Maxie & Tony

By JustJames (James Robinson, James Jones, JacanaKid, The Fisherman)

Published on Sep 27, 2008


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MAXIE & TONY, Pt 6 by justjames17.

In the darkness Chris stood and gawped at the scene in front of his drug befuddled eyes, he could see Sid bent over Maxie both naked from the waist down, Sid's pale white plump buttocks almost shone in the dim reflected light beneath the trees. Chris's brain slowly deduced that Sid was rooting Maxie's gay arse and he smirked sleazily as he staggered closer reaching out a trembling hand to steady himself by resting his palm on the warm pillow like arse cheek. Sid gasped and attempted to pull out of Maxie who moaned and clenched his sphincter tight about the embedded dick.

Chris rubbed his shaky hand about the bare buttocks feeling how smooth Sid's pale white flesh was, he liked the satiny skin and the warmth and feel of the plump cheek, Sid shivered and gurgled as he felt that gentle hand roaming about his nether regions. Maxie began moving back and forth on his cock encouraging him back to full turgidity; Sid had softened at Chris's sudden appearance but was now pulsing as it began to grow stiff again. Maxie grinning and squirming on the rapidly engorging prong moaned and giggled sexily, Chris fumbled at his fly as he attempted to unzip his baggy orange shorts as he grumbled, "I might as well join you guys and get my rocks off."

Sid looked over his shoulder and hissed, "Not in my bum you don't you total twat."

Chris giggled drunkenly as he freed his dick and stroked it to its skinny 5inches, Sid peered through his glasses and sniggered, "Gees Chris I thought mine was small but now I see yours is even smaller."

Chris stopped giggling as the derisive remark sank home in his muddled brain, he wanked hard to excite himself then moved in poking his prong into Sid's pale arse. Sid tightened up to stop him penetrating as he growled, "Piss off you nancy boy you're not sticking that up my clacker, I'm not a gay boy."

Chris gurgled as he swayed and prodded, "You could have fooled me Sid its you that's got your dick up Maxie's bum mate."

With that he slapped Sid's laft buttock hard making him flinch and at the same time he humped hard and his slender dick speared inside Sid's ring as Maxie laughed and said, "Ah a daisy chain cool."

Chris slamming inside Sid made him buck and drive his cock hard up Maxie's molten hot chute driving the air from his lungs in a loud huffing sound, flesh slapped on flesh as Sid's hips slammed into Maxie's firm muscular buns. Maxie then moaned loudly and Sid whispered, "Cripes Maxie keep it down or the whole crowd will be here."

Maxie grinned happily and squirmed back onto Sid's throbbing tool while Chris ground against Sid's bottom, Sid was the ham in the sarnie and was feeling the incredible sensations generated and raging through his middle and rapidly zapping throughout his whole sweaty body. His steamed up glasses flipped from his face to fall to the ground as he began to root Maxie hard and fast while surging back and forward on Chris's dick as it violated his virginal vent. Chris was clinging to Sid's heaving body as he attempted to stay both on his unsteady feet and keep connected with Sid's gyrating hot hole, his panting and mumbled unintelligible grunts and groans rang in both Sid and Maxie's ears.

Maxie was doing everything he could to help Sid enjoy his experienced tight arse as he used his superb muscles to tighten and caress the pounding prick, Sid mightn't be huge but his eagerness gave Maxie a total blast. Maxie moaned and groaned, "Come on Sid, you little bottler wang it to me mate, give me everything you've got."

Sid did just that and was slamming his hips into the incredibly tight taut arse of his blond headed mate while also pushing back hard onto Chris's willy wang. Chris was away with the fairies as his tight nuts exploded gushing his sperm up Sid's tight hole and deep inside the humping lad's body, the feel of Chris's cum flooding his guts triggered Sid who shuddered and arched his torso tossing his head back dislodging his beanie which flopped onto Chris's sweaty face. Sid's cock swelled as if fit to burst before the first molten hot spurt of sperm raced up and out of his throbber, Maxie howled, "Oooowoooh! Oh yeah Sid fuck me, flood me, give me your babies."

Chris slowly sagged at the knees as he finished cumming his slimy wet still drooling dick slipped from Sid's twitching arse lips with a wet popping sound causing Sid to yelp as it dragged free. Chris slumped to the grass and slowly curled into a fetal position as he fell asleep, Sid desperately wanted to keep his cock in the hot mushy moistness of Maxie's incredibly talented arse but it wasn't to be and with a squishy slurp it slipped out followed by a discharge of their mixed juices that drooled down Maxie's hairless perineum them fell; to the ground between their feet.

Maxie sighed as he felt Sid's wang slide out and he looked over his shoulder at Sid who still clutched his hips and rested on his muscular back, theit lips met and Sid had his first experience of a French kiss as Maxie's tongue invaded his still panting mouth to caress his own. In seconds Sid was sucking on Maxie's appendage as both tongues swirled and rubbed against each other frantically, both lads were whimpering as their frenzy built with the fiery kiss. Maxie's cock was hard and pulsating as it swayed between his thighs rubbing on his tight muscled abdomen, he felt the urge to do Sid knowing that the tight hole was full of Chris's cum and would still be relaxed and able to accept him even though he was several inches longer and thicker than Chris's dick.

He turned in Sid's grasp still kissing hotly, then he slowly moved away breaking Sid's grasp before stepping behind his mate, a sharp snapping sound broke the quietness and Maxie looked down to see Sid's foot on his dropped glasses, Sid groaned, "Oh shit Maxie I've broken my specs."

Maxie now behind Sid slipped his arms around his slightly pudgy waist and nuzzled his ear whispering, "Don't worry about them now Sid were going to have more fun."

