May Club

By Anthony Writer

Published on Jul 9, 2006


The May Club

By: Anthony Writer

(M+, Clubs, Uniforms, Forced)

============================================================================ (c) 2006 by Anthony Writer. Comments welcome. ============================================================================

Living in the "gay" section of a large city offered Sean and Doug their choice of bars on Friday or Saturday nights. They could choose between a pub with mostly older men, a couple of dive bars, a leather bar, a few dance clubs and a video bar. This particular friday they chose the video bar, but as usual no-one was talking to anyone else, and the two friends ended up talking over a few beers. They were lost in conversation when a handsome guy came up and gave them each a pass to the may club, which he said was a new private club a few blocks from here.

The two friends had heard of private sex clubs before, and were very curious as to what happened there. Given that the current club wasn't all that interesting, they left and walked the few blocks to the may club. Along the way they exchanged stories, but really no-one knew anything specific about the club besides it involved sex and the guys were hot.

When they reached the address on the card, they found a single bouncer dressed in blue outside the door. He looked at their cards, and then let Sean into the club. Doug started to follow, but the bouncer stopped him "I know you were together, but only one person at a time. You'll see why."

Sean walked through the door and up the stairs to a locker room with a waiting attendant. The attendant took his card, then gave him a black robe and mask. The attendant smiled and said "Welcome to the May Club. You've been selected as a judge. The only rules for you is that you keep your mask and robes on, and drinks are free as long as you participate, which in your case means enjoying the naked men. Enjoy, and come back out through this door when you're done". Sean, slightly puzzled, put on the robe and went into the club.

After 15 minutes, the bouncer's watch beeped, then he let Doug inside. Doug went up a set of stairs past an umarked door on the first landing, but continued on when he saw an attractive man dressed in white scrubs waving from the next landing. The attendant welcomed Doug into what looked like a super-modern locker room. The attendant closed the door behind Doug and explained "Hi and welcome to the May Club. You've been selected as a stud, which means you can enter the club where you will be the recipient of some group masturbation. A lot of guys really like it, but if you don't you can leave at any point before you're selected. It's pretty obvious what that means once you're inside. I have to run a quick blood test on you, give you a shave, enema and install a few toys, but there's no unsafe sex. Still up for it?"

Doug thought for a minute, and even though this sounded kinky he decided to go for it. Somehow he got the impression that this was one of those questions that's only asked once. "Yeah, I think I am!"

"Great! I'm going to run your blood test, then you need to strip and put your clothes in this locker. I'll lock it for you after we're done." The attendant then got a few drops of blood from Doug's fingertip, and Doug proceeded to strip naked. Doug's body was very well defined, nice cock, great legs, but a slightly odd pattern of hair growth on his chest. By the time Doug had undressed, the blood test was complete.

"You're 100% disease-free, bloodwork wise! Now to get you squeaky clean inside and out. Come over here...". Doug then came over to what looked like an elongated toilet. "This is so I can give you a good enema without, um, spills" explained the attendant. Doug cringed as the enema tube was applied to his ass, but being the bottom he was the tube went in smoothly. The enema device was unusual in that it allowed a continuous flow of water, which discharged into the basin. After a minute or so of circulation, the discharge was clear and the attendant stopped the enema.

The attendant then led Doug over to an open shower. Doug was told to spread his legs and grab on to two handles mounted in the ceiling. The effect was to spread out Doug's body giving the attendant easy access to every inch of Doug's skin. The attendant proceeded to give Doug a very thorough scrub down, paying careful attention to his cock and ass. The attendant then put away the shower equipment and produced a shaving kit. Doug's entire upper body was covered with shave cream, and then carefully shaved leaving nothing but his pubic and underarm hair. After the shave, the shower kit came back out and Doug was rinsed off a final time. The attendant then told Doug to dry off.

"Ok we're almost done. Time for your butt plug and orgasm cath. Bend over!"

