Max and Marty

By Tim Hubbard

Published on Sep 3, 2018


Max-and-Marty Adult Friends


The following is a fictional erotic story that includes explicit descriptions of unprotected sex between consenting adults. Don't read it if this offends you. Please make a generous donation to Nifty Archives to keep this great service alive. Thanks!

MAX-AND-MARTY-Part-Four A Big Transition

No man had said "I love you" to me in a very long time. Some men throw that language around flippantly, and I get angry. Only one other man ever said it and meant it. He and I had a wonderful romance once upon a time, but it ended badly. I was reluctant to count on love after that, preferring sex to the pain of true love. Now, Max had opened the door to something I was unsure of at best. So, max moved into my house, next door to his wife and daughter. I stayed out of his personal business and tried to provide him a somewhat neutral place to get through the next few months of becoming an ex-husband.

I told him about the lake house I bought and what I had named it. He seemed excited about it, but not yet ready to try it out. He had his own room at my house and we rarely slept together for the first several weeks after he moved in. He had a lot going on and he was not in the mood for wild abandon, he was sad at the loss of something familiar and the prospect of losing his daughter. It was not a great time for him.

During this time, my college fraternity was celebrating ten years since our graduation. I belonged to a gay fraternity and there were several of the guys I was particularly close too. So, I invited my closest friends to spend the reunion weekend at the lake house; we could commute from there to campus for the larger festivities. They thought that would be fun, so I put together a weekend for eight of my best friends from college. I bought food and booze, even snuck in a little weed and a few poppers. I told the guys to bring whatever they wanted as well. It was summer, and very hot outside, so the lake would be perfect for swimming and staying cool.

I told Max about the party weekend and he said he hoped we had fun. He still had lots to think about and it would be good for him to be alone for a few days. So, I went up to the lake a day early to get the house ready for my buddies to join me. All these guys lived within a four-hour drive or less from the lake, and the reunion on campus was an hour drive away. This was going to be fun.

I loaded up all the supplies in my van and drove to the Lake. I stopped at the store there to get ice - lots of ice. I also grabbed several cases of beer, and some charcoal. The store is run by two brothers who grew up on the lake. They're both really cute. When I check out, the younger brother helps me carry everything to the van and notices all the other stuff in the car.

"You must be having one helluva party this weekend! Do you need any help loading all this stuff into your house? I've got some time and I'd be glad to follow you over and help."

"Wow, that would be great, man. I could use a little help for sure."

So, he went back inside to tell his brother he would be gone for a while, then he followed me in his open jeep. As we drove the last few miles to my house, I saw the kid in the rearview mirror. In that open Jeep, he must have been getting hot. He had pulled his t-shirt off and I could see a pretty impressive torso behind the wheel. The chest hair was just enough to be visible this far away, and the muscles were definitely defined. So, I was going to get some eye-candy while we worked today. Cool!

We pulled into the drive and I got out of the van to open the house up. I asked the kid: "By the way, what's your name?"

"Oh, yeah, sorry, I'm Greg. My older brother's name is Gene. We just bought that little store last summer. We inherited some money from our parents and thought it would be fun to be in business together here at the lake. It laid back and we're having a blast."

"Wow, that's great for you guys! How old are you, if you don't mind me asking?"

"Oh that's fine. A lot of people are curious about that. Gene is 22 and I'm 19."

"Ok, then. Here we are. The kitchen is right through there, let's carry everything in there first. The ice needs to go into the deep freeze downstairs, and the beer goes in the big beverage cooler over there."

So, we got to work unloading the van and hauling supplies in the house. Without Greg's help, I would have spent half a day unloading and it was hot work. I stopped us after a bit to grab water for both of us and to shed my shirt. It was soaked with sweat and sticking to me. When I pulled it off, my thick chest hair was matted against my body. Greg watched me pull my shirt off and kept staring over the top of his glass ad I leaned against the counter. He quickly looked away when he saw me notice him.

