Mcfly and Rooster

Published on Sep 4, 2023


McFly & Rooster

Disclaimer: The X Men are owned by Marvel Comics & 20th Century Fox. I Haven't met rooster and i don't know them, although i have met McFly, i don't know them and this story isn't in any way implying that either bands are gay.

In the songs, nick will be blue italics, jake will be red italics and both of them will be black italics, the girls will be purple italics.

Ah crap the alarm's going off already, why do we have to meet the label? i hope we don't have to do this often! it'll do my bloody nut in

"morning", well if i get greeted with a kiss first thing it won't be so bad, "i love you", he's the best, man i wanna stay here all day, "are you gonna get up?"

"how can you be so cheerful?"

"remember i live in america, if i was over there i'd still be up so i've got like four hours extra sleep"

"i hate you"

"you love me" he replied kissing me again, last night i was really scared about this but i know i love him, not sure how but i know that i do, i don't care if my parents don't except this, i wanna be with johnny for the rest of my live... shit there's a knock at the door, johnny's still on top of me and now the door's open

"nick we...", bugger jake, "holy shit... err, yeah we've gotta go soon", and he's gone, man i didn't want the guys to find out like this... man why can't things ever be simple?

"are you okay?"

"i'm gonna talk to him" i replied getting out of bed

"nick", he's scared

"whatever he says, i'll still love you", there i think he's alright, right time to find jake... bugger he's leant against the wall outside my room, "jake?"

"hey sorry to disturb you, it's just the label will..."

"jake what's up?"

"i just...", harry's walking past he's being quiet, "nothing, it doesn't matter"

"port us up to the roof", he's just looking blank, "please", there we're outside and i'm frozen, man coming out here in winter in just boxers is a stupid idea! "alright what's up?", too cold

"it's johnny, i... i don't trust him", not what i was expecting

"what do you mean? i thought you guys were mates"

"we are but his history of partners is... well non existent, he cheated on his last three girlfriends"

"he said he loves me, i love him too"

"he may just be saying that"

"you said it to danny"

"that's different" he replied, man i can't believe he said that!

"why? cause you're perfect?"

"i didn't mean it like..."

"why can't you be happy for us?"

"i'm just..."

"come on jake, what the hell is your problem?"

"i'm worried that you'll get hurt"

"and don't you think you should just let me find out?"

"sorry nick but i care about you and don't wanna see you get hurt"

"i know the only reason i'm standing here is because of you and i'm grateful but we're band mates and that's it"

"what do you mean that's it?"

"we've only known each other for three days and that doesn't automatically make us best mates, and just because you're the only one of us who's a super powered god doesn't mean you can interfere with our lives"

"i wasn't trying to interfere nick"

"then what the hell were you doing? look i love johnny and i'm gonna try make this work and unless you come to terms with that very quickly, i'm out of the band", not how i wanted this to go but he's pissed me off big time... he's ported us inside, well at least he knows the conversation's over, i guess we better get ready.

I don't know which feeling is strongest, the nerves of meeting the label or being severely pissed off with jake... definitely being pissed with him, i can't believe what he was saying! what the hell has it got to do with him who i'm seeing? oh crap fletch is here again

"right guys, apparently they're ready", time to meet them, we followed him to the door and he turned to face us again, "nick, jake? it's obvious you guys have had an argument or something but try not let it show so much in there, they're not gonna be too forthcoming in put money into a band that are fighting after three days", he's right but i've never felt this pissed before, trying to look not pissed is gonna be fucking hard... doh dreaming! fletch opened the door and we walked in, well this has surprised us all, there's only one women here... one really hot women, she must be twenty five tops and man she is totally fine... crap johnny! well i guess he wouldn't mind me looking

"good morning boys", oh sexy voice! she's got like a really well spoken proper english accent without being toff' "i guess you were expecting more than one person? to tell you the truth so was i but we've had eleven people call in sick today so i'm afraid you'll just have to put up with me", no complaints from my direction, i was expecting a middle aged balding guy not a goddess, "i'm lucy", cute name... and fletch is giving us a look, shit yeah she doesn't know who's who




"nice to meet you", oh that smile is divine, "morning jake", he's out of it

"hey luce"

"right down to business" she replied leaning against the desk, "i've heard the past two performances have gone down well with McFly's fans, unfortunately i haven't been able to make it but hopefully i'll get there tonight, with the help of my favourite teleporter", he's not listening, "jake?"