Doug complied, and felt a medium sized metal butt-plug being inserted into his ass. The attendant then told doug to stand up straight, moved around in front of Doug's cock, and started to swab the tip with a sterile swab. "I'm going to insert the cath now. You have a great cock by the way... Ok the plug and cath get connected to the tables in the club. They feel great, and the cath keeps the cum from going everywhere."

Doug let out a gasp as the attendant slid the cath up Doug's penis and deep into his body. "There we go. Now you're ready. Put on the robe and mask and get into the club. The yellow robe identifies you as a potential stud, but you're free to watch what happens through one chageout of a table. After that happens, you're committed. Understand?"

"Yeah I think so..." replied Doug.

"Great. Now have some fun!" the attendant then showed Doug the door.

Doug stepped into a room that was unlike any other he'd seen. There were five different kinds of men in the room. The attendants dressed in white, some bouncers dressed in blue, bartenders dressed in red, a much larger number of men in black robes, and a few other men in yellow robes. The robed men all wore masks, so it was impossible to tell who anyone was. In the center of the room were five tables well-lit, and on each table Doug saw a naked young man. Each man was strapped to the table, and Doug could see they all had catheters and butt plugs connected to the able somehow. Doug also saw that the robed men were working over each of the men. All of a sudden a red light went off above one of the men, and shortly after that the man came.

At this sight Doug took a step back. Now he understood what this sex would be like. All kinds of thoughts were running through his mind, but as he looked at the five men, he was very turned on. The men were turned on too - each of them had a huge erection and they looked like they were having some of the best sex of their lives!

Doug decided to watch for a bit. He noticed that sometimes when the right light went off, a robed man (or judge as he heard an attendant refer to them) went over and pressed a button next to the table. When the guy started to cum, some kind of machine then kicked on which sucked out every last drop from the guy's cock and sack. Knowing that he had the same kind of catheter planted in is dick, that knowledge gave Doug an instant erection. Doug also noticed that in addition to massaging and jacking the men, the judges were able to adjust knobs and levers on the table besides the button. He asked an attendant what that was, and the attendant just smiled and said "those are controls for the estim that the catheter and butt plug will send through your dick". Doug had heard of estim but never tried it - apparently this was the night for all kinds of new things.

Doug saw the right light go off again, but this time after the man came the table lighting dimmed. The man looked exhausted, and several attendants came over to disconnect the guy and take him back to the locker room. Once the table was clear, all of the table lights went dark and the room lights went up. The judges started to move between the yellow robed men, then somehow started to gravitate towards one in particular. The judges stated to feel up the robed guy, then became more and more aggressive about it. Finally the yellow robe and mask were ripped from the guy. Doug gasped - he recognized this guy from the gym. He had dark hair, blue eyes and a body that wouldn't quit. The crowd quickly swept the guy off his feet and carried him over to the table. Attendants quickly connected him to the table, and the crowd got right to work on this fresh piece of meat.

Doug had almost forgotten he was wearing yellow when the red light went off another time, and the lights in the room came up as another guy was carried off to the locker room. Suddenly Doug felt hands running all over his robes. Hands roamed his abs, felt up his nutsack and tweaked his nipples. Before he knew it his robes were being ripped off, and his mask was yanked off his face. Totally naked, he was lifted up and could feel himself being carried over to the open position.

Sean had been watching the sex all night, but was shocked when he saw that Doug was under the robe which had just been ripped off by crowd of men. He stood back hardly able to move as the attendants carried Doug's body over to the empty table. Sean had assumed that the guys were models from somewhere and never dreamed that his friend had received a different type of invitation to the club. The attendants finished strapping Doug down, made the same connection to his cock and ass that Sean had seen on the other men, then stepped back and allowed the crowd to have their way with Doug.

Doug was clearly popular with the crowd. His body was great, but the looks of surprise, shock, pain and pleasure on his face had the effect of stimulating the crowd even more. When the red light announced Doug was ready to orgasm, several men reached for the button ensuring that his orgasm would be captured and enhanced by the machine. Doug had already been thrashing around quite a bit, but when he started to cum and the machine kicked in, Doug's resulting convulsion looked like it would break several of the restraints. The orgasm was so intense that one of the attendants stepped over to the table to keep and eye on things and adjust Doug's restraints if they should come loose.