We got the last of the stuff into the house and closed the door so we could turn on the A/C and start putting things away. It took a long time for the A/C to actually cool the house down at this temperature. Greg actually suggested it would be better to open windows and save the A/C for evening. "It will cool down faster tonight, then tomorrow it will stay cool when the house is all closed up again. For now, you're just wasting electricity. We can take the heat for a while."

So, I turned the A/C back off and we went around opening windows and turning on fans. Greg helped me carry the ice down to the deep freeze. Then he loaded the beer into the beverage cooler, while I put food away in the cabinets. We stood there in the middle of the kitchen, sweating like workmen, and the only thing left was the two fifty-pound sacks of charcoal that needed to go downstairs to the storeroom. I looked at Greg and shrugged, we both bent down to grab a bag, and bumped shoulders in the process.

"Oh, excuse me," he said.

"No, my fault, go ahead." I replied.

So, I watched as Greg bent over and stretched his tight jean shorts with his hard bubble butt. He picked up one bag of charcoal with no effort and stepped aside. I grabbed the other bag and flung it up on my shoulder. Again, I caught Greg staring at my hairy chest and pits. He led the way downstairs and turned into the storeroom. He leaned down to set his bag on the floor, then I moved in and placed mine next his. When I stood up to turn out of the room, Greg was right there, blocking my way. I ran into him, pressing our chests together.

"Oh, shit, Greg, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to..."

Greg grabbed my face in his hands and started to kiss me, then he rubbed his hands all over my chest and moaned. He moved his mouth off mine and shoved his face into my sweaty armpit and licked me and sniffed me and moaned like an animal. I was so surprised, I didn't even try to stop him or to speak. I led him out of the storeroom and into the nearest bedroom. Greg pushed me backwards onto the bed and continued to ravage me with his tongue and his hands. He was all over my hairy body, worshipping me. He pulled my shorts off and my cock sprang up to him. He rubbed every inch of me and licked me from neck to toes. He was hungry for my sweat and the musk trapped in my matted hair. When he finally stopped at my rigid cock, he lustily engulfed it in his mouth and swallowed me completely down his throat. Greg never spoke, he only moaned and purred and whimpered. He sucked my cock down and flexed his throat muscles around it. He pumped up and down a few times, but he clearly did not want to take my load into his mouth.

Finally, Greg stood up and dropped his shorts. He was not wearing anything underneath and his very nice uncut pecker hung down over his balls and showed a respectable 6" of shaft waiting to be sucked. Before I got my mouth to him, Greg turned around and presented his bubble butt to my face. He bent over and grabbed his own cheeks, spreading them far apart. I now saw a perfectly round, pink pucker that was already breathing in and out with desire. Greg wanted to be fucked. First, I buried my face inside his beautiful crack. His sweaty smell from the day's work was strong and enticing. Greg's ass smelled like a working man; it tasted like sweat and musk and teenage lust. I was drunk instantly and I plunged into him, fucking his precious hole with my tongue; licking every drop of his teen taste into my mouth. I slurped and sucked and Greg pressed out to bring me his inner pussy to taste. He kept pressing out and his pussy kept swelling out into the open air. His cunt was beautiful and pink and red and soft, the tissue was pristine and plush as he prolapsed t to my waiting tongue. It was the first time I had seen this in person; it was certainly the first time I had tasted a man's cunt that deep. I couldn't stop sucking and chewing on the flesh that came out. The more I sucked, the more flesh was exposed. Greg was moaning loudly as I pulled his pussy outside of his body, It kept growing and falling out of him and I kept eating it.

Then, Greg sucked his pussy back into his body, he laid on his back on the bed and pulled his legs up in the air and back over his head. His young body was strong and flexible. His cock was hard now and it was nearly touching his lips. I got up behind him and pressed my cock head against the pucker I had just eaten, and I pressed through. Greg's back arched as I entered him and he cried out in pleasure. He pushed back against my invading rod and used his formidable sphincter muscle to squeeze my cock hard. As I pushed deeper into hi pussy, that flexed muscle grabbed my cock all along it's length. I reached the full depth and my pelvis came to rest on Greg's. I held there for a moment to fully experience being inside his amazing muscular cunt.

