Maxs Straight Sub

By sean

Published on Dec 10, 2023


Max's Straight Sub

Installment 3

Morning came quickly. Sam took his uniform into the bathroom and put it on. He saw himself in the mirror and cringed. The shirt showed off how much weight he had gained during covid and the shorts showed his baby smooth crotch. His metallic cock cage gleamed under the sheer white material. He decided to wear sweat pants and a hoodie over the uniform--at least until he was in the car. He packed a bag with his street clothes and new jock, then headed to his captor's home to be tormented.

Sam pulled up as near as he could to Max's apartment, stripped off his unapproved clothes and carried his bag to the door. He was a few minutes early when he rang the buzzer and waited for Max.

Max came to the door dressed much more conservatively than Sam in a pair of longer running shorts and dry fit shirt. "Come on, follow me!" Max called as he jogged out the door.

Sam was able to keep up pretty well on the jog and was relieved to find it was early enough that not many people saw his humiliating uniform. The stench from the already soiled shirt started to assail Sam's senses, but he tried to put that out of mind. On their return to the apartment, the men headed to a workout room with several weights machines, racks of free weights and dumbbells, and a few weight benches. Max led Sam through a particularly grueling legs workout. As they cheered each other on for motivation, it seemed to Sam as if he was hanging out with a gym buddy rather than a twisted pervert blackmailing him into humiliation. After the last set of squats, Max announced they would finish up with a little more cardio and stretching before cleaning up so Sam could start his chores.

Rather than follow Max, he called out, "hold up! Need to use the head." That's when Max swung out with a quick jab to Sam's belly, knocking the wind out of the boy. Although the punch wasn't particularly hard, it was unexpected and Sam doubled over.

"You will address me as Sir! You will follow orders without question or complaint. You will not tell me to `hold up' under any circumstances. If you need to piss, you ask my permission. Permission denied. Get running. NOW!"

Panicked, Sam ran right out the door. Max quickly passed the less fit boy and took the lead, running at a quick pace toward a nearby park in downtown. Sam had a much harder time keeping up this time and found himself focused on his bladder. Max led them to a water fountain at the park and stopped for a drink. Sam could see a farmers market set up at the other end of the park.

"Drink up, boy. Need to rehydrate," Max ordered. Sam complied, worried that he would wet himself eminently.

Max then led to a set of public restrooms near the farmers market. "Still need to piss? Me too. Let's go," Max said, feeling some remorse for the harshness of punching his slave.

"Yes sir," Sam replied, relieved.

His relief was short lived. Inside the bathroom, as Sam headed to a stall to sit and pee to avoid making a mess with chastity cage, Max grabbed him by the back of the neck and led him to the urinal nearest the sink, directly across from the doors. Before Sam could react, Max pantsed the boy, exposing his white ass for anyone to see if they walked in. Sam knew better than to try covering himself or to move before he was done peeing or Max gave him permission. Adding to his humiliation, this was a pretty busy facility. Men and boys were entering and exiting, passing behind him to use a urinal or toilet, and using the sinks next to him to wash their hands. There were no dividers to provide even the slightest modesty to the boy. It seemed like it was taking an eternity and, yet, Sam was suddenly pee shy.

Max took the urinal next to Sam, pulled his piece from his shorts and less go of a long stream of piss. Max snuck a glance at Max's cock out of curiosity. Even soft, it had to be about 5 inches, which was longer than Sam's own could get while hard. The dark uncut dick nestled in a thick but neatly trimmed bush was in stark contrast to his own smooth pale skin and metallic cage.

Willing himself to finally pee, Sam eked out a thin stream. Then finally, after several deep breaths and closing his eyes, was able to fully relieve himself. Unfortunately, he made a mess of things and his piss splashed everywhere. He could feel the warm piss flowing down his legs, hitting his shoes, splashing against the floor, and somehow even splashing his arms and torso.

"Gonna be a long month in those dirty shorts!" Max chuckled at Sam's further humiliation as he finally pulled up his shorts saw the yellowish wetspot spreading across his shorts, making them transparent.

Max led Sam on a run back to the apartment, not stopping until they reached the door.

"Strip. Now," Max ordered.

