Maxie & Tony

By JustJames (James Robinson, James Jones, JacanaKid, The Fisherman)

Published on Sep 1, 2008


This story is based on the UK Tv show Skins, I have altered the story line somewhat, I hope you enjoy my rendition.It contains males having sex with males so if you don't enjoy such material or you are under age or it is illegal where you live to read such stories.

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Maxie and Tony Part 4, by justjames17.

Shortly after Maxie and Tony's last tryst Tony was hanging about outside the club where Anwar was celebrating his birthday he couldn't face being made look an idiot amongst all his mates by Chelle. He'd been talked into going by Maxie but once there he got cold feet and wouldn't enter the club, he stood disconsolately outside feeling miserable. Maxie told Chelle Tony was outside and as she was well away with the grog she went out to give him a piece of her mind.

She burst from the club to see Tony standing there alone and head hung down, she approached him bristling with indignation, "You total tosser Tony why are you hanging about here, don't you know your aren't welcome?"

Tony stood silently, a tear ran down his smooth cheek and he cried, "Chelle I love you I'm sorry for doing Maxie it will never happen again."

Chelle strode towards him her fists clenched and Tony moved quickly back stepping off the pavement directly in front of a speeding bus, his body was hurled into the air to smack down hard, his head crunching on the roadway as his body catapulted arse over tit for some meters before coming to rest in a crumpled heap on the wet road. Chelle screamed piercingly causing people to rush from the party, Maxie stopped dead in his tracks seeing Tony's crumpled body bleeding and contorted, he looked at Chelle's still open but now soundlessly screaming mouth then rushed to his mate's side.

Sid too had stopped in his tracks but he fumbled for his cell phone to dial 999 for an ambulance, he then ran to kneel in the pouring rain holding Tony's limp hand as his glasses fogged up in the downpour. Maxie knelt on the other side gently touching Tony's pasty white cheek and brushing the wet hair from his forehead as he cried, "Tony, oh Tony don't you die, please don't die, we all love you mate."

Tony's blood diluted by the rain was washing into the gutter as he bled copiously from the huge gash on his head, his limbs twisted and bent grotesquely but neither lad was game to try to move the unconscious lad. The ambulance arrived tyres squelching on the flooded roadway as it pulled up lights flashing flickering red and blue casting colours that sparkled on the wet road and buildings nearby. The paramedics rushed to the group and gently moved Sid and Maxie aside as they began checking Tony's vital signs, they gently manoeuvred his saturated body onto a body board before lifting him and placing him on a gurney and wheeling him into the rear of the ambulance.

They slammed the doors and with a wail of the siren it surged off into the dark wet night heading for the hospital.

Maxie and Sid stood side by side watching the vehicle disappear from view, the murmur of hushed voices surrounded them as the rain pelted down on their wet heads as they shivered from shock and the cold. Chris half whacked on grog rang Tony's mum telling her he was on his way to hospital and what happened, then joined Maxie and Sid leading them off the road to shelter under the veranda outside the club. He stood between his dripping mates an arm around each one's shoulder as he touched heads with them in commiseration.

Maxie shuddered and lifted his head, his wet blond hair stuck to his face as he looked at the crowd and Chelle, he was sobbing tears running down mixing with the rain water. His usually tanned skin was ashen as he straightened his broad shoulders and said, "I'm going to the hospital, anyone else coming?"

Sid wailed and snuffled rubbing his nose, "Yeah Maxie I'm coming with you, let's go mate."

The small group of friends headed inside to gather their coats and stuff before heading off to the hospital, outside the bus driver was being interviewed by the plods who had arrived, they left them to it hurrying through the sheeting downpour, the rain was blowing in fits across the town as the wind gusted to almost gale force. The group arrived at the hospital dripping water from their saturated clothing and the congregated together in a silent forlorn group on the seats. Tony's parents arrived in a flurry of umbrellas and overcoats as they entered the casualty waiting room, they saw Tony's friends but ignored them as they cornered the admitting nurse behind the counter.

After some discussion they were admitted to the emergency area leaving the group to wait without any news, inside they were shown to where Tony lay in the cubical on a trolley bed under a white sheet, his face so pale only his dark hair really made him noticeable and an oxygen mask was covering his nose and mouth, the attending nurse had cleaned him up and told them they were about to take him for X-rays and a Cat scan to ascertain what injuries he had sustained.

