Mattys Adventures

By Namab Mas

Published on Jun 20, 2022


This is a story involving scat play between adult males. All characters are eighteen years old or over. If this isn't your sort of thing or it is illegal for you to view it wherever you are, please leave now. This story is entirely fictitious, and any resemblance to actual individuals is coincidental.

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Matty's Adventures

Chapter Six

It was early afternoon on Friday, and Matty was on the bus across town again. Next to him on the seat was his overnight bag, since he was staying over that night and heading back the next evening so as to be ready for the game on Sunday. He glanced down at his crotch, to where he could just see the outline of his cock through his tracksuit. He was just starting to grow a semi, and when he thought about what was going to happen when he got to Eoin's place his dick tingled and got harder. He needed a shit too. The day before he'd done it in the lecture theatre toilets, sitting in between a geeky lad with diarrhoea and a pretty gay boy who'd really stunk the place up, and he hadn't been since. The urge had started to come to him during his last class of the week, straight after lunch, and by the time he'd nipped back to his room to grab his bag and head for the bus he'd started to doubt whether he'd be able to hold it until he got to Eoin's house. Thankfully it had subsided a bit, but even so his bowels felt full and heavy and he was trying not to fart. His phone buzzed in his pocket, and when he pulled it out he saw it was a message from Eoin.

  • u on ur way? need a shit!

His dick grew harder again at the thought of gorgeous Eoin holding it in. He responded quickly, saying he'd be there as quickly as he could, and tried to think of something else to make his erection subside.

Twenty minutes later he got off the bus and walked quickly up Eoin's street. Eoin must have been watching out for him, for he opened the door as he got to the bottom of the drive, and gave him a hasty kiss on the cheek as he scuttled into the house. Now that he was inside the need to shit returned with a vengeance, and he clenched his bottom up tight.

'Eoin, I'm really desperate!' he gabbled. 'I gotta go to the toilet!'

'Ooh!' said Eoin, clocking his squirming and his screwed-up face. 'You really do need a shit, don't you. Come on!'

He took Matty's hand and led him quickly upstairs and into his room where they both tore their clothes off, and then they scurried across the landing and into the bathroom.

'Hold it in,' whispered Eoin. 'Mm, now, kneel down...'

Matty got down on all fours, and Eoin quickly grabbed a bin liner he'd put ready, spread it under his arse and knelt down behind him, in the doorway. He reached out and stroked Matty's arse, ran it down into his crack and then when Matty opened his legs a little wider he reached forward to tickle his balls and that wonderfully sensitive bit behind. Matty moaned. He was so desperate for a shit that it hurt, but he was loving it and madly turned on, his dick throbbing, and he let out a little gasp when Eoin began to finger his hole, tickling it lightly and then probing his fingertips in a little deeper. He leaned forward over Matty.

'You need a shit so bad, don't you,' he said softly, in that deep voice of his with the accent that made Matty go weak at the knees. 'I can feel it. It's right behind your hole.'

He pressed a little harder, and the tip of his finger forced its way in through Matty's clenched hole and made him gasp. Eoin leaned further over him, so his mouth was right by his ear.

'Keep holdin' it,' he hissed. 'You're so fucken' hot when you're desperate for a shit. I wanna see you hold it til you lose control and shit everywhere'

Matty nodded, and Eoin wiggled his finger in his hole and made him squeal out loud.

'I need a shit too,' he breathed. 'My mum made a load of oatcakes. I fucken' love 'em, and they make me shit like a horse! I wanna do it on you again. Wanna be my toilet?'

Matty moaned and nodded again. There was nothing he wanted more, if he was honest. His arse was in exquisite agony and his dick was throbbing. Eoin tickled his hole again, a bit deeper this time, and it felt sticky when he pulled it out again.

'Mmm! The end of my finger's brown!'

'Yeah,' grunted Matty. 'Oh god I need to go so bad!'

He could smell his own shit now, just faintly, and slowly he was starting to lose control of it. The pressure on his hole was getting sharper, starting to force it open. Eoin kept fondling his arse, talking dirty to him in that soft, sexy way he had, telling him how he loved his tight arse and his big smelly shits and encouraging him to keep on holding it in. Matty gritted his teeth and clenched himself up tighter. Then his bowel cramped painfully.