"Yes sir," Sam stammered, looking around in hopes he wouldn't be seen as he removed his uniform while still outside. It was definitely late morning now and he worried more people might be out and about.

After Max entered his home, he ordered Sam to stand at attention in the center of the room with his hands behind his head. He was soon blindfolded and handcuffed with his hands behind his back. Sam could feel Max fiddling with the chastity cage. Removing it!

As if reading Sam's mind, Max said, "don't get so excited. I'm checking for stubble and putting a more secure cage on you. I don't want you cheating." After finding no remnants of pubic hair on the boy, Max went to work securing a high end chastity belt on the boy's waist. There would be no escape from this until Max unlocked it.

Max left the boy standing awkwardly in the living room, nearly naked, sweaty, dirty, handcuffed, and blindfolded while he went to the other room to take a warm shower. He returned later to free Sam from his shackles and blindfold, leading him to the shower. The boy reached to close the bathroom door until he read Max's face and thought better of it. The clear shower door provided almost no privacy for the boy as he set to work on lathering up his body with bar soap and cleaning the piss, mud, and sweat from his body. He luxuriated in the warm water while Max dressed, holding a conversation with him about the fitness goals he had in mind for the boy. This month, Max planned to trim down the boy's waist and help him build mass in his legs and chest. He explained that even after their time was over, Sam would have a foundation for fitness in the future. The man asked his boy about his dietary habits and criticized the reliance on junk food, vowing to teach him some nutrition, too.

Sam examined the new chastity device he wore. It rode high on his hips but dipped low over his pubic area. It fit snuggly all around his waist. The front came down and attached to a tube, compressing his penis into a very small codpiece. The codpiece was smooth and rubber-coated along the edges. It resisted all attempts to pull away or bend and there was no apparent way to escape or even view his dick and balls. He worried about how much of the belt would be visible when he was dressed. Obviously, his uniform wouldn't cover much of it. But he wouldn't be able to go shirtless in front of his roommates for a while--not even from the shower to get dressed. Fuck! His dick jumped at the humiliation.

Once dried off, the boy followed Max into the kitchen where he learned to make coffee and breakfast the way Max liked it. He would be responsible for serving it each morning after their workout and would be able to enjoy a meal replacement shake of his own, too. Sam sucked down the chalky shake and a big bottle of water.

Since today was Thursday, Max gave Sam the rest of the day off to recover, but ordered Sam to write down his class schedule and send a copy of his class syllabi to him before he went to bed that night. Sam put on his street clothes, carrying his soiled uniform in his hands back to his car.

Then next morning, Sam was, again, at Max's door on time. This time he felt even more on display as the chastity cage was fully visible on his exposed torso. They completed a jog, workout session, and another run to the park where he was made to piss standing exposed at a urinal--now with even less control of his stream--before running back to the apartment for showers and breakfast. Sam was back home before his roommates were even out of bed but knew he had to return for a night of torment in mere hours.

Sam was back at Max's place as ordered. He had been told to bring his uniform but to wear his jock, a pair of nice jeans, and a polo shirt. He had skipped dinner, as directed, and brought his phone, charger, wallet, computer, and class materials with him.

As soon as he was inside, Sam was made to strip naked. The plan for the night and the next day was laid out: he would wear a locked collar until he left Saturday night, during that time, Sam would be issued clothing only when required, the two would dine out for dinner but return for a long night of bondage and torture, Saturday morning would be their hardest workout yet, and that would be followed by a laundry list of chores and errands completed before he was relieved of duty. Any downtime Sam had would be spent doing his studies. Sam didn't think Max's plans would leave much time for academics. A heavy chain and large master lock were placed around Sam's neck, too large to hide under clothing, and Sam dreaded running with the metal hitting his skin.

Sam was put to work cleaning the kitchen and running the dishwasher while Max finished up a few tasks in his home office. When he came back to the living room, Sam was just finishing sweeping the floor.

"Ready for some dinner?" Max asked kindly.

"Yes sir! Ready when you are!" Sam said enthusiastically. He was hungry.

