Matts New Life

By moc.loa@5562B

Published on Jan 4, 2024


Matt's New Life – Chapter 2 By TerryL

Matt wasn't cut out to be a house husband, so I put him to work for me – officially on my payroll. We set up an office in the basement, and his skills as an inventory clerk came in handy. He was a quick learner, worth every cent I paid him, and more. I was a successful businessman, and smart enough to keep Matt away from my office and my employees. Unfortunately, I wasn't smart enough to keep him away from my friends.

The third weekend Matt had been staying with me Ralph and Joe stopped by my place on their way out of town for the weekend. I'd known them for seven years, and they'd met my small stable of tricks and boyfriends over time, but nothing had prepared them for Matt. I was twice Matt's age, but I had never dated anyone more than three or four years younger. Ralph and Joe about choked when Matt appeared, offering them beers and peanuts. I hadn't mentioned anything about Matt, who was wearing only cut off chinos – nothing else. Even though Ralph and Joe knew my proclivity for rough sex, they couldn't help staring at Matt's sculpted chest, especially his nipples, which showed serious evidence of a recent, rough workout.

After several minutes of idle chit chat, my friends asked if Matt was my nephew or something. For half a second, I thought it might be a good idea to say yes. But Matt answered that he was my "employee" and was living in my basement. Ralph and Joe stared at me in disbelief. A long silence followed.

"Guilty," was my response.

Suddenly my friends remembered that they had a long drive ahead of them, thanked Matt for the beers, and drove off quickly, making vague promises of getting together sometime soon.

As I shut the door and turned to Matt, he said, "That went well."

Considering all the things he could have said, I just chuckled at his attempt at irony.

"Yeah, sport. That went well."

Over the next few days Matt and I talked about what we were going to do about his situation. His girlfriend Chelsea hadn't filed a missing person report, or we would have heard about it. The town we lived in was a small suburb of 40,000 people, and that would have been big news. Maybe she had seen it coming and was resigned to the fact that he had walked out. Matt said he didn't give a shit about her, but he felt responsible for the kid and wanted to send money for support. Matt cashed his paychecks at my bank and made deposits at a bank across town into his own account, which his girlfriend had access to. Every time he checked the account balance, it had been emptied out within two or three days of his deposit. Matt seemed to think this plan was sufficient to meet the needs of everyone involved, but I knew I should talk to a lawyer, knowing this had potential to get messy. We closed the book on that subject and got back to what we did best – having intense, mind-blowing rough sex.

I had never experienced anything like it. It was as if we could read each other's minds. He could communicate his kinkiest desires to me by some sort of telepathy. In all my fantasies, I had never imagined a sex partner as ideal as Matt. Not once did either of us go down the wrong path. We inspired each other and dove head first into our world of kink and pain, until we wore each other out. Matt had no experience, but that didn't make him a less perfect sex partner. I was stunned to have all my prayers answered at once, but no complaints. Neither of us gave the age difference a thought.

About a week later, Ralph called me to say word was getting around town that a middle-aged woman was trying to locate a teenager who fit Matt's description. They guessed she might be his girlfriend's mother or Matt's own mother. Long story short, there were now posters around town with Matt's image on them. My heart started pounding.

When I came through the door, Matt knew something was up. He could see it in my eyes.

"We need to talk, sport."

I spilled the beans, pacing about the kitchen as I did so. Matt sat at the table and just stared at me, somewhat aloof. When I was finished, I looked over at him and said. "Aren't you going to say anything?"

He paused for a moment before he replied. "I don't know how to handle this. When I was 17 my parents kicked me out because I refused to go to college, so I've had no contact with them since. If Chelsea's mom is behind this, it's the same deal. Chelsea got kicked out when her parents found out she was pregnant. We scraped by on our own. A week after we got an apartment I found out Chelsea was four months pregnant. Not the happiest time of my life. She said she wanted to have the baby, and I figured out too late that was because she was afraid I'd leave her if she had an abortion. Like a fool, I went along with it. Fast forward to today. You know most of the rest. I'm sending her money, nearly ever cent I make. Maybe it's time to talk to that lawyer you mentioned, because I don't want to screw this up. But I know I'm not going to give up what's between you and me. Not without a fight."

I was both scared shitless and exhilarated at the same time. Matt got up and placed a comforting hand on my shoulder, then pulled me into his arms for a long, tense embrace. I tell you, my heart melted.

For the first time ever, Matt made dinner. It wasn't really more than heating up canned soup and slicing some bread, but it made a statement. We ate in silence, sipping our beers. Ten minutes later Matt was clearing the table and running water in the sink. I was still stunned by the recent news, staring blankly at the table top.

Matt came over to the table and pulled me to my feet. All he was wearing was a pair of boxer briefs. He reached out and started unbuttoning my shirt.

"You always wear too many clothes, you know that?"

Not once in the month he had lived with me had Matt ever initiated sex. I was the boss 100% of the time, and I wasn't about to mess with a good thing.

"Slow down, boy. Not until I'm good and ready."

Matt looked a bit startled as he whispered, "Yes, sir. Sorry."

There was an awkward silence as Matt just stared at the floor while I considered my options. For a long while neither of us spoke. Finally, Matt said, "You deserve better than the mess I've caused. I just want a chance to make it right."

