Maxie & Tony

By JustJames (James Robinson, James Jones, JacanaKid, The Fisherman)

Published on Oct 12, 2008


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Maxie and Tony, Part 7, by justjames17

Tony was ever so slowly improving although he still had a long way to go, his utter reliance on Maxie continued unabated, it seemed as though Maxie had taken Sid's place since Sid had faded into the background after Tony's discharge from the hospital. Maxie was cool about the change and did all he could to assist Tony in all ways. The disappearance of Tony from the party that caused the mad sexual tryst under the trees with Sid and Chris now worried Maxie as he chilled out again.

Tony meanwhile was wandering the park in a dazed state his brain shattered by the strobe lights, ear shattering music and the frenzied dancing, he was like a zombie as he wandered through the darkness until he bumped into a group of guys getting high. He bounced off one of them and fell to his knees; the guy bent down and said, "Tony? Is that you Tony you total pratt?"

Tony looked up at the figure dazed and not recognising who it was, it was Abigail's older brother Josh, who had kidnapped and drugged Effie to avenge Tony's destroying his affair with Michelle using lude photo's of Abigail. Josh still rankled over what had happened and now had another opportunity to teach the hot spunky Tony a lesson. Josh turned to his mates while clutching a handful of Tony's hair, "Look who we have here lads, its that twat wanker Tony, remember him the night we had his little sister Efie to play with and he came to rescue her?"

They all laughed and surrounded the kneeling figure as Josh unzipped his pants and pulled out his dick, Tony knelt there looking up his red lips parted as he stared at them. Josh grasped his cock and wiped his knob across Tony's mouth as he growled, "Suck me Tony, take my cock deep in that sexy little mouth and wrap those cute red lips around my big fat shaft."

Tony dazed by the situation listened to Josh's emphatic tone and dream like opened his mouth to let Josh thrust inside, he gagged as the big spongy knob breached his throat and stuffed down his soft silky gullet. Josh tightened his grip painfully in Tony's hair pinning him on his plunging prick. His mates laughed uproariously at the gurgling sounds issuing from Tony's throat as he struggled to accommodate the rough abusive cock forcing its way down his staining gullet. Josh told Tony to get to his feet, Tony struggled and needed assistance to stand and remain bent at the hips still sucking on Josh's prick, two of the onlookers reached down and lifted Tony's body up steadying him as he sort his balance while Josh still clutched his hair tightly keeping his face pulled into his trimmed pubes.

Josh laughed evilly and said, "You guys want to strip him down and bare that cute white arse?"

Laughter filled the area as one guy reached under Tony's belly and began undoing his belt then popped the press stud and the sound of a zipper as he prepared to drop the dark blue denims, the jeans slid down Tony's long legs to his converse shoes leaving his perky bum glowing white in his white boxer briefs. Hands rubbed on the warm cotton feeling Tony's deep dimpled buttocks then hooked into his waistband then tugged the stretchy underpants down baring his pale bum to the group. Soft wolf whistles sounded as Tony's sexy bum came into view and hands immediately began massaging his warm firm flesh. Another of the group moved down and under Tony's torso and grasped the limp dick and low hanging balls, Tony gagged and mumbled around Josh's cock as he felt a warm wet mouth suck on his goodies.

His arse was open to attack and a dollop of spittle splattered on his ring as one of the guys prepared to stuff his aroused rod up Tony's hot tightness. Tony moaned loudly around Josh's cock as his innards were invaded and stretched he pushed back onto the fat muscle as he enjoyed the sensation raging through his midriff, his own dick began to respond to the feeling the encompassing warm wet mouth was causing. He was in a flurry of emotions and sensations as the three guys used his body, but he felt better as his prick began to throb and harden for the first time since the accident.

