May Club

By Anthony Writer

Published on Aug 6, 2006


As the club operated and women in the coven became pregnant, the coven women noticed an unexpected reaction from couples they knew socially in the broader world. Many coven women lived openly as lesbians, and when they became pregnant, some childless women would approach them and ask where they got sperm donors. The coven women always said it was a family friend, but in these conversations learnt that many couples didn't like the idea of getting donations from a man they'd never seen, but admitted they didn't really want to meet the man, rather check out how he looked and said their husbands often wanted to do the same. The women also wanted a fresh sample, as they heard the freezing process could damage sperm and cause birth defects.

The coven realized this could be a badly needed opportunity to make some money and at the same time get back-room support which could always be useful in an increasingly Christian society. The coven had enough members running hotels and travel agencies, and enough attendants from the club, to set up a donor program using the lessons learnt at the club but in a totally different setting.

The coven set to work obtaining and analyzing data on men traveling around the country. The coven used this data to screen men in a similar way that sperm banks do -- the men had to be well educated, financially successful, likely to be disease free, in good health and from good families. Combining data borrowed' from companies where the coven women worked with credit card data borrowed' from other banks, the coven quickly found a large population of men and analyzed the travel patters of the men. With all of this data, the coven were able to pick a city with the greatest numbers of candidates and went on to infiltrate the hotel staff with coven members and attendants. In a nearby office building, the coven set up a clinic office where the donations would occur.

The coven-run hotel then started to send out promotional offers targeting the men on the candidate list. The men were given discounted rates and offers to stay a day longer (either before or after) their business meetings. This would allow time for donations without running the risk of the men missing meetings and arousing suspicions. The offers were good, and in no time at all the hotel's guest list had a higher and higher percentage of candidates.

The coven women and attendants then began to rate the candidates as they saw them in person -- it's one thing to pick men based on credit card data, and another to see them in the flesh. Everyone was surprised at how well the method worked. Since the data mining had included fitness memberships and grocery lists, the selection for in-shape men had worked better than expected. The number of confirmed candidates making trips to the hotel soon reached the point where the coven could start testing their new business.

The first test consisted of seeing if the drugs and equipment tested in the club could be used in the hotel setting. The coven employees set aside two floors of the hotel where only candidates would stay. In this way, the risk of other guests happening upon men being carried from their rooms could be eliminated and the attendants could control access to the floors. Once confident the access controls were working, the test proceeded by replacing the usual bedtime chocolates with replacements laced with sedatives and erection drugs. By midnight on the night of the first test, the coven was overjoyed to have two floors of fully erect, in- shape men completely drugged and oblivious to what was happening around them. The attendants tried moving a few of the men through the elevators and through an underground tunnel over to the clinic, and everything worked perfectly.

With the knowledge that their supply of men was intact and stable, the coven opened their clinic for the first customers. The couple was a very waspy pair, the husband blonde and muscular but infertile, and the wife a lovely brunette. She was at the optimum point of her cycle, and the coven scheduled her and her husband for a visit to the clinic late the night of her ovulation.

As the men arrived earlier in the day, the coven employees at the front desk carefully screened all of the attractive blonde candidates and booked them into rooms on the special floors. For good measure, they also selected some darker men to give the couple some extra choices. The men took advantage of the promotional materials and had a complementary dinner at the hotel dining room. As the men retired to their rooms and got ready for bed, the staff watched patiently through concealed cameras as one by one the men ate the chocolates and collapsed onto their beds. With the floor access controls in place, attendants worked their way through the floor, stripping the men of any remaining clothing and carting them into the clinic.

The clinic had been set up simply but elegantly. There was a reception area, an insemination room, and a gallery. The gallery was well lit and filled with inclined collection beds based on the design perfected in the May Club. The attendants brought the men into the gallery, blindfolded them, placed them on the beds, and connected the catether/electrode system used to milk the men in the may club. The beds also featured a control panel displaying the man's relevant statistics and success story, and a button and a small tube. If the couple selected the man, they would simply press the button and the bed would extract a large load of semen directly from the man and deposit it into the bottle. The couple could then retire to the insemination room, where the husband could gently inject the semen himself, bypassing the complaint the coven women had heard that their husbands were cut out of from the insemination process.

The attendants took a step back and inspected their work. The gallery was now filled with 12 fully erect, naked, and bound men. There were 10 blondes, one dark haired Irishman and one Italian. All had great bodies, and just for that extra touch the attendants had misted the men with baby oil to accentuate their muscles.

Shortly after the attendants finished with the men and left the gallery, the couple entered with the coven representative. The woman was clearly excited by the sight of so many naked men, but her husband looked uncomfortable. The woman started to go from man to man, remarking that one had her husband's legs, but another had nipples just like his. The husband started to fidget, but slowly started to get into the selection process. After going back and forth between the men the couple finally settled on a 6'3 blonde doctor with moderate body hair, a decent sized dick and unusually large nipples. The husband did the honors, and with clockwork precision the bed extracted the man's ejaculate into the bottle. The couple proceeded into the insemination room, and 10 minutes later left the clinic. The coven woman nodded to the attendants to remove the men, then followed the couple out of the clinic and left for the evening.

The attendants let out a chuckle. Once again, the coven had provided the pagans with exactly what they wanted. Unbeknownst to the coven, three of the men, including the selected man, were pagans. The attendants had never given these men anything besides regular chocolates, and these men were awake the entire time. The attendants removed the blindfolds and restraints from their brothers, but before removing the catheters the other two men wanted to get milked for fun. All of the men had used this equipment before, and loved the feeling of having the cum almost suctioned out of them during orgasm. Several moans and groans later, the pagans got up from their beds and turned to the remaining nine men.

The attendants had verified during check in that six of the men were indeed gay, and worth considering for pagan membership. They had inserted extra code in the data mining programs to pick out gay men, based on subscriptions to gay sites and magazines. In person they noticed the guys checking out other guys, and found that they tipped attractive male waiters very generously. The pagans then moved from man to man, inducing orgasms as they progressed and observing how the men ejaculated. All of the men looked promising, and the pagans induced another round to carefully observe how the men's nipples responded to stimulation. Satisfied that these men would make good pagans, the attendants flagged these men's files for follow-up. One week from now these men would receive special invitations in the mail to private pagan parties, where the formal selection process would begin.

Now the men turned to the remaining 3 straight guys. They were all hot, and as luck would have it were the two dark haired guys and one blonde. Their work for the brotherhood done, the pagans decided to have some fun with the straight boys. The attendants turned up the power to the catheters, and the pagans proceeded to bring the straight men to one orgasm after another, until the guys were almost convulsing on the beds, trying to force out that one last load. The pagans enjoyed the sight of straight cock impaled with the machinery, and found they could get an extra load out of each of the men by vigorously teasing and twisting the men's tits.

At this point, the gallery nearly stank with the smell of men's sexuality. The attendants knew the drugs wouldn't last for much longer, so they quickly started returning the men to their rooms. With the help of their brothers, the work went a lot faster than before. Within a half hour, the men had all been returned to their beds. When the men awoke several hours later, they were surprised to find out from their wake-up call that a full breakfast was waiting outside their room. The men all had great dreams of the most amazing sex, and had awoken more refreshed than they'd felt in months. Not only did the coven not have to worry about the men having a bad reaction to being harvested, they found that the word of mouth recommendations kept their hotel fully booked months in advance.

Over the coming months the coven increased the scale of their operations, opening a second office/gallery in the building next door, and handling up to eight couples per night. The coven was delighted at the success of their new business, and as always totally unaware that at the same time they were providing the means for their rivals, the pagans, to vastly expand their numbers.

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