Maxie & Tony

By JustJames (James Robinson, James Jones, JacanaKid, The Fisherman)

Published on Aug 20, 2008


Numerous requests have caused me to try another chapter of this Skins inspired tale of Maxie & Tony's sexploits, I hope you enjoy this one ;o) The story contains sex between males, if you don't enjoy such material or you are under age or it is illegal where you live to read such material please depart now. Your comments & ideas are well cum at, all emails are answered except flames that are extinguished on arrival.

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Maxie & Tony, Part 3, by justjames17.

Maxie had been inveigled into having sex with Tony then Sid and then he achieved what he considered impossible he topped Tony, Michelle having witnessed Tony having sex with Maxie the first time was furious and rejected all his approaches calling him a perverted ponce who she wanted nothing to do with ever again even though she still harboured deep seated emotions for the handsome dark haired Tony. Tony was shattered by Chelle's rejection of his advances and pleas to come back to him and his frantic explanations that it was grog that caused him to get involved with Maxxie.

Weeks dragged on and Tony was becoming desperate, his balls were swollen and aching for sexual release, wanking didn't seem enough he needed to sink his hot hard prong into a tight warm moist hole to get off satisfactorily. His morning wanks reduced his erection enough to arise and start his day, by midday he was hard as a rock and fled to the bog to flog his pud and spurt semen into the bowl in the lads' loo. Again this enabled him to get through the rest of the school day but by the time he reached home he was bearing a bone bursting stiffy in his jeans. He would try to ring Chelle on his cell phone but when she saw his number calling she'd switch off her phone and ignore him.

Tony's thought turned to Russia and the molten hot sex he'd enjoyed rooting Maxie, he conveniently blocked out the episode where he had to roll over and let the blond hunk take his cherry, even though he'd enjoyed it after the initial shock and pain of penetration had eased and pleasure commenced. Tony knew Maxie was pissed at him for not continuing and even Sid's attitude to him had changed he was pissed at Tony's cavalier and manipulative behaviour towards everyone in their group. Tony squirmed on his bed his penis rigid again, straining painfully in his denims even though he'd jacked off on arrival home.

Maxie was in his room dancing about to the music playing on his CD player, he wore only a minuscule pair of pale blue briefs, exposing his superbly muscled and toned body as he twisted and twirled. The pouch of his tight briefs barely contained Maxxie's genitals and the pouch bounced seductively as he danced, Maxie glanced across at the full-length mirror watching his movements and how his pants bulged. Maxie was also thinking of Tony's tight arse and how good it had felt reaming it but also he loved how Tony rooted him as well, after all he was an accomplished sexual stud with so many conquests. As he was reminiscing his cell rang, he scooped it off the bed turning down the music as he did, he heard Tony's voice in his ear, "Hi Maxie, what you doing mate?"

Maxie still gyrating his hips like a hula dancer and breathing a little heavily replied, "Just doing some moves mate."

Tony sighed heavily and pictured a nearly naked or naked Maxie dancing, he rubbed his hard on through his denims, his boxers becoming damp from his copiously oozing pre cum. Maxie was suspicious and wondered what Tony wanted, "Tony what are you up to, what do you want?"

Tony desperate croaked, "Maxie would you like to come over here mate?"

Maxie stopped dancing completely and thought for a minute, "What does he want me to come over for? I wonder if he wants sex again? He must be getting pretty randy by now seeing Chelle isn't talking to him anymore."

Maxie spoke, "Tony what do you want me there for?"

Tony feeling more and more frustrated was scared Maxie would tell him to get stuffed so he said, "I just want to have a chat about things mate, I need some sensible company and I really need a friend right now."

Maxie felt his resolve weakening, he really liked Tony and found him hot sex, he felt his penis throbbing in his briefs as it began to stiffen just listening to Tony's plaintive voice so unlike his usual confident and slightly arrogant or condescending tone. Maxie nodded and said, "Ok mate I'll get dressed and see you shortly."

