Mattys Adventures

By Namab Mas

Published on Apr 14, 2022


This is a story involving scat play between adult males. All characters are eighteen years old or over. If this isn't your sort of thing or it is illegal for you to view it wherever you are, please leave now. This story is entirely fictitious, and any resemblance to actual individuals is coincidental.

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Matty's Adventures

Chapter Two

The following Sunday found him on a bus across town in the early afternoon, still faintly hung over from a night out with his mates, and heading to the suburb on the other side of town where Eoin lived with his parents and younger brothers. They were away for the weekend, though, and he'd invited Matty over. They'd been talking quite a bit during the week before, and a couple of times they'd video-chatted as well. The first time they'd seen one another Matty had hardly been able to believe his luck, because Eoin was gorgeous. He was quite dark-complexioned, with olive skin and nearly black hair, and the most beautiful deep brown eyes that always looked as if he wore eyeliner, set in his smiley, slightly long face. At first Matty had been very shy, but he soon got over it. He didn't know why, but he'd kind of expected people into scat to be weird or awkward, and yet Eoin was just normal. He was friendly and outgoing, a bit cocky even; the kind of guy you'd meet by chance, get chatting and end up becoming mates with. He was from Belfast, and Matty loved his deep, sexy voice with its subtle Northern Irish accent. He was a bit of a comedian too, bantering with Matty about how weird what they were into was in his sexy deep voice with just a trace of a northern accent, and he had the dirtiest little chuckle as well. They'd chatted for a good hour the last time, and when at the end of it Eoin had suggested they meet up, Matty had given in and said yes.

Now he sat in a corner as the bus picked its way through the city centre, feeling intensely self-conscious, like when he did the walk of shame after a night out with his hair all over the place and stubble rash round his mouth. He wasn't worried about his safety or anything -- he'd seen enough of Eoin to trust him there -- but it felt like crossing a line, and he wasn't sure he was ready to do it. When they'd chatted on the phone the day before he'd almost bottled it, until Eoin had reassured him that he wouldn't ask him to do anything he wasn't comfortable with, or anything at all if he didn't want to. They'd just watch each other shit this first time, he suggested, and not even that if Matty didn't want to: he could just go and use the bathroom. That had calmed him down a bit, but even so he was as nervous as hell. He needed a shit too; the sort of full, gassy feeling he got before one of his softer and smellier ones. He'd had a big dinner before he went out and then stumbled into a kebab shop on the way home. Normally after a night out he needed a shit in the morning, but that day it wasn't too bad and after half an hour or so the pressure in his arse had subsided. It was coming back now though, probably because of his nerves, and his mouth was dry at the prospect of doing it for Eoin. He wanted to, but the thought of it still terrified him. His bowels felt full and uncomfortable as he got off the bus and walked up a street full of modern suburban houses with neat gardens and smart new cars on their drives, until he reached the address Eoin had given him. It was a large detached house set a bit back from the road. Matty's heart was in his mouth as he walked up the drive and rang the doorbell. As he saw a figure approaching through the frosted glass window next to it he almost turned and ran. Then the door opened.

'Matty? Hi! I'm Eoin. Come on in...'

Eoin stood by the door, looking relaxed . He held out his hand for Matty to shake with his sweaty palm, and led the way inside. His tight-ish black jeans showed off his shapely legs and pert arse to perfection as he took Matty through into the neat, bright kitchen and offered him a cup of tea. Matty accepted, stumbling with the words: if nothing else, having a cup to fiddle with would distract him. Then they settled down in the living room. They made small talk for a bit, about what they both did and where they'd been out to the night before, and Matty started to feel a bit more relaxed. He wondered for a moment if Eoin needed a shit. He'd said when he'd messaged earlier he hadn't been to the toilet yet, but perhaps he had since then. For a moment Matty hoped so, since the thought of what he might do with it if not scared him as much as it excited him. What scared him more, though, was the growing fullness inside and the realisation that he was starting to need a shit badly, and the moment would have to come when he either let Eoin watch or bottle out and insist on going to the toilet alone. He knew he'd regret it if he did that, but maybe that was better than the guilt if he went through with it. Eoin reached out and put his tea mug down on the table next to him, and looked Matty up and down through those beautiful eyes of his. Matty's stomach lurched as he realised what was coming.

'So...' Eoin said slowly. 'D'you need a shit, then?'

'Er ... yeah. Yes, I do,' he stammered, his eyes dropping to the floor.