'Oh!' he yelped. 'I can't stop it! It's coming!'

He gave in and shat uncontrollably. His hole seemed to burst open and a big smooth log shot out of him, squelching and hissing, and a fat curl thudded onto the floor, and another and another. The relief and the pleasure of it blew his mind and he gasped out loud, and then his flow slowed down, and he sighed as a long snaky turd curled out of him, tapered off and dropped onto the floor. He squeezed his sticky, satisfied hole shut, squashing shit in his crack, and grunting as the turd still inside him pushed hard at it. He composed himself for a few seconds, and realised he was edging and dribbling cum onto the floor. Behind him Eoin was wanking excitedly, and he took a big sniff of the raw smell that was filling the room and rolling out onto the landing.

'Cor, Matty!' he hissed. 'Ooh, man, that fucken' stinks! Mmm! You got more? Push it all out, go on ... mmm, big smelly shit!'

Matty grunted, relaxed and arched his back a bit. His first thick turds had fallen outwards and spread out as they hit the floor, and now he curled out a smooth, sinuous turd on top of them, but then his shit got looser and he farted wetly through it, and dropped a long string of gassy brown lumps that built his turds up into a big dense pile, all slimy and steaming and settling down as more landed on top of it. Behind him he could hear Eoin wanking again, sniffing deeply at his stink. He pushed and grunted, and farted out a last few small turds. Then as he gave another little push he felt Eoin's hand on his arse again, stroking his cheeks and just into his crack.

'Mmm! Your arse is really dirty,' breathed Eoin. 'Have you finished?'

'Yeah ... ooh ...oh!'

He couldn't help letting out a squeak as Eoin slid his finger in further and started tickling his sticky, satisfied hole again, pressed harder and penetrated him slightly, and slid the end of his finger in and out. As he did it he went slowly deeper, until he was finger-fucking Matty, tickling his prostate and making him squeal all over again.

'Sniff your shit,' he said softly. 'Pull it forward ... yeah, like that. Now, get your face in nice and close. Your shit stinks Matty. Go on, sniff it. Wanna see you get off on your own shit, and then I'm gonna crap on your face...'

Matty fumbled between his legs and pulled the bag he'd shat on forward until it was right beneath him. He lowered his face down to it and felt its hotness; just like he had when he was alone and wanking, only this time he had Eoin's finger up his unwiped arse and his sexy voice talking dirty right behind him, telling him to get in closer. Once again he stared down on his own shit. He'd done a huge, ragged pile with his first thick log sticking out from underneath it, all slimy and glistening, with little bits and flecks in it that had passed through him. The smell of it gassed him.

'You know you want to,' breathed Eoin behind him. 'Push your face in it. Get your face covered in shit.'

Eoin's finger was deep inside him, tickling him gently and pleasuring the walls of his satisfied arse. He looked back down to what had just come out of it, and gulped. His dick throbbed and dribbled a little cum on the floor. He teetered on the edge for a moment, caught between horror at what he was about to do and crazy, burning desire to cover his face in filth. Eoin put out his other hand, ran it up Matty's back and neck, and onto the back of his head, holding him down right over his pile. He gulped again and clamped his mouth tight shut, and whimpered.

'Want me to make you?'

He gulped again. For a moment he was terrified and he almost jerked upright to get away from it, but then he felt Eoin's finger again and something inside him gave way. He surrendered to what was happening to him, let out a little moan and nodded meekly.

For a moment nothing happened. His eyes were tight shut and his mouth was closed, and all he could sense was the intense smell, and what Eoin was doing to his arse. But then Eoin pressed down on the back of his head, and Matty had just time to take a deep breath before Eoin slowly forced him down into his own shit. His nose plunged into it and then his cheeks, all sticky and slimy like having his face pressed into wet mud. His own stink made him gag and his stomach heaved. Eoin pushed his face from side to side, spreading shit up his cheeks and he started to retch. For a moment he was on the verge of puking, but then Eoin released him and he jerked his head up, sniffing desperately for air through his partly blocked nose and whimpering through tightly closed lips, with his dick throbbing and dribbling.