When I scraped by Greg's prostate, his hard cock jumped and throbbed. His cock wasn't really big, but it got excited when he got fucked. In fact, I realized now that his cock didn't get hard at all until after I had penetrated his hole with my rod. As I pumped his psussy harder and faster, Greg started to thrust against me to stay impaled on my cock. Each time I thrust in, his cock jumped and pre-cum ozed out in a long stream, puddling on his tight little belly. As I got more vigorous in my fucking, Greg's cock spewed more pre-cum andGreg had raised his head and pulled his legs further over his head. The angle was great for me to reach deep into his guts, it was also now perfect for him to stick his tongue out and catch the juice dripping from his own cock slit. He opened his mouth and stuck out his tongue and his teen juice dribbled onto his tongue and down his throat.

I saw this and got excited. So, I fucked him hard and deep now, determined to um while watching his cum fly into his mouth. I kept shoving myself into his and his cock was swelling and the purple head was ready to burst open. I howled and shot a huge load of my hot cream into this magnificent teenage cunt. Then, Greg's cock exploded and his mouth was ready and open to accept his own load. He couldn't reach his cock to suck it, but his aim was good enough to shoot it all into his mouth. He whimpered and cried out as his load filled his mouth to overflowing. He gripped my cock with his strong muscles and I stayed inside him until he was ready to release me. Once he had eaten all his own cum and felt that my cock was drained, Greg released his grip and I slid out of him. I collapsed on the bed next him. Greg leaned over and took my sensitive cock into his mouth and I shuddered. He sucked it and cleaned off every drop of my cum and his pussy juice. I twitched and tingled as he tasted our product.

We laid on the bed for a long time. Then, Greg sat up and said he needed to get back to the store. I offered to let him shower here. He declined, he said he wanted to smell like our sex for the rest of the day. Besides, the next customer might enjoy smelling what we've done here. Then he smiled and said, "After all, you seemed to like the smell of the guy I did earlier this morning."

I was shocked, but not offended. He was right, his ripe body is what attracted me in the first place. Greg pulled on his shorts and sandals and walked out to his Jeep. He turned around to watch me standing naked in the doorway, and said, "I hope we get to offer our good customer service to you again some time. My brother Gene is always looking for a new hole to plug, if you're interested. Let me know." and he drove off.

Well, that was a great way to start my long weekend at F.B.F. Club House. I went to shower and wash the smell of sex off. I flopped onto my bed and fell asleep.

The next thing I knew, I heard voices in the house. I realized I had left the front door open and the first guys were starting to arrive. Before I even had a chance to get up, Jim and Justin were standing in my bedroom doorway, staring at my naked body sprawled out, uncovered on the bed. "Well, well, well, what have we found here?" And they laughed as I got up and walked over to hug them both.

I said: "Ok, then, now you've got the hint. Clothing is optional here. So, get your stuff in the house and pick out your room or rooms, are you two a couple now?"

Jim: "Well kind of. We hooked up a couple months ago just to see where it might lead. Then, when you invited us here, we decided to come together and see what happens."

Justin: "So, yes, we will share a room. How about this one across the hall from yours?"

Me: "Perfect! It's got a great view of the lake. I'll meet you in the living room in a minute."

So, I grabbed a beer and sat on the sofa until Jim and Justin came out. Jim is about 5'-11", 180 pounds, fit, lean, and mostly smooth. He was a swimmer in college and looks like he still swims regularly. He is well-endowed, hanging 7" soft, draped over a sizable ball sack. Justin is 6'-0", 200 pounds and beefy. His muscles are still very attractive, though less chiseled than they were ten years ago. Justin has a hairy chest, a full beard, and he's shaved his head. His cock is a very thick 7 inches, uncut. They each grab a beer and I lead them out onto the large wrap-around deck to sit and enjoy the fresh air.

