May Day Eve

Published on Mar 7, 1997



from Studs BBS

(415) 495 - 2929

MAY DAY EVE - Story contributed by TIGER

Recovering from the busyness of the Holy Week (the first since his ordination) Alberto was relaxing on a long, solitary hike through the California wilderness. His comfortably loose hiking clothes made a welcome contrast to his usual ecclesiastical garb. As he roamed through the woods with his open shirt revealing a strongly muscled, blackfurred chest he reveled in the openness of his collar. All alone, free from his usual decorum, he could scratch wherever he itched.

Taking occasional glances at a glorious sunset he pitched a tent near a riverbank and removed his clothes. Naked he knelt, almost prayerfully near the small stream, cupped the water with his hands, and raised it to trickle over his body. As the black hair that covered him glistened wet in the waning light he scrubbed his armpits and washed especially carefully his groin. As one hand held out the dark, hairy sac of his balls the other spilt cold, fresh water on it. His cock fattened and grew with the cold tingling. Both hands reached into the stream and came back full of water to splash and scrub in the crack of his ass, his fingers rubbing through the blackness to the tight red star held firmly between his firm, round cheeks.

He looked up at the stars and saw the Scorpion climbing in the eastern sky. Absently his hands wandered over his body, but suddenly he heard the noise of people nearby.

He slipped quickly into so clothes and followed the sound of -- drums? horns?

tambourines? The noise died as he came to the edge of a field where he saw a circle of men standing naked in a broad circle around a pole with streamers. Three men were walking around the outside of the circle, one gesturing with a knife, one with incense, and the third sprinkling water. The priest realized the it must be some pagan ceremony and then remembered it was April 30, May Eve, Walpurgisnacht.

He hid as quietly as he could as he watched the men dance and kiss, naked in the firelight. Occasionally a cock would stiffen and he expected that the ritual would devolve into an orgiastic frenzy, but such passions as were visible would rise and subside in an invisibly controlled rhythm.

But the rhythm and passion grew and hands met cocks as lips joined together and yet somehow the circle kept its shape through the lascivious dance and all the men were fully erect as their leader faced towards him and called out:


Had he been seen? It hardly seemed possible, but he was too startled to do anything but edge forward out of his hiding. The assembly seemed as surprised as he, but delightedly they ran o to grab him and draw him too their circle. They pulled off his clothes as they drew him to the pole. Too dumbfonded to resist he stood as they grabbed the streamers and danced all around him. He looked all around at the dancers -- a short faun of a man with a tight slender body, a brown beard, and furry legs an ass, with an erect uncut cock -- a large solid built minotaur with rings in his nipples and just the lightest black fur sparsely covering his huge muscular body -- their leader, tall, lanky, with short red curls and a goatee -- and more naked men weaving around him in a kaleidoscope of flesh. As he was becoming aware of what was happening he was becoming wrapped in the banners of the maypole.

Securely bound with the long strips of colored cloth he felt hands pulling at the strips, not to free him, but to reveal parts of his chest, his face, and his genitals. Then he felt mouths and hands closing in on him. The minotaur held his head and pressed his tongue into the captive cleric's mouth, and he felt more mouths taking his nipples as his cock and balls were being taken by what must have been two or three. While the pole was pressed to the crack of his ass his buttcheeks were being kneaded and probed (by fingers? hands? more mouths?) He was lost in a sea of sensations while he felt his cock growing in response to hot, damp friction. He tried to know how many mouths were at his groin, but it was impossible to distinguish all the sensations, feeling a throat tight around his cock, his balls being sucked and licked, the giant thrusting his tongue into his mouth, hands and tongues working through the bonds. Finally his legs came free, and as he tried to stretch them out more hands and mouths reached in between his thighs. He wondered how many tongues could possibly reach his balls and his crotch, he felt wet fingers massaging his asshole, and with his legs supported by a sea of flesh he was unable to resist the probing fingers. The mouth that was gorging on his prick seemed to be tighter an faster as the weight of his body sank onto the fingers that were reaching into him. He finally surrendered to the joy, and forgot everything but what seemed a universe of hands and mouths surrounding him and filling him, by him, with him, and in him, stroking, licking, sucking. Then he started moaning, rumbling towards the explosion that was rising in him. He felt a hot splash against his ass and realized that someone had cum humping his butt, another man cried out and shot on his chest, more men spilt hot seed onto the bound priest, and the mouth sucked harder on his cock, the tongues jabbed his balls, and fingers pressed firm against his prostate and he yelled a muffled cry into the minotaur's mouth as his balls and his ass and his soul exploded into a hot white stream.

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