Maxie & Tony

By JustJames (James Robinson, James Jones, JacanaKid, The Fisherman)

Published on Aug 16, 2008


Maxie & Tony Part 2, by justjames17

Neither Maxie nor Tony saw Chrissie, Tony's bird, open the door while Maxie was riding Tony's tool; she stood there transfixed at the sight of her horny boyfriend having anal sex with his mate Maxie. Oh yeah they all knew Maxie was gay but Tony, no way he was a total bird chaser, like a gun dog he was after any and every attractive girl he came across. She stood there jaw open and tears filling her eyes in both hurt and disbelief, she closed the door and snuk off like a whipped cur back to her room to fling herself on the bed and cry her heat out. She felt both rejected and revolted that Tony's cock that she loved reaming her pussy was embedded up Maxie's arse, how grubby could Tony be? Yeah she knew the randy twat chased and bedded other girls but never had she remotely imagined he swung both ways.

As she calmed down a steely resolve built up inside her, no way was Tony ever going to touch her again, no matter how sexy he was or how much she wanted him that delicious dick was out of bounds for ever and a day. She got to her feet and went to the bathroom down the depressing corridor, she washed her face under the tap and dried it on a threadbare towel, the facilities at this place were terrible how could the Russians live under these conditions? As she made her way back towards her room she saw Sid come out of Anwah's room, he adjusted his glasses and smiled in his always diffident way and said, "Hi Chrissie everything k?"

Chrissie nodded but didn't dare speak in case she broke down again and Sid turned to watch her go on up the dingy passageway, a worried look on his homely face. He turned and walked down to Tony's room and without knocking opened the door, the sight that met his eyes stunned him, he had a view of Maxie's pale white arse cheeks bouncing up and down on Tony's pale pole. Sid began to get hard instantly as he heard the moans of his two mates and the moist slapping as Maxie's bum and balls collided with Tony's pale thighs. Sid moved slowly across the room unseen by either lad as they both had their eyes closed in pleasure, he put his trembling hands on Maxie's broad muscular shoulders and felt the warm firm flesh in his fingers.

Maxie gasped in shock and turned his head to see a crimson faced Sid looking down at him, the sound of Maxie's intake of air made Tony open his eyes, he saw Sid looking over Maxie's shoulder at him and he nearly passed out with shock. Maxie pulled off his rock hard throbber and he stood up blushing and trying to hid his raging rod leaving Tony's tumultuous tumescence throbbing as it climaxed. Huge gouts of hot sperm gushed ceiling wards as Tony's excited nuts exploded, the cum splattered back against his groin, chest and convulsing stomach. Sid stood there open mouthed and disbelieving as he watched Tony, his hero's horn spewing sperm all over his sexy pale torso.

As Tony's climax ebbed Sid slowly turned to look at Maxie, the blond spunk was still hiding his now drooping dong behind his hands and Sid reached across to gently pull them away so he could see Maxie totally. Maxie stood there trance like as Sid bared his slack schlong, his bright blue eyes lifted slowly to look into Sid's a tentative smile hovered on his sweet lips, those lips that usually smiled so entrancingly. Sid's mouth began to curve up as he ogled Maxie's gorgeous goolies and Maxie seeing Sid wasn't shocked gradually commenced boning up again while his rectum still twitched wanting cock. Maxie looked at the cum coated hunk on the bed and he bent over to lick sperm from Tony's tit, this flexed his beautiful bum and Sid watched the muscles move and the deep dimple form in those alabaster white buttocks. Maxie's crevice parted slightly and exposed his puffy pink ring to view, Sid watched it twitching and winking at him as if inviting further exploration as Maxie tongue bathed Tony's torso.

Sid moved closer and placed both trembling hands on Maxie's firm bum kneading those superb mounds, feeling the warm and rubbery flesh, Maxie moaned and Tony watched Sid's action as he said, "Come on Sid pull out your wang and finish what I started, you know you want to and being a virgin you will love it mate. Maxie's bum is twice as hot and so much tighter than any birds fanny."

Sid looked up blushing as he licked hi lips, Tony grinned salaciously at him his eyes bright and sparkling with mischief and sexual lust. Sid unzipped his jeans and tugged out his stiff tool, he looked at Maxie's hot arse and whispered hoarsely, "Maxie uum is it ok if uum I do you?"

Maxie nodded and wriggled his bum at the shy Sid, "Yes come on Sid please, I'd love to take your virginity and sweet sperm."

