Maxie & Tony

By JustJames (James Robinson, James Jones, JacanaKid, The Fisherman)

Published on Sep 14, 2008


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Maxie and Tony, Part 5. By justjames17.

After Tony was released from hospital Sid was missing because he was involved with Chelle as he tried to prove to himself his gay sex in Russia was a one off. Chelle was happy to be snogging and bedding Sid because she felt he was genuine and seriously nice even though a pratt and dressed like a retard she knew he loved her in his own sweet innocent way. Sid though was having guilt trips in his head as he felt he was backstabbing Tony while he was not himself. His guilt began to affect his sex life and after a few weeks he was having difficulty getting it up while snogging with Chelle.

Tony meanwhile was enamoured with Maxie even though Maxie was trying with all his heart to avoid jumping Tony's sexy bones, he was finding it increasingly difficult as he loved Tony and found him totally and amazingly sexy even though his brain was still not operating as normal. Maxie felt Tony get hard ons every time they made body contact, as soon as he'd hug or help him to his feet a tent would appear in his trousers. Maxie's hands would tremble as he struggled to control himself, as Tony would rub against him like a puppy.

After Chelle's attempt to get Tony excited she returned to Sid but found him unresponsive as he was down in the dumps feeling guilty about both Tony and Cassie, who loved him. Chelle kissed Sid and pressed herself to him desperate for solace after Tony's complete lack of response, her boobs crushed against Sid's chest as she ground her crotch to his; her hungry lips pressed to Sid's unresponsive mouth. She pulled back looking down at Sid as he lay there like a log of wood, her face flushed with anger and embarrassment at being rejected twice in such a short time. Chelle glared down at Sid then screamed invectives at him saliva spraying from her mouth as she pummeled his torso with her clenched fists before leaping from the bed and dashing from the room, down the stairs and out into the street.

After Chelle left Sid lay there silently his brain filled with crazy thoughts and memories, he kept thinking about Russia and how he had rooted Maxie there in the room with Tony watching them. He asked himself, "Am I gay or bisexual? Do I like having sex with lads more than girls?"

His hand was absent mindedly rubbing his stiff 5incher through his jeans, the feeling of masturbation was making him feel hot as his excitement grew, he was picturing Chelle but as he did Maxie's bare snow white arse cheeks superimposed in his mind and he saw that sweet pink pucker twitching for his dick as Maxie flexed his tight anus tantalizingly. Suddenly Sid's dick spasmed hard and he felt his sperm spewing out all over his belly and pubes soaking into his worn boxer briefs. Sid groaned loudly as his body shuddered and quaked, then his climax over he slumped gasping and twitching on the bed as a wet patch spread on his jeans.

He recovered his equilibrium and sat up red faced with embarrassment at the mess he'd made, he swung his legs off the bed kicking off his trainers and exposing his holey socks as he stood up to remove his messy jeans and sodden pants. Sid cleaned up the milky sticky mess with his stained boxer briefs and tossed them and his jeans into the hamper to be washed. He dug out another pair of pants and pulled them on before deciding to do some study on his computer. Sid found his concentration wandering as his mind kept returning to gay sex and how incredible his cock felt encapsulated in Maxie's molten hot tight arse.

Sid squirmed on his chair trying to get comfortable as his dick stiffened again, he decided to get his mind off Maxie by surfing some straight porn and opened a group he was a member of there was a file marked MMF so he opened it to find two guys having sex with a girl, he thought to himself, "Oh yeah this is more like it."

As he went through the pictures the sex got wilder until the guys were doing it while the girl was sitting beside them wanking one guy as he was having his bum royally reamed by the other. Sid had his hand down his pants playing with himself again and the sight of that big cock sliding in and out of that tight stretched ring brought Maxie flashing back in his brain. His study forgotten his eyes were locked on the screen as picture after picture flashed by, Sid was hot and sweaty, the aroma from his recently spermed crotch was erotic to his senses and suited the hot scene he was absorbed in. The urge to go and visit Maxie was strong but he resisted because they were all going to a rage after dark and he thought it would be better to see how Maxie felt while they were partying.

Sid lounged back his fist full of hot pulsing pud as he closed his eyes and pictured the golden haired smooth bodied Maxie dancing naked in front of him, Sid splayed his legs open wide and was breathing hard as he jacked himself increasing speed and tightening his grip causing his balls to bounce like yoyo's on the seat cushion. The feel of the cloth seat cushion teased his nuts as he wanked like a mad man; his climax was delayed as he'd cum not long ago his body was quivering his eyes partly closed and his mouth open while his tongue caressed his lips as he imagined Maxie kissing him. Eventually his bouncing nuts tightened again nuzzling the base of his throbbing tool as his sperm boiled in preparation to erupting lava like from his swollen prick.

