Mcfuck Buddies

By Jess Monterty

Published on Aug 31, 2011



If you're too young to read this fuck off. If you don't like hearing stories about teenagers, continue as this story is for you. All people in this story are entirely made up, the events are also fiction. Any resemblance to true people or event are purely accidental. Anyways here's my story for you, enjoy.

McFuck Buddies - Chain Reaction

Uh hi, you're probably here for a sex story. Well this is mine. So I work at a fast food restaurant. You've probably heard of it, it's called McMonkey's. We have a famous burger you've most likely heard of, the BigMonkey. Our rival food chains are Burger Prince, Starveys, Mendies, uh PFC (Pussy Fried Cunt), you've probably never heard of them though. But you aren't here to read about these fast food chains that you love so dearly, no you fat asses aren't! You want to hear about my exploits while working at them. Well this happened, meh, about two years ago. I happy to report I'm still working there. Some would say that working at McMonkey's all your life would suck, but right now it's got its benefits. New girls come in all the time to apply for a job, McMonkey's hires at the youngest age of 14, so lots of people actually apply there. Once they hear about how things work around there with me, some quit. However, most do stay as it is a fun work environment, once they get used to it. Contrary to popular belief, 14 year olds have very tight pussies. Wait, no that would make sense. Well while I am 17 and fucking 14 year olds, that surprisingly isn't the most interesting part of my tale. What's actually more interesting to me are the beginning days, what started of the chain reaction that turn my McMonkey's into a sex-filled sanctuary. For employees only. Believe it or not, not all fast food restaurants hire horny, sex-craving employees. In my case they hired me, I do fit that category, but I was able to mold the girls and in the end, make them sex-puppets. While this may be overexadurated, a lot, it is an interesting story, and this is a long prologue (if you would even call it that). If you're still even reading this I assure you that you will not be disappointed about reading my story. This does take place while I was 15, so two years ago. My memory is not the freshest but it is etched with quite a bit detail.

We start my endeavors with a girl named Amy or Amykinz as some of us (McMonkey slaves) would say. She was a year older than me, actually I think at that time I may have been one of the youngest in the store. Amy was an outgoing individual, you could always score a great laugh each time you worked with her. She was a bit of a looker too, well obviously because (spoiler alert) I fucked her first. She had long brown hair, kind of like a mahogany brown (I don't know) that flowed magnificently past her shoulders. She possessed brown eyes to match with her hair. Great luscious lips, great for kissing. She did however have braces, which have pros and cons. Pros being it can be a turn-on, you know they look younger and teenier than ever. But there is that horrible chance that something bad might happen when, you know, she gets around to smokin' the bone. She also had a cute, not so little, pink pu- wait, not supposed to type that yet. She had a curvy body which surprisingly looked good in an old, ugly McMonkey uniform. The blue shirt was tight enough to accent her tits, the pants fit nicely around her hips, and they were a bit baggy unfortunately. And the ugly visor just went well on top of her cranium. Now I can say that she had a perfect, virgin pussy. Her lips were still untouched. I had to roll them out in order to taste her, which was no disappointment either. Her sweet nectar and heavenly scent was enough to send most people away with cream filled pants. I almost forgot she had perfect pink nipples that stood straight up. I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw that _______ (spoiler). But when I saw them up close, man-o-man, they were real alright. It's a wonder I ever her got her, be it luck or fate, I'm glad I did because that set off the mighty chain reaction. Oh right, how I got her, I should probably explain that now. Well if you really are still here, be glad, here we go.

On a side note, our McMonkey's isn't one of those 24/7 bullshit restaurants. No, we close at midnight sharp. You're a second late? That sucks. No food for you. Well this would be where this spark was shot to ignite the fire that is known to me as the McMonkey sex, fire, thing, that I just made up. Well it was me and Amy, I was closing up the kitchen area, she was closing up the drive-thru. We all have different responsibilities around this store. There was also a part closing up the main part of the store and a manager. The manager is responsible to do the obvious manager stuff, which includes, take us home. Unfortunately we can't leave when ever. We have to wait for everyone. Since Amy and I were done right on the mark, everything clean and put away, we earned the right to go and have a sit down. The crew room is the obvious choice. Nice privacy and comfortable chairs, even a TV! Well we went there while we waited for the slow ass front area person to finish their duties. Looking back on it no, I'm glad they took a long time because I got to fuck Amy!

So there we were watching TV, waiting, talking about boring shot that I won't include making this story seem any longer than it needs to be. Amy was texting, you know how teenage girls do (You've probably got one you're longing to fuck right now! Contact me if you do ;). Right but she was texting. She decided to place her phone on the table separating the two of us. Stupid move for her because what would any friend do? Of course I snatched it right then, right there! Haha look through Amy's texts, I know I'm hilarious.

"Give that back!" She would scream at me.

