Maxie & Tony

By JustJames (James Robinson, James Jones, JacanaKid, The Fisherman)

Published on Aug 9, 2008


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Maxie & Tony, Pt 1, by justjames17.

This tale is based on the UK TV program SKINS.

The history class were touring Russia to learn how the Russians live; they were put up on an old commune farm after a horrendous freezing trip in an open truck from the airport after their bus broke down. The lads and lasses were split up to share rooms, Anwar had a falling out with Maxie after seeing a drawing of a male's genitals, he decided that as a Moslem he couldn't share a room with his best friend because he was gay and he couldn't be there if Maxie brought back a Russian guy to sleep with.

Maxie switched rooms and moved in with Tony, Tony seeing Maxie was on the verge of tears moved next to him and hugged him whispering in his ear, "I'll blow you if you like."

Maxie pulled away stunned, he couldn't believe his ears, was Tony, the total hetero coming onto him, he couldn't believe his ears, "What did you say Tony, did you offer to blow me?"

Tony smiled, his red sexy lips curved up in that devilish smile he had as his eyes sparkled, "Come on Maxie, we're in Russia lets experiment in new things."

Maxie pushed him away saying, "No way you're taking the piss out of me Tony, get away."

Tony stood and walked across to his bed pulling his top and jumper off standing there in his crisp dark blue jeans with his pale naked torso on display as he looked down at his blond gay mate. He flopped on the bed on his back saying, "Ok Maxie let's just get some kip you twat, but I meant what I said about trying new things."

Maxie looked across at his sexy black haired mate and let his sweet blue eyes run slowly down Tony's slim pale torso, taking in his small brown/red nipples and onto his flat belly where his interesting belly button was. Maxie loved Tony as a mate and also found him totally hot even though he was into Chrissie his girl friend, when he wasn't messing about with some other girl. Tony was a bit of a bastard, he was manipulative and selfish but still he was totally hot. Maxie being a shy and a truly sweet lad quietly got undressed to get into bed his back turned to Tony.

Tony lay there watching his blond gat friend strip, he was surprised at Maxie's musculature, Maxie was short but holy crap he was well put together. Tony felt a stirring in his loins his offer before had started his brain rolling and the sight of an almost naked Maxie was beginning to turn him on in ways only a female could. Tony reached down and rubbed his denim-covered crotch feeling his cock as it began to grow. He undid his belt and popped the top stud before sliding the zipper slowly down watching the fly open exposing his tight white boxer briefs. His swelling dick showed clearly under the stretchy white cotton, Tony moaned softly as he continued rubbing himself into full steely hardness.

Maxie turned around to speak and saw his mate groping a full boner in his open jeans, the white stretchy material of Tony's underwear making his erection look huge. Maxie's mouth hung open as he gawped at the sexy figure, he flicked his long blond hair from his eyes and licked his pink moist lips as his eyes widened in surprise. He swallowed hard before trying to speak, "Tony what the fuck mate are you teasing me again?"

Tony lay there a sultry sexy look on his face, eyes partly closed and a smirk on his full red lips, his hand squeezed and stroked his throbbing drooling dick, he knew he was turning Maxie on by the way he was licking his sweet lips and there was a growing shape in his coloured silk boxers. Tony moaned and opened his long slim thighs as he arched his hips up tugging down his tight jeans, Maxie's eyes glazed over as he moaned and groped his own swelling meat.

Tony whispered, "Come on Maxie come over here you know you want to mate."

Maxie walked slowly as if hypnotised across and stood between Tony's spread knees, his eyes looking down at the steel hard hidden horn. Tony whispered, "Maxie pull off my jeans."

Maxie grasped the bottom of his jeans and tugged them off exposing Tony's pale almost hairless legs, his skin so white the boxer briefs almost looked the same colour, Maxie moaned softly looking down at Tony's bulging bone and tight balls so visible in the stretched material. Tony reached a hand up and gently fondled Maxie's mound, he felt the hot meat throbbing under the cool silk of his boxers, "Maxie you are so hot and hard mate can I pull off your pants?"

Max looked suddenly confused but nodded and Tony tugged out the waist band pulling the bright pants down Maxie's muscular dancer's legs, there poking vertically from his golden soft bush was an awesome hard dick. Tony looked at it licking his sexy smiling lips and he took the hard shaft in his hand slowly bending it out towards his face, Maxie trembled from head to toe with pent up emotions gasped at his touch and closed his eyes arching his head back like a howling wolf. Tony watched Maxie's Adams apple bobbing in his throat then lowered his eyes down the beautifully sculptured torso until he was staring at the sweet schlong in front of him. He bent forward and rubbed the shiny exposed glans on his cheek before kissing a tear of fluid from the tiny piss lips.

