Mature Helping Hand

By James Tyler

Published on Jun 8, 2023



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True story.

It was 1984, I had joined an organization and that's where I met Don. He was over twice my age (I was 25) and seemed very nice. I didn't really have much to do with him and for the first year we sat next to each other at each meeting. There was a committee formed and Don needed someone else to work with him so I volunteered. We both had jobs that relied on paperwork so it seemed a natural fit.

A couple of years later, a big musical production was on stage in a larger city near us. Somehow Don found out I was going and said he wouldn't mind seeing the play so I made the hotel reservation -- one room with two beds. On our way down we found out lots about each other. I learned that Don had been married and was now divorced. He had a couple of boys and was close to both of them. Me being me, I asked Don what it was like to have sex as I was still a virgin and was curious. Don talked about the ways he enjoyed sex and I started to get aroused and I'm not sure if Don picked up on this or not. He actually told me more than I expected and I was very aroused by the end of his stories. I had to change the subject.

About a month after we got home, Don called and said he had a video he thought I might like to see -- but he wouldn't tell me what the movie was about. He wondered what I was doing that evening. I didn't have any plans so I went over.

Don had the TV on already and put the tape in the VCR. I don't remember the title, but it was a movie about two guys at a remote cabin and it was grainy. My first gay porn. I didn't know what to say and Don asked if I wanted to stay and watch - Don was watching me for any reaction. I think he knew something from our conversation during the road trip and I said it was okay to watch. Don sat in his chair and I sat on the couch.

The movie was slow to get going and about half way through I was starting to get hard with all the sucking and the naked playing around - I had to stand up to adjust myself. Don said that I was welcome to masturbate on the couch or go into his bedroom. He also said he was willing to lend a hand if I wanted. I had only ever played around with a couple of guys my own age through high school and Don was old enough to be my dad. For me, this was maybe a bit weird?

A few minutes later, I knew something had to happen. I hadn't masturbated in a few days and I needed a release. I stood up and said we could go to his bedroom. I went in first and started to take my shirt off and Don watched -- I think he was enjoying this. I took my pants off and laid them on the bed and just as I was about to take my boxers off, his phone rang. He left the room and answered the phone -- it was his son. I took my boxers off, laid down on the bed with my hands behind my head. All of me was on display and I was very hard. Don came back into the room and said, "Oh beautiful."

Now I should mention that the architecture between my legs is about the size of a New York City studio apartment - I think it's kinda small. A couple of guys I masturbated with during high school, one guy's penis was the size of a family home and the other guy had a mansion between his legs.

I asked Don if he thought my penis was as on the smaller scale of manhood and he said no -- he thought it was the perfect size. I am circumcised and Don said he was glad I was. For some reason, he didn't like an uncircumcised penis. I'm not sure why ... and I never thought to ask.

Don sat next to me on the bed and with his left hand, ran his fingers over my flat stomach, through my hairy chest and with his right hand he explored my dark pubic hair. When Don finally took my penis in his velvet steel hand, it was a warm, soft feeling and yet he had a firm grip on me.

He started with a slow motion -- hoping to make me last long as long as I could. It felt really good as I hadn't been masturbated by any guy in a long time. Don stayed away from the head of my penis to reduce the sensitivity. He concentrated on my shaft, didn't use any lubricant and he kept his eyes closed almost the entire time. I thought he wanted to see me in all my nakedness while he was masturbating me.

Every once in a while Don would open his eyes. His left hand would explore my dark brown chest hair and my pubic hair. I enjoyed the feeling when he ran his fingers through my body hair and he told me he liked guys with a flat stomach.

After about five minutes, I knew the point of no return was imminent as my penis seemed to be getting harder. Don asked if I was almost ready and I replied yes. Within about thirty seconds, I started to squirm and got even harder. I gripped the sheets with my hands as Don kept up his slow steady motion and I ejaculated three good ropes of sperm -- wow. I continued with a few more sperm dribbles, they went onto his hand and he didn't seem to mind. He used my sperm as a lubricant and continued the motion. By this time he used my whole penis in the motion and the head of my penis was now super sensitive. He saw that in my facial expressions, knew how good it felt and knew how sensitive my penis was. I think he wanted to keep going but I almost couldn't take it anymore and he stopped.

Don got up and went to the bathroom to wash up. There was a box of Kleenex on the nightstand so I grabbed some and started to clean up. Sperm and a hairy chest make for an interesting tidy up. I sort of expected I was going to have to reciprocate. Don came back into his bedroom and told me that he was a diabetic and there was no way he could ever satisfy me. He hadn't been able to get an erection in a number of years and that's the way it is for some diabetics he said. Don proceeded to say that he had messed around with a bunch of guys while in university and had enjoyed that. He also told me that he used to have a respectable six and half inches but now it was only about two inches long.