'Cool! You managed to hold it then! Need it bad...?'

'No,' lied Matty. 'Not bad. What about you?'

'Not yet, but I will. I usually go to the jacks in the morning, but if I don't have coffee or I've not been drinking I can control it . Comes back later in the day, usually. You...? You go every day, do you? I bet you do nice big ones...'

Matty felt as if his mouth was too dry to say anything. He still couldn't quite believe what was happening. He felt wired, his heart racing and his head spinning as if he was on drugs. He could feel a semi in his pants, and the solid mass in his chute nudged uncomfortably at the inside of his ringpiece. Eoin looked him up and down, eyes resting for a second on his crotch, and then their eyes met.

'I love a guy having a shit,' Eoin said huskily, leaning towards him. 'Love the noises, and smell of it. Does yours smell?'

'Yeah,' said Matty, blushing deep red.

'Mmm! Love a smelly guy. Is it big too? Come on, tell me about your shit. When d'you go for one normally?'

Matty hesitated. He was going to have to shit soon and a small voice in the back of his head was still holding him back, but most of his nerves had vanished, and in their place he was as horny as he'd ever been. He was going to do it. He, Matty, who until he came to uni had always held his shit in to avoid the embarrassment of having to use a public toilet, was actually going to do it in front of another guy. Gorgeous, kinky Eoin was going to watch him take a big smelly dump and then wank off over it, and he couldn't believe his luck! Eoin raised one eyebrow and smiled as he saw Matty relax.

'Er... I go during the day. Can be any time between morning and late afternoon, though, and sometimes I can control when I go. I used to be really shy about it, so I'm good at holding it in!'

'And are you now? Holding it in...?'

This was it, Matty realised. It was about to happen. For a brief moment he felt panicky again and teetered on the edge of backing out, but then the realisation hit him that he wanted it to happen so badly he could almost taste it. His heart was pounding and his dick was throbbing, and he loved the feeling in his chute; a big, solid dump pushing hard at the back door. He looked back to Eoin and nodded.

'Yeah. Um ... yeah, I am. Actually, I really need a shit!'

'Cool! So .. if you're ready, wanna do it now?'

'Um ... oh god ... okay yeah, let's do it.

Matty's legs felt soft and everything felt unreal as he followed Eoin upstairs. The bathroom was quite small, with the toilet straight in front of the door, under the window, the basin to the left and the bath with shower over it opposite. Outside the door they stopped. Matty caught Eoin's eye then, looking at him hungrily, as if he was about to kiss him. He started peeling his clothes off and Matty followed, his fingers fumbling as he stripped, casting smouldering eyes over Eoin's taut body, and especially his bubbly arse when he pulled down his pants. When he turned to face Matty he had a massive hard-on, and he fingered it as Matty got naked in front of him. He motioned him into the bathroom and shut the door behind them. The window was closed and there was no extractor fan, Matty saw. Some of his nerves came back then.

'Um ... look, it's really gonna smell,' he said fretfully. 'Maybe you wanna open the window, or...'

'No, it's okay.' Eoin shook his head. 'Like I said, I really get off on the smell. Don't worry, you ain't gonna disgust me! Now, squat down...'

Matty hesitated for a moment, and then made his mind up. Slowly he lowered himself down by the toilet, facing into the corner. Eoin knelt down right behind, grabbed a plastic bag from a pile he'd left ready, and spread it on the floor underneath him. He settled into a squat with his arse a foot or so off the floor, rocked forward a little and supported himself on his fingertips. It all felt very real all of a sudden, squatting naked with Eoin wanking behind him and the pressure in his bowels starting to make him squirm in discomfort.

'Go on,' breathed Eoin. 'Nice and slow. Take a shit now...'

Matty gulped. This was his last chance to back out and do his nasty, smelly business alone, and for a moment he almost took it. But then desire overtook him again, he relaxed and felt his shit surge forward and press painfully against his hole, and a little wet fart escaped him. He clenched up to hold it, still in an agony of indecision and on the verge of losing control, blushing with shame and embarrassment. Eoin sniffed audibly.

'Mmm, that smells. It's nice!'