We catch up on what's been going on since we last talked. Jim and Justin are close friends and we email and Skype often, so we are all in ouch with each other's lives. Of course, they know about Max and ask about the latest news. It's a pleasant afternoon, nude in the outdoors, drinking beer with good friends. Soon, we hear more cars driving in and three more guys arrive. I get up to greet the new guests and let them in on the clothing-optional lifestyle.

Steve comes inside first and wolf-whistles when he sees me naked. Then, he says: "Damn, Marty! What the fuck happened to you? You look fucking hot!"

Steve is 5'-9", 150 pounds, a little skinny, light brown curly hair, and curly brown chest hair. He's a runner and a cyclist, strong legs, not much upper body. Enormous 9" schlong hanging over two egg-sized balls inside a shaved sack. Hairless legs from sports.

I answer: "I've been working out with a slave-driver personal trainer and he has turned me into this beast of a hairy muscle man. Do you approve?"

Steve: "I very much approve. I will enjoy staring at you all weekend." laughing

I tell Steve to go pick a bedroom, upstairs or down, and join us when his clothes are gone. Next into the house are Chris and Dennis. They have been a couple since high school and are an amazing example of how true love really does work in the gay community. Chris is 6'-1", 215 pounds, bald, full beard, solid muscle. He has a small amount of body hair, and a very nice 8' cock. Dennis is 5'-10", 170 pounds, blonde, blue eyed, hairy chest, muscled and defined, sporting a 8.5" fat cock.

The last two cars pull in with our last three brothers inside. Mark and Jamie drove together; they are not a couple, but they are great friends. Mark is 5'-6", 135 pounds, smooth, Japanese, gorgeous, and has a 7" piece of meat hanging between his legs. Jamie is African-American, 6'-2", 190 pounds, brown hair, balding; beautiful oval face, hairy chest and abs, in great shape. His claim to fame was sports in college, football and basketball. His claim to fame in the frat house was his 10" fuck stick, that dangles down his pants leg, showing off for everyone, and springs straight out when aroused. Jamie has never worn underwear, and spent a lot of time nude in college. This weekend is perfect for him.

Finally, Kent comes in with his customary swagger. He is a hot dude with black hair, deep blue eyes, broad shoulders, and muscles on his muscles. His ripped body is shaved and waxed and perfect. His cock is fat and 8.5" long when soft. There is no hair down there either. Kent is our celebrity friend. He is a model and we've all seen his body plastered in magazines, billboards, and posters. Some of those modeling jobs were nude, and he even took a turn as a porn actor. He always brings some color to any gathering.

Everyone hugs and admires and gropes and laughs as the greetings proceed. I direct the guys to where the bedrooms are and how they should pick who they want to bunk with or if the can snag a solo berth. It's up to them. I also tell them which rooms are already taken, like the Master. Then, I send them on their way to settle in and get naked. Through it all, we manage to unload all the cars and put groceries and beverages away. A pile of pipes, weed, and poppers starts to build on the coffee table.

So, all nine of us are nude and drinking and mingling. We are catching up, I field a lot of questions about the lake house. The guys all take time to check it out. I've got the boat and two jet skis gassed and ready to play.

Me: "OK, guys, there are a couple rules. We must all wear some sort of swim wear during the day, when we go out on the dock, the boat, or the jet skis. Life jackets are required out on the water. I have a large selection of Speedos downstairs by the door so everyone will be covered. Skinny-dipping in the lake is only allowed late at night, in the dark. The hot tub, on the other hand, is nude all the time. That's it. Have fun, drink, smoke, and huff whatever you want. Have as much sex as you want with any consenting man in the house. The reunion activities are tomorrow afternoon and evening, we will leave here at noon to go to the campus."

The rest of the day and that evening, nine attractive, nude, gay men party in my lake house. There is a lot of groping going on all over the house. Guys hook up briefly and come back to the party. Chris and Dennis are attached to one another; they don't seem to be interested in sex with anyone else. They take their drinks and a pipe and slip out onto the lower-level patio and swing together in the large hammock. They have their own quiet time together.

