
By moc.loa@321eidtsumsioL

Published on Feb 17, 2005


A/N: Busted are gone which is a shame, let's give it a moment... Anyway we still have McFly who frankly are better and cuter.

DISCLAIMER: I forgot to put a disclaimer on the last chapter! That's because it's all true!!! No, I must stop mistaking my stories for reality. I don't know McFly as they won't return my calls and I don't know what they get up to sexuality wise, I'm just taking an educated guess.


No, I won't forget the next part of this story or any part after. It was such an intense and surreal day with me experiencing new and confusing things. After my embarrassing cameo on the last movie I went down to the bar and had a couple of drinks before my excitement took over and I went back to Danny's room to see if I got any thing on tape. Little did I know that he knew the tape was there and he thought it would be amazingly funny to play with my mind, bastard! As embarrassing as this tape is now I still had a hell of a time making it! Insert tape now! Wank till your hearts content! Tape 2- Tom.

A little exhausted but determined to watch all three Dougie slipped the next tape in he pulled the lube over to him and grab the dildos, just in case. Lube was massage into his thigh as he shared a little me time. His hand rejuvenating full life into skater boys cock. He rubbed in more cool liquid against his tight balls. His shaking hand lifted the remote to press play. The screen came on in almost mid conversation; "I found your camera you filthy bastard!" Danny barked waving the camera about making the picture blur. It settled back on Tom who had coward on one of the bed with his face welling up with fear and embarrassment. "I don't know how it got their, honest!" Tom said unconvincingly. "I'm fucking naked on this camera! You even caught me fucking wanking!" Tom face lit up for second, it was just his luck. "I'm sorry." Tom said sincerely not knowing what else to say. "What were you going to do with it? Post it on the internet?" "No, I..." "Wait don't tell me... Take off your clothes." "What?" Tom looked quite cute with a confused frown on his face. "Well you've got a home movie of me. You can't blackmail me if I have one of you." "I wasn't going to blackmail..." "Take it off." Danny said coolly in a soulful voice that made Dougie melt. Danny walked back with the camera showing Tom slowly untie his shoes hoping that somehow by dragging it out Danny would change his mind. The camera was left on the dresser and Danny was in shot wearing a white dressing gown. "Come on!" Danny said striding over and yanking Tom's shirt over his head and stripping off the loosely fitted jeans. "That's better." Tom sat on the edge of the bed wearing just blue boxers. "Don't' stop yet! My dick's on that film, my hard cock!" "I can't," Tom said to the floor. "Lie on the bed." Danny commanded in that same soulful voice which was impossible for anyone to say no to. Tom couldn't say no either and lay flat on the bed with his arms by his sides. Danny walked back toward the camera with the cheekiest grin on his face. His gown was open and underneath he was wearing black boxers. He pulled the gown together to hide his boner; he didn't want Tom to know how much fun he was having. Dougie could tell it was going to get exciting and his hand pumped steadier, a trickle of precum seeped from his cock head and drizzled down his gripping hand. The camera was over Tom's head meaning that Danny must be straddling Tom. "I want the camera to get a full shot of your filthy body." The camera panned down taking in the pictures of Tom's nudity. Danny was now planning to get to film the final part of his body; the part underneath the underwear. Even through the camera you could see Tom was rock hard. Danny took it hard in his grasp much to Tom's surprise, "Your really enjoying this aren't you!" "No, I mean yes, I mean no..." Tom just gave up with a little pant. Danny pulled back the elastic from Tom's skin and stretched it down revealing a red hot thick pulsing cock. "Nice!" Danny murmured under his breath whilst sliding the rest of the material away from his play-thing. The camera got a wide shot of Tom in all his glory. "Wank it!" Danny demanded. Tom's hand reached down tentatively rubbing his powerful meat. "Now I want more of the type of show I performed, lift up your legs." By now Tom was putting on quite a show, lust and desire overpowered shame and he pulled his legs back exposing his asshole. Danny zoomed in at the guy's cute butt. "Can you self suck?" "No. I mean I don't think so." Tom said sadly moving all his body to his masturbation with a finger pressed against his entrance. "Well I self sucked on my video," Tom's wanking quickened at the though of a cock between those lips, "I think