Hearing Eoin say he liked the smell Matty had always been shy about tipped him over the edge. He held it for a few seconds longer as he psyched himself up and Eoin wanked excitedly behind him. Then he gave in. The sensation in his arse was as intense as being fucked, and he gave a little involuntary gasp of relief as his hole relaxed and lumpy shit pushed through and curled out of him. The slimy crackle and puffs of gas rang in his ears, and then a big orangey-brown lump hit the floor and another landed on top, and then a smooth log. His slimy, hot turd massaged his arse ecstatically and he almost moaned out loud over the filthy sound as his shit piled up. His smell assailed his nostrils, nasty and shameful but oh so erotic as well.

'Oh yeah!' Eoin hissed behind him. 'Yeah ... keep shitting ... oh that's a big one! More? Yeah! Push it out ... Cor, that's so much you've done!'

Matty was still trying to take in what was happening. He had that liberated feeling again, like when he did it in a public toilet but a thousand times more intense now, and horny beyond belief. Looking down between his legs, past his throbbing cock, he could see his mushy brown pile underneath him, still settling down and spreading out. His bumhole was all sticky as he flared it in and out. Behind him Eoin wanked and sniffed eagerly, and Matty could see his cock, dribbling pre-cum from its end.

'Mmm! Mmm, you really smell!'

'Er ... yeah,' Matty stammered. 'Yeah, sorry.'

'Jaysus no, don't apologise! Your shit smells fucken' ... dirty! Mmm! Have you got more?'

Matty nodded. He could feel another turd inside him; its dull pressure deep inside him starting to grow. He knew he had quite a lot still to come, and that turned him on even more.

' Go on, push it out now. Finish your big smelly shit for me.'

Matty strained. Gas and solids bubbled down his chute and he let out a wet fart, and then his flaring, dirty hole curled out a smooth turd. It was thinner but more solid than before, like a brown rope that extended down from him, curled around and dropped one long slim turd after another onto his pile with little squelchy sounds. His inhibitions completely gone now, Matty sighed with pleasure as he let it go. Behind him Eoin kept up a constant stream of filth, telling Matty how he loved a guy taking a big dirty shit, how nice it smelled, and how he wanted to cum all over it. Matty's hole, all sticky and brown, flared out a last time, and his chute felt all empty and satisfied.

'Finished...?' asked Eoin. 'Can I wipe your arse for you?'

Matty felt one of his fantasies coming true as Eoin wiped him. His hole was very dirty, like it usually was, and Eoin had to use a lot of paper to get him clean. He started off slowly, rubbing deep to clean away the worst of the shit, and then more vigorously as Matty got near to being clean. He loved having his hole played with, and having it wiped like this felt awesomely intimate. As soon as Eoin had finished he got up and turned around, and their eyes met again as he knelt. Eoin was kneeling with his hard-on in his hand, holding it over the big brown pile.

'Like that?' asked Eoin. 'Feel good, yeah?'

Matty nodded and grinned.

'Good! Now, wank off. Wanna see you cum all over your own shit!'

His dick was already dripping with pre-cum, and he knew he wouldn't last long. The two lads started wanking together, facing one another with the stink hanging round them like thick fog. Harder they wanked and harder, until Eoin started to breathe heavily and his mouth fell open, and the two of them came together and shot their loads all over Matty's brown pile.

Afterwards they bagged up the shit and used paper and binned it, opened the bathroom window to disperse the smell, and settled down in the living room. For a moment after he'd cum the sense of guilt and disgust at what he'd done had returned for Matty but it hadn't lasted long. Instead he was exhilarated, happy at having lived out one of his darkest and most exciting fantasies, and when he looked at gorgeous Eoin and remembered that he was going to need a shit soon too he started to get hard all over again. Then Eoin started talking about scat and he grew rock hard. Eoin had played with three guys; one who just liked watching, as they'd just done, but two who'd gone further. One was very top and liked shitting on him.

'And that feels amazing,' Eoin grinned. 'I mean, I'm more of a top really, but there's nothing like havin' a guy squat over you. Feels so fucken' submissive, being a toilet like that, knowing he's about to take a shit and you just got to lie there and take it.'

The other guy was more versatile, and liked getting messier. He was the one who'd photographed Eoin shitting on him, but he also liked being fucked when he was full; liked the feeling of Eoin thrusting his cock up him while he tried to shit. The very thought of that made Matty's dick tingle. Eoin was opening doors in his mind that he'd been dimly aware of but never gone anywhere near, and he realised uneasily that the thought of being a guy's toilet, or having a cock up his shitty arse, turned him on massively. Then Eoin took a sip of his coffee and looked over at him with his face all intense.

'I'm really startin' to need a shit now,' he said.