Everyone wants a shot at Kent, and Kent loves the attention. His cock has been hard ever since the first guy sucked him earlier. He hasn't given up a load yet, but the guys are eager to slurp his legendary dong. Jamie is another crowd favorite. I sucked his meat a bit ago, and it tastes delicious. The nice thing is that he has it secured inside a tight cock ring, so he can keep that monster hard all night and not shoot his wad. So, Jamie is hanging out in the living room, laid back in a comfy chair with his legs spread wide open. We all take turns slurping his 10" schlong into our mouths, betting who can deepthroat him.

I have always fancied Mark. His body is very similar to Max's now that I think about it. Mark was a gymnast too and his body is fat-free and ripped. He's still light and easy to pick up, and his cock is an uncut 7" masterpiece. I turn my moves toward Mark to see if we still have any of the same old spark. Back in the day, he would jump on me in a heartbeat. I walk over to where he is sitting on the sofa and sit down next to him, our thighs touching.

Me: "Hi, Mark, having a good time?"

Mark: "You know I am, Marty, I love a good sausage fest. And I really have noticed the changes in you. You were hot in college, but now you are ablaze! God, what have you done?"

Me: "Well, a couple years ago, a new guy moved into the house next door. He is an ex-gymnast and a few years younger than we are. We became friends and is now my personal trainer. He drives me hard, with no mercy. That's how I lost all my excess weight and picked up all this muscle. I also deliberately decided not to shave my body, I let the muscles peek out of the forest."

Mark: "Marty, you know I was always a sucker for your hairy chest. Even now, I want to rummage around in there. May I?"

Me: "Absolutely!"

Mark begins to explore the forest on my chest, wriggling his small hands through the hair and finding my nipples. He massages my tits, and pinches my nipples hard. I twitch and moan. He reaches one hand down to my hairy crotch and wriggles through the bush to the base of my cock, it starts to grow under his touch. His other hand continues to tweak my nipple. I move my hand down his smooth chest and grasp his cock in my hand, massaging it slowly. I feel Mark `s excitement as his member points up at me. I lean in and kiss Mark's beautiful lips and whisper that we should go to my room. We get up and walk down the hall; I grabbed some weed on the way. We got to my room, went in, and I closed the door. Mark jumped into my bed and laid on his back. I told him to wait a minute so we could get high. So, he sat on the edge of the bed and we smoked a bowl together. I reached into my nightstand and pulled out poppers, lube, and my cock ring. I encased my shaft and balls in my favorite double ring that kept me hard for hours. Mark asked of I had another, so I fitted him with one from my drawer. We were both high and hard, wanting to ravage each other for the first time in ten years. Oh fuck!

Mark laid back and I handed him a popper, he started to huff it. I kissed his chest and abs, moving down his body, licking the sweet pleasure trail of balch hair that started at his navel and led me to his thick black bush. I cupped his balls in my hand and massaged them before taking both his nuts in my mouth to slurp and roll them around in my hot wetness.Mark was writhing on the bed, pulling popper fumes into his nostrils and moaning his delight. I let go of his balls sack and moved my mouth to the base of his hard shaft, kissing an dlicking my way up the bottom of the shaft and down the side, up and down until I had licked and kissed every centimeter of his hardness. Then I opened my mouth and slid his 7" fatty inside me, eagerly pulling it into my mouth, covering it in my saliva. While I was taking him in, Mark held the popper under my nose and I took two powerful huffs and my blood started to rush around inside my body, causing my cock to twitch and throb.

I reached the root of his cock and my lips caressed his pubic bone and his cock hit the back of my oral cavity. Mark bucked under me, pushing his cock against the entrance to my throat. I shifted my position and relaxed my throat, allowing Mark's giant rod to flow down into my throat. Then, I flexed my muscle to squeeze his cock head and Mark squealed with pleasure. I started to pump up and down on his rod, letting him fuck my skull as hard as he wanted. He grabbed the back of my head and shoved himself inside me, over and over. I groaned from the pressure.

Mark begged me to pull off. "I'm going to cum and I don't want to yet. Please stop!"

