May Club

By Anthony Writer

Published on Aug 6, 2006


Later that night, at a time when the attendants knew the coven would be long gone from the club, a group of six young men gathered outside the entrance of the club. Six months ago, these men were facing serious trouble of one form or another -- they had either been caught at the scene of a crime, almost failed a job or about to flunk out of college. Through a network of guidance councilors who noticed that the men had potential, were in great shape, and turned their heads at other guys instead of girls, the men were transferred to the care of a sponsor in a pagan men's group. Little did the coven know, but the men's group long ago learned of the club and had slowly taken over the staff. The pagans were more than happy to run the club as it provided a perfect place for them to conduct their own rites.

Over the last six months, the sponsor had worked extensively with the young men. He had spent long hours talking with them individually, helping them to sort out their problems and getting them to the point where they could meaningfully interact with others. Slowly the young men had begun to come together as a group under their sponsor's direction. The men were aged 21-26, but their sponsor was older at 39, but not so old as to be a father figure. As would be expected, the men formed close bonds with each other, and the younger men had come to have strong feelings for their sponsor. The men also got to meet more of the pagans, and after months of training and preparation were ready for initiation into the pagan group.

The sponsor met up with the six men outside the club, nodded, and went quickly inside. The six men were left to wait, as other members of the pagans entered the club over the next hour. The six guys began to wonder when the initiation would start, when suddenly the door opened and a hooded man asked them to come upstairs. Once through the door, the man gave them a pill to swallow. The pill contained a powerful erection drug, and the initiates would be hard for the next few hours no matter what happened to them.

The guys climbed up the stairs and entered directly into the club's main room. Unlike the coven's rituals, the pagans had no need for elaborate preparation rooms or storage facilities and brought whatever equipment they needed on their persons. The guys found a room full of robed men, with the exception of one blindfolded and naked man standing in the center under bright lights next to a table of some kind. To their shock and amazement, they slowly realized the naked man was their sponsor. They had known he had a good body, but had never seen the 6'2" dark blonde man naked. His body was thickly muscled, and his arms, legs, chest and abs were covered with the same dark blonde hair as his head, and had the same dusting of gray that drove most of the men wild. His arms were bound behind his back, and this had the effect of forcing his chest and thick red nipples forward. He had what could only be described as an amazing bubble butt. His legs were spread, and what must have been a 9 inch, very thick cock rested above two huge testicles under a very furry bush of pubic hair. The man also had what looked like an IV tube of some kind in his right arm.

As the six men entered the room, members of the crowd grabbed them and wrestled them into a circle around their sponsor. Inside the circle were two of the may club attendants, both of whom were expert at manipulating the male body. The six men were stripped of their clothes, and their arms were bound above their heads to hooks suspended from the ceiling. In this position, the men could see each other's naked, and now fully erect, forms and of course were in a perfect position to see what was about to happen to their sponsor.

One of the attendants produced what looked like a small pipe with a hollow bolt that could be put into a cage on one end, a bracket with two 2" or so diameter holes, and some kind of electro-pneumatic device. The attendant turned on the device, and the guys watched in fascination as a metal dildo pulsed in and out of the device. The attendant then fitted the bracket (now the guys recognized it was a form of a cock ring) onto their sponsor. The dull silver metal looked incredibly attractive against the fair skin of the older man and he gasped as the cold metal made contact with his pubic mound. The attendant then forced his thickening cock into the cylinder, and then took the hollow looking bolt and forced it through the center of the round cage (which fit the man's glans perfectly), penetrating his urethra and stretching it to the limit. The sponsor groaned with a mixture of pain and pleasure as the one-half centimeter diameter tube was forced deep into his thick cock.

The other attendant produced a strange machine with a lot of tubes and electrode cables. One tube was connected to the line in the sponsor's right arm, but there were 6 other sets of longer tubes and a pumping/mixing device. The guys struggled in their bonds as the attendant found veins in each of their crotches and connected them to the device. The electrode pads were then applied to the initiate's scrotum. When he was finished, all six initiates were connected together to their sponsor through the machine. They didn't realize it, but their sponsor had been doped with his own blood to give him the stamina to endure what was coming next.

The two attendants lowered the sponsor onto the table, and fastened him down with medical style restraints. The table had a large opening under the man's firm ass, and the attendants bolted the electro-pneumatic device to the other bracket hole, put a gag in the man, strapped some other electrodes to the metal enclosure containing his cock, and finally fitted an oxygen-popper gas mask over his face. The hollow bolt in the man's cock was linked to a tube leading to a vacuum-powered collection flask set between his legs. They stepped back to give the initiates an unobstructed view, then threw the switch and watched the process begin.

The first machine to engage was the transfusion machine. The men had all undergone blood tests throughout their training, and had been selected and matched to their sponsor based on blood type and negative disease results. The machine slowly began drawing blood from all of the men, mixing it together, distributing it to the initiates but only draining it from the sponsor. In doing so, the pagans sealed the initiates to one another and the group but put them in debt to their sponsor. As the blood brother process continued, the sponsor became weaker and the initiates became pumped up as they were in essence doped with each other's blood. The machine was carefully set not to take too much from the sponsor, and after he had reached his limit the machine silently switched off, but hardly anyone noticed on account of what the other machines started to do.