Sid craned his head around squinting his eyes to look at Maxie in the gloom and whispered hoarsely, "You're not going to root me are you Maxie? I'm not sure I can take that big wang of yours mate."

Maxie licked up Sid's neck making him moan loudly and shiver, his moist warm tongue grazed Sid's ear as he rubbed his rampant rod up and down Sid's pale white buttocks his hot moist leaking cock head pushing into Sid's sperm slimy cleavage. Sid moaned and squirmed in Maxie's strong arms he felt the power of the young dancer's body and he resigned himself to allowing Maxie to have his pleasure.

Maxie felt Sid's body relax and he began to push into Sid's soft bottom, Sid whimpered loudly as Maxie's spongy knob contacted his bruised bum hole, Maxie whispered for him to push down as he entered his precious portal. Sid did as asked whimpering louder and then a loud gasp let anyone who cared to listen that his anus was breached big time. Maxie shuddered with delight as his prong pushed deeply into Sid's hot buttery innards feeling the fluttering of his anal muscles palpitating around his stiff hard tool. Maxie moaned into Sid's ear, "Oh yeah Sid your bum is ace mate, so tight but accommodating as it massages my cock, so nice."

Sid felt a warm glow after hearing Maxie's words, everyone loved Maxie and to hear him praise his arse made him feel good, after all Sid was usually abused or used by everyone without any reward or even a kind word, but here was Maxie holding him in his arms with his cock fully embedded up his chute telling him he was special. Maxie hugged Sid and nibbled at his ear lobe while pulsing his prong inside Sid's hot soft body, Maxie loved Sid as he was the nicest of his mates. Sid didn't have a mean bone in his body and he hated when the others especially Tony made fun of him or used him to do his dirty work. Now here they both were locked together enjoying their bodies while the world revolved uncaringly.

Maxie after waiting for Sid's body to get used to him slowly began to stir his cock about gently as he moved his hips, Sid hummed and pushed back against Maxie's crotch this encouraged more action and Maxie pulled back felling Sid's mushy innards closing on his receding knob till his cock head caught against Sid's tight ring. Sid gasped and clenched tight strangling the invader before relaxing again as Maxie pushed back in, tense and slide, relax and push back, a natural rhythm was soon established. Both lads enjoyed the fun and Maxie was soon working up a sweat as he pounded Sid's bottom listening to his mate's grunts and mouns until he too climaxed flooding the already squishy cum filled channel. Sid trembled and bucked on his cock gurgling and gasping, his own cock throbbing in response but only a minimal drool of sperm escaped his drained balls.

Maxie hugged Sid tightly as he suckled on his pale neck, after release a definite hickey appeared and Maxie giggled to himself, Sid was shivering and shaking as Maxie's cock stayed deep inside his body slowly beginning to lose strength and rigidity before is was expelled from its hot naven to flop moistly on Maxie's thigh. Sid groaned again and squirmed his leaking arse against Maxie's now freed shrinking weapon.

Maxie bent forward and kissed Sid's flushed cheek causing Sid to turn towards him so they could lock lips again, voices approaching caused them to separate and pull up their pants and jeans tucking everything away and zipping up their flies as figures appeared out of the gloom. Sid bent down and retrieved his cracked specs and beanie as the group of revelers walked past talking loudly together. Maxie whistled softly, "Whew! That was close Sid it would have been disaster if they'd interrupted our fun a few minutes ago."

Sid giggled as he pulled on his beanie and peered through the distorted lenses of his damaged glasses, "You are so right Maxie but that was totally awesome mate I really enjoyed our fun. What are we going to do with Chris?"

Maxie looked down at Chris and squatted on his heels to give the sleeping lad a shake, no result from Chris who was well out of it, Maxie got to his feet and shrugged saying, "He should be ok here under the trees he's out of sight so he can sleep it off."

Sid nodded and grinned then both lads headed back towards the club, Sid walking a little strangely and tugging at his pants through his jeans as the cum began saturating his boxer briefs. Once back inside the ear shattering noise battered their ears as the two lads headed for the bar to get a couple of beers. Jal appeared with Chelle as they waited to get served, "Where have you two been? Have you seen Chris we can't find him?"

Maxie grinned his toothy smile and nodded telling her Chris was passed out under the trees outside, the girls both left to look for him,. Maxie chuckled and said, "He he he, I hope he put his dick away before he went to sleep Sid."

They hung together for a while then Sid mumbled, "I need to go empty your babies out Maxie, want to come and hold my hand?"

Maxie grinned and the two mates threaded their way to the bog, Sid went into a cubical with Maxie who waited for him to do the necessary before they changed places and Maxie aborted his babies. After they cleaned up Sid opened the door to leave and saw a couple of local tuffs pissing at the urinals. The two young thugs looked across and saw Sid paused in the door with Maxie behind him and they looked at one another as they shook off the drips saying, "Look at the two nancy boys, they've been sharing a cubical together."

The two thugs approached the cubicles each rubbing a fist in their other palm threateningly, Sid swallowed hard as he backed up attempting to close the door to lock it but before he could the two louts were upon them. A fight broke out and fists flew, Maxie kneed his attacker hard driving his goolies up into his groin making him gurgle and double over as he punched him in the face. Sid was pinned to the partition with the thug pummeling him hard and fast blood spurted from his nose as he yelped in pain.

The rest room door opened and four lads entered, they were from Maxies estate and were accepting of his sexuality even though they openly gave him a hard time about being gay. They saw the struggle and came to Maxie and Sid's aid, the two louts beat a retreat chased by the four newcomers, one limping as he coddled his aching balls.

To be continued.

Next: Chapter 7

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