I pulled my face off Mark's hot cock and I felt empty without him. I rolled over on my back and Mark jumped up to begin his assault on my body. He began with his head in my crotch, licking my taint and ball sack. He spread his saliva all over me and slobbered all over my balls. When he got to me cock, he squeezed it in his hands and fed himself inch-by-inch. Slowly, my 9" meat stick slid into his mouth and I felt his throat open as he swallowed me past the muscle and down into his throat. I howled and huffed the popper, filling my cock with more blood. Mark pumped my cock inside his face for a few strokes, Then, he pulled off and took the lube and slathered it over my cock and he shoved some into his own ass hole.

Then, Mark used his powerful legs to squat over me and slowly settle his pussy around my meat, as he sat all the way down, resting on my pelvis. I was engulfed in the hot, wet pussy I remembered from college. Mark put both hands on my hairy stomach and kneaded me. I held the popper under his nose and he huffed twice. I huffed twice as well, and I bucked up to apply more pressure into his hot pussy. Mark pushed his hands up my chest, pulling his fingers through my long hair. He massaged my tits and pinched my nipples, all the while rocking up and down on my hard cock. Mark used his arms to press against my chest and move up and down on my cock, riding me like a bronco. I was grabbing the sheets and Mark howled like a cowboy at the rodeo. I could hold back, but I needed to cum so badly. I grabbed Mark's powerful biceps and moved with him. His cock was hard as steel and bouncing up and down above my belly. I wrapped my hand around his shaft and stroked him. His head turned purple and swollen as man juice rose up from deep inside him to fill his shaft and emerge like a spewing volcano, firing off shots at my face and my chest. I aimed his cock to hit me as much as possible with his hot cum. Mark screamed as he shot his cum all over me, and I pushed against him, shooting my cum into his asshole. I filled his hot pussy and my cum oozed out of him, dripping down my crotch. Mark leaned down and licked his cum off my face. My cock slid out of him and he took my cock into his mouth and cleaned my cum off. Then, he rolled over on his back and rested against my heaving chest.

Me: "Mark, I had forgotten how much I love to fuck you. You're still one hot motherfucker!"

Mark: "Ditto! Too bad we live so far apart."

We laid there for a while, listening to the sounds of hotman sex happening all over the house. We dozed off and awoke in time for dinner. We showered first, then walked out into the living room to join the others. The rest of the night was great. More food, drink, and weed. There was some more sex, though Mark and I stayed together, in fact, he moved into my rook for the rest of the weekend. We all went to campus activities the next day and got back to the house very late. We crashed and slept till morning. Then, unfortunately, it was time for us all to go home.

I closed up the house and headed back to town to see how Max was doing. When I walked in, Max was on the sofa, drinking a glass of wine and staring into space. I sat next to him and took him into my arms and hugged him. Tonight would be all about him. Max needs a real friend now, not his fuck buddy. I held him in my arms for a long time. He sobbed and his tears dampened my shirt. Sitting on the sofa, Max curled up in my lap like a small child. I stroked his hair and rubbed his back, calming him. We sat like that for an hour or so. It was getting late and Max wanted to go to bed.

So, we walked hand-in-hand to my bedroom. Once there, Max stripped and then he slowly removed my clothes. He rubbed my hairy chest and kissed me passionately. He got into bed and waited for me to get in next to him. I laid down next to him. I thought we'd spoon and go to sleep. But, Max had another idea. More like that first night we were together, Max wanted me. He wanted to have me, take me, love me. I gave in to him completely and let him do whatever he wanted.

Max began by kissing me, pressing his tongue into my mouth, running his tongue all around inside me. Then, he moved down my hairy chest, pausing at each nipple, chewing and biting me. I groaned with the pain/pleasure and squirmed under him. He stayed in my chest hair, probing and stroking me, at the same time, his mouth got my tits to swell and beg for mercy. Finally, he started to kiss and lick my chest and my abs. His finger traced the ridges of my six-pack and my gut tingled. Then, Max reached my cock. He cupped my balls, he took each egg-size globe in his mouth and gargled them. My cock was throbbing with anticipation of his mouth engulfing my hard shaft. Max surprised me.