He tasted Maxie and liked the experience he now felt it cool to open up and take that crimson knob in his mouth as he ran his tongue about it, Maxie nearly collapsed as Tony swallowed him inside his warm wet hole, the feel of his agile appendage licking and swabbing his knob and pulsing shaft made his knees turn to rubber. Tony grasped Maxie's hips to steady him and began bobbing back and forth on his sweet schlong. His style left a lot to be desired but Maxie was carried away to have Tony giving him head, he clutched Tony's head his fingers clutching the thick silky black hair as he tugged Tony into his crotch.

Tony gagged as Maxie's knob ploughed into the soft palate at the back of his mouth, his gagging grunts made Maxie lose it completely and uncharacteristically he forced his throbbing bone down Tony's gulping gullet. Maxie's balls drew tight and he felt the tremors of utter delight as his climax raced through his tensed body, He pronged Tony's throat as he erupted pumping several huge gouts of sperm into the gurgling gasping Tony's mouth. As his blood cooled he realised what he'd done, he'd virtually raped his friends throat, he looked down to see tears running down Tony's red cheeks and cum and snot running from his flared nostrils as he sobbed and gurgled.

Maxie fell to his knees and hugged Tony to him as he began to cry with him, "I'm so sorry Tony I don't know what came over me mate can you forgive me?"

Tony sniffled and snuffled his body wracked by heavy shuddering breathing and gurgles from his bruised battered throat rested his messt face on Maxie's shoulder as he tried to clear his gullet. Maxie pulled back taking Tony's face gently in his hands then kissed his cummy lips passionately, Tony responded and soon they were slobbering with tongues writhing together like crazed pythons. Maxie tasted himself in Tony's mouth then licked and cleaned his friend's face holding it tenderly in the palms of his hands.

Tony kissed Maxie and then asked, "Well Max are you going to reciprocate and give me head too?"

Maxie looked at him and smiled shyly, "Do you really want me to suck you off Tony? Isn't that too faggy for you?"

Tony smirked and repeated, "Maxie we're in Russia lets experiment with new things huh?"

Maxie pulled on Tony's boxer briefs as Tony lifted up, the tight elastic waistband hooked on Tony's rampant rod bending it as the pants pulled down, it sprang free and slapped loudly on Tony's flat stomach making them both giggle. Maxie loved the look of Tony's pale pink prong, it was slender and about 6inches long with a hood of skin hiding his knob from view, Maxie licked his sexy lips before lowering down and hovering just above his target. He inhaled noisily through his nose relishing the warm funky aroma of Tony's crotch; the fine bush of silken pubes formed a nest beneath the pulsing prick, the muscle seemed to have a life of uts own as it jerked up and down excitedly and a tear drop formed at the crinkled opening in the long soft foreskin.

Maxie closed his eyes smiling and took Tony into his soft pink lips lavishing the warm hard horn with his tongue, Tony gasped and pushed upwards trying to feel warmer wetness wrapped completely about his rock hardness. Maxie swallowed the pulsing prong and began swallowing on it in his throat, Tony was almost losing it completely as he moaned, "Ooooh Maxie, you are faarkin incredible that feels totally awesome."

Maxie realising Tony was close decided he wanted to take Tony to the next level, he felt the urge to sit on that wondrous wand, he pulled off the hot saliva saturated schlong and heard Tony whine, "Aaah Maxie please suck me off."

Maxie cooed back, "Its ok Tony bubs you're going to love what happens next."

With this he noved and climbed onto the bed straddling Tony's narrow hips and took the wet wand in his grasp jacking it a few times before sinking down taking it up his hot hungry hole. Tony's moans filled his ears as the cock filled his arse; he was shaking with lust as he buried the bone up his bouncing bum. He began moving up and down, side-to-side, waggling the hot hardness in his clinging caressing colon. Maxie felt Tony rubbing against his love button and moaned hot and hard as his cock throbbed on the verge of exploding again, Tony was gasping, heaving his hips up into the bubble buns as his own nuts swelled and tightened.

In a chorus of bellowing both lads erupted, gushing teen tossle cream burst forth, Tony filling Maxie and Maxie spraying his and Tony's torsos with hiot creamy sperm. Their climaxes continued till both lads were drained, Maxie slowly folded down to kiss Tony's moist red parted lips and their cum sodden chests squelched together. Their adventurous tongues tangling as they panted into each other's open mouths, Tony broke the kiss to gasp, "Oh Maxie, your arse makes any tart's twot feel loose, babes I want more of you after this."

To be continued.

Next: Chapter 2

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