The multiple stimulations seemed to have made his body react for the better; Tony was both ecstatic and fearful as his body began to spasm from incredible sensations raging in his body. The feel of Josh's big bone plunging down his saliva filled gob and gullet combined with the pole ramming crazily in and out of his tight ring and chute while the moist mouth slobbering on his hard dong were all dragging him moaning and gurgling towards a mammoth climax. His sperm filled balls unused for so long were at last ready to erupt in a creamy cataclysmic convulsion, they ached and tightened painfully as his p-rick throbbed and swelled inside the dude's throat.

Josh suddenly exploded drenching Tony's tonsils in a deluge of thick man seed, it gushed and flooded Tony's throat as it poured down into his taut stomach, his own member throbbed thrice before it too released his own massive flood of sweet sperm making the fellator swallow again and again unable to keep up with the incredible amount as Tony ground his pubes into the guy's face. Tony's body tensing up as he released grasped the plundering prick in a vice like grip as his sphincter pulsed in time with his throbbing tool, this in turn brought the plunderer up to his own gut wrenching ejaculation and all three were lost in the mind blowing high of convulsive cums.

Tony's legs wobbled as his balls drained, the weight of his attacker caused him to sag until he collapsed gasping on top of the guy beneath him as Josh's joy stick slipped from his mouth drooling sperm down his chin. Tony rolled onto his back staring sightlessly up, his face crimson and lips puffy and swollen as his abused expanded ring drooled onto the grass. Josh and his mate stood clinging to each other looking down at the two lads lying on the grass, the guy who'd sucked Tony off was jacking his cock as he used some of Tony's cum as a lube. As he neared his pinnacle he moved towards Tony still wanking and rubbed his crimson swollen knob across Tony's parted lips, Tony's tongue licked at the oozing slit before opening and accepting the stiff prong into his mouth andswallowing it.

The wanker moaned aloud and rolled on top of Tony then stopped wanking to use his hands to raise himself up then begin ramming his hips up and down driving his dick into Tony's hot gob. Tony tightened his lips and used his tongue to stimulate the sensitive spongy glans as it raced up and down, the guy was moaning crazily as his sweat flew from his taut body. He looked down at the handsome lad impaled on his prong and that drove him over the edge as his nuts tightened and released his pent up batter sending it gushing into the accepting orifice as Tony gulped and licked to make sure he got every drop.

The action over, Josh stirred his panting mate with the toe of his fancy boot as he lay on his side still gasping for air, "Come on pal lets get on the move, we've had our fun but I'm disappointed Tony seemed to enjoy what we did."

With that Josh helped his mate up and they all zipped up, Josh spat on Tony's limp dick then they all turned away and stomped off into the darkness. Tony lay there his jeans and pants around his feet as he dreamily fondled his cock still in the raptures of the sexual encounter, his limp dick once again hardening in his fingers as he smiled to himself as he whispered, "I'm ok at last, now I can be a man again, I can't wait to get with Maxie and show him what has happened."

Tony slowly recovered and sat up, licking his sperm coated lips tasting the tangy juice left by both Josh and his mate, while his aching arse let him know he'd been stuffed well and hard he smiled dreamily then he got to his unsteady feet and began to pull up his clothes. Once dressed Tony brushed himself down and ran his fingers through his thick black hair before setting off heading towards Maxie's flat.

Maxie and Sid had left the club after the set too in the bog they separated and headed home while back at the club Jal was searching for Chris out in the dark park. Maxie arrived home and entered greeting the dog as it bounded to the door to greet him, he made his way to his room and stripped off his clothes ready to fall into bed when he heard the dog rumble then a tapping on the front door. He picked up his pants and pulled them on before heading out to answer the door, he opened it to find the normally immaculate Tony standing there dishevelled but smiling on the doorstep.

Maxie smiled at Tony and asked, "What happened to you mate you look a wreck?"

Tony's eyes gleamed with happiness as he reached out and threw his ms around Maxie's neck pulling him into a hug as he kissed Maxie on the lips. He pulled back and said, "It happened Maxie, it happened at last."

