Matts New Life Series


Published on Mar 14, 2013


This story is a work of fiction which contains male on male sexual acts. If you are under the 18 (or the legal age in your area to read this) or this kind of material offends you, please do not continue. All characters are fictional and any relation to any person is completely coincidental. This story is my own work and plagiarism will not be tolerated.


It was a warm morning as John woke up, he was excited as today was the day he was going to start his new life as a live in slave. The 15 year old had been emailing and sorting things out for weeks now, but today was the day. He quickly hopped in the shower and shaved his body as he had been instructed to, then quickly threw on some clothes and packed his bag and headed off to the mall where he was to meet his new Master. After waiting at the food court, where he had been told to for around 20 minutes, a guy came up to him, sat down and said "Hello Slave, are you ready for your new life ?"

John's breath caught as he looked at the speaker, "holy shit, this is happening..." he thought. "Y-Yes?" he replied, nerves getting the better of him.

"Yes what, Slave ?" ask the guy.

"Oh, yes Sir...? I'm sorry, I'm just new at this..." He looked down, blushing furiously.

"Good Slave. Now put this on and follow me" said Johns new Master as he hands him a small collar with a dog tag on it.

John swallowed heavily and looked around, "But what about everyone else? Won't they notice? sorry... Sir! "

"You need to get comfortable with the idea of being a Slave and not caring what others think Slave" replied his Master.

" ... yes sir," John took the collar and tightened it around his neck, the tag hanging atop his jugular, just outside of his vision "Okay sir..."

"Excellent Slave. Now come with me", he said as he grab the boys hand and lead him to his car. Once there, he strapped John in they headed off towards Johns new home. All the while, John tried to size his new Master up.

He was around 180cm tall, decent build, and probably weight around 75Kg. The jet black hair he had, plus the black jeans and t-shirt made him appear more dominate as John continued to admire him. John tapped his feet and hands nervously, as a hint of doubt crossed his mind inside the car, but it was getting further and further past the point of no return.

Once they pulled into driveway, John knew there was no turning back. It was at this point that his new Master opened the car door, and led the boy into his house, and once in, he locked the door, and ordered the boy to strip.

"Y-yes sir..." John stammered.

This was all moving so quickly, John didn't have any time to consider what was happening, but knew that he had to obey. Shakily he took off his clothes, starting with his shirt and moving down slowly piece by piece, before finally taking off his socks. Standing stark naked in the house, completely smooth, sent shivers up the boy's spine, covering his pale body in goosebumps.

He pointed at the collar, and asked "Do I take this off too?"

"No Slave," replied his Master "That will soon become permanent, as will a few other things" He said with a grin. It was then that John was led to the living room, and made to stand in the middle, so his new Master could inspect him thoroughly.

"Is that OK, Master ?" John asked. The word sounded strange and foreign on his tongue even though he'd said it many times in e-mails.

His Master just smiled, and as he did so walked out of the room and returned with a small bag, which John only imagined was filled with gear. And as he dove in and pulled out something out, Johns eyes became wide.

A small gasp left the barely high school aged boy.

He had seen it online, and they had talked about it, but now it was really happening, which cause as response in the boy, counterintuitive to the devices function. "I see this excites you Slave. Are you ready for this ?" his Master asked

"Yes sir..." he promptly replied.

And with that his Master came over to the boy, and slowly began to massage his cock with lube, as he started to fit him for his device. Even with his erection, it took only a few minutes to have the boy fitted inside the CB6000s, and with a click, made sure he wouldn't be able to remove it. Once done, he stood back to admire how much hotter the boy now looked

It was his first time in chastity like that, and John had to admit it was uncomfortable, but that was what made it exciting. "Thank you sir..." he said nervously.

"You're welcome Slave", replied his Master. "Now hope down off there, and I'll show you your room, and let you get settled in."

"Yes sir," said John as he followed his Master. Walking with the CB was strange. He wasn't hung by any means, but he was used to a little movement from his package. With the chastity he found everything stuck and trapped.