Maxie grinned to himself and felt a thrill run through him as he started getting dressed, it was cold outside so he pulled on a thick jacket and wound a colourful scarf around his throat before donning his peaked cap and settling it rakishly on his blond head. He checked out his image in the mirror before smiling and setting off to go over to Tony's. Maxie almost danced along the footpath as he headed across to Tony's home, he arrived and rang the bell, dancing from foot to foot in his eagerness to see Tony. He heard footsteps approach the door and stopped fidgeting and smiling putting on a blank face as the door opened and there stood Tony.

He was bare chested and only wearing his bone coloured jeans, his dark nipples looked hard and excited on his pale completely smooth pectorals, Tony grinned nervously at Maxie, "Hi Max I'm completely chuffed you came mate, come in its freezing out there."

Maxie entered and Tony closed the door behind him, the central heating was running hard and it was nice and warm inside the house, Maxie followed Tony upstairs into his bedroom and Tony offered to take his coat, scarf and hat. Maxie was surprised at his deferential behaviour, so unlike the usually overconfident Tony, it was almost as if Tony had had a brain or personality transplant. Tony asked Maxie to sit on the bed and hung his outer clothes on the hook on the back of the door before turning to look at Maxie as he sat leaning back on his elbows with his long lean muscular legs stretched out with his feet on the floor.

Tony's eyes slowly coursed up Maxie's legs until they arrived at his full bulging crotch, Maxie watched Tony like a cat watches a mouse and when he saw Tony perving on his bulge he started to pulse and stiffen instantly, all his good intentions washed away by the desire to be with Tony. Tony saw the bulge growing as Maxie's cock swelled his own responded in the same fashion and soon both lads were totally boned. Tony stood there his jeans tented obscenely and Maxie lay there fully excited with his cock cramped badly in his pants, Maxie had to reach inside his pants and tug his turgid tool up into a comfortable position resting across his hip.

Tony swallowed hard as his drooling dick jerked and oozed, he desperately wanted to jump Maxie's bones but was scared of his mate's reaction, he feared Maxie would tell him to piss off and leave even though he seemed eager to play. Tony finally sat on the bed next to Maxie, both lads were silent their brains whirring like dervishes but neither was game to make the first move until Maxie weakening touched Tony's thigh gently rubbing his fingers on the material of his jeans. Tony turned towards Maxie and rolled onto his side his face close to Maxie's their breath huffing on each other's faces, Maxie moved a little and lightly brushed his pink lips across Tony's. This triggered Tony into grasping Maxie's face in his hands and kissing him full on his parted lips, his tongue leaping into Maxie's open mouth where it danced alongside Maxie's.

Both lads were soon totally involved snogging frantically swapping spittle as they moaned and writhed together, Tony moved on top of Maxie grinding his iron hard stiffy against Maxie's pulsing pole. Their actions became wilder and hotter as they began fumbling to remove their clothing, Tony almost tore off Maxie's shirt and under shirt tossing them across the room as he dived on Maxie's full soft nipples sucking and biting them. Maxie arched his chest up pressing into Tony's hot moist mouth as he seriously savaged the now hard nubs. Maxie's head arched back, tossing from side to side, his golden locks swishing about as he moaned and murmured unintelligible words, Tony's frantic fingers fumbled with Maxie's metal studded belt as he attempted to get his mate starkers. Maxie arched up lifting Tony on his body as Tony unzipped his jeans tugging them down onto his thighs as Maxie slumped back breathing hard their bodies locked together.

Tony broke away to remove Maxie's jeans and briefs, then moved back rubbing his torso up Maxie's smooth muscular thighs and over the hard throbbing cock till he was once again able to press his lips on the moaning Maxie's arched throat. Tony licked Maxie's throat working his way up till he reached Maxie's Adam's apple and he mouthed and play bit on it, then moved on under the sharp jawbone and up the corded neck to Maxie's ear. He blew the blond strands of hair away before delving inside the ear with his tongue tip, Maxie moaned loudly turning his head to allow Tony full access to his sensitive ear. Tony had a ball licking and slobbering over his ear dragging louder and louder moans and sighs from his fair mate while their erections rubbed and ground against each other as if trying to start a fire.