A strangled gurgling gasp escaped Sid's drooling lips as he bucked his hips arching his body up off the chair, his cock throbbed and cum burst forth arching up and across his keyboard to splatter in the monitor as the chair moved beneath him scooting away leaving him momentarily suspended in mid air. Then gravity took control and Sid cumming like a fire hose landed flat on his back on the carpet as cum spurted all over his torso, face and onto the carpet. The shock of his fall shook Sid up and his glasses flew onto his computer desk to clatter on the keyboard, his climax ebbed fast after his fall and he slowly sat up feeling about on the keyboard to find his glasses, he put them on but found one lens coated in cum and too blurry to see through.

Sid struggled to his feet rubbing his arse cheeks as he tugged up his pants and headed across to the bathroom to rinse his glasses and clean himself up. He washed the glasses and dried them with toilet paper then turned on the shower. He removed his beanie, and pants before stepping into the bath and pulling the shower curtain around as he slowly turned under the warm spray, Sid soaped himself up and washed his slightly pudgy body remembering how Tony used to berate him for eating too much junk food.

Sid sighed sadly thinking of how his hero Tony was today, just a shell of his old self, no real spark in his eyes or his actions, it was as if he was a moron or brain dead since that terrible night in the rain when the bus hit him. Sid relived the months sitting beside Tony's bed reading to him and talking to him as if he could hear him, the hospital staff told him it was most likely that Tony could hear him but was unable to reply due to his coma. It had been a terrible time for Sid and now he just felt dishonourable after bedding Chelle. Sid finished showering and turned off the shower grabbed a towel and began drying off.

He finished and stepped from the bath after opening the curtain, he put on his glasses and combed his hair before picking up his pants and pulling them on then padded to his room. He dragged out a clean t-shirt and reasonably clean jeans and a fresh pair of socks; he dressed and then rang Chris to ensure the party was still on before pulling on a hoodie and setting off to meet up with him and Jal. They met in the street and walked on finding Anwar jiving away by himself as he waited for Maxie to appear, they crept up behind him and grabbed him scaring the pants off him.

They burst out laughing at Anwar's reaction; his low sagging jeans fell to his feet leaving him standing there in brightly coloured silk boxers as he blushed under his dark skin, "You twats you frightened the crap out of me."

Chris grabbed him dancing him around tangling the jeans around his feet as Anwar grumbled loudly until Chris stopped and Anwar pulled up his jeans, Maxie arrived as he did so and wolf whistled making Anwar blush even more. They all set off to the club laughing and messing about together, Chelle met them at the entrance and they all went in together heading for the bar in the dark jam-packed ear shattering noisy area. The music was deafening and the strobe lights flashing as the crowd danced and the whole place jumped, they all started drinking and Chris produced some pot that soon had them all giggling happily. Sid danced with Chelle then she disappeared and he continued on by himself until Maxie appeared in his sights and he moved close to him. Maxie grinned at Sid and began getting down and dirty as he danced seductively his short t-shirt riding up his smooth curved belly exposing his sexy navel and the lower abs under the flashing strobes.

Sid watched the sexy dancer as he cavorted about him his muscular body contorting and moving, the thunderous music; heat and flashing lights made Sid feel so weird. Sweat oozed from his pores as he danced and he could see Maxie's bare skin glistening in the glaring flashes as he danced. They began to get too hot and Sid suggested they go outside to cool off and the two headed for the exit out into the park alongside the building. Outside the cool air hit them increasing the kick of the grog they had drunk and both lads felt a little light headed.

They walked to a park bench and sat together looking up at the stars twinkling above in the velvet black sky; Maxie was looking at Sid as Sid lounged back his hands in his hoodie's pocket that stretched full width across the front. Sid was feeling himself thinking it was unable to be seen but Maxie's keen eyes could tell by the movement what Sid was doing. Maxie smiled to himself as he watched his friend and was remembering Sid having sex with him in Russia, his first time at dicking somebody. Maxie reminisced on how excited Sid had been and how he'd exploded shortly after sinking his dick inside his arse. The first sperming had calmed Sid down a little and that let him enjoy the continuing sex until he climaxed a second time and then nearly passed out.

