
By Tone

Published on Nov 5, 2002


This story may contain m/m m/m/f under the age of 18. If this offends you in anyway or is illegal where you live stop reading now.

I walked into work on what seemed like any other day. The very warm fast-food restaurant was warmer than usual due to the unusually hot October day. It must have been 90 degrees outside, which meant that it was about 110 inside. I had arrived a little early, so I decided to get something to eat. I made my self a sandwich and was on my way to the break room to eat it. When I entered the break room, I was shocked by what I saw. The unusually tall boy had the biggest frown on his face I'd ever seen. Jared stood about 6' 6''. He was the little on the skinny side, but was beginning to fill out into his form. His beautiful blue eyes were sunken almost as low as the frown on his face. His normally perfect hair was in dismay. He looked up, when he saw me he turned around. This was very odd. He was the most stable 17 y/o I knew. He was always so collective. I'd admired him ever since he entered High school. I'm not as tall as him, I'm 6' even. 6'2'' if I'm wearing my docs. I can remember when I was a sophomore and he was a freshman. He made me along with everyone else who played basketball jealous when he made the varsity team. We all envied him/hated him because this was no small feat. Our school was home to about 2000 students. He was a very good player, but I'm sure it didn't help that he was the jolly white giant. I debated whether or not I should say anything to him. I did have to work with him for the next 5 hours, I guess it couldn't hurt. "Hey Jared, what's wrong?" I pried. "It's nothing, just stuff." "Does it have anything to do with Kaija?" I pried further. "Yes, no, I dunno. Could we not talk about this Ethan?!" he exploded. "Sure kiddo if that's what you want" I liked calling him kiddo event though as a senior I was only one grade ahead of him.

The workday went on normal with the exception of Jared's sulky expressions. Jared got off at 5. I wasn't off till 7. As he was leaving I asked him if he was gonna go to Mayhem tonight. "Probably" With that he walked out the door. Mayhem was an annual party held one week before Halloween. It had only one rule: WHATEVER HAPPENS @ MAYHEM, STAYS @ MAYHEM. It was a very simple rule, and one that everyone who attended upheld to. It was more or less an unauthorized school party. The seniors are the planning committee. It had been great before years but this years was gonna be the best. (Cause I'm helping to plan it) In previous years they rented out clubs or dance halls. Since everyone shows up drunk, we decided it would be in everyone's best interests if we took a different route. So we decided to rent a huge barn house.

Finally 7 O'clock! With as many girls as I was gonna be making out with tonight, I needed to be getting ready hours ago. It was simple. The better you looked, the more girls would approach you. The better you smelled, the closer they would get. Most importantly, the better you tasted, the more friends they would tell. This would insure a wild night. I stopped at the store on the way home to pick some essentials for the night. Gum and beer. That's all one really needs. My cousin is a clerk at the store so I had no problem scoring drinks there. He was always giving me shit about buying gum though, he said it's proven that it causes cancer. Ironic isn't it? Oh well, I loaded the 24 pack of bud light into my trunk and was on my way home. I took off my clothes as soon as I entered the bathroom and jumped in the shower, I was pressed for time so I had to skip my regular j/o session that took place whenever I was in the shower. Besides, hopefully I needed to save it for later! I got out of the shower and paused to look at myself in the mirror. I was pleased with what I saw. I was tall, but not the tallest. I was buff, but not the buffest, and I was tan, but not the tannest. My blonde hair lying down, but gel would fix that. I put my contacts in and now I had the prettiest green eyes. There was not one thing that set me apart from everyone else, but altogether, I was quite an impressive package. I had laid out my clothes earlier in the day. I quickly got dressed and called Ryan, my best friend, and told him I was on my way. When I got to his house he was already out side. When he jumped in my car I handed him my phone and told him to call the girls. Heather, Ryan's girlfriend, was waiting at Sonya's house, my girlfriend. We stopped and picked up some condoms we decided that it might be a good idea, since this could be our lucky night! We picked up the girls and started on our way to the party. Heather and Ryan were making out between beers in the backseat all the way there. Everyone except me was tipsy before we got there. As we entered the field designated as the parking lot I decided I'd better catch up. I slammed two beers and started a third. I could hear the bass from the music outside. We had hired a DJ from Omaha. It sounded like Daniel Bedding field's "gotta get thru this" Getting through this night wasn't gonna be a problem for me. It was time to make our grand entrance.

********************************* I walked in to find people grinding on those they loved and those they barely knew. This was gonna be a great night. There wasn't one person that didn't have a drink in their hand. Sonya and I started immediately in with everyone else. I felt my dick stirring in my pants and thought that maybe I should cool down for a second, she wasn't the only one I wanted to make out with tonight. I told her I was gonna look around and see who's here. She smiled her beautiful smile and let go of my hips. I went up into what I think was a loft. There were a few couches in there and they were filled with people making out. Heather was making out with a freshman and I tapped her on the shoulder. She turned around and looked surprise to see me. "Ethan, you can't tell Ryan, that's the rule!" "That's not what my intentions are" With that I grabbed her off the lowly freshman and took over where he left off. It was so fun making out with my best friends girl. There was something forbidden about it that made it extra fun. All though I was having the time of my life making out with heather, I knew that I had to move on. I pulled away and she reluctantly broke her embrace. I walked into a small room and to my surprise found Jared sitting there by himself. He looked like he had been crying. I sat down next to him on the empty couch. He just looked at me and started bawling. "Are you still upset with Kaija?" "No, She's mad at me." "Why, did you cheat on her?" "No, but I might as well have" "What do you mean?" "Never mind" Jared and I were never good friends but we had this sort of bond that you share with a teammate. I put my arm around his shoulder and told him it was OK. He looked at me. A single tear rolled down his face. Then he did it. He kissed me. I didn't know what to do. I just sat there. He pressed on, opening his mouth. I felt obligated to do the same. I didn't know what to make if this. His huge hands were around my face. This was not a lusty kiss, but one mf passion. Just as quickly as the kiss started, it ended. He looked at me again. He was still crying then he punched me, right in the jaw. Then stammered sobbingly out of the room.

I was hurt. I was shocked. I was scared. Why did he kiss me? Was he gay? I didn't exactly push him away. Was I gay? So many things flooded my mind. I had to know what that was, and it couldn't wait until tomorrow I had to catch him.


I would love to hear what you think. There is more to come you can contact me with criticism, good or bad and any ideas you might have. My Email address is Tonepoke2002@yahoo

Next: Chapter 2

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