Shortly after they arrived Tony was whisked away to have his scans and his parents walked out to the waiting room to confront their son's friends and find out what occurred. Maxie and Sid shrugged their shoulders unable to explain but Chelle burst into hysterics wailing, "It was all my fault we were arguing and he walked backwards and stepped in front of the bus. I'm so sorry, I want to die."

Sid moved to Chelle's side and hugged her to him sobbing with her as Maxie sat still ashen faced and trembling with tears running down his smooth cheeks. They all sat silently, except for the sobbing, lost in their thoughts and time passed slowly until a doctor arrived and began to discuss Tony's condition with his parents. They'd discovered a fractured skull a cracked pelvis and broken legs along with a dislocated shoulder but the biggest worry was Tony bleeding into his brain causing a massive haematoma. The doctor advised them Tony was critical and needed urgent surgery, his dad signed the necessary paperwork and the doctor hurried away.

Next morning the sun rose and the group were still present sprawled out resting around the waiting room, the doctor appeared saying, "Well we have been working on Tony for 5 hours and we've done all we can. Its up to him now and he is fit and strong so he should pull through but it will be a long slow recovery and we can't guarantee how his brain will heal after such trauma."

Only his parents were allowed to see him, they spent some time by his bed in the intensive care ward, Tony lay inert his head swathed in bandages like a turban, his face pale and motionless as the myriad of machines clicked, beeped and purred recording his vital signs and keeping him alive in his deep coma, while his broken legs were encased in plaster. Weeks passed and slowly Tony's condition improved, he was still unable to talk but he knew people were there even though his memory was gone, the doctors said he may recover his memory but there was no guarantee. Sid spent time every day with Tony just sitting there reading to him or holding his hand. He wished Chelle would visit and help bear the load but she only showed up once in a while, Maxie came every day for a brief time but Tony's continuing memory loss and inability to talk upset him terribly.

Eventually Tony was released from hospital much to everyone's joy but he was a mere shadow of his former self, his memory was patchy, he was unable to write and his speech was tardy and hindered. He seemed drawn to Maxie and would turn up on his doorstep constantly, Maxie looked after him and encouraged him. When he helped with anything Tony would say, "Do I have to gay you Maxie?"

They would both giggle and Tony would pop a stiffy but Maxie much as he desired to kop off with Tony held himself in check, he felt it wasn't right as he may be taking advantage of his mate in his confused condition. Maxie threw himself into his dancing to keep his mind off sex and spent a lot of time on the roof of their tower block dancing his heart out. While there he felt he was being watched but couldn't see anyone, it was a creepy sensation and made him feel uncomfortable. He peered around at the surrounding buildings but couldn't see anyone watching him, he shivered and goose bumps appeared on his smooth tanned skin.

Maxie left the roof and went down in the lift, the doors opened at a floor and three skin heads entered the lift, they looked at Maxie and their lips curled up in a sneer, "Look it's the fag boy, you want to suck our dicks turd burglar?"

Maxie didn't answer their taunts just smiled disarmingly at them, their taunts became actions as they crowded closely about Maxie who backed into the corner of the lift as the leader a large overweight thug reached out and grasped Maxie's not inconsiderable penis. He felt Maxie up and said, "Cor the queer has a big cock mates let's strip him naked and have some fun with him."

Maxie struggled but the three skin heads overpowered him gradually stripping off his shirt and cargos leaving him in just his red and white briefs, one lad pinched Maxie's large soft puffy nipple hard making him yelp in pain while the ring leader still stroked Maxie's now semi hard cock. He kept making envious comments about the size of Maxie's equipment and sounded seriously envious. While the two henchmen held Maxie by the arms as they twisted them forcing him to bend over while the leader moved behind Maxie his hands rubbing the cotton clad orbs of his powerful dancer's buttocks. The lift jerked to a halt and the doors opened and there stood Maxie's dad with their dog, He looked at the lads and said calmly, "Everything alright Maxie? You lads are just leaving I believe but remember I know who you are and I know all your parents."