"could you teleport me to the gig tonight?"

"yeah sure, just give me a thought when you're ready"

"thanks babe", she obviously likes mutants, "anyway the photo shoot also went down exceptionally well and i've already had a call from smash hits magazine wanting to do a shoot and interview for their next issue, they'd like to do a group photo and then one of you on your own nick, they see you as being the 'stud' of the band, is that alright?"

"sure whatever", doh!

"and jake they'd like to do one of you and danny with a short piece of being best mates in competing bands", well we're not really competing.. come to think of it danny and jake aren't really best mates, "jake?", now he's being stupid, at least i'm replying, "jake... what are you doing?", actually what is he doing? his eyes are white and there's small rain clouds above the plants, i haven't seen him use weather control yet, he's got a lot of control to make them that small, "jake!"

"huh? the plants are parched"

"i'll water them later babe", well at least he's stopped... and now the filling cabinet, book case and water cooler are going for a spin around the room, "jake?"

"last week you said you wanted them changed around"

"i know but now isn't the time, please concentrate", again he's stopped it and she's looking from me to jake, "guys i may be barking up the wrong tree but has something happened between you two?", she hasn't got the wrong tree, "guys?"

"nah they're fine, we just didn't get much sleep last night and these drongo's are being right moody"

"thank you sam", i think she believes him, damn good save sammy boy, "anyway, sam, greg, they want to do a piece about you guys in the following issue but i'm trying to arrange a main piece for you two in top of the pops magazine so it doesn't come across all one sided", damn she's good! "right that just about covers it for now, all i need is your bank details so we can get you guys some money", cool, we gave her all of our details and signed a contract and then we were done, "i shouldn't really do this but i'll get pay put into your accounts for these three gigs today and then you'll get the rest at the end of the tour", result, "well i guess that's it for now, at least you've got a few hours to yourselves before sound checks", man i thought we'd be stuck in there longer than this, we got up and started to leave, "jake could i have a word please" she doesn't look happy

"sure", man i hope he doesn't get in trouble


This sucks ass! i'm probably gonna get a bollocking now for not paying attention, lucy is really down to earth but when it comes to business, she likes everything to be done right... and i so did not do that right!

"alright mister, talk"

"what'd you mean?"

"you know what i mean kiddo, the atmosphere between you and nick, what's happened?"


"jake you're the most easy going, fun loving guy i know, for you to be like this.. it mean's something's wrong"

"we just had a bit of an argument that's all"

"about what and don't say nothing", she knows me too well

"he started seeing someone last night", now how do i say this?

"and you don't like her"

"him", she's shocked, "you've gotta promise me you won't say anything"

"you know i won't"

"well he started seeing this guy last night, an old friend of mine, neither of them felt like this before, just like danny and me... and i love johnny, he's a great guy and we get on well but he's not the most responsible person when it comes to relationships or anything really, i'm worried he'll hurt nick, not on purpose he's a good guy but i'm still worried it'll happen"

"and nick knows how you feel?"

"yeah he asked me and i knew i should've denied it or even at push use telepathy to stop him asking, anything but tell him and now he hates me"

"i'm sure he doesn't hate you jake"

"he said we're nothing but band mates and if i don't except him and johnny he'll quit, but i didn't mean anything by it, i care about him... he said just cause i'm a super powered god it doesn't mean i can interfere with his life"

"there's a very thin line between caring and interfering"

"and i crossed it"

"maybe... or maybe nick thinks you crossed, how many people did you audition?"

