May Club

By Anthony Writer

Published on Jul 23, 2006


In its first year of operation the club produced 50 successful impregnations for the coven's network, greatly exceeding expectations. The club kept track of the success rate, but also the number, volume and quantity of each man's ejaculations. Through sensors sewn into the robes, the club also had very detailed information on who liked to stroke whom, and who preferred to engage orgasm collection devices. Cameras in the locker rooms recorded the men's bodies from almost every conceivable angle, and the attendants filled in whatever gaps remaining in the records with their personal observations.

Looking through this huge archive of data, the leaders of the coven decided to begin a new phase of the club's operation. In this phase, a specific man would be selected by a senior member of the coven for providing the seed for her next child. As a means of increasing the male energy in the child's background (offsetting the overwhelmingly female energy of the coven), the man would add the energy of 25 other men through his body. The 25 men would be specifically selected to maximize the volume of ejaculate produced during the evening. The first woman made her selection, then the coven used the computers to select the rest of the men for the first orgy at the May club.

Over the next week, the 26 men received special invitations with confirmation codes. The coven were delighted that within 3 days, each man had confirmed his attendance. The club then sent out special prep kits to each of the men. The kits contained a black jumpsuit, a mask, an enema kit, and nutritional supplements. The kits instructed the men to eat a particular diet (designed to increase their ejaculate) for 3 days prior to the event. On the night of the event, the men were to administer the enemas, shower, don the jumpsuits and arrive at the club at predetermined times. The central man's kit differed slightly - it had no mask or robes and he was asked to arrive at the club earlier than the rest.

On the night of the event, the receiving witch arrived in the room beneath the club with other members of her coven. Her sisters removed her robes and placed her naked form on the central altar chair. Once she was comfortably in the chair, her sisters inserted the delivery device deep into her and fitted a series of electrodes to her sexual organs. Unlike the normal operation of the club, on this night she would have the pulses from the men's orgasms above amplified and applied to her own body. The preparations complete, she and her sisters quietly steeled themselves for the night to come.

Shortly after the coven arrived, the selected man knocked on the club door and was escorted to the locker room. In the locker room he was surprised to find two attendants. They just smiled at him and began removing his clothes. He was about 6 feet tall, had dark brown hair and ice blue eyes, and as his clothes came off, a muscular lightly hairy body was slowly revealed. The attendants put remote-controlled stimulation devices on his thick nipples, and then proceeded to remove the last of his clothing. As his underwear was removed, the attendants smiled to each other - the owners of the club sure knew how to pick hung men with great asses. The attendants proceeded to insert the club's standard butt plug between the mounds of the man's ass, then sprayed the man down from head to toe in a light ethanol mist to completely disinfect the man's body. Finally they inserted the club's ejaculate collection catheter into the thick cock, and led the man out into the club.

Once in the club, the man immediately noticed a difference. The five tables he'd become familiar with were gone, and replaced with one very well-lit table in the center of the room. All of the other club furniture was gone and replaced with cushions and long coils of tubes and cables. The tubes and cables looked like the ones from the tables, but they were a lot longer and there were over twenty of them instead of five. The man hesitated a bit once he realized the attendants were leading him to the central table, but a tug on his arm by one of the attendants got him moving once more.

The attendants instructed him to get up on the table and lay down. The man complied and let the attendants strap him down under the lights. The attendants arranged the man's body so that his legs were slightly spread, and his arms were stretched to either side above his head. The attendants connected his butt plug and catheter to the table, then proceeded to open up a kit the man hadn't seen before.

The first attendant removed a syringe from the kit, then filled it with a drug mixture of levitra and a mild sedative. The attendant palpated a vein in the man's groin, and proceeded to give the man a massive injection. Enough drug was administered to keep the man hard and compliant throughout the evening, but not enough to interfere with ejaculation. The other attendant removed what looked like a modified breathing mask and fitted it onto the man. The man immediately noticed a faint smell of poppers, and as the sedative injection in his loins took effect, his mouth opened and he took a deep breath of gas. As his mouth opened in relaxation, the attendant extended what looked a bit like a feeding tube deep into the man's mouth, but not so far as to risk a gag reflex. The two attendants stood back and admired their work. The man was getting more aroused by the second, and was already lost in the sensations just from the presence of the probes - nothing had been activated yet!

The attendants went back to the locker room and prepared for the rest of the men. They laid out the 25 plugs and catheters, so the 25 men could be processed assembly-line style into the club. The bartenders arrived, but instead of providing drinks, they got ready to connect the catheterized men to the connections in the room and to watch for any tangles in cables and keep the men from falling on the floor if things got too wild.

The 25 men started to arrive at the club. The doorman sent the men up to the locker room every 2 minutes, and in the locker room the attendants ripped of the jumpsuits (leaving the mask in place), sterilized the man's cock, inserted the catheter and plug, then handed the man off to a bartender for attachment to the cables in the club room. Within an hour, all of the men were naked in the room, slowly stroking one another, and admiring the bound form of the central man under the lights in the middle of the room. The club was set to begin it's work.