Max helped Sam dress in a one piece air force jumpsuit. The garment had a fitted waist that pulled snuggly around Sam, making him look fitter than he really was. He noted how comfortable the zip-up garment was and how much skin it covered. Sam was already growing unaccustomed to the modesty this outfit provided. For footwear, Sam was given a pair of dirty socks and well-used combat boots. The jumpsuit was tucked into the boots and a leather strap was wrapped around each ankle with a padlock securing the boots in place. They donned their masks and walked toward a downtown restaurant.

At the restaurant, a waiter seated the guys outside after a short wait. The waiter handed both men a disposable paper menu, which Max quickly took from Sam. "I'll order. You will eat what you are served or you'll go hungry," he whispered to Sam before the waiter was even out of earshot.

Max did order for the two. A rare steak, plain baked potato, and steamed veggies for himself and a small side salad with no dressing for Sam. Both would drink water.

Though Sam stared mouthwatering at Max's steak, he slowly crunched down on his bland lettuce, trying to make it last as long as possible while sipping on water. The waiter kept coming back to refill the water glasses, eventually just leaving a pitcher on the table. The two talked about news and sports as any friends would. Except, Sam realized, Max wasn't his friend.

After it was clear Sam had made enough progress on his salad, Max cut a small portion of his steak and potato and transferred it to Sam's plate. The boy thanked his captor for the kind gesture and went about eating. Unfortunately, the copious amount of water had taken its toll and he felt a familiar pressure begin to increase.

"Sir, may I please go inside and use the restroom?" Sam asked, quietly.

"Finish your meal, boy. Then, you may ask," Max responded.

He complied. Finishing the bits of steak and potato remaining on his small plate. And looked up, "Please, Sir? I've really got to go pee."

"You may. Same as as the park. Use a urinal. Pull your pants down. And, this time, please don't make a mess of your clothes or the bathroom!" Max granted his request.

Sam got up, entered the nearly empty restaurant realizing it was unlikely anyone would walk in on him here, at least. As he entered the restroom, he had a startling realization: to pull down his pants would require him to remove the top half of the jump suit. He'd have to get almost naked to pee. FUCK! That bastard knew what he was ordering me to do, too!

He started to unzip and remove the top half of his jumpsuit at the urinal then, stressed out by the chances of being discovered and the likelihood of pissing all over his clothes, he decided to risk Max finding out he had used a toilet stall. He pulled the jumpsuit down and sat. The heavy piss flow was instantaneous! Sam didn't even hear anyone enter the bathroom as he dressed back up and exited the stall to see Max waiting for him. Shit! He was caught.

"I'm sorry Sir I just. I..." Sam tried to make excuses.

"You just thought you'd disobey an order and get away with it, now you'll get punished for it," Max said firmly abut calmly. "Man up and take the punishment. Apologize to me and we will see how you can make it up when we get home. Now, on your knees and open wide." He reached to unzip his pants.

"We agreed no sucking dick!" Sam protested loudly. Worried that he might drive staff to come in and check on the commotion.

"You're not sucking. You're drinking. Either that or you're forfeiting the blackmail. Your friends, roommates, and family will see your pics and videos. And you'll be left trying to get that belt off and explaining where your computer, wallet, and keys are. Now open up. I gotta piss."

Sam had swallowed piss from women before. He knew it wouldn't kill him. In fact he really enjoyed it--he'd told Max as much. The idea of having a dick in his mouth scared him but not as much as the potential for exposure. He opened up and took the first bit of piss. He quickly closed his lips around Max's dickhead and used them and his tongue to control the flow. When the stream stopped, he took pride in the realization he hadn't spilled a drop.

"You're very good at that. You'll be getting plenty more!" Max mused as he helped his boy up then led him out of the restaurant and toward his home.

There was silence until after they entered the apartment and Max tossed a padlock key to the boy and ordered him to strip naked again. When he did, Max explained that for his earlier failure to comply with orders he would be getting a spanking before they got to work on torture.

Max sat on the sofa and laid Sam across the sofa with his bare ass over his lap. The spanking lasted most of an hour, starting slow with Max's bare hand. Eventually picking up intensity as Max switched to a wooden spoon and then his belt. By the end, Sam's ass was a bright red with purple bruises forming on both cheeks. Sam was crying and promising to be a good boy in the future. Max spent the next hour cradling and comforting his boy until it was time for their evening entertainment.

Next: Chapter 4

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