The three louts snuck out of the lift and crept away like whipped curs, Maxie grinned ruefully at his dad and began pulling up his cargos, he tucked his hard on away and zipped up his fly as his dad gave him a hug and ruffled his longish golden hair. Maxie grinned at his dad and said, "Thanks dad you saved me from something but I'm not sure quite what."

They stepped out at their floor and walked to their flat the dog bouncing ahead tail wagging, crouched on the doorstep they found Tony crying as he hugged his knees rocking from side to side. Maxie bent down and helped Tony to his feet then hugged him, Tony rested his head on Maxie's broad shoulder snuggling his tear damp face into the warm crook of Maxie's neck. Maxie places one hand on Tony's back and the other on the back of his head holding him tightly. Slowly Tony calmed down, but as he did his penis began to swell as he rubbed himself against Maxie's crotch, Maxie led him inside and up to his bedroom where he sat Tony on the bed and plonked down beside him.

Tony folded over resting his head on Maxie's lap as Maxie gently rubbed his head running his fingers through Tony's hair as he said, "What's wrong Tony, why were you squatting outside the door crying mate?"

Tony snuffled and croaked, "I got lost and couldn't find my way home so I came here but you weren't home so I waited and I got upset because my stupid brain doesn't work properly."

Maxie kept stroking Tony's soft hair his other hand rubbed along his mate's arm, Tony slowly relaxed his limbs unknotted and he closed his eyes. Maxie watched the transformation on Tony's face as he drifted off to sleep, his features relaxed and he lost the tormented tension that featured when he was awake. Tony looked as he did before the accident he looked his old sexy self with those red pouty kissable lips and the long black soft lashes on his closed eyelids. Maxie sat there just watching Tony sleep and thinking of their sexual encounters from the past, he really loved Tony deep down and hoped he would eventually heal completely and be his old self again.

After an hour Tony awoke and sat up he looked puzzled and confused, the side of his face was creased from his sleeping on Maxie's lap, Maxie asked him if he felt ok and he nodded but said nothing. Maxie said, "Come on Tony I'll take you home your parents will be going spare with worry about you."

Tony frowned and a sullen pout appeared as he said, "I want to stay here Maxie."

Maxie shook his head and said, "No Tony you need to put in an appearance at home mate."

Finally Tony let Maxie lead him down stairs and out into the lift, they rode down to the ground floor and left the block heading for where Tony lived, they arrived and Maxie fumbled in Tony's pocket looking for his door key but his fingers encountered much more, Tony had a stiffy of gargantuan proportions. Maxie pulled his hand out and knocked on the door Maxie's mum appeared and took Tony by the hand thanking Maxie for bringing him home then shut the door. Maxie shrugged his shoulders and headed home thinking how rude she was.

Not long after Tony arrived home he was sitting in his room wearing just a pair of white boxer briefs and a red t-shirt when the door bell rang, his mother answered the door and saw Chelle standing there, she was right put out and told Michelle that she wasn't welcome as she had left her son in the lurch after the accident. Tony had come down stairs and said that Chelle could come in so she allowed her past and closed the door. Chelle and Tony went upstairs and she started to feel the old urges and wanted Tony to make love to her, she removed her top and flopped on the bed pulling Tony with her as she began snogging him frantically, Tony lay there hardly moving so she became more frantic to arouse him.

Her hand moved down grasping Tony's cock and she began squeezing and rubbing him wih no reaction, she slid her hand inside his pants and grasped him frantically jerking his pud again nothing Tony remained limp. She began crying and then she abused him and slapped his face, "Why were you on the road you fucking stupid plonker."

Tony just sat there unemotionally and his mother having heard the ruckus opened the door saying, "You had better leave Michelle and stop upsetting Tony he's not well and you know it."

As she dressed herself Tony said, "I've got a present for your birthday Chelle."

He reached across and pulled out a small gift-wrapped box handing it to her saying, "I won't be at your birthday, I don't want to go."

Michelle stormed from the room and pounded down the stairs running out the front door slamming it behind her. Tony lat back on his bed and began lazily rubbing himself as he thought of Maxie, his previously unresponsive cock soon stiffened and tented his white stretchy boxer briefs.

To be cumtinued.

Next: Chapter 5

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