Don offered me a quick shower but I declined. I got dressed and walked out into the living room. The movie was still playing and Don wondered if I wanted to continue watching. I said thanks but it was time to head home -- tomorrow was another work day.

As I left, I thought, "What just happened?" A young guy needing attention and an older guy reliving his remembered youth? Was it wrong? Was it right?

Nothing was weird between us at meetings -- it's as if nothing had ever happened.

Don called about once a month or so after my first time to say he had `found' another tape and was I interested in coming over. I always went and it was always the same sequence of events.

This one time though was different. He called and told me had some magazines that I might like to read through - I had never seen gay porn magazines up close. He had four of them and for the next hour or so, I sat staring at close-up naked pictures of guys and read about their adventures. I wondered how some guys have so much equipment between their legs.

Don says to me, "You know, I've never seen you soft." I told him I was soft now. I thought it was an odd remark as he saw me getting soft after each time but I think he wanted to see and feel me soft before he started to masturbate me. After reading and looking at pictures, I was definitely starting to get hard and I stood up. Don says, "Can I undress you this time?" I was taken back by the request as I had never been undressed by another guy before. I said okay.

I went to his bedroom and stood there. He came and stood behind me, started with the buttons on my shirt and took it off. He ran his hands through my chest hair, found my nipples and started playing with them. They were already getting a bit erect and this only brought the blood faster to my penis. Don went for the zipper on my jeans and in he went.

He put his hand through and found the opening of my boxers. He wrapped his hand around my almost erect penis and held it while it pulsed. He played with my pubic hair and after a short time, he took his hand out. He came and stood in front of me and undid the button of my jeans. They fell to the floor and by this time my penis was erect, tenting my boxers and I was ready.

He slid his fingers underneath my boxers and slid them down. "Can I give you a blowjob this time?" he asked. This totally took me by surprise and I said okay.

He went over to his bedside table and grabbed what appeared to be a condom. He told me he didn't want to get any germs from me (I have germs?!) so he was going to use a condom.

I had given and received a few blowjobs with my friend Luke over the years and we never used condoms on each other. I wondered what the taste would be having rubber in your mouth.

Side note here -- I don't do well or last tremendously long wearing a condom. I enjoy the feeling of something snug around my penis as it enhances the feeling of tightness but I really like just not wearing a condom.

Don had me sit on the edge of the bed. He knelt down and I spread my legs to give him access to me.

He took the condom out of the package, squeezed the top part and gently rolled it onto my penis. I've not had many condoms on in my life and as Don rolled the condom on, I was getting even harder.

As he gently started taking me in and out of his mouth, I decided I would run my fingers through his hair. His thick hair was light brown, clean and parted on the left. A guy with a left hair side part and clean hair really turns me on -- I always look twice.

I had never touched Don up to this point and he seemed to grunt when I put both of my hands on his head and started to run my fingers through his hair. I asked if he wanted me to stop and he indicated no. His hair was very soft and was a massive turn-on for me. I continued to run my fingers through it for a few minutes more and I could feel my sperm rising way too fast.

I didn't feel there was any reason to tell him I was getting close to ejaculating so I didn't. I figured he would feel the pulse of my penis and the condom filling up. Don, for the first time, started to massage and play with my nicely sized scrotum while running his fingers through my ample pubic hair. That was all I needed to push me over the edge.

My breathing increased the closer I got to an ejaculation -- and then it happened. A massive explosion inside the condom and it was intense. Don continued sucking as more sperm filled the condom.

Don stopped and let me rest. I had more than filled the condom with an ample amount of sperm and was basking in the warm glow of my explosive ejaculation. Don stood up and as I looked at him, motioned for me to come and lay down on his bed. He was careful to remove the condom and not get any of my sperm anywhere. My penis was well coated in sperm and Don couldn't resist a few tugs as I was starting to go soft. He went to the bathroom and came back with a warm facecloth so I could clean up.

I was curious to see what Don had between his legs and I asked him if I could see him naked. He seemed very embarrassed with my request and, once again, he said his penis was not very big -- but I wanted to see it. Don took off his shirt, jeans, boxers and laid naked on the bed. I'm not into seeing naked older guys -- this was a first.

He had nicely colored auburn pubic hair, a small circumcised penis and a nice sized scrotum. I took his penis into my hands half expecting it to grow -- but it didn't. I played with his scrotal sack, ran my fingers through his pubic hair for a bit and then concentrated on his penis. Don said it felt great and he was enjoying it but told me nothing else would happen. I was sad for him.

After a couple of minutes, I stopped. I was completely soft at this point and, well, so was Don. I stood up and started to get dressed - Don did as well.

Our involvement with the organization had long since finished and I was visiting Don from time to time to be masturbated. I stopped going to Don's after this and we didn't talk much more.

I'm now at the age that Don was when he was masturbating me -- in my early sixties.

I would love to hear from anyone else who's had a similar experience.

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