her pussy and offered them to Kathleen. She happily licked them clean and then drifted off to sleep.

They had about another hour in flight and Ty was feeling restless. He glanced over at Kathleen and she was still sleeping. He thought to himself. "I really wore that white bitch out."

Jennifer approached Ty. "You can stand in the back if you want to stretch your legs a bit." Jennifer said in a concerned tone.

Ty smiled. "Yes maybe I will do that."

He got up from his seat and followed Jennifer to the back of the plane. The other flight attendant was sitting on the jump seat when the entered the space. Jennifer could not help but notice the bulge growing in the front Ty's pants. She reached out and rubbed it.

Jennifer looked at the other flight attendant. "Jason, can you cover for me? I need a few minutes."

Jason smiled at Jennifer. "Sure be happy to cover."

Taking Ty by the hand Jennifer let him into the small airplane lavatory. Jason stood guard by the door.

Jennifer flung her arms around Ty and tried to kiss him on the mouth. Ty put is hand up over her face and pushed her down to her knees. Ty unzipped his pants and pulled out his massive black cock. He laughed as he heard Jennifer gasp.

Holding his cock with both hands Jennifer guided it into her mouth, wrapping her soft pink lips around Ty's big black cock. She could feel her pussy tingle with delight.

Ty quickly got annoyed with her sucking. "Cover those teef, bitch." He pulled Jennifer up by her arms and reached under her skirt trying to pull her pantyhose down. They seemed to be glued to her body. Ty reached down and tore the crotch out of her pantyhose exposing her hot wet cunt.

Ty picked Jennifer up like a rag doll and impaled her wet steaming pussy on his hard black cock. Jennifer let out a yelp.

Ty was lifting her up and down on his cock, each thrust harder than the last. He could feel her pussy tighten and squirt as she had orgasm after orgasm.

"Please don't cum in me." Jennifer whimpered. "I'm not on the pill. We are trying to have a baby."

Those words made Ty go wild. He knew if this bitch was fertile his seed would knock her up. What did he care? He would never see this bitch again and for all she knew his name was Kevin McMahon.

Ty thrust harder into her wet pussy. Jennifer could feel his cock swell and she tried to get off of his massive cock. Ty held her down tight as his cock erupted into her pussy filling her with his black cum.

Ty pulled her off of his cock and she fell to the floor. She looked up at Ty. "I told you not to cum in my pussy." She hissed.

"No bitch tells me what to do." Ty stuffed his cock back into his pants and walked out of the lavatory.

"Is everything okay?" Kathleen asked softly. "I woke up and you were gone."

Ty looked straight ahead without saying a word.

An announcement came over the loud speaker "please take your seats we are starting our initial decent into San Francisco."

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