Matty's stomach dropped to the floor again, but there was no sense of doubt this time. He wanted this to happen; wanted to kneel behind Eoin, watch him shit and wipe his bottom for him just as Eoin had done for him. For a moment he thought back on those pictures he'd seen of Eoin's big solid, shits in the toilet and tried to imagine what it was going to be like watching him do one, and what it would smell like. The prospect of it was amazed him, and he could see when he glanced over at Eoin's crotch that he had a hard-on too. They finished their tea in tense silence, and then once again Eoin led the way upstairs.

Eoin's body was beautiful, Matty thought as he watched him take his clothes off. He hadn't really been able to take that in before, he realised. In his shyness and nerves he hadn't seen how handsome his smooth, oval face was was, with his dark hair shaved up the sides and a bit longer on top. Nor had he noticed just how fit his body was, or how big a cock he had. He was just the sort of guy Matty always got the hots for, and he wanted his shit badly. His heart raced as Eoin squatted down in front of him and showed off his arse. It was paler than the rest of him, with beautiful smooth cheeks, and only a little hair in his crack, fringing the area round his dark, pinkish hole. He settled into a squat like Matty had, arse a foot or so off the floor, and fidgeted a couple of times as he got comfortable. Silence descended, apart from both of their quick, excited breathing. The smell from earlier had dispersed by then and Eoin had shut the window, so Matty would get the full effect of his shit. He wondered dimly what it was going to be like as he watched and waited.

'Uh ... uh-huh...'

Eoin grunted softly as he pushed, his hole twitched and started to pucker out, and he let out a low, quiet fart. As it opened wider it uncovered the rounded end of his turd, and that came forward and started to slide slowly out of him. It was dense and solid, a dark, sort of dark russet-brown colour. He paused with a lump sticking through his hole, then strained again and grunted as his turd came out. It was smooth, with little cracks in its glistening surface. The first couple of lumpy inches snapped off suddenly and thudded onto the floor, and above it he grew a long brown tube that tapered off and slid cleanly out of him with a faint, slimy sound. It dropped to the floor and curled over the first, and behind it his hole pinched shut. The smell hit Matty at once. It wasn't as strong as his own, but it was crazily erotic; a dark, slightly bitter aroma that he felt in his throat as he sniffed at it. Eoin squatted there for a moment or two, then grunted and strained, and curled out another sturdy turd. It extended smoothly down towards the floor, hissing softly, before a lump fell away from it and he pinched it off, and it snapped and dropped with a deep, squelchy thud. His hole flared out and squeezed shut, a little shit crusted round it. Matty had never seen anything so hot in his life as Eoin in mid shit, squatting over the brown pile he'd made. His dick was rock hard, and in a brief lucid moment he realised he was sniffing deeply, drinking in the smell. Eoin looked round.

'Like it..?' he asked softly. 'Like watching me take a shit?'

'Yes. Oh fucking hell yes!'

'Good, 'cos I haven't finished. Another one's coming...'

Eoin's hole flared out with a little squeaky fart, and he curled another long brown tube, thinner than before. Matty fixated on it as it came out, bent downwards and snapped off again and again, and each twisted broken end turned into the tip of another long tube. They got thinner as it went on, until finally Eoin was left with a last ragged brown worm hanging from him. He pinched his hole shut and it fell into his pile, leaving just a trace of shit clinging to his anal hairs.

'There ya go,' he said. 'I'm done. Now, gonna wipe me arse for me?'

Matty's hands shook as he folded up a stretch of paper and reached forward. As he pressed it to Eoin's hole he could feel it flaring beneath his fingers, and when he drew it backwards and away it had a long dark-brown streak along it. He folded it in half and did it again, and Eoin grunted with pleasure and told him how much he loved having his bottom wiped for him. As soon as Matty was done he turned around, his hard-on in his hand, and for the second time today the two lads wanked off over a big pile of shit.

Matty headed home a couple of hours later, with his mind in a whirl. He still couldn't quite believe what had happened, and he knew he wanted more. Some of his darkest and most taboo fantasies had come true and it had given him a buzz like nothing he'd ever felt before, and the hardest orgasms he'd ever had. All of a sudden, rather than being scared of his little perversion, he wanted to explore it with Eoin; do things he thought he could only ever fantasise about. He couldn't wait for the next time!

Enjoyed this? You can find a complete list of my stories on the prolific author page. Name: namab mas

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Next: Chapter 3

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