'Get on your back,' said Eoin urgently. 'I really gotta shit.'

Matty was dazed and disorientated, his face well covered with shit, even over his eyes so that he was blind. He pushed the bag with his shit on it clumsily away, turned over and flopped down on his back. He cracked his hand against the pedestal of the basin as he went, but he was so lost in what was happening to him that barely even noticed. Eoin sprang forward, turned and squatted over him with his arse right over Matty's shit-covered face. For a second or two Matty lay there, edging and waiting, and then the world fell in on him. He couldn't see what was happening, but he could hear everything as Eoin relieved himself with a grunt and a big hissing fart, and then his hole squelched and crackled as he curled out a fat log. A big solid turd hit him like a punch on the nose and rolled off down his cheek, then another that fell the other way, and then with a renewed hiss a long brown snake touched down and curled across his eyes, and the end fell across his nose. Eoin's stink washed over him, harsher and more bitter than his own.

'Uh,' grunted Eoin. 'Oh I needed that ... uh ... oh here comes another one!'

His arse hissed again and Matty sensed another turd descending on him. Then another lump fell across his mouth, and he clenched up frantically to stop himself cumming. Nothing he and Eoin had done before had made him feel like this. His head was blowing apart and his stomach was churning, and as the turds piled up on his face and slid down his cheek he retched and edged at the same time. Then he felt Eoin lifting himself up a bit, wanking hard with one hand as the fingers of his other closed around his dick.

'Cum all over yourself. Gonna finish my shit now. Fucken' spunk all over yourself while I do it!'

He farted again, and then a fresh surge of turds dropped from him, covering Matty's nose. He fought to breathe, and retched again so hard that he could taste sick in his throat. And then he came. His dick fired everywhere, and he screamed through his closed mouth, and seconds later Eoin roared out loud and spurted all over him.

They went out again that night, back to that same buffet place and then on to a few bars, and even though they'd both stuffed their faces earlier they still shared a pizza on the way home. In the morning they were both hung over and gassy, and they lay in bed for a long time, drinking coffee and talking, every so often farting loudly and laughing about it. They'd talked vaguely about what they might do the next morning over a last beer before they went to bed, and now when the need to take a big hangover dump started to come to both of them they got up and moved over to the beanbags with another coffee. Neither of them said anything; they both just knew what was happening! Matty lifted himself up and let out a squeaky fart. It relieved the pressure in his chute for a while, but then the mounting discomfort returned, and with it the tingling excitement. Eoin shuffled a bit closer, reached in and put his hand on Matty's crotch, closing his fingers around his cock as it sprang fully to attention, and looked at Matty as though he was about to kiss him.

'I'm gonna shit,' he breathed. 'I've got to go...'

He rolled off his beanbag and turned away on his hands and knees, parting his legs so his briefs stretched across his arse. He stuck it out a little further and Matty's hand went to his dick. Then he grunted softly, pushed and took a dump in his pants. His arse squelched softly and a lump appeared between his cheeks that swelled up when he gave a little strain.

'Uh ... oh yeah ...oh ... uh'

Eoin knelt there grunting rhythmically, the lumpy mound on his bottom growing bigger at each push, the smell of it hanging thickly in the air around them. He reached back with a contented sigh and fumbled his hard-on out of his pants, then arched his back and grunted out another surge of mushier turds that squeaked and squelched as they piled up on his bottom. Matty watched in awe, sniffing eagerly and tugging excitedly at his cock through his pants. Eoin strained a couple more times, wiggled his hips a little, and then turned round. He was edging, his dick thrusting out towards Matty like a gun, and he reached round behind and felt what he'd done.

'Ooh..' he sighed. 'I'd forgotten how good this feels ... not done a shit in my pants for ages ...uh, so warm and heavy!'

He wiggled his hips a bit, reached over and grabbed an old towel from the floor and spread it out, turned around and lowered himself down, until he sat right down on the floor with his big shit nestling under his balls and squashed across his bottom. It nearly made him cum, and for a moment he tensed up all over to stop himself, spunk oozing from his hard purple end and trickling down his shaft. Then he relaxed and smiled, and settled down a little further in his pile. He picked up the half-smoked joint from the ashtray, lit it, took a long drag, and blew out smoke with a contented sigh. When he leaned over to hand it to Matty his shit squashed audibly, and his dick jerked a couple of times.