Sid looked at Tony to see if he really approved and saw the excited gleam in his eyes as he nodded, Sid eased closer to Maxie but he was unsure of what to do, so after a couple of half hearted prods Maxie grasped his cock making Sid gasp and try to pull away. Maxie spoke gently to him, "Come on Sid just relax and let me guide you in mate."

Sid moaned softly as Maxie gently wanked him and pulled him in, he felt Maxie's warm buttocks press against his excited knob then the puffy opening into Maxie's hot core enveloped his sensitive uncovered glans gripping him tightly as Sid leaned in. Maxie, once he had Sid's dick head in his ring reached back sliding his hands on Sid's meaty arse cheeks grasping them firmly and easing him inside with gentle pressure. Sid shivered and groaned then hissed as his schlong slipped greasily up inside Maxie's incredibly hot chute and his soft pubes crushed against Maxie's tailbone. The sensation of Maxie's molten hot innards caressing and stroking around his super sensitive glans and throbbing shaft made Sid shake uncontrollably, his heart pounded as if it was going to explode in his chest, he found it difficult to breath and his vision blurred.

Sid collapsed onto Maxie as his knees gave out, his hips pummelled Maxie's buttocks as he jack hammered in and out of Maxie's incredible anus, in no time Sid was gone his cock throbbed and spurted, painting the hot palpitating tunnel of living vibrant flesh deep inside Maxie, who was clenching and milking Sid's schlong giving him sex he'd never forget. Finally Sid's flaccid prong slipped out and both Maxie and Sid moaned in unison, Tony lay back clapping his hands and grinning at them both. Sid slid to his knees on the dirty carpet his face resting on Maxie's hot left buttock with tears running down his cheeks onto Maxie's smooth flesh; he was still aglow with the incredible aura of his first sexual intercourse and was smiling like an idiot through his tears that leaked from his closed eyes while still panting hard. Maxie grabbed some tissues and wiped his arse sopping up Sid's spent sperm as it drooled from his angry red ring with one hand while rubbing Sid's untidy hair with the other.

Maxie flopped onto the bed beside Tony feeling both happy and embarrassed by what had occurred, he was happy that he'd brought Sid, who he liked so much for his genuine attitude to all his friends, to a first genuine climax. Sid slowly recovered his senses and thanked Maxie then Tony before he pulled up his pants and staggered from the room leaving Maxie and Tony alone on the bed. Tony reached across and playfully slapped Maxie's arse, "Well Maxie did you enjoy Sid's first sex?"

Maxie looked daggers at him and said, "Don't make fun of it Tony, you can be such a twat at times, it was something special and wonderful for Sid and for me, but I wouldn't expect you to understand as you've taken lots of girls virginities."

Maxie pulled up his pants and hurried off to the toilet to empty out and clean up properly, Tony laid back wearing just his briefs and reliving what had happened between him and Maxie and Sid, he could almost feel Maxie's hot hole still wrapped around his pole. The sensation was totally amazing so much hotter and tighter than doing any girl, Tony now wanted to do it again and again he truly now felt he was maybe bi but no way gay. Maxie perched on the porcelain was thinking similar thoughts and was hoping to have more sex with Tony, Maxie had always thought what a spunky dude Tony was but never ever thought he could have sex with him. Now he had finally got it on with Tony he wanted more, he wanted to feel Tony cum a gusher inside him as he'd been deprived of it by Sid's arrival.

Maxie wondered if over the next few days while staying at the co-op and while sharing the same room together maybe Tony would get horny again as they were segregated and want to experiment further. If so Maxie would be in paradise, he cleaned up and wandered back to their room to find Tony missing, he heard voices from down the stairwell, hissing angry but harsh whisperings. Maxie quietly crept towards the stairs and stopped at the corner out of sight to eves drop. It was Chrissies voice and she sounded vicious and upset, "You utter bastard Tony how could you fuck Maxie, you are a total pervert and I hate you and never want to see you again, so keep away from me go and play sex games with Maxie."

Maxie was rooted to the spot his face burning hot and tears running down his cheeks, had Tony told her about what happened? As he continued listening he heard her say that she had opened the door and saw Maxie riding her boyfriend's cock and that she was horrified he could be so underhanded and perverted. There was a loud slapping sound and footsteps climbing the stairs, Maxie hurried back to their room and hid behind the door peeping through the crack to see Chrissie go storming past muttering and crying. He flopped on his bed and covered his face with the pillow as he shivered and cried, some time passed and he heard Tony open the door and come inside to sit on his bed facing Maxie across the room.