The club staff then started their real work for the evening. They noticed a thick muscular man who was at the periphery of the crowd, and decided to start with him. They activated the plug and catheter at a high setting, guaranteed to create orgasm within 60 seconds. The man yelled out as he felt the tube in his cock come alive, then fell back on one of the cushions as the socks from the butt plug ravaged his body. The other men turned in surprise to find the man squirming on the cushion, moving his hands and trying to stimulate his nipples while his body was being harvested by the probes. A few men moved to help him out but within seconds the man started to climax and gyrate his hips, almost trying to fuck his own dick on the catheter.

While all of that was happening, the central man's body started to write as his probes and clamps were engaged at a low setting. When the first man climaxed, he was given a bit of a jolt but far too low for ejaculation - he would be slowly stimulated to just one orgasm this evening. He quickly found out the reason for the feeding tube - as he vaguely heard a man orgasming in the corner of the room, he felt his mouth slowly fill with what could only be cum. It was very pleasantly flavoured due to the supplements the men had been eating, and the central man happily gulped down the load in his mouth.

In the room under the club, the witch felt the electodes on her sex stir, then pulse in the familiar rhythm of sexual release. She knew the orgy above had begun, but steeled herself against letting go and enjoying what the depraved men above were doing with each other.

The staff watched with approval as the first man reached orgasm. They then proceeded to activate three other men - two white men of average build but well hung, and one african man with great muscles and a shorter but beer-can sized cock. Just as the first guy, they quickly were overcome by the tubes drilling through their groins and in no time were pumping loads into the catheters, feeding the central man three more loads, and unbeknownst to any of the men titillating the woman below. The staff then moved on to other men, causing climax after climax as the level of excitement in the room began to build.

The first man started to recover from his orgasm, and was quickly noticed by the staff. He pushed himself up on the cushion, and moved over to a thinner blonde guy with a good amount of body hair who had just fallen down and was reaching climax. When the first muscular man touched the thinner guy, the staff restarted the first man's probes, but on a 5 minute program. The first man groaned and leaned onto the cushion but in a position where he could massage the man next to him and work the reddish nipples standing out on the fair skin of the chest in front of him. He felt the man spasm and cum as he chewed on the tit, then rolled over and enjoyed his own ramp up to orgasm.

Man after man fell to the influence of the probes, and within minutes no-one was left standing in the club. The room was filled with naked men writing in various states of arousal on the cushioned floor, and in the middle was a starkly lit bound man being kept just below the level of orgasm, and being fed load after load. Soon the men in the club were feeding the man a load every 10 seconds.

With the information in the club's database, the staff new exactly how many loads these men would be able to produce. With the supplements in the kits, they also knew the loads would be thicker than normal. The staff continued to work the 25 men as one bank of cum producers, and managed the central man's arousal level to match the output of the 25 men. As the orgasm count reached 90, the staff knew that the men were reaching their maximum. It was time to bring them and the central man to a finish. One of the attendants made his way to the tortured man in the middle, and inserted the feeding tube deep into the man's throat.

The staff engaged all of the 25 men simultaneously, with the most intense setting available for the probes. The men on the floor started flexing and bucking in unison, and the room was soon filled with cries of orgasm and exhaustion. As their combined loads reached the central man, the staff ramped up his probes to generate an orgasm with an intensity so high that it would have actually fractured one of the man's vertebrae if he had not been tied to the table. The massive amount of cum began to flood deep into the man's throat, and as he pumped out an astounding 8 ml of cum he felt his stomach filling with the massive output of the groaning and screaming men around him. As the man's climax abated, he slumped back onto the table as the room finally became quiet as the last of the men finished their orgasms and fell to the floor in states of total exhaustion.

The witch bucked and spasmed on the chair as the seed and orgasm waveforms from the man traveled down from the room above and emerged deep within her. This man's orgasm was at least twice as intense as any of the others, and after over a hundred orgasms replayed to her body, the witch's resolve was broken and she had an orgasm of such an intensity that it shocked and surprised her and her sisters. With a little bit of shame at her reaction she quickly composed herself, then signaled her sisters to help her off the alter. Having accomplished her mission of receiving the man's seed and the male energy from the club above, she dressed and proceeded out of the club, disappearing into the night.

The bartenders started working their way through the room, disconnecting the exhausted men and helping them to the locker room. There the two attendants removed the butt plugs and yanked out the catheters, eliciting agonized gasps from the men. Each man was given a new jumpsuit, and specially hired cars ferried them back to their homes.

Once the club was empty, the attendants moved back to the central man. He only had one orgasm that evening, and the attendants suspected his nuts were still painfully full. One attendant palpated the man's testicles, confirming the fact and nodded to the other attendant. They first removed the collection catheter then connected three electrodes to the thick underside of the cock. They then stepped back and applied e-stim to the man through the electrodes, producing what would have been three massive back-arching orgasms. With the man exhausted from the long night of low level stimulation, his orgasms had been reduced to simple milking and his gasps were more agonized and exhausted then anything else. Convinced that the man was fully drained, the club staff released him from the table, then carried him out in a loose robe into a limousine. The spent man was taken to a nearby luxury hotel and brought to a suite via the service entrance. The staff deposited his naked form into one of the most comfortable beds in town, and he would awaken the next day to a full breakfast and ample compensation for his services.

With the coven gone, the men disconnected, and the main man sleeping in the hotel, the attendants and staff returned to the club. It wasn't yet midnight, and they had yet to have their fun...

Next: Chapter 3

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