"about a thousand"

"and out of that thousand nick made it, his dreams are coming true and he's overwhelmed by it, maybe having someone care about you so much so soon is scaring him, maybe him saying you're just band mates his way of not getting too attached, in case it all goes wrong, all four of you are intelligent young men and you know the music industry is hard, you either make or break there's no in-between, i'm sure you'll be a make but perhaps he isn't"

"i never thought of it that way, i just thought he hates me now.. i've gotta make it up to him"

"sorry is a good place to start"

"and i will but i need more than that"

"how do you mean?"

"i need to show him that whether rooster makes it or not, the four of us will, that we'll do anything for each other"

"that's a hard one to accomplish, even for a god, i would say just give him something he wants but i think this chance has covered that one", that's it!

"not quite, can you try do me a really big favour"


"we've only got two songs written so we covered two to make up time, it was nick's choice cause i don't want there to be a lead singer and he choose bat outta hell and i'd do anything for love, one of the female crew done the vocals but i know his dream would be singing with dana patrick"

"the women in the video... and you want me to try get her?", actually that's a lot to ask, man there's no way this could be pulled off, "hey sis you doing anything tonight?", who's she talking to? oh crap she's on the phone, "could you do me a big favour please? i've signed a young new rock band and they're touring with McFly, they're covering anything for love and i was wondering if you'd do the vocals tonight... thank you so much, one of the guys is jake... yep, so you don't mind if he teleports you over tonight?... nice one, oh this is very secret from the rest of the band and McFly, we don't want them knowing until you're singing... thanks, i'll call you later to give you a time, bye", that was short and sweet, "well we have dana"

"hang on, i thought you were on the phone to your sister?"

"i was, come on jake my surname?"

"shit! you're dana patrick's sister?!"

"well half sister but yeah"

"luce you're the best!"

"hey after what you done to my ex i owe you big time"

"i think he learnt his lesson, over three weeks of busking in the centre of london in the buff kinda killed his ego"

"three weeks?"

"well the bastard shouldn't have cheated on you"

"hang on did you say over three weeks?"

"yep he's there now"

"alright i can handle you being able to destroy planets..."

"if i wanted, which i don't"

"obviously cause you a good god, anyway that i can understand but how for the love of god..."


"how for the love of phoenix could you make him busk in the centre of england's capital city without getting arrested for indecent exposure?"

"easy, phoenix"

"should've figured?"


"can i go see it?"

"if you want"

"oh yes, we better tell the guys", we left the office and they were waiting outside, nick looked worried, i smiled at him but he turned away, i deserve that big time, "we're just porting into the city for a minute, wanna come with?"

"what for?" greg asked

"to see my ex busking in the raw"

"why would he be doing that?"

"phoenix" i replied, they all looked at me shocked, "if you want revenge i'm you're mutant"

"yeah my maths teacher for failing me" sam replied

"and my music teacher" greg added


"she expelled me for telling her to get fucked", he told her to get fucked? "i'd being playing bass for six years and she wouldn't let me do it at school, she tried to make me learn drums... lame"

"hey! drums aren't lame"

"you would say that you're a drummer, bass is better"

"and you'd say cause you're a bassist"

"get over it you two... guitar is best" nick replied

"wanna make something of it atkinson?"

"bring it on moyes"

"oh how i love to see men argue, very masculine... anyway who's in?"

"that'd be me"

"and me"

"me too"

"alright then, lets go", right no one's looking so it's safe to port... man he's got a gathering and a half, we can't even see him through the crowd, "damn it!", i started walking through the crowd [phoenix coming through, move it or lose it], that's better... or not, "my god"


"sweet jesus gav, cover yourself up"

"i can't it's as if someone's stopping... you! you're making me do this", time for a little more telepathy

"no i'm not..."

"sorry phoenix, of course you're not", they're all looking at me

"it's good being me", oh watch out it's the law, "he's not doing anything wrong officer"

"are you kidding me? he's naked"

"i think you're just remembering you work too many hours and you need to spend some time with your wife and kids"

"yes, please forgive me phoenix"

"jake? you're kinda scaring me with this"

"don't be a puss nick, it's cool" greg replied

"no he's right, i think it's time to stop, is that alright luce?"