Deep in both lad's psyche's the fire raged consuming their doubts and pushing them on towards their sexual culmination, Tony desperately needed to ravage Maxie's arse while Maxie was on fire needing to be quenched by both taking and giving sperm. Tony wriggled back till his steely spike was between Maxie's hot sweaty thighs, he squirmed about prodding the full firm buttocks edging his cock crown into the hot dimple beneath the swollen perineum. Maxie opened his legs allowing Tony to edge into his quivering quim, he felt the moist knob poking at his back door, he kissed Tony on the forehead, then his closed eyelids feeling his long black lashes tickling his soft sensitive lips, he bent his face and pressed on to kiss Tony's lips. Tony bit Maxie's bottom lip gently then pressed his stiff spear into Maxie's eager arse, Maxie grunted, "Oh Tony yeah stuff it up my hungry hole I need to feel you deep inside me."

Tony went for it stuffing himself fully up Maxie's pliant pussy, he ground his pubes against Maxie's big balls as he groaned loudly, "Oh Maxie you are so incredibly hot and tight, no girl can compare to your awesome arse."

They kissed and rooted Maxie wrapped his long legs around Tony's waist hugging his body to him and increasing Tony's penetration, Tony's balls rioting like crazy began spewing their load up the throbbing tube and into Maxie's innards in a molten forceful gushing. Maxie's experienced arse worked Tony's tool sucking every drop sperm from him until Tony groaned begging for rest and slid from that hot clinging silken sheath. Maxie sighed deeply as his hole shrank back empty of that living throbbing muscle, Tony rolled off onto his back panting, his body slick with sweat from his frantic thrusting, Maxie looked at his good looking mate and smiled dreamily as he watched Tony's pale chest rising and falling. He looked down at Tony's penis, saw it was glistening with cum and juices, he fingered the limp prick and flopped it about then he bent across and sucked it into his mouth tasting the delicious mixture as he sucked and licked it clean before allowing it to slide from his mouth.

Tony was satiated, feeling the warm glow of a truly fulfilling sexual event he lay there limp and hot his usually pale face still flushed and sweaty as his breathing eased back to normal, he felt Maxie sucking on his dick but couldn't raise a rod, his balls were totally drained, empty and relaxed drooping in his hairless sack. Maxie had other ideas of course this was going to be a two way street, no way was Tony going to be the dominant one it was to be shared equally and by hell or high water, Maxie was going to dip his wick. He moved down the bed and climbed between Tony's white limp legs, Tony groaned, "No Maxie let him be he's tired and drained."

Maxie smiled as he looked at the sexy but empty nuts blocking his view of Tony's portal to paradise, Maxie licked the sweat salty skin of Tony's sack making his mate groan tiredly. He opened his mouth wide and scooped both empty eggs into his wet mouth suckling on them rolling and prodding them with his tongue, Tony squirmed on the bed spreading his legs frog like and opening himself to Maxie's sneaky attack. Tony was relaxed and not thinking that Maxie wanted his arse, after all he was the stud top and Maxie was the total gay boy, Maxie had other ideas and he knew once he was inside Tony he would love it just as he had in their room in Russia.

Maxie licked and sucked on those fragile eggs sending bolts of pleasure racing through Tony's relaxed body, in a short time Tony's limp penis was fattening and growing as he caressed Maxie's long soft hair with one hand, his other was caressing his own stomach and nipples as the sexual lust began to build again. Maxie released the balls now tighter in their wrinkled velvet bag as he licked at Tony's smooth perineum tasting his sweat and inhaling the teen's muskiness. Tony began arching his hips up as he spread his legs to let Maxie lick and mouth his twain, the sensation was turning him on again and he felt his arse muscles flexing again and again as Maxie slowly worked his wet tongue further down towards Tony's ring.