I still thought it was funny; she was jumping over the table to attempt to wrestle it out of my hand. I was ready to give it up, but this whole wrestling deal seemed like better fun. The only texts were sent to her friend Lisa anyways (Another McMonkey employee). It was boring shit to say the least.

"I swear to God! If you don't give that back I'll punch you!" Amy warned me. I simply laughed; no way would Amy do that.

She then jumped over the table and tackled me off my chair. Ouch. I landed flat on the floor, Amy was on top of me on all fours. Yes, it was a very sexual position. What could I do? The possibilities! What did I do? Well I said the first thing that came to my head; it was very funny in my mind at the time!

"Do you come here often?" That's what I said. Doesn't make too much sense I know but it was funny at the time I swear!

She then punched me in the shoulder for my retarded remark and attempted to take her phone back. I had an iron grip though, when she grabbed the phone she must have hit the camera button. The phone camera was on so I thought, hehe let's take a picture. I hit the centre button which took a picture. The flash blinded Amy and I had a funny picture. What happened next was unexpected. Instead of going right back to the camera settings, her phone went into her pictures. What a surprise for me. Amy had taken some fairly smutty self shots. I pressed on the first one. There she was, only without the McMonkey's uniform. Instead she had a bright red thong on with a black lacy trim. She had the matching bra on too. This turned out to be a pretty plain pic. I hit the next button.

"Whoa!" I said. Amy's face turned red. She made no attempt to remove the phone from my grasp anymore.

"I told you not to touch me phone," She spat out.

The next picture she had turned around and taken her bra off. She was bent over showing her ass cheeks and her tits. She had the sly, seductive look on her face. I have no idea who she was sending these pics too.

"Wow you look pretty sexy in that thong! Got any more nude pics?" I asked her. She turned red, turns out she did, "Oh wow a whole collection on here!"

I looked at Amy. She grabbed her phone back; her face was redder than ever. I slipped my thumb into her waistband.

"What are you doing?" She asked, with made no intention of stopping me.

I lifted my thumb and saw her thong. The red thong looked better at that time than it did in the picture. I slipped my thumb into the other side. With great cooperation, my thumbs were able to move the pants off of her ass. She didn't do anything. I moved my hands back up and stuck a finger in her shirt collar. I pulled down; she was wearing the matching bra too. Amy then got up and pulled her pants back up. She sat back down on her chair, leaving me on the floor.

"Come on Amykinz! Pull your pants back down, show me that sexy thong!" I teased her.

She stared at me.

"You show me yours first then I'll show you mine!" She told me with a smile on her face. She must have thought I wouldn't do it, because when I pulled down my boxers with my pants her face turned white.

"Your turn!" I smiled.

She got up and pulled her shift off, revealing her tits encased in the red bra. She then reluctantly pulled her pants down. She stepped out of them and was left standing in her underwear. She started to sit back down, but I wasn't about to let her.

"Hey I'm currently showing you mine! How about yours?" I reminded her.

She got back up and reached behind her back to unhook her bra. I grabbed my dick and she stuttered a bit. My dick grew hard in my hands. She removed her bra, that's the first time I saw her perky nipples. My dick jumped. She giggled. Feeling more confident she hooked her thumbs into her thong and pulled down. Her perfect pussy was revealed to me. It was shaven just like every girl's should be. I started stroking my dick just looking at her. She must have been feeling great after seeing my reaction because she walked back over to me.

"Let me help you with that," She told me. She grabbed my dick and started slowly stroking it for me, "How does that feel?" She asked.

I was speechless. She smiled kindly at me; this was like a great dream come true. Amy opened her mouth wide to greet my cock. I quickly stopped her.

"Amy wait!"

"What?" She asked snapping out of her trance.

"We're kind of in the open where anyone can see us..."

"So what do you suggest?" She asked frowning now.

I already had the idea in my mind, "Bathroom sex," I told her.

She rose up and scooted her ass to the door. She looked either way and waved me over. I clumsily got up with my pants still around my ankles. I walked over to the open doorway beside Amy. She quietly tip-toed over into the woman's bathroom. I waddled along behind her. She opened the door to the bathroom and held it open for me to go first. I entered and Amy closed the door behind her locking it firmly. She looked at me and smiled.

These bathrooms were kinda shitty and after having sex multiple times in them, I've noticed that they weren't made for fucking. The employee bathroom was a tiny cube, if you will. It has a toilet and a sink with a mirror, that is all, nothing fancy. The door can barely open without touching the sink.

Anyways Amy pushed me down onto the toilet. It kinda hurt actually since there was no padding. While I sat there with a semi hard dick, Amy awkwardly got on her knees. Since the toilet was so low though, if she went on her knees she would be far too low. Realizing her problem, she positioned herself so she was laying on her side, almost in a seductive pose. It work though and her head was on the same level as my dick. Amy grabbed my dick and began to stroke it again. She rubbed it fast and made it stand stiff. She then proceeded by shoving it in her mouth. Man was she sloppy. Her head quickly bobbed up and down on my shaft, I was surprised that she wasn't making herself gag. She let her tongue roam wild around my dick. Around and around her tongue went around my dick while her head bobbed up and down. Now I was surprised because I thought when I would get my first blowjob I would've lasted 30 seconds at the most. That's what people say right? She must have been doing the same thing for around 5 minutes when I told her to stop.