it would only be fair if you sucked me off." "What!" The camera stayed on Tom's dumb founded face for a few seconds before it was placed back on that dresser. Danny removed his boxers underneath his robe just to tease. He kneeled behind Tom's head facing the camera. "What... really!?" It was obvious from Tom's voice that this offer was too good too be true for him. He had only planned to see his dick he never thought he'd get the chance to taste it. Dougie starred intently as Danny pulled at the knot that tied the two sides of his robe together. The material fell away and there it stood the thing Tom had tried so hard to capture. Tom did not want to miss this opportunity and he jumped up and devoured the whole cock down into his throat. His tongue which he'd seemed a little too big for his mouth could work magic; it twirled up and down the hard shaft with a soft soothing texture. "God!" Danny panted not expected such a wild ride, he just thought perhaps it could be a one off thing but he couldn't give this up. Danny's hips thrust into to Tom's warm passionate mouth. Tom leaned up to get at a better angle and his hand gripped on to that great ass. "Fuck Tom, you're so fucking good." Danny groaned with a hand running through Tom's hair with the other hand stopping him from collapsing in ecstasy. Dougie was dieing to burst as they slurped and moaned. Tom looked like a dam good cocksucker. "Stop, stop!" Danny said having to battle with his own reasoning as he pulled out of Tom's mouth and sat beside him both of them lay there panting. "Is something wrong?" Tom asked between breaths. "No, that was great, I just want to tell you that I was having a good time and I didn't want to cum yet." Tom took hold of Danny's chin and kissed him hard. Danny pulled away before launching back on Tom's mouth exploring, experiencing his first man-on-man kiss. Danny never considered being gay before, really this all start because he loves to show off his body. He knew he liked girls but how could he deny himself something that felt so good. Danny was on top of Tom looking down on him with a smile, "I want you to know first that this isn't a relationship, I'm straight." Tom paused for a second, "Ok... but we can still be fuck buddies can't we?" "Oh, totally!" Danny said launching into yet another sensual kiss as their bodies tangled and rolled over and under smothering their wet cocks together. "So how 'bout it? Are we going to fuck?" Tom asks becoming a completely different person form the one who would take his clothes off. "Do you want to?" Danny said sounding concerned. "Sure," Tom said casually. "Won't it hurt?" "I should be ok, I've had trial runs." Danny didn't need telling twice as he got in position with Tom's leg in the air. He had always wanted to try this he'd heard such good thing about fucking a tight ass. Dougie thought that maybe now would be the chance to try his new toy. He lubed up the smallest of the three and as Danny entered Tom the toy entered Dougie. Slowly they went in and softly they moaned. Dougie had his toy all the way in and although it felt uncomfortable and different he also found a filthy pleasure in it. Danny pulled out of Tom with a shudder and a moan and then re-entered. "God, this is way underrated. Who needs a fucking vagina?" Danny said which made Tom chuckle. Dougie jacked hard as Danny began to pump into Tom who grind his body in pleasure. He had to keep pushing his toy up his tight ass to stop it from falling out this got increasingly more pleasurable, then he remember that it had vibrations, he pushed right up and turned it on. "Aahh!" he squealed as is growled inside. He quickly removed his hand from his over excited manhood he couldn't cum yet but he could feel the vibrations right through to his cock luckily it slid out fast before his major climax. He rest there panting watching a blurred screen of his band mates fucking like racehorses, grunts and whines and balls slapping and lube squelching before it went blank. Dougie just breathed deep breaths, he had evaded the big O but he couldn't stop a little one which created a slash a white cum across his stomach. 'This is crazy! Two down one to go!' he thought.

Yep, that was me and Danny boy doing the bad thing, the tape ran out there it's a shame you couldn't see the rest but that's between my and Dan. Life's a bitch. How you holding up, still one more to go. The next one is pretty intense, no one really saw this one cuming (pun intended).

A/N: Hopefully you will forgive me for now about taking so long to write. After Harry's vid I have now major plans so you guys can email and tell me what you want McFly to do or who you want McFly to do or what you want them to wear?

Next: Chapter 5

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