After the first orgasm Doug's popularity died down a bit, allowing Sean to approach Doug's table. Sean had always thought Doug was hot, but never had the nerve to ask him on a date and hadn't seen him naked. They had been friends for a long time, and Sean felt a little weird being able to see Doug (a) naked and (b) tied up in a sex club. Tentatively Sean reached out and started to stroke Doug's abs. Doug looked up, but couldn't see anything but a robed man starting to arouse him one more. Sean continued his stroking, and several other men quickly joined him.

Usually it takes 20 minutes before men start grouping around a guy for a subsequent orgasm, but in this case the group formed almost immediately once guys noticed Doug was responding to having his abs stroked. Men quickly moved in and started to work Doug from head to toe. The attendant standing by the table called out "Hold Him Down This Time!" - and the crowd was glad to comply. Doug struggled under both the stimulation, but being held down somehow intensified his feelings. Within a few minutes he was ready to cum, and this time someone waved some poppers under his nose when the red light came on and the button got pressed. Doug felt his orgasm begin, but just like last time felt the catheter come alive inside of him, sucking each spurt of cum from him, and painfully continuing for 4 cycles after his orgasm had abated.

Sean stepped back from the table. He wasn't sure what to do next - he had just helped jack off his best friend. He couldn't tell if it was torture or pleasure. Either way he didn't want to be around much longer. He didn't want to have to tell Doug he had participated in this. He decided it was time to go, and went back to the door where he'd entered this strange place. Once inside the attendant there took back the robe and asked him if he'd enjoyed himself. Sean explained how he'd felt and his curiosity. The attendant provided Sean with a reentry card, and explained that Sean was welcome to return by himself as a judge. Then he would be able to take his time and not worry about being there with a friend. After a moment's pause, the attendant asked Sean to take off his shirt for a moment. Sean did, revealing a very muscular upper body. The attendant then gave josh a second card. "The agents can't always tell what guys bodies are like out in the other clubs. You certainly meet our standards, and if you'd like to come back as a stud you're more than welcome". The attendant then let Sean out, and one of the bouncers got him a cab ride home.

Back in the club Doug lasted for a total of five orgasms. During this time he saw three men in the other four stations reach their limit, get carried off, and the turmoil of selecting and installing a replacement play out. The catheter extracted less than one ml from Doug on the fifth orgasm, which triggered a signal for the attendants to remove him. As soon as the attendants carried Doug back to the prep room, he heard the yelling start once again.

The attendant in the shower room carefully removed the catheter and butt plug, then helped Doug shower and clean up. He helped the exhausted young man dress, and gave him a re-entrance card. "That was quite the performance. You're more than welcome back, but we require you to recharge for at least a month before being a stud again. Until then, if you come back you'll be a judge". As with Sean, the bouncers got Doug a cab and sent him home.

Everyone thought that the main rooms of the May Club were on the top floor of it's building. Few people knew that the true center of the club was the floor below. The entrance was plain and completely unmarked making it almost impossible to find in the dim light of the stairwell. Behind this entrance was the real center of May Club. The top floor those rooms were just there to ensure access to a steady flow of healthy, attractive men for use by the main club. This evening the main club was occupied by 6 members of the owners association, all pagan women. One of the women was at the height of her ovulation, and rested on a reverse incline bed with her hips elevated above her head. The remaining five women were seated around her. They were sisters in her coven, and gently chanted throughout the evening.

The suction catheters in the room above fed into an injection device in this main room. As climaxes were selected by the judges in the upper club, the catheters and injection device conveyed the semen from the men's testicles directly into the woman's womb. This destination was the real reason for the blood tests given to arriving members above - no disease or genetic defects would be passed to the women below. This process continued repeatedly throughout the evening, and none of the women had any way to discover the identify of the men above, or which dose of semen came from which man. After the club finally closed and all the men above had returned to their homes, the last attendant sounded a signal as he left the club. The women then gathered themselves together and returned home, having completed their ancient ritual.


Next: Chapter 2

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