Maxie bent close to Sid and whispered in hid ear, "You want me to help you with that Sid?"

Sid's head spun about and he spluttered, "With what Maxie?"

Maxie smiled, his white teeth gleaming in the dim light, "With that sweet wang you're playing with Sid."

Sid blushed in the gloom as he paused in his action, Maxie moved his hand across and under the waistband of Sid's hoodie, he clasped his fingers around Sid's throbbing stiffy as he pushed under Sid's hands. Sid gurgled in his throat as he felt Maxie grasp his stiff stalk, "Gaaaah, oh Maxie what if someone sees us?"

Maxie chuckled and gave the excited erection a rub and squeeze as he said, "Well Sid we could move further away from the door into the trees where we won't be seen."

Sid nodded wordless and they got to their feet and moved away down the path to where a stand of trees and shrubs created a dark hidden area, Maxie led Sid into the shrubbery then turned and grasped his nervous mate in his strong arms pulling Sid against him tightly. He sought Sid's soft lips and kissed him gently, Sid almost dissolved in his arms as he gasped and moaned with pleasure. Maxie felt Sid's stiff dick rubbing against his still semi flaccid cock, he murmured into Sid's mouth, "Sid I want you mate."

Sid shivered and shook as their agile tongues dueled in their mouths, Maxie undid his daks then started on Sid's, but Sid brushed his hands away as he feverishly undid his jeans pulling them down along with his boxer briefs. Both lads were soon naked from the waist down and their hard cocks were bouncing and colliding as the kissed and hugged. Maxie pulled away and turned his arse to Sid who looked down and even in the darkness he could make out Maxie's muscular alabaster white buttocks and the deep dark crevice splitting those beautiful orbs of muscle and flesh. Sid rubbed his hands over the warm smoothness relishing the silky feel of Maxie's skin while Maxie was moaning softly at his touch.

Sid began spreading the firm orbs open as he rubbed his steely spike up and down the hot sweaty crack feeling his sensitive exposed glans prodding and rubbing against Maxie's tight willing little entrance. Maxie was flexing his anus at the touch of Sid's pre cum moist knob, he was willing Sid to punch inside his anal orifice. Maxie began pushing back against Sid's advances, his sphincter pulsing like a miniature bellows as his desire began to build, "Sid stick it up me mate, I want you to fuck me hard and fast. Prong my insides then flood me with your hot juice."

Sid moaned and gripped his 5incher rubbing the slick cock head on Maxie's quivering quim before he heaved his hips driving his spike into the tight rubbery ring. Maxie gasped with pleasure as he pushed back against Sid's push causing the whole of Sid's cock to lunge deep into his molten mushy chute. Sid yelped loudly as his cock was swallowed and grasped by the velvet glove of Maxie's squishy palpating innards, his excited erection was being grasped, tickled and massaged by his mate's well-experienced love chute. Sid was on cloud 9 as he rested on Maxie's back his arms wrapped about Maxie's narrow waist, he lay there huffing and puffing as those incredible insides worked their magic on his cock that felt as if it would split it was so incredibly stiff.

Maxie was flexing his colon and ring about the sweet schlong as he relished the feeling of being invaded and filled, not that Sid was over large compared to Tony's 7.5 inches but any cock stuffed up his arse felt big and Sid while only 5inches was thicker by far than Tony's long slender wand. Both cocks felt incredibly good and Maxie was happy to oblige his best mates. Sid finally recovered enough to begin the task at hand and he slid back as Maxie clenched on him then on the return Maxie relaxed and the tool slipped in fast and fat. Maxie was beginning to moan and tremble with lust as Sid pummeled his bum, he seemed to have overcome his hair trigger and was lasting well, but all good things come to an end and Sid moaning like a banshee blew his load as deep as he could inside that hot quivering chute.

Maxie's cock throbbed and pulsed in time to his flexing ring, his big balls tightened and he yelped aloud as a volley of burning sperm shot up and out of his throbbing tool to spatter on the grass. Both lads climaxed and spurted until their excitement cooled and they stayed locked together gasping and trembling under the overhanging trees. Unknown to them Chris was wandering about looking for them, he was stoned as he staggered about peering at the people outside getting fresh air. It took him a while to work his way down to where Maxie and Sid were still locked together; he stopped and swaying like a drunk peered into the shadows.

He slurred out, "Maxie? Sid? Is that you in there? What the crap are you two doing?"

To be continued.

Next: Chapter 6

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