Maxwell's destiny

By moc.liam@agemootahpla

Published on Jan 6, 2023



Category: Authoritarian. Kinks include, public exposure, Humiliation, Male on Male Sex, Demon sex, Hell fantasy.

How short is this story

Approx. 30 min read

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Maxwells destiny.

The cold was paramount on his body, his feet almost stuck to the ice on the ground, almost preventing him moving his naked body to keep it warm. The darkness was only kept at bay from the candles on the rock side, allowing him to observe the vastness of the gates in front of him. His heart was beating fast despite being frozen. As if by magic another naked person appeared, then another. Something silenced them all, although all of them were thinking the same.

Where were they?

Maxwell had an idea, although he did not wish to believe it as he stood there, simply waiting and covering his dignity up.

More appeared. Still completely silent. He looked around and saw that there were young and old amongst them. He swore he spotted that outspoken anti lgbt politician in the growing crowd too. A woman with the biggest tits he'd ever seen and a skinny twink, next to a hot model. The crowd was growing, heating up the area but only slight.

Suddenly he spotted a guy he knew from college in the crowd. Maxwell's main bully, he was the most vicious boy in the entire college. Maxwell was a little confused what was happening, some looked frightened, others as confused as he was. He looked over at the guy he knew and saw fear had overtaken his face.

Maxwell was a good kid, if this was where he thought he was then he knew the only reason he had landed up in this position was because of his sexuality. He always stood proud of who he was, despite still being a nineteen-year-old virgin. His biggest regret was not losing his virginity. However, what confused him the most was how he had landed here tonight. He couldn't remember anything of the past few hours, certainly not passing away.

Suddenly the gates began to open and the ice below their feet began to melt. A few fell into the vastness below and the flames encased them. Everyone began to move quickly through the gates has others fell. Screams could be heard both from the ones that were unlucky and the ones from inside the gates already.

Maxwell looked above him and glanced at the size of the entrance alone. The sky was a mixture of grey, black, silver and a little red, not dissimilar to the Northern lights, only with a sinister overtone. It left him desperately uncomfortable. He then noticed something flying above from the distance as they descended, they looked no more than crows or even vultures hovering, but Maxwell was aware they were more sinister than that. His heart sank further.

Slowly the flying Beasts descended downwards as the masses moved forward. The heat was making him sweat now. It was strange how he had become so hot so quickly. He watched has the skinny twink was suddenly picked up by the balls and being slapped against some rocks by one of the flyers.

Swooped up by a beast twice the size of the biggest body builder that Maxwell had ever seen in the magazines he had stashed under his bed. With jet black skin glistening and layers of muscle. The outlined body of a man yet not altogether human and their faces were a mixture of dragon and dog. The twink had no clue that his capture had beautiful wings the size of a two-man plane but with a beauty about them. All scaled like a reptile. Then a red one swooped down a grabbed the model. Hysteria then set into the crowd and people ran in all directions. Some fell and were crushed by the stampede. The politician was next to go, and it continued as people moved inside to prevent falling down the cliff edge into the flames of oblivion.

Suddenly in front of Maxwell a flyer landed. Only this one was white in colour and more human features. The flyer looked directly at Maxwell and began to speak in an ancient tongue, but to his surprise he understood every word. It was as though it was embedded inside of him. The flyer was calming and kind towards Max.

"Maxwell Florence, you need to come with me, you are not to stay here. But first you must place this round your neck".

It was a collar made of a metal he had never seen. Has the beast passed the collar to the boy he felt the Beasts hands were soft, silk like. The collar simply said "visitor". The beast smiled and confirmed "you are not to stay; it will protect you" the beast gazed at the boy with a less hostile look. "I am here to show you what will happen to that bully, mount yourself on my back and we will go, hang on tight the flames of hell are below us."

"Yes sir" Maxwell spoke in tongues and in what he thought was an appropriate way. He straddled on the back of the beast, feeling it's silk like skin against his youthful body. Little did Maxwell knew the collar had changed, the collar now read faggot. It didn't change the fact he wouldn't be staying and that he was protected from the evil in the valley of death below.

"I don't wish to alarm you, but I will make the ride comfy and safe for you". At that point he felt something insert inside his virgin hole, he moaned uncontrollably. The beast chuckled knowing this happened each time such boys are summoned for witnesses, although he was aware that the handle type natural hook had secured the Boy as well as delivering the natural submissive pleasure.