He moved from my balls to my crack. He pushed my legs in the air and opened my ass to him and shoved his face into my ass crack. He licked and chewed the muscles of my buttock, he kneaded my buttock with his powerful hands. Then, he spread my cheeks wide apart with those strong hands and pressed his thumbs into the flesh around my hole. He put his mouth on my pick bud and sucked on it, then he stuck his tongue in and around my hole. He tongue fucked me for a long time, only stopping to catch his breath from time-to-time. He ravaged my hole with his mouth and filled me with gobs of his saliva. I felt slick inside and around my hole.

Max pushed my legs up onto his big, hard shoulders. He easily lifted my weight and positioned us at the perfect angle for his fuck stick to invade me. My cock is throbbing and swollen from being ignored by my partner. Max pressed his hard, perfect, uncut cock against the portal to my pussy. Applying pressure, Max slowly fed his cock into my tight pussy. I felt the pressure and wanted to cry out in pain, but it didn't really hurt, it "hurt so good" that I loved the hurt. I writhed under Max's assault on my gut and groaned with simultaneous pain and pleasure. He was so fat and hard, my ass was not used to this kind of love making. I wanted to be on top, but i wanted so much to have Max inside me. "Max, fuck me, baby. Your huge cock is ripping me apart in the best way possible. Make my pussy yours, Max."

For the next hour, Max made love to my ass. He brought us both to the rim of orgasm more than once, then pulled us back before we fell in. My cock pulsed and ached, the head was turning purple from being denied. We were both sweating and our muscles were taut and flexed. Max's completely hairless body glistened with his sweat; I was covered in matted chest hair from the water pouring out of my skin. Max. gave a huge push into me and I thought he might cum, but he grabbed my cock with both hands and started to twist my shaft with his hands going in opposite directions. He squeezed me hard and twisted me like he was wringing out a wet rag. I had never felt suh hot friction on my cock before. Again, it hurt so good that my cum was rising too fast to stop it. My cock exploded as cum shot out of me, hitting Max in the face and chest, then shooting onto my chest and abs. Max kept twisting and aiming my cum shooter on both of us, creating a sea of my cum. I don't remember ever producing that much cum. My shaft was aching from the pressure of the orgasm and Max's abuse of my cock. Max watched me explode and then he started to bang me hard and fast, he was ready to fill me up. And, he did fill me up. He shot surge after surge after surge into me. His cum filled me all the way inside my rectum and beyond, his might man juice came oozing out around his shaft.

When Max finally stopped shooting, he pulled out and buried his face in my crack, sucking his cum out of me and swallowing it like a thirsty man at a water trough. I could feel him sucking my asshole, I could feel my hole pucker out, and I felt the cum drain out of me into Max's mouth. When he finished, he came up and licked the cum off my body and fed it to me like a bird feeds its chick. Then, he laid down and I got up and licked my cum from his face and his rock-hard chest. Then, I fell next to him and we both were breathing heavily, unable to come down from the high we'd just shared. When our breathing started to slow and my heart had stopped bouncing out of my chest, I leaned up on one elbow and kissed Max tenderly.

Me: "Max, what does this mean? For us, I mean? This is a big change from our fuck buddy status. I'm a gay man and I need to know how serious this might become."

Max: "Marty, I think I've always known that I was gay. I was scared and I didn't want to admit it. That's why I hooked up with Kathy, to try to avoid being honest about who i am. Now, I've fucked up my life and Kathy's life and our daughter's life. I've even deceived you and all my other friends. I feel like a real ass."

Me: "Don't be so hard on yourself, Max, it'll all work out. You'll see. I'm here for you. Kathy will be happier in a relationship that doesn't have so many secrets. Your daughter will be happier without all the obvious tension in the house. It's gonna be fine."

We hugged and fell asleep in each other's arms.


Next: Chapter 5

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