"fine by me", there he's covered up, "we better get back to the office", alright we're back in her office

"i can't believe you were freaked out by that" sam said to nick

"well it is kinda scary, how do we know jake wouldn't make us think stuff too?"


"it's alright luce", well it's not but what can i do? man i can't believe he'd think i'd ever do stuff like that to them, "i'll think to ya later", i turned to the guys and ported us home, i'm going upstairs, this day is turning out to be one of the suckiest days ever! crap johnny

"hey weren't expecting to see you guys for a while, is nick about?"

"he's downstairs somewhere"

"jake?", i turned to look at him, "are you alright?"

"i'm fine"

"i know what happened between you guys earlier", i can't do this now, i've already lost nick and now i'm gonna lose johnny too

"i'm sorry"

"why? you were only looking out for your friend, like you were with me last night"

"so you don't hate me?"

"of course i don't you idiot"

"at least someone doesn't"

"i'll talk to nick", man i wish ben was here... see he's my best mate and yesterday when we went back to the school, i didn't even see him... what the hell am i doing? it's like i'm pushing everyone away, "jake i promise i won't hurt him"

"i know you won't, i should never have thought you might"

"i'll see ya later dude", well that's gone better than i thought it would... i can hear shouting, "you hear that?"

"could this day get any worse?"

"come on let's go see what it's about", i held his arm and ported us downstairs

"what's going on?"

"none of your business"

"nick!", johnny shouted at him [don't be angry with him, he loves you]

"what the hell is your problem with jake?"

"can't any of you understand why i'm nervous? he made that guy busk naked"

"it was for fun you idiot" sam replied

"what about that cop? jake stopped him from doing his job, how do we know the only reason we're standing here isn't because we want to but jake's making us?"

"how can you say that atkinson? jake's let us move in! we're practically complete strangers and he let us come live in his house"

"nick i understand your worried, i was to begin with, living with the worlds greatest telepath made me nervous too but jake isn't like that, he wouldn't do anything to our minds, trust me" harry replied, man i didn't realise i made him nervous... this hurts so much

"i'm just completely..."

"i'll see you all later"

"jake? where're you going bruv?"

"to the school"


"to see my best mate, the only person who's not afraid of me... i'll see ya at the gig"


Well staring at the sun and to die for are done, now it's just my turn... none of the guys have spoken to me since jake left earlier and i deserve it big time, i'm glad lucy's here, after the show i'm gonna quit, we've been together for a few days and the whole band hate me

"nick?", stage manager, "there's been a slight change with your set, in bat outta hell, when you've finished singing before the guitar solo, come out back and get a headset mic and then go back to the platform in front of sam, when jake starts the solo you'll have twenty seconds to get the mic and get back, the stage will be dark in that area so crew won't see if you're there or not, the spot will just shine down so make sure you're there, if you get in trouble think to jake and he'll slow time down for everyone but you"

"got it"

"and anything for love, the girl who's been singing has got a sore throat so we've managed to call lucy in for it, she'll be on a sofa, like in the video, and it'll be on that platform so as she's about to sing go back there and stand closer to sam, when she comes up, step on the platform and you'll both be raised up, but before you sing, jake's gotta say a few words, while he's doing it sam and greg will do a faint drum and bass piece, once it's done sam will give two beats and then lucy will start on will you raise me up"

"sorted but why are we doing this?"

"i have no idea, i'm just doing what fletch asked", why couldn't he just tell me?.. more importantly why is he changing it? it worked fine last night "nick?"