Soon he noticed the flight of the other Beasts. Some white like the one he was on with their charge on their back in comfort. Others red grey green and black. Some of the Beasts passengers were in their arms, others weren't so lucky being dragged by their genitals or by the thick chains round their necks. "Listen" the beast told Maxwell, so he did, only to hear the cries of the fallen being dragged through hell.

Maxwell spotted the model again. His neck had a thick iron round it, his tits had big tit rings through them and his wrists round his back, his legs were stretched over the back of the beast, with his ankles in shackles joining to the legs of the beast by chains and the Beasts own shackles. He also had something up his ass too, only it was far bigger than the one inside Maxwell. Maxwell got the impression that it wasn't at all pleasant due to the scales on the Beasts back and the look on the models face through a ball gag that truly looked like an eyeball, looking out at the journey ahead.

He looked directly at Maxwell. They both seemed to have understood each other's predicament. Very different in many ways. Maxwell knew he would be leaving. The model, Alf would never have such an escape.

Such different futures, however, one simple thing did unite them both. They both sported hard ons dripping with pre cum.

"He sold his sole for a charmed life, so he will serve to the end of eternity to the demon that he made a deal with", he paused "he will serve him well, I'm sure", the charge laughed, "may that be a lesson to you" chuckling once again as they swung in another direction.

"Hell is vast, imagine if it was a planet, it would be a million times the size of earth, with layer upon layer. It is on a different plain and cannot be compared to anything humans understand, with port holes throughout and caves, valleys, dungeons, caverns and castles and even natural amphitheatres where the fallen are punished for the enjoyment of millions of demons. It is untrue that demons are pure evil, but simply the jailors of evil".

Maxwell shuddered at that thought alone. The charge hovered and told the boy to look down. He witnessed something that reminded him what he envisaged what the eye of the storm to be like. Every so often he saw a black charge exit or enter the darkness. Sometimes with a human on their back, others being dragged and often with the flying charges leaving with no humans in tow.

"This is the entrance to the darkest part of hell, it's where the evillest beings are kept and tortured for eternity", the charge told Maxwell "Napoleon, Hitler, Fred Phelps are amongst its residence", as they hovered. He saw the twink being dragged in by his balls, by the charge he saw him with earlier. His head shaved and a thick iron collar round his neck, with a bell on a ring through his nose and two others through his tits. His cock itself encased in metal, never to get hard again, like most in this Godless place. He looked more like an animal and not a human.

"There was a horrific massacre last night and the culprit always get this treatment", the charge didn't say another word.

The flyer then began moving again. At a slow speed at first but soon speeding up. Slowly slowing as they reached to an area that looked like caves. "Break time" the flying beast told him, they entered a cave, allowing Maxwell to dismount and the boy felt the thing that was sticking into his ass keeping him secure shrink as he dismounted the charge, but the affect was his small cock was hard. There he stood looking at the charge's dragon like face, sporting a hard cock and his collar that read his true self. The cave was lit up with candles similar to the entrance, but the cave walls looked odd to Maxwell. "Take a closer look" , the charge edged the boy on.

Although the rockface was stone it was extremely rugged. Then Maxwell gasped in the realisation of the truth. The rock face was made from the bodies of the fallen. All with collars that had their sin on. All fixed half in the stone. Their eyes wide and mouths open. A couple were women and their tits stuck out; the rest of their bodies vanished in the rockface. The male's cocks and balls looked like stone, but their cocks extended and ran deep into the ground like a pipe. Even closer Maxwell thought the people were alive. He spotted more than one with thick white juice running from their mouths and looks of shame and horror on all their faces.

Apart from one, a teen boy his own age. He had a look of content on his face, as though he had chosen to be there.

Suddenly from behind he heard a commotion, he turned to see a beast landing, dragging a man behind him, then chucking him towards were Maxwell stood. He looked up at the boy with fear on his face. It was the politician; Maxwell couldn't help but to smirk in distain.

"Crawl" the man's charge shouted at him, not so kind as his own charge. Maxwell moved to one side. As his charge kindly placed his hands on his shoulder for comfort, knowing what would soon take place. The fallen man's charge looked at Maxwell and simply said "Faggot", reading his collar "you'll like this!" he implied.