"What's wrong?" Amy asked me.

"Well, you're not very good at this," I told her.

"Okay well I'm trying, got any better ideas?" She asked.

"How about you climb on top and let me fuck you?" I proposed.

She took my offer and lifted her body of the bathroom floor. Once again she would not be very good at sex. It was better than the blowjob though. She turned her back to me and slipped her thong to one side. She then sat on my dick, which sucked. I broke right through her hymen and took her virginity. I don't know if she was just a stupid bitch and didn't know this would happen or if she just wanted to get that part over with. Either way she screamed mighty loud while a bit of blood flushed out of her vagina. She started to regain control fortunately, as she began the bounce up and down. Now the toilet seat is not comfortable what so every. Amy slammed her pussy against my dick over and over. It felt great, but hurt like a bitch at the same time. On top of that, her thong was giving me a burn, just sliding up and down on my dick. I groped her tits and held on for dear life. I don't think she noticed any of this, she was just moaning as loud as she could.

Amy then pulled a stupid move and started shouting my name. I then thought we were going to get caught for sure! Luckily for us no one came checking.

I told her, "Get up!" I lifted her arms up and tried to stand at the same time. Amy's pussy just hugged my dick.

"What now?" She moaned.

"Nothing," I told her, "Just repositioning,"

I turned her around to face me, we were both standing now. I leaned her up against the wall. She looked confused. I knew what I was doing though and I lifted her leg up. I figure she was flexible and wasn't completely wrong. I got her leg on my shoulder and the stretched her pussy up. I then locked eyes with her a thrushes away. Her hips would bang off mine then hit the wall. She closed her eyes, at the time I couldn't tell if I was hurting her or if she enjoyed it. But once she opened her mouth, I knew the moaning was about to begin.

The reason why I chose this position was so I could shut her up with no questions asked. Amy opened up and I stuck my tongue right in there. I grabbed her tongue and she closed her lips, sucking on it. Her eyes were still closed so I felt a tad awkward, feeling in the moment I closed mine as well. I could only feel the pleasure from my dick; it was like I was inside it. It was pulsing just like my heart. Then I realized it. I was pumping her tight snatch full of sperm.

She didn't notice it luckily, but I had. I opened my eyes and her expression was unchanged. Still sucking on my tongue I thought the least I could do was bring her to an orgasm. I tried pumping faster worried that I had a time limit on my boner. It did start to deflate on me after the initial spurt. Since I was a horny teenager I was able to keep on rocking. I sped up quicker and quicker. I knew it was working because she had stopped kissing me. She moved her leg around my waist and jumped up. Amy had fully wrapped her body around me. I almost toppled forwards but the wall was there to catch us. I keep on fucking her pussy. She hugged me and held on for dear life. I couldn't see her expression but I image that her eyes were popping out of her head. Something like she had just had the wind knocked out of her, but in a good way. I was cumming again unfortunately. I had managed to get her pregnant twice before she had came once. She was close though, I could tell. But that's when we heard the voice.

It was our manager yelling at us.

"Amy, Anthony!" He called. We both were still, "Where are you guys?"

Amy must have been holding it in because once he had said that she exploded. She must've been biting her lip something awful because I know now that she is definitely a screamer. Amy must have busted a lung or something because she was loud. Once she finished I couldn't tell who's cum was all over us.

I had forgotten all about our manager until he said sheepishly, "I'll be waiting in the van."

He had definitely heard that. He never said anything about it though, not on the way home, not even to his boss. Kept it quiet and thank God he did. If he didn't I would have the next story to tell you about. Lisa, she's Amy's best friend. Thank God she's not as loud. She's about five times smuttier than Amy is too!

But to conclude this story, Amy cleaned herself up after cleaning my junk with her mouth. I couldn't believe she was still so horny but I guess she didn't just cum twice. I'm glad she didn't notice the amount of cum in her pussy as well. That's another story to tell, no spoilers here. Besides it's not even too interesting, well unless you like teenage pregnancy... Just kidding. Amy though, she's a good girl, glad she was my first. She set the bar pretty low I'll say, leaving the opportunity for the next girl open wide.

Next time I'll tell you all about Lisa, the smuttier, quieter version of Amy. Had a great time with her... Spoiler alert!

Tell me what you think by emailing me at I would love to hear your thoughts. There are still more days to come after this, if you have suggestions, I'm open to hearing them. Thanks :)

Also check out my blog: I post sex stories in shorter parts. If you're interested in my story you should definitely check this out so you don't have to wait all the time! Thanks :)

Next: Chapter 2

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