"you've got five seconds to get on stage", oh shit! jakes doing the background guitar and i'm doing the main parts... and i've got to play now, i can play and run

The sirens are screaming and the fires are howling way down in the valley tonight

There's a man in the shadows with a gun in his eye and a blade shining oh so bright

There's evil in the air and thunder in the sky and a killer's on the bloodshot streets

Oh and down in that tunnel the deadly are rising and i swear i saw a young boy down in the gutter, he was starting to foam in the heat

Oh baby you're the only thing in this whole world, that's pure and good and right oh.....

And wherever you are and wherever you go there's always gonna be some light oh.....

But i gotta get out i gotta break it out now, before the final crack of dawn oh.....

So we gotta make the most of our one night together, when it's over you know we'll both be so alone, here we go, i love the chorus

Like a bat outta hell i'll be gone when the morning comes

When the night is over like a bat outta hell i'll be gone, gone, gone

Like a bat outta hell i'll be gone when the morning comes

But when the day is done and the sun goes down and the moonlight's shining through oh.....

Then like a sinner before the gates of heaven, i'll come crawling on back to you

I'm gonna hit the highway like a battering ram on a silver black phantom bike

When the metal is hot and the engine is hungry and we're all about to see the light

Nothing ever grows in this rotting old hole, everything is stunted and lost

And nothing really rocks and nothing really rolls  and nothings ever worth the cost

Oh..... And i know that i'm damned if i never get out oh..... and maybe i'm damned if i do

Oh..... But with every other beat i got left in my heart, oh..... you know i'd rather be damned with you

If i gotta be damned you know i wanna be damned dancing through the night with you

If i gotta be damned you know i wanna be damned, gotta be damned you know i wanna be damned

If i gotta be damned you know i wanna be damned, dancing through the night, dancing through the night, dancing through the night with you

Oh baby you're the only thing in this whole world, that's pure and good and right oh.....

And wherever you are and wherever you go there's always gonna be some light oh.....

But i gotta get out i gotta break it out now, before the final crack of dawn oh.....

So we gotta make the most of our one night together, when it's over you know we'll both be so alone

Like a bat outta hell i'll be gone when the morning comes

When the night is over like a bat outta hell i'll be gone, gone, gone

Like a bat outta hell i'll be gone when the morning comes

But when the day is done and the sun goes down and the moonlight's shining through oh.....

Then like a sinner before the gates of heaven, i'll come crawling on back to you

Then like a sinner before the gates of heaven, i'll come crawling on back to you, here goes twenty seconds... harry's standing there with my mic, i put the headset on while he plugged it in to the pack on my belt

"why are we doing this?"

"haven't a clue mate, i just got told to be here with your gear" he replied, that makes me nervous! "there go!", i ran back to the stage and just got on the platform as the spot light shone down, hell i've never run so fast! hang on if lucy is doing vocals with me shouldn't she be getting ready? she's in the audience with johnny and carl... talking of the audience they seem to be loving the guitar solos...

I can see myself tearing up the road, faster than any other boy has ever gone

And my skin is raw but soul is ripe and no one's gonna stop me now i'm gonna make my escape

But i can't stop think of you, and i never see the sudden curve till it's way too late

I never see the sudden curve til it's way too late

Oh..... then i'm dieing at the bottom of a pit in the blazing sun, torn and twisted at the foot of a burning bike

Oh..... and i think somebody somewhere must be tolling a bell

Oh..... and the last thing i see is my heart still beating, breaking out of body and flying away, like a bat outta hell

Then i'm dieing at the bottom of a pit in the blazing sun, torn and twisted at the foot of a burning bike

And i think somebody somewhere must be tolling a bell

And the last thing i see is my heart still beating, still beating, breaking out of body and flying away, like a bat outta hell, holy shit i'm being raised in the air really fast... and there's flames behind me... it's phoenix! jake's doing this

Oh like a bat outta hell, oh like a bat outta hell, like a bat outta hell... [jump, i'll catch you], alright here goes... that was fun

Like a bat outta hell i'll be gone when the morning comes

Oh like a bat outta hell, like a bat outta hell i'll be gone when the morning comes

Oh like a bat outta hell, oh...