The fallen man had a thick iron collar round his neck his tits heavy ringed and chained. The charge then picked up the man and slung him to the wall as though he was a sack of potatoes. The man reeled in pain as he hit the rockface and then suddenly his body was encased in the stone. His mouth open and his dick now set in stone extended itself like the others Maxwell had seen, like pipe. The boy looked at the beast. "He still can feel everything, every second of eternity, serving charges and demons".



Maxwell's beast then inserted his cock into the fallen man's mouth and relieved himself. The look on the politician's face said everything. Maxwell was half shocked and half amused. The politician would serve as a urinal for eternity, and he was certain as a fuck hole too.

Maxwell took a closer look at the boy his own eyes and believed there was pleading for being used in his eyes. He believed the boy was there because he craved this eternal life. Soon they took off again. As they left, he looked back to witness the politicians charge fucking his cock harshly in the loser's upper hole. Flying through the depths of hell was unnerving, yet Maxwell felt the importance of such an eternal prison.

The politician was full of hate for others. That is why he was there. It was full of lies that caused others pain. That was why he was there. He was a bad man.

Flying through the depths of hell was unnerving, yet Maxwell felt the importance of such an eternal prison.

They witness a young handsome, but naked man encased half in stone on a rock protruding from the fiery rivers of hell. His body dangling over the rock as his butt stuck upwards with a magnificent jet black beast fucking in and out of the screaming man's raw hole. The Beasts wings gliding to keep him air bound. The handsome hell bound being was being fucked with the biggest cock Maxwell had ever seen.

The beast soon arrived at their final destination.

It was a dungeon. Like none on earth.

The gates were made of the same iron as round some of the fallen soul's collars. The truth was even if they escaped, they wouldn't get far so Maxwell decided the gates must be for aesthetic purposes. On both side of the gates stood a creature, and both looked hideous with the look of gargoyles. Both spoke in a creepy way, as though they were want to grope the boy. The charge spoke to them viciously and they were silenced but it didn't stop Maxwell to shrug, caused by the unpleasant thought of them taking advantage of him.

It felt as the charge had read his mind, "long as you wear your collar, you won't be touched. It is made from a heavenly metal that isn't available here and it will turn the inhabitants that try to harm you into salt." Maxwell felt relieved. "You are perfectly safe" The charge looked at him directly and smiled "unlike your school friend", the charge giggled and then they continued to fly down a long corridor. Maxwell could hear shrieks from cells. He could hear someone or least something having sex. Soon they arrived in a vast room, as large as a cathedral. In the centre there was a vast fireplace over the top was a spit with a half-eaten carcass of something large.

Maxwell dismounted again.

"We don't just deal with earthlings", the charge informed him, "We deal with every creature in the known universe". He then needed to speed up the boy, "come quickly now". Maxwell scurried behind him as they walked into another room. The room was light, unlike anywhere else he had seen in hell. He screwed up his eyes as they adjusted, and the charge began to explain far more. "This is the dungeon demon's own quarters, he overseas this part of hell. It is intended to frustrate the fallen who dwell here. There are several entrances into these dungeons and no real exit".

Maxwell realised his eyes were adjusting.

"Demons, servants and charges reside here, they take pleasure in the frustration and often vile disgust of its residents. As you can see there is a porthole above to earth. It shines the light in the room, the dwellers here sigh in knowing how close to freedom they are and yet they know they are not to experience life again. Hell as many entrances and only the demons can leave. Even the charges or Demon servants cannot return, not without a Demon at least".


"Oh yes, I was once human, in the twelfth century, I sold my sole to a Demon of evil and vanity who changed my looks, I was instantly burnt on the stake for Witchcraft and within days of my deal I was serving a Demon for eternity. I served her well". Maxwell looked puzzled.

"What's wrong did you think evil was pure masculine, no it can reside in all. Some more than others." the charge sighed. "She was vanquished in Europe in the Witch trials and then after that I became a charge, and they gave me this hideous body, that's what usually happens, although some of her servants became residents".

My body changed but because I had a kind heart I became a white charge, ensuring visitors like yourself a safe journey through hell.

Maxwell gasped at the sight he could now see.

Directly in front of him was a throne made of a metal he thought was gold but studded with diamonds.