As John walked into his room, he heart skipped a beat, as it was exactly as they had discussed down to the last detail "holy fuck..." he said without thinking. The bed spread was similar in style to a hospital spread from the children's ward where John had stayed when he had the flu last year, and the bed was a medial bed with all those cool up and down controls. Surrounding it was a selection of toys, a computer against the wall and an iPod filled with John's favourite music. He was truely in Heaven.

"Now, if there is anything you need, or something is missing, just call out and we can see about fixing Boy. I'm going to be in the living room, so in an hour, come out and we'll get lunch" Said his Master

His heart was pounding with conflicting feelings, the fear of regretting his decision, and the excitement of his new life. He started to feel his cock grow in excitement, but his cage was holding it firm and stopped everything in its tracks.

"Thank you sir!" And he ran over to log onto his computer to see if all his games were saved on there.

"Oh, and when you're ready, pick out an outfit from your closet, I'll leave it up to you as to which one" Said his Master

"Alright!" John said, not looking back as he loaded up his computer game. He got engrossed in it rather quickly, and before he knew it his hour was up and he heard a loud, rapid knock on his bedroom door.

"You ready Boy, we've got to get going" His Master said through the door.

"Fuck! I'm sorry, I was playing a game and I forgot." He scrambled over to his closet and tried to pick something out blindly. He ended up putting on a solid red t-shirt and a pair of torn jeans. The Shirt was on backwards, and he only had the jeans half on by the time his Master opened the door. He was startled and tripped over himself, landing at his Master's feet, half naked.

"Are you dressing or undressing there Boy ?" asked his Master with a smile.

"... Dressing sir" He turned the same colour as his shirt, "I'm sorry I'm not ready..."

"Well, let me help you then boy." As he slid the jeans on the boy, and turned the shirt around, he said. "Here, wear these socks and shoes, it'll help complete the outfit" he said as he handed him a pair of black socks and converse shoes.

It was then that John realised he didn't have any underwear on, and when he made mention of it to his Master, he got the answer "Don't worry, you'll not need them"

"Yes Sir... Thank you Sir..." He was embarrassed, but finished up and followed his Master out to the car

As they drove, John realised he still had the collar on, and eventually ask "What about the collar Sir ?", at witch point his Master pulled over, and got out of the car and walked around to the boys side, and opened it. He then reached into his pocked and then played with the back of the collar and it was then John heard a 'click', at the same time his Master said "That's better, now it's locked on"

They continued on with their drive until they got to a strip of shops, at which point, they both got out and walked towards what looked like an office. Once in, John realised it was a doctor's office.

"I thought we were going for lunch Sir" John said confused

He looked around, suddenly self-conscious of his collar that a few people had noticed around the boy's neck. But seeing as it was locked, he tried to just ignore them. His Master indicated for him to sit in a chair in the waiting room, and he obeyed, sitting as far from other people as he could As his Master approached the counter, he filled out some forms, and was told the doctor would see him soon. And he sat with his boy. As the time passed, John got more nervous, as which point the doctor appeared and motioned them to the back room

John followed the doctor, and his Master followed him, shepparding him into an examining room. John sat on the paper covered chair and nervously folded his hands in his lap.

The Doctor turned to John and said "Strip for me please, and hop up on the table, so I can examine you", to which John while nervous, gladly followed.

When he took off his pants he realized he was still wearing the Chastity device. "Oh, fuck, sorry." he stammered.

The doctor took one look and said "Guess we'll not be taking a sperm sample today then", and continued to get out the other equipment he would need. Once ready, he asked John to lie down, and as John did so, he tied a cord around his arm, and proceeded to collect a few blood samples. John had to close his eyes at the needle. He had a fear, but managed to hide from it well enough. Once that was done, he gave him a dinosaur bandaid for the wound and continued the inspection. When John felt the bandaid go on, he let out a sigh of relief.

"What's next doctor?" He was in a bit of a daze, and it was a little weird and scary not knowing what was going to happen next.