Man that was fucking brilliant, the audience are going nuts! looks like lucy's now coming round... did carl just smile at me or was it at jake? well jake's got his back turned talking to greg so i think it was at me... yeah it was, hopefully that means he doesn't hate me... which is strange considering how i've been to jake today... i'm an arsehole



"you ready?", i nodded, "cool", the intro for this is way too long so we cut it down by half, and took out one verse too, but we left the duet part the same cause that's the best bit of the song

And i would do anything for love, i'd run right into hell and back

I would do anything for love, i'd never lie to you and that's a fact

But i'll never forget the way you feel right now oh no, no way

And i would do anything for love, but i won't do that... i won't do that

Anything for love, oh i would do anything for love

I would do anything for love, but i won't do that, oh i won't do that

I would do anything for love, anything you've been dreaming of but i just won't do that! actually i'm starting to get a bit nervous about this, why all the changes tonight? and what the hell is jake gonna say? why won't anyone tell me what's going on, i really think the only person who knows is jake, harry and the stage manager didn't seem to have a clue... well if everyone else is changing things i'm gonna change the lyrics a little

Some days i pray for silence and some days i pray for noise

Today i just prayed to the god of life and light and heart and soul, i think jake knows what i meant

Some nights i lose the feeling, and some nights i lose control

Some nights i just lose it all when i watch you dance and the thunder rolls

Maybe i'm lonely, that's all i'm qualified to be

There's just one and only the one and only promise i can keep, i love this part, jake harmonises with me and it sounds fucking great!

As long as the wheels are turning, oh..... as long as the fires are burning oh.....

As long as your prayers are coming true you'd better believe it

That i would do anything for love and you know it's true and that's a fact

I would do anything for love and there'll never be no turning back

But i'll never do it better than i do with you, so long, so long

And i would do anything for love, oh i would do anything for love

I would do anything for love, but i won't do that, no i won't do that

I would do anything for love, anything you've been dreaming of

But i just won't do that, here come the nerves again, i guess i should make my way up the platform now so i'm there for my last bit before lucy comes on

But i'll never stop dreaming of you every night of my life, no way

And i would do anything for love, oh i would do anything for love

I would do anything for love, but i won't do that, no i won't do that, sam and greg have just started their piece, and here comes the sofa... shit it's not just lucy! oh my fucking god dana patrick's there too

"ladies and gentlemen, i give you the beautiful sisters... lucy and dana patrick", the crowd are going nuts, didn't realise lucy was related to dana.... hang on there's another platform coming up beside me, "a man who needs no introduction... meatloaf!", holy shit! this has gotta be a dream! the audience are going even more nuts! "and lastly, the incredible, the talented....", who now? "nick atkinson!", i'll kill him... shit sam's two beats and we're slowly being raised up

Will you raise me up will you help me down, will you get me right out of this god forsaken town, will you make it all a little less cold?

I can do that! oh i can do that!

Will you hold me sacred will you hold me tight, can you colourize my life i'm so sick of black and white, can you make it all a little less old?

I can do that! oh i can do that!

Will you make me some magic with your own two hands, can you build an emerald city with these grains of sand, can you give me something i can take home?

I can do that oh, oh now i can do that

Will you cater to every fantasy i got! will you hose me down with holy water if i get too hot! will you take me places i've never known?

Now i can do that oh, oh now i can do that

After a while you'll forget everything, it was brief interlude and a midsummer nights fling, and you'll see that it's time to move on

I won't do that, no i won't do that

I know the territory i've been around, it'll all turn to dust and we'll all fall down! damn jake! the platform's coming flying down with a thud, and sooner or later you'll be screwing around!

I won't do that! hell no i won't do that!

Anything for love, oh i would do anything for love!

I would do anything for love, but i won't do that, no i won't do that! and the audience are going mental again and screaming for more... i can't believe i just sang with meatloaf, that's like a dream come true, he's my idol! [fletch said we can do another one?]

"you up for it?" meatloaf asked

"you heard that?"