The tip of Maxie's tongue touched the wrinkled muscle that flinched tight, Maxie licked and drooled spittle on the twitchy toush, Tony gasped and tensed his body; this urged Maxie on, not that he needed any encouragement. The moist appendage laved and prodded against Tony's pale pink pucker, it went into spasms and began to loosen up allowing Maxie entry into the hot redolent rectum. Maxie pigged out, his swirling member swabbed all about the smooth silky inner flesh tasting Tony's tart lubricant, he was on heat his heart pounding in his muscular chest and his member flexing and weeping juice. Tony was moaning and humping his hips up off the bed as Maxie pressed his lips tight to the tongue trapping muscle, Tony's whimpers and moans filled the room as Maxie teased his tight ring.

Maxie knew the time had come and if he didn't ram his rod up Tony's rioting ring he would blow his load uselessly on the bedding, he grasped Tony's hips holding him up off the bed, his body arched, and he moved in pressing his prong into the slick spasming anus. Tony's tight muscle strained to stop his entry but continued pressure won the day and his slippery knob battered its way into the pursed portal. The muscle strangled Maxie's cock as it locked about his shaft, his moan of pleasure formed a duet with Tony's wail as they sang the siren's song of sex. Gradually little by little Maxie claimed his prize as he inched his sweet meat deep into Tony's inner furnace, Tony was clenching on him at each small gain causing him to hold his ground until he felt the tension ease and he'd push a little more.

His belly finally pressed to Tony's balls, he flexed his muscle enjoying the humid heat of his mate's bowels, slowly reluctantly he pulled back feeling Tony's tight muscle cling and roll along his smooth shaft until the inner edge locked about his flared knob, halting there while his balls twitched in his sack before he pushed back retracing the path of his invasion filling Tony's craving cavern. Their union now complete Tony surrendered and squirmed on the impaling prong, his shuddering body caressed Maxie's embedded member driving him into a flurry of rooting as he slammed in and out of his mate. Again and again he withdrew to pound back slamming into the gaping crimson lipped hole.

Each thrust drew a grunting groan from Tony's panting slack mouth as drool ran down his chin, his eyes rolled back in his head and he clung to Maxie's broad shoulders. Maxie's climax soared raging through his groin, his big full balls drew up nudging his cock base as they began to erupt, sperm raced up his tubes into his swollen urethra to pulse glob by globe and fire from his inflamed crimson cock head like pearly bullets flooding Tony's palpitating quivering chute. Maxie pulled Tony hard onto his rod grinding his body against his own seeking complete culmination and trying to becomer one entity.

The intense moment passed and the two lads collapsed tangled and totally exhausted, their hot bodies twitched and shook in the throes of their love until slowly they calmed and rolled apart. Maxie stared at the ceiling wiping his sweaty brow as he whispered hoarsely, "Tony you are a bastard but by hell you are a totally sexy bastard."

Tony moaned and croaked, "I think you split me in half you randy sod but I really loved it Maxie."

They both lay together regaining their strength and wits, eventually Tony said, "We'd better get cleaned up we smell like a couple of whores after a heavy night on the streets."

They sat up and slowly stood helping each other as their shuffled arses clenched tight to the bathroom, Tony turned on the shower and adjusted the temperature while Maxie emptied his babies into the toilet, Maxie wiped off and hopped under the shower while Tony did his thing on the loo. After they kissed, soaped, showered and dried each other Tony said, "Cor Maxie I couldn't half murder a pizza mate what about you?"

Maxie nodded and agreed so Tony called the local pizza shop and ordered a house special and they awaited its delivery as they dressed, wandering hand in hand down stairs they sat on the couch snogging and cuddling till the bell rang and Tony got up answered the door and returned with the pizza. They fell on it like starving lions they were ravenously hungry after their sexual romp, in no time the box was empty and they sat back licking their greasy lips satisfied smiles on their handsome faces.

To be continued?

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Next: Chapter 4

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