Maxie looked stunned back at him then asked, "What happened mate what has you so excited?"

Tony hugged him tight and spoke into his ear, "My cock got hard and I ejaculated that's what."

Maxie grinned and hugged Tony back as he felt tears come to his eyes, he was about to cry in happiness and relief for his mate, then a touch of sadness as he wondered if Tony would still want to be with him or would his new found sexual prowess mean he would turn back to Michelle's arms? Only time would tell but he hoped that Tony would remain his lover. Tony still clinging to Maxie whispered, "Well are you going to keep me standing here on the door step or can I come inside so we can go to your room?"

Tony released his grip on Maxie who brushed the back of his hand across his eyes to wipe away the tears and turned leading the way to his bedroom after closing and relocking the door. Tony held Maxie's hand as they walked to his room and entered shutting the door. Tony immediately hugged Maxie again as he pressed his hard bone onto Maxie's limp dick, Maxie gasped and said, "Oh Tony that certainly is hard it feels huge mate has it got bigger as well?"

Tony grinned as he licked Maxie's ear making him shiver and moan softly, he rubbed his cock on Maxie's and felt his mate getting aroused in response. Maxie quivered and turned his face searching for Tony's lips and in an instant they were snogging frantically. Tony took the lead and began undoing his shirt's buttons while still lip locked with Maxie, he slid the shirt off his shoulders and then pressed his slim pale naked torso to Maxie's golden muscular and tanned upper body. The two lads ground their hips in a sexual dance before Maxie fell back pulling Tony down on top of him, he suddenly looked at tony and asked, "You've been giving head Tony who did you suck off? I can taste cum in your mouth."

Tony looked down at Maxie and whispered, "I don't know his name but he's a mate of Josh's, they ganged up on me outside the club when I was wandering about."

Tony went on to tell Maxie all that had happened and how Josh had forced him to blow him while another guy rooted him and a third sucked him off before then face fucking him. Maxie was gently caressing Tony's face as he told the tale, his eyes welled with tears at the way Tony had been used but then he realised tony was happy because the assault had helped him attain his sexuality again. Tony after finishing his account of events stood up and undid his white belt before he shucked off his jeans standing there in his tight white boxer briefs. Maxie's blue eyes fastened on the huge bulge where Tony's erection strained against the soft cotton, a wet patch at the apex where his leaking knob was throbbing.

Maxie lay on his back rubbing his own stiffy through his pants as Tony watched him before moving in and removing them baring Maxie's sexy schlong, Tony stripped off and stood between Maxie's spread thighs looking down at his own stiffy watching it proudly as it throbbed and oozed. Maxie sniggered and then said, "Well Tony are you going to admire yourself or shaft my tight bum and prove it works for me?"

Tony growled like a wolf grasped Maxie by the ankles dragging him to the edge of the bed then rested Maxie's legs on his shoulders as he grasped his steel hard shaft and proceeded to plunge it deeply into Maxie's molten hot hole making him cry out in pain. Maxie bit his bottom lip as Tony surged deep inside his body stretching him big time, the burning ache as that pole stuffed its way fully up his anguished arse. Maxie groaned, "Ooooh gees Tony take it easy, you definitely are bigger than before, I'm being stretched to the max mate."

The strangled plea sifted into Tony's raging horny brain as he realised he was hurting his mate, "Sorry Max but I just lost it mate, the feeling of being hard took control."

Tony slowed his impulsive recklessness and gently held Maxie to him as they kissed while he twitched his dick deep in the burning heat of Maxie's bowels. Tony began slowly and gradually built speed varying his depth and stirring his hips to give Maxie the utmost pleasure in no time at all his climax raced in a toe curling and mind blowing surge as he pumped a new load up deep in Maxie's shivering body triggering a climax for him that creamed both their heaving torsos.

Both lads collapsed exhausted and out of breath as their bodies' twitch and shudder on the bed until they both fell asleep still connected and clutching each other.

To be continued

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