Maxie heard him sniffle and peeped out from under the pillow to see Tony actually crying, he had never thought it was possible that Tony could cry or even feel remorse about anything he did, Maxie's heart ached to go and comfort Tony but was afraid to in case he rejected or blamed him for what happened. Tony rolled onto his bed and snuggled up to the pillow his back turned to Maxie, Maxie was treated to the delightful view of Tony's tight muscular bum and he felt the urge to feel it. Afraid to attempt such a daring move under the circumstances Maxie just lay there staring at the terribly tempting sight. The group were tired after the long trip and sleep crept up on them all even the emotion wasn't sufficient to keep them awake and the rooms quietened down soft breathing and some snoring was all that could be heard through the barrack like building.

Next morning the sound of birds stirred the sleepers then the horrible clanging of a metal implement striking a large metal pot shattered the air, a loud heavily accented Russian voice was calling them down to breakfast. Groans and moans of disgust from the reluctant guests as they sat up in the cold air, goose bumps forming on their bare skin where it surfaced from under the bedding. Maxie shook his tousled blond hair as he rubbed his bare arms looking across at Tony who was still just a lump under the eiderdown, he called across the room, "Come on Tony we have to go eat mate."

A grunt from under the mound of bedding, " I'm not hungry you go eat."

Maxie frowned and looked at the unresponsive lump then shrugged and pulled on his warm clothing before setting off downstairs to the dining area, he joined the queue and was given a metal bowl containing something that resembled porridge but was of uncertain origin, it didn't smell as repulsive as it appeared so he took it to a table and sat next to Sid who greeted him in a very subdued fashion and wouldn't meet his eyes. Maxie felt as if he was being shunned and when he looked around he saw Chrissie glaring at him from a few tables away. Maxie ate his tasteless meal and downed a cup of tepid coffee then quickly left hurrying back to the bedroom and closing the door behind him, Tony was still just a mound under the bedding as he said, "You didn't miss much Tony it was pretty yuck food."

Tony just grunted in reply and squirmed under the covers as he changed position, Maxie spoke softly, "Tony I overheard you arguing last night I'm sorry for what happened but after all you wanted to do me, so please talk to me."

Tony moaned to himself before pulling his head out from under the bedding, his eyes were red from crying and he looked so miserable Maxie felt a huge surge of emotion and moved across to sit on the bed and take Tony in his arms to comfort him. He grasped Tony and pulled his semi naked torso to his own clothed one, he hugged Tony tightly and rested his chin on his mates shoulder as he pressed his cheek against Tony's ear. They sat there for some time in this position before Maxie ran a hand down Tony's backbone feeling the muscles bordering his spine, Tony shivered and hugged Maxie tight as his tears began again. Maxie felt the shudders wracking his friend's body and he turned slightly kissing Tony's soft damp cheek.

The two lads stayed embracing while Tony cried it all out, after some time his wracking sobs quietened and Maxie continued holding him, Tony sighed and gave Maxie a kiss on his cheek and said, "Thanks Maxie you are a real mate."

Maxie gave him a squeeze and kissed his ear, Tony shivered and gasped at his touché turned his face to Maxie his eyes glittering with tears again and pressed his warm soft lips to Maxie's and the two boys kissed, as they kissed their passion built and tongues invaded each other's mouths. Maxie's eyes opened wide as he felt Tony's tongue wrap about his, both lads' sprang instantaneous hard ons and they both collapsed back onto the bed in a frantic fit of sexual fondling. Tony was at the disadvantage as his lower body was trapped under the bedding while he was able to grasp Maxie's stiffy and stroke him.

Maxie slipped off the bed and quickly tugged down the tangled bedding baring Tony to his hungry eyes, Tony's white boxer briefs were bulging obscenely with his eager bone. Maxie grasped him through his underpants and felt the heat and hardness pulsing as Tony's heart beat. He grasped the waist band and tugged the tight pants down baring Tony's genitals, the scent of his hot humid crotch filled Maxie's nose, Tony's hot goodies had been sweating away in those tight pants all night. His musky aroma was turning Maxie on incredibly, he pulled Tony's legs apart and fell upon his crotch licking and sucking on the hot spunk filled orbs.