Each side there where three rings fastened to the chair of gentry and three steps downwards. Attached to the rings were three servants, all humans, as young has himself with beautiful bodies on all fours like regal dogs or lions on the other side there were just two dogs and a third ring in place but not with a servant. All five were beautiful creatures but acted like pets. Naked fine Beasts of pleasure, beautiful bottoms rounded with perfection. There cocks throbbing and leaking thick pre cum. All five collars were marked with the word bitch on them. They were in essence animals. All five wore wooden bit gags attached to head braces, some had lines of a cane on their bodies, clearly recent due to the fading freshness.

On the regal throne sat the demon king of the dungeons. A beautiful beast, no one would have thought a being residing in hell would be so handsome. He was twice the size of the largest of charges he had seen, with blond hair and demon horns preceding from his forehead with the most perfect body. He looked like an enlarged surfer with muscles and abs. Between his legs was the largest cock and balls Maxwell could imagine but in proportion to the rest of his body. He saw Maxwell and stood up to walk towards him and his charge.

"Maxwell, I've been expecting you" as he got closer, he began to shrink, and his face started to change. His horns resided into his scalp. He was in proportion to Maxwell now with a more human face and charm about him. Maxwells mouth opened. He was the perfect man to him, although he wasn't so perfect, being a demon and all.

"I have the ability to change shape into any animal and look how I wish. I also can read your desires", he smiled as he changed his look slightly with a larger chest and blue eyes, a more bronzed skin and even a more toned body.

He winked at the boy "Do you want me Boy?" he truly did, but his mind told him to resist "no sir" Maxwell shook his head "oh it's OK it doesn't affect your status, selling your sole is more complexed than that, it would simply be sex, these bitches will tell you the contracts are explained well, no gimmicks it's all explained with no tricks, or the dark lord as us demons sent to the deepest dungeons and it's not pretty for demons, as we become humans, or at least part humans", he smiled and then changed the subject.

"You can become a servant if you wish! ", He half joked but he was on the lookout for a sixth, as his sixth bitch had been vanquished sometime in the 1800s by a white witch. "No" the boy smiled, looking at the demon's perfection. He was in awe of the demon's body though.

The boy waited for the demon to take his eyes off him. Instead, the demon leant forward and felt the boy's tits, like they were breasts of a boisterous woman.

" Do you know why your here faggot?"

Maxwell had let the label of faggot go over his head, once again and then he shook his head, "not really sir" he paused, "I understand it's to witness something to do with my bully".

"It is indeed, but he's not arrived yet". Maxwell looked confused, "oh you don't know do you, any new residents are sent for fittings of chains and there was a delay on his because of a que, plus he pissed himself and his charge forced him to lick it up" the demon laughed, "apparently someone told him this dungeon is no more than a gay brothel" he laughed again.

"Come", the demon gently pulled Maxwell along, "Sit with me on my throne, it's OK I'm forbidden to harm you or take advantage of you, you are free to leave, if you wish. I have a feeling you won't though." As they approached the throne, the demon began to grow to be able to be seated. He then gently picked up Maxwell and was seated.

Maxwell saw the regal essence of the room. He noticed that his charge had his head bowed and on his knees with his legs spread. It was clear the charge was nothing but a servant like the five bitches. "When you leave, if you ever wish to become my sixth servant bitch then wish me to surface and I will."

The demon was touching the boy all over feeling him up, including his ass. The boy was moaning and pushed himself backwards and closer.

The demon kissed him passionately "would you like to suck my cock?" the demon asked as he reduced his size again "I can be the size you wish", he told the boy going down to the size he knew Maxwell would like. Maxwell turned to face the demon and saw his hard cock.

Both boy and demon were horny as hell. It didn't take long for Maxwell to have a nice size cock in his mouth. The demon was holding his head down onto his cock. The boy was as natural at sucking as his moans suggested. "You were born a faggot, boy" the demon gasped as he felt the boy's hole up with his large hand as he pushed the head down on the boy, the boy was in heaven, trying to keep his head and not beg the demon to make him his was hard. The demon moved the boys head slight so he could see who had entered the room.

At both sides of his bully was two of the sexiest girls the bully had ever fucked. He thought he was in heaven, both where feeling his body and his cock was hard, he had an unfortunate Prince Albert through it with a spike on the end. He was smirking as he saw who the cocksucker was, despite his collar reading whore and his own tit rings and nose ring to match, his head was shaven into a mohawk & dyed his least favourite colour purple. He looked ridiculous.

It was meant to look ridiculous.