"how do you think he got us?" dana replied

"all this was jake?"

"he wanted to make you happy, you've got a good friend there", they've got that right, i've been such a cunt to him! "want to do another one?" [bat outta hell?] [good choice nicky boy, let's take it from the solos but go straight to the last, i'm dieing] [cool but we all sing this time], alright sam's doing the mental drum part and now jake's started his solo... lucy and dana are getting off the sofa, why?

"you get up there and stand out babe", they're great, alright here comes my part... and i'm being lifted up again with phoenix behind me

I can see myself tearing up the road, faster than any other boy has ever gone

And my skin is raw but soul is ripe and no one's gonna stop me now i'm gonna make my escape

But i can't stop think of you, and i never see the sudden curve till it's way too late

I never see the sudden curve til it's way too late, everyone else are lined up at the front of the stage... and now i'm being lowered down between jake and dana

Then i'm dieing at the bottom of a pit in the blazing sun, torn and twisted at the foot of a burning bike

And i think somebody somewhere must be tolling a bell

And the last thing i see is my heart still beating, still beating, oh breaking out of body and flying away, like a bat outta hell

Oh like a bat outta hell, oh like a bat outta hell, like a bat outta hell... like a bat outta hell i'll be gone when the morning comes

Oh like a bat outta hell, like a bat outta hell i'll be gone when the morning comes

Oh like a bat outta hell, oh... [wanna end this in style?] [you know i do], we started going completely nuts with guitars... and sam's following too, man he's good! and now we've got explosions and shit going off everywhere [have they got enough pyro's for this?] [nope, i'm doing it], he's great, [you end it mate], well jake and sam have stopped... just a few more beats and i'm done, the audience are going light again

"thank you!", this must be a dream, oh the guys are coming on now

"we might as well go home now cause there is no way in hell even the phoenix could make us top that!", yeah dougie's a fool, "everyone go nuts for lucy, dana, meatloaf and the most amazing guys ever... rooster!", well that's our cue to get outta here


I'm shattered, i really should go to bed but i can't be fagged to get up but it was worth it, tonight was totally amazing! nick's face when dana and meatloaf came on, he enjoyed that so much... actually we're all fagged out, everyone's gone to bed, well except me and harry, we're sat on the sofa with cold beer watching... what's this? oh the hits channel

"why are we always the last ones up?"

"cause we're nice guys and they're not", that'll do, i need nicotine, it's times like this i'm glad to be a mutant, my body's got no energy but my mind has and levitating twenty benson's and a lighter across the room is piss easy, "you really shouldn't smoke"

"want one?"

"yeah share the wealth", there nice and easy... oh look they're playing i'll be ok, that's a great song, "you enjoyed that didn't you?"


"making it rain on me"

"yeah, that was one of the more practical ways to use my powers"

"so saving the world isn't practical but making it piss down on your friends is"


"if i wasn't tired and didn't love you so much i'd hit you"

"never stopped you before"

"good point", ouch! "that feels better", this is the stuff, there's nothing better than chilling with your mates, "freak"

"tosser", oh we have company... nick, not sure if that's good or not, i think he still hates me

"man i just remembered something" harry said getting up


"not sure but i do know it requires me to be somewhere that's not here", that's it harry nice and subtle... tart! "right see guys in the morning", well he's now gone and nick's come sat next to me... it was really good to see ben earlier, can't wait till he comes over for a gig, it'll be so cool

"you alright?" nick asked

"yeah", i think we both know we need to talk but neither of us wanna start it off... man if people could see us through the window they'd think we're weirdo's, we're both sat here in boxers, which isn't like us, the others always walk around like this but we don't... good ice breaker, "nice boxers"

"thanks, nearly as good as yours", i'm wearing a pair of danny's dodgy tesco boxers

"well it's handy when you're the same size as your boyfriend, means you can wear his instead of washing your own", maybe not such a good thing to say, "want me to telepathically train johnny to wash yours?", that's got a smile, "sorry"

"for what?"