The entire room watched as the electro-pneumatic equipment bolted to the sponsor came to life. The man arched his back and gasped as the metal dildo forced its way deep into his muscular ass. The dildo quickly found home and lodged itself against the man's prostate and began to vibrate. Then the electronic sections of the machine engaged and the man began to shiver as his body began to involuntarily produce a stream of precum that was quickly and somewhat painfully sucked directly from deep in his cock into the collection flask. Initially he produced a thick stream, but after 5 minutes the flow became a small dribble, and the machine kicked into the next phase.

The metal dildo was based on the same technology used to milk livestock of cum, and produced the same level of stimulation required to force a bull to ejaculate. The dildo now entered this mode, and gave the sponsor a huge jolt of electrical energy focused directly in the middle of the man's pelvis. At the same time, a smaller but still very powerful jolt coursed through the initiates' testicles. Even with the restraints, the massive convulsion that tore through the man's body in response almost sent him flying off the table as a thick load of cum was forced out of his engorged testicles and sucked from the base of his cock into the collection flask. The initiates screamed in pain as their scrotums were wracked along with their trainers, and their bodies were starting to be fondled, tweaked and kneaded by anonymous hands from the crowd. Several men in the crowd clapped at the performance, but the initiates just stood in shock as they watched the man they'd grown to love and respect be turned into basically a farm animal in front of their eyes.

The dildo didn't relent. After the first ejaculation, it continued vibrating and electrostimming the man to restore his ejaculatory potential. His fair skin began to flush, and a sweat broke out all over his body. He was now constantly moaning from the intense stimulation and within 10 minutes the machine delivered another cattle-sized jolt to the man's crotch, ripping another load and a muffled scream from the bound form. Renewed applause broke out through the room, and there were yells of support from several of the men.

The initiates watched in horror as the shock-milkings continued. Their sponsor produced two more loads, then passed out from both the exertion and the loss of blood (although the machine had stopped that flow after the first orgasm). The jolts to the initiates weren't powerful enough to cause orgasms, but the combined effect of the tweaking and abuse from the crowd sent several of the initiates over the edge, and in one case the orgasm was so powerful it sent a pulse of ejaculate across the room and onto the sponsor. The initiates thought this would be the end, but they were wrong. The attendants had set the machine to keep on forcing cum from the man until he dry ejaculated. The sponsor no longer yelled, and even though his body had mostly gone limp, the machine kept up the stimulation and his sex organs continued to respond. His body still shook and he still made a whimper from behind the gag when the milking jolts hit, a testament to the power of the cold steel forced deep into the man's body. The man's body was made to flail through three more orgasms until finally on the seventh no more fluid could be sucked from the spent cock.

The attendants then moved back into the circle. One removed the transfusion equipment from the men, safely bandaging them as the needles were removed. The other moved over to the collection bottle, replaced it with a fresh one, and transferred the contents into a needle-less syringe. He then moved to each of the initiates, reminded them of what their sponsor had gone through to give them this, and injected their mouths with their share of the sponsor's output. The initiates were still in a state of shock, but quickly swallowed down their portions.

The attendants returned to the sponsor. They checked to see that his pulse was still normal, then removed the electro-pneumatic equipment. They left in place some electrodes, and slipped a smaller metal tube into the sponsors cock to collect any fluid he might produce later. They then freed the man from his restraints, and flipped him over on the table so his bubble but was high in the air and his cock was comfortably in the opening between his legs.

Six men from the crowd in the room then came forward and disrobed. Each initiate found himself being caressed from behind by a different muscular man. The initiates by now were streaming precum, and the caressing and feeling of a man against their backs quickly got them past the shock of what they had just seen. The attendants moved to the first initiate, released his arms from the ceiling and escorted him and his pagan to the exhausted form of the sponsor.

The pagans then proceeded to (in their way) forge a link between the broader group, the initiates, and their sponsor. The initiate was guided up onto the table, and the attendants gently guided the young cock between the firm mounds of the sponsors sweating ass. Then the initiate's new partner was brought on top of the initiate, and an electric butt plug was slipped into this man's ass. The two men were allowed to slowly fuck at their own speed into the sponsor, but as the young men's bodies quickly approached orgasm, a shock was sent from the sponsor, up though his ass into the initiate's cock, back through the initiate's body, and finally through his parter to the plug. The shock was no where near the milking shocks used earlier on the sponsor, but more than enough to get both men to explode, pumping huge loads into the initiate and the sponsor. After then men recovered the attendants pulled off the partner and he quickly replaced his robe and disappeared into the crowd. The initiate was pulled off and made to stand at the head of the table and wait.

The attendants continued this process with the rest of the initiates. Each man was forced to take a load from his partner, and to feed back into his sponsor some of the initiate's own cum. At the end of the process, all of the men except for the new members (formerly the initiates), the sponsor and the attendants left the room. The attendants then removed the last of the equipment from the sponsor, and between the two of them enjoyed the taste of the few ml of liquid the sponsor had leaked during the last phase of the ritual. The attendants then gave the men a key to a car below, a hotel suite key, and left.

The six guys were now alone, naked, with the spent form of their sponsor. They slowly collected their clothes, and realized they'd need to get their sponsor to the hotel room. They quickly figured out that the keys were to a van downstairs, and together they lifted the naked form of their sponsor into the car and managed to somehow get him up to the hotel suite unnoticed. Thoroughly exhausted from their experience, the men collapsed onto the bed and couches. The men on the bed held the sponsor in their arms, and together they all drifted off into sleep, comforted in the knowledge they were now full pagans.

Next: Chapter 4

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