The Doctor asked the boy his name, age, date of birth, the usual kind of questions, but was surprised by his answers, as they didn't match the ones he had on file for the boy which his Master had supplied earlier. It was then that his Master asked the doctor if he and the boy to be left alone for a few minutes, to which the doctor obliged.

"What's the matter Sir?" asked the boy.

"I forgot to mention that you will have a new identity, now that you're my Slave. Do you understand that boy ?" Asked his Master

"... Yes sir... What do you need me to change?" asked John

"Well, from now on, you will be known as Matt. You're in year 7 at school, and you were born on the 15th of February, 2000, making you 13 currently. Do you have all that ?" asked his Master

"... Yes sir." John tried to internalize all of that, and sat back again.

His Master then asked for him to repeat the information back to him a few times. Once satisfied, his Master went and fetched the doctor and they finished up the rest of the examination. After it was done, John, or Matt as he now had to refer to himself by, went and got dressed and followed his Master to the car.

"Uh... sir?" J- Matt asked, "What was all this about?"

"As you're now my live in slave, and will not be returning to your former life, you need a new one. I have all the documents to confirm what was just told to the doctor, so if anyone ever came looking for you, you would check out as a normal 13 year old boy, living with his adoptive big brother" Replied his Master "Do you understand why now, Matt ?"

Matt understood what was said, but he didn't connect it to the doctor's visit, and asked "Why did I need the blood work though?"

"That's to make sure you don't have any diseases or virus's that may effect you in years to come" replied his Master

"Oh, right, sorry..." Once in the car, there was a bit of silence before Matt asked "Are we heading home again sir?"

"Of course we are, but we're going to swing by a drive through on the way". A few minutes later they did, and Matt was surprised when he wasn't allowed to order, and had his placed for him by his Master. That being said, it turned out to be what he would have ordered anyway. As they drove towards home, he was told by his Master to make sure he didn't spill anything, as he didn't want to have to punish the boy so early on.

Matt was very careful in the car, and carried everything as best he could before he set it down in the kitchen, "Thank you sir," he said as he reached in for his food. As he went to sit down, his Master stood there staring at him. Concerned Matt asked "What's wrong Sir ?"

To which all he got was a one word reply "Strip"

The intensity of the single word left Matt with nothing to do but obey. He did it as quickly as he could and stook stark in front of his Master.

"If you do that again Slave, I will spank you. You are to be naked in the house, except when you have friends over. Understood ?"

"Yes sir, I'm sorry..." He said as he blushed and returned to his food, slightly fearful.

Once lunch was over, they retired to the living room. Where Matt was positioned to be right in front of his Masters lap, and as they were watching telly, he felt someone nibbling on his neck, and a hand run over his tight smooth body. As it continued, Matt started to purr with pleasure, and eventually, he was picked up by his Master and carried to his new bed room.

He felt his dick tighten in his chastity device at his Master's touch, and embraced the man as he entered his room. As Matt way thrown to the bed, his Master quickly undressed, as which point Matt soaked in his physic. 6 foot tall, built body, smooth and with a 7" cock, as straight as an arrow.

It wasn't long before they were under the covers, with his Master on his back, with Matt positioned right atop his cock, and with a bit of lube, and some quick finger work, he felt his Master cock slide into him.

"Ooohh fuck..." Matt was exceptionally tight, and even with the prep-work his Master's cock was pressing into him really hard. His Master had to coax him to move his hips, whimpering slightly at the feeling of the cock pushing in and out of him... "Oh fuck me..." Matt managed to say under his breathe.

As they continued, Matt got more and more use to it, until he felt a twitch different to the normal thrusts, at which point he braced himself for his reward. And with that, he felt his insides being filled with his Masters cum, over and over and over again. He thought with such force he too would have been able to cum, but alas he could not. Though, at this very moment he didn't care.

They continued their embrace until afterwards, his Master started making out with him and slowly rolled him over, cock still deep inside him, and they cuddled as the two of them both drifted off to sleep.

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