Matty took a few puffs, coughing a little as the harsh smoke irritated his throat. It went to his head a bit, and then it started to go to his bowels as well and the need to shit grew urgent. His dick tingled and thrust against his pants, and he handed the joint back to Eoin, got up on his knees and turned away. Once again the desperate physical urge fought for a moment with the instinct to bare his bottom, and the sensation as he gave in to his body's needs blew his mind. A thick, sticky turd surged between his cheeks and his own smell hit him, and then he bowed his head, grunted and sighed as his chute pushed hard and his turd piled up in his pants. It started off firm but then got a bit looser, and he farted a couple of times as hot, slimy shit spread across his bottom. Behind him Eoin was wanking hard, breathing pure dirt about what a pervert Matty was and how he loved his big smelly shits. When Matty was done he got him to shuffle backwards a bit so he was right in front of him, and pulled out his waistband at the back.

'Phew, Matty! Mmm, you stink! Such a messy arse you got too. Now, there's a towel...'

Now it was Matty's turn to lower himself into his pile. He sat back in front of the beanbag, supporting himself on his hands, and then slowly let himself down until his shit touched down. He was edging hard, soaking the front of his pants in spunk, and when he finally relaxed his arms and sat right down he almost came there and then. Eoin sparked the joint back up again, blew out smoke and grinned sexily at Matty.

'Love to chill for a bit when I've shit meself,' he said. 'Just sit and watch porn and whatever, until I'm really horny and I wanna go sit on the toilet and make a mess!'

The boys sat for about half an hour, smoking and talking dirty amid the smell of what they'd both done. Eoin got Matty to wriggle a little and slide to and fro on the towel, so his shit tickled him underneath and rubbed on his balls and made him edge again. He sat back and let himself relax, watching instead as Eoin did the same thing, face screwing up in filthy ecstasy as his shit enveloped his balls.

'Cor!' he grunted. 'Oh I wanna sit in it properly now. Get a really messy arse.'

Matty wriggled and whimpered. The sensation was still new to him and he remembered how last time he'd plonked himself down in it he'd cum straight away. He was still edging so that might happen now, but he didn't care any more. He'd abandoned himself completely to what was happening and he was loving the sensation of getting messy like this. Doors opened in his mind again, to dark fantasies about getting covered in shit.

'Oh this feels good,' grunted Eoin. 'Big shit! Oh I wanna sit in it now. Come on!'

He levered himself up, pulled Matty upright with him and led the way to the bathroom with a great brown stain across the back of his pants. Matty's shit pushed about on his bottom as he walked, and he felt even naughtier than before. His dick was throbbing fit to burst and his head was spinning. In the bathroom Eoin slammed down the toilet lid and turned round. He looked at Matty for a moment, wide-eyed and intense, and then sat straight down in his shit. It squashed across his bottom and out round his thighs, he wriggled and squirmed about in it, and as Matty watched wide-eyed he almost came. But he drew back from it and relaxed, and looked up at Matty. In here the smell was fresh all over again, and Eoin wrinkled his nose up at it and grinned sexily.

'You too,' he said. 'Sit down on the side of the bath...'

'Ooh ... yes, but I'll cum.'

'It's okay, I'm gonna cum too. Wanna cum all over your messy arse again!'

Matty edged hard. He put his hands down on the side of the bath to steady himself, and then lowered himself down. The sensation in his pants dominated everything. His shit pressed to his skin when he bent, and then he gritted his teeth and sat down. His shit exploded across his bottom and up around his balls, and he came at once. His dick was still in his pants, and he shot so hard that it spurted out through the cotton. He was trembling all over when he got in the bath and pulled his ruined pants down around his knees, and bent over for Eoin to get in behind him and shoot all over his brown bottom.

Enjoyed this? You can find a complete list of my stories on the prolific author page. Name: namab mas

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Next: Chapter 7

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