"Why are you smirking whore?". The demon spat into the whore's face. It covered his face and smelt rotten. Maxwell Sat up to watch and noticed the demons cock enlarging. The whore's charge was on the opposite side of the doorway as the boys. The most amusing thing was when he wiped the demon's slime from his face, he saw that the hot girls had turned back into the most repulsive old men you could imagine. Feeling up the whore's body made his face imitate what it was like in entrance. Now it was Maxwell smirking.

"Do you like your two husbands whore?" the demon laughed. "Please", he grovelled as the two gargoyles shoved him to his knees. "crawl" the demon demanded. He began too, only Maxwell thought it was forced. Once he was at the throne the demon raised his hand and the whores neck piped up in one hard jerk, almost straining his neck. His cock was throbbing. The demon was treating him like a dog on purpose.

"This faggot next to me isn't a resident he is here to witness your downfall. You bullied him to an inch of his life, and we summoned him to witness first you're fucking. Then your husbands will take you to your cell. They are aware they must allow any demon to use you when they wish for what they wish", the demon laughed as he became his original size. The demon told him to get on his knees to and then he pushed himself off the throne, as he whispered in the whore's ear "lick his ass as though your life depends on it". The demons voice was forceful as he reluctantly forced his tongue up the faggot's arse. Maxwell couldn't help but fart.

The Demon laughed. "You should be my wife you evil bitch."

The Demon then hold down the whore's face in the faggot's ass as he began to split the whore's virgin hole open. He screamed, but the noise was muffled and made the faggot moan. He was in bliss as his bully sucked his fuck hole whilst being fucked hard by a Demon. The demon got grossly large as he began raping the whore.

The whore's tongue went up the boy's hole, fucking it as he blew air into it. The fucking of the fallen ass lasted for over an hour until the Demon was finished. He didn't cum, he didn't want to. He had other ideas, so he picked the boy up and through him to his new husbands.

"Stay", he softly whispered to the fag boy "It won't be as harsh as I'm shrinking now. Into a form you'll like". "Ah", the faggot shrieked in delight. The Demon knew his hole was prepped through the forced tongue fucking. He began to fuck the boy slowly, knowing the whore was watching. Knowing it wasn't hard to figure out that the past hour was about this moment. The Demon had used the whore to prep the boy he really wanted to fuck.

After a few minutes he told the whores husbands to take their wife away. He wanted to hear the natural reaction and allowed the fallen to let out his pathetic pleas and sobs as the two old men take their prize away to his cell. Little was he aware of the `delights' in the cell. The cell continued all the bitterness of a whole new universe.

The fucking continued on the throne for a while longer. Suddenly the Demon got larger on purpose so the faggot would shoot his load and the Demon shot up the boy's hole. He soon collapsed onto the boys back, turning to look at the charges. He dismissed them and told them he would take the boy back to earth.

They simply vanished.

Maxwell noticed the five bitches were asleep. He looked at the Demon and asked a puzzling question. "Can you die here?"

"You and I can't because you are a mortal from earth and so you can only die on earth, and I can only be vanquished on other plains, but the fallen can and do. The whore will die a million times before time ends but he will return over and over. Sometimes he will return as a whore and others something else. You've seen only a couple of scenarios but there are billions. As it's your first time here we tend to be gentle."

"Can I return?"

"No, hell doesn't have revolving doors, but I can come to you", then he gulped "but it's probably not a good idea, because it's in my nature to entice you here", he looked solemn "you will become my sixth bitch" his face dropped further, "or land up in the cell next to the whore or a part of a urinal". Then he sighed "or on a spit". The demon didn't want that fate for the boy, but with each thought he knew that it was most probably the fate of the boy.

"Time to go home, hold my hand".

He put his hand in the demons and the Demon said to close his eyes. He did exactly that and almost instantly he said "open them".

There he was Sat up in his bed, the Demon at the mirror, Maxwell smiled at his lover. "I thought it was a dream".

"It was in a way, but far more" he couldn't truly explain, "look in the papers today and you'll see all of the people who are now in the dark world."

The boy took note. "I must go now", the Demon left the boy.

Then the boy got out of bed and looked in the mirror he saw his collar. It simply read faggot. He felt for the collar and realised it wasn't there. Only he could see his true self on this plain now.

He knew then what he must do. Soon the sixth place would be filled for all eternity.

Thanks for reading you pitiful faggots.

If you email me I will send you a list of my other stories and where to find them.

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