"everything, what i said about johnny and also, mainly for pushing us to fast, i shouldn't have done that, it kinda felt good to have you guys around"

"how do you mean?"

"out of the thousand people i auditioned only twenty said cool when i said i'm a mutant, and then there was you guys, you said more than cool, i felt connected to you and then, when you moved in phoenix kept telling me things would be fine with you guys"

"it talks to you?"

"all the time"

"can i talk to it?", how do i say this?

"maybe not a good idea, it's kinda scary, there'll be nothing of me and phoenix can be harsh, it's pure energy and has no feelings"

"it's alright"

"nick i know i pushed for too much too fast but i don't wanna lose you, i don't think you'll like phoenix"

"i'll be fine", i hope he is, "please let me talk to it jake", here goes, [you should know jake is only the house where i live nick], "you're not that scary...", [i can destroy you and your world], "alright when you say stuff like that you are... is it true? did you tell jake we'll all be fine? will we be fine?" [the friendship you all share will remain for eternity], "how do you know?" [i'm a god nicolas], "please don't call me that?" [are you trying to control me, a god?], "no! i just don't like being called that, sorry... could i speak to jake again? please?"

"are you alright?", man i hope phoenix didn't do anything

"i'm fine", shit i'm never gonna do that again, "it said you're only the place where it lives"

"in a way i am"

"and you're alright with that?", i don't wanna answer that, "jake?"

"please don't tell anyone, they think i'm fine"

"i promise i won't"

"it scares me, jean was born to be merged with phoenix, her soul was made for it but i wasn't, i just copied and it's not me, i share my body with the greatest power in the universe and i'm not meant to, i didn't ask for this, i wasn't meant to have this and i don't think i want it, nick it's hell, i just want to be me again, if i just had phoenix in my head it'd be okay but i have the psyches of every mutant i've been near and at times i don't know who i am, i use phoenix and i think i'm phoenix, i control weather and i think i'm ororo munroe... even when i chill a beer i think i'm bobby drake, the only time i'm truly me is if i don't use powers and look what happened the other night, i then become dangerous, it's like i'm alive to be everyone but me"

"phoenix is right, we will be fine"

"so you don't hate me?"

"i never did, i was just hurt that's all, what's happening with johnny and me is scaring me a bit and i just wanted you guys to be there"

"not say you're being an idiot? man i'm so sorry nick"

"i guess you've got nothing to be sorry about, you were being a friend and i took it the wrong way, i just didn't think it would be possible for someone to care so much so soon"

"i really didn't mean to push us"

"i love you so much jake, you're the best friend i'll ever have and i want to spend my whole life doing stuff with you, today i was gonna quit and move out, not because of what you said but cause of what i done to you, when i said i was scared of you and your powers, you looked so lost and hurt, and it felt like my heart was being ripped out, that's when i thought i needed to leave but then i tried looking to the future and all i could see was a life without you and i don't want that, it is strange and scary the way we've all clicked so well but it feels natural, it's like we were born to be together", i love him, i never want to lose him, i don't want to lose any of them.... oh man headache, "are you alright?"

"i'm just tired and got a headache, i've stretched my telepathy and telekinesis more than i usually do and now i'm feeling it"

"thanks for tonight, it was amazing"

"it's the least i could do, i wanted you to know that rooster isn't important but we are"

"i just wish i could do something for you, you used your powers for me and i've got nothing i can do for you"

"you're here nick, that's all i'll ever want and need, i've got carl back and that feels great but you guys make up the family, for the first time since i was seven i feel at home and now i'm actually happy with life", we will be fine, "i love you"

"love you too", man i feel so content now, i'm never gonna push any of them away again, "did you wanna go to bed?"

"yeah but i can't be bothered"

"me neither, wanna stay here the night?"

"just us?"


"that'd be great"

There, that one was a lot quicker, hope you enjoyed. The email's been quiet, please let me know what you think of the story so i know if it's worth continuing, thanks.

Next: Chapter 6

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