Tony moaned and spread his legs wider grasping Maxie's head in his trembling hands pulling him into his genitals, the feel of his mouth and moist tongue bathing his nuts was mind blowing and his cock seemed to be responding in a huge way as was his anus. He felt his pole straining and getting stiffer and bigger, his arse was flexing and twitching urgently in a way he'd never experienced. Maxie's saliva was running down from his aching nuts onto his perineum and down onto his crinkled ring, Maxie popped the two full orbs from his mouth making Tony groan but he licked at his saliva working his way down the swollen smooth bulge till he licked at Tony's rioting ring.

Tony wailed loudly and his anus clenched tight as Maxie licked at it timidly, he tasted the muskiness and sweat which increased his urge to go further and take Tony if he would let him. He licked and probed with his tongue feeling the muscle flexing until it relaxed under his gentle laving, Tony opened slightly and Maxie pressed in sending his exploring member up inside that tight twitchy muscle. Tony squirmed and moaned deliriously as Maxie reamed him, Maxie knew Tony was almost begging to take him but he didn't want to sound faggy. It was in Maxie's court to push on with the deflowering, Tony was so down after losing Chrissie he just wanted solace and if he received it from Maxie well and good, he couldn't think of anyone he'd rather lose his virginity too.

Maxie slipped his middle finger in the moist clinging muscle making Tony groan and squirm about as Maxie bent down sucking on his leaking log, the taste of Tony's copious pre cum was tangy and delicious, Maxie began sucking hard to extract the delicious dew drops. Tony moaned and raised his hips as Maxie's finger insinuated deep inside his hole rubbing against his excited gland. Juice flowed under the stimulation and Tony was red faced and sweating, his sexy body on fire muscles flexing erotically driving Maxie onwards. He removed the searching finger and moved in holding his drooling dick rubbing it on the flexing opening into Tony's hot core.

Maxie now charged with sexual lust wasn't to be denied as he pressed into Tony's arse lips, he urged his helmet into the tight circle of twitching muscle as Tony whimpered and tried to pull away, Maxie gripped his hips tight holding the sweaty shaking lad in position as he shoved harder to spread the entrance. Tony groaned loudly as his ring strained open and he felt Maxie enter, the burning pain made him cry out, "OH Shit Maxie that burns something terrible."

Maxie paused his knob trapped tight and being squeezed incredibly he too moaned in frustration gripping Tony tightly he shoved forward with his hips as he clenched his buttocks with the force, his knob broke through Tony's defences and took possession of the hot buttery chute. Tony's back was arched, his handsome face contorted unrecognisably as he felt himself stretched and violated. Maxie now victorious moved in slowly stuffing his cock up Tony's tight gripping vent. The baking heat enveloped his hot schlong as he slowly filled Tony to the hilt, his muscle sword sheathed in the living scabbard. Tony's body relaxed at last, the trauma was over he'd taken every inch of his mate's member, the tickling of Maxie's blond bush against his hot arse cheeks was a relief, he couldn't be hurt any more.

Maxie knelt holding and pulling Tony onto his bone enjoying the heat and flexing of his mates anal muscles caressing his excited cock head and shaft. Slowly the initial excitement ebbed and Maxie began pulling back, Tony groaned aloud as the flared flange rubbed along his sensitive silky chute. It found and pressed against that incredible spot as it passed making Tony's flaccid cock flex and twitch each time it passed until he was as hard as possible and flexing in time to the repeated massaging. Both lads were grunting together as they raced towards a consuming cumming, their stiff hot rods both fired off together in a flooding deluge of super heated semen.

Maxie's cum belched out filling the hot throbbing innards of his mate while Tony coated both of them with his climax; thick pearly juice spattered and spurted between their convulsing torsos. Maxie collapsed satiated onto Tony and they both lay puffing and twitching as they slowly returned to normal. Maxie's cock deflated slipped moistly from the flooded steamy love hole much to Tony's disappointment he hugged Maxie to his cummy chest whispering in his ear, "Maxie no wonder you are gay mate, that was totally mind blowing and so incredibly slutty but hot."

Maxie still lost in his rosy haze of an awesome climax nodded on Tony's sticky chest and licked a small dollop of cum glistening on Tony's left nipple, Tony quivered and gurgled at the feel of that questing moist member, he hugged Maxie and kissed his damp hair.

The end.

Next: Chapter 3

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