I swear to God I had to blink back a tear. If I hadn't known it before, I knew right then that I was in love with this kid. He was right. It was a mess, but a mess I was willing to take on.

"Please," he said.

I could see his heart pounding in his chest as a tear tracked down his cheek.

"Please, sir. Don't send me away. I'll do anything. I belong here with you."

We had never talked to one another like this, because we hadn't had to. Here this tough, macho guy was pouring his heart out, begging not to be cast away. There had already been too much of that in his life.

"Maybe you're right, Matt. Maybe we could use some distraction."

I walked across the kitchen to the dining room, and Matt followed. All our sex took place in the dining room, and I set about shutting the doors and closing the drapes.

Matt didn't wait for me to remove his shorts. He tugged them off and threw them across the room, revealing his teenaged dick, hard and leaking. I tore at the buttons of my 501s, kicked off my shoes and shucked my jeans. I wasn't wearing underwear, so my hard cock stuck out between the split in my shirt tails. Matt stared at my cock with wide eyes. I realized he seldom got to see it, because I always worked him over while I was fully clothed, only losing my jeans at the last moment before fucking him face down in his sexy, marked up ass.

He stared at it for a long time, watching it throb and twitch.

"See something you like, boy?"

"Oh yeah," he croaked.

He started to breathe in short gasps and finally looked up at me.

"I want to suck it, but I don't know how."

Matt had never sucked my cock, nor any other cock, for that matter.

"Nice offer, but that's not what I want. That's stuff for fags, and you're no faggot. I don't want you to suck my cock. I want to fuck your throat, and there's a big difference. Do you know the difference, boy?"

Matt drew himself up and puffed out his chest a little.

"No sir. You'll have to teach me."

I reached out and put my hands on Matt's shoulders, applying gentle pressure. He knew what to do, and he sank to his knees. At last he looked up at me as he grabbed hold of my thighs and moved his head toward my crotch.

"Not so fast, kid. You have only one job to do, and that's to open up your throat. I'll bring the cock to you."

Matt sat on his heels and tilted his head up until he was staring me right in the eyes.

"Lock you hands behind your back, boy, and hold them tight. This won't be easy."

Matt positioned himself as instructed. With both hands I gripped the back of his head and pulled forward, as he opened his mouth wide. With a sudden motion I shoved it in all the way to the back of his throat. All the way on the first thrust. I nearly knocked him backwards, but he gulped it down. Sweet. In another second my pubes were hitting his nose. Then his gag reflexes kicked in.

"That's right, boy. Take it all the way. Open up for me. Pleasure me with that tight throat."

He aimed to please. He pushed forward onto my cock so hard that I nearly lost my footing. He had good instincts. He contracted and squeezed his virgin throat muscles against my man meat until he was light headed from the effort. He was able to keep himself under control for about 45 seconds, and then he started to falter from lack of oxygen. He pulled off my dick and coughed and sputtered, stunned by the difficulty of the task before him.

"Stay with me, boy. I'm going to fuck that throat of yours as I see fit. Now get back into position and don't move. I know you can do better than that."

His ears were ringing as his throat was again stuffed full of man dick. I pistoned my hips in quick, jerky motions as I kept a firm grip on the back of his head, making sure he couldn't pull away.

Then he started coughing up mucous and phlegm. I knew his lungs were hungry for air, but he didn't try to pull away. He knew his job was to accept the rough, heavy throat fucking. Long strands of saliva started to drip from his mouth, stretching to the bare floor.

"Yeah, kid. That's the way. What a sweet, tight throat."

Tears spilled down his cheeks as he tried to forget about breathing. I had warned him that this wouldn't be easy. My dick struck the back of his throat over and over. He coughed up more phlegm as he choked and gasped. This was the way I liked it, and I would teach him to like it, too.

By now his heart was beating so hard in his chest that I thought he might have an attack. Sweat broke out on his torso. His hard boy cock was leaking as it throbbed helplessly, hungry for a touch that would never come. He knew he had to keep his hands off. If his dick got jacked, it was only with my permission.

By this time I had the back of his head in a death grip as I pumped harder and harder into his throat. He was gagging and heaving constantly. Soon he was a complete mess.

"Oh yeah, boy. Now we're getting somewhere."

It had been at least sixty seconds since he had taken a breath, and I knew this was the end of the line. As much as he wanted to obey me and stay in place, letting me fuck his throat raw until I spilled my seed, his reflexes took over. He glanced up through the tears and gave a pleading look, silently begging for mercy. He needed air. His grunts were becoming wilder and louder, as I continued to thrust like a crazy man.

"Oh shit, boy. What a sexy throat!"

That's when he made his first mistake. Reflexively, he placed his hands on my thighs and tried to push away. I would have none of it. I just tightened my grip on his head as he tried to twist away, desperate for air. He was choking and coughing as he struggled to break free. I knew this was going too far, too fast, too extreme, but my dick was making all the decisions.

"Fuck yeah, boy! Gag on my dick. Take it like a man!"

He started to growl in a voice that was almost unrecognizable.

Just then he lost it. Event though he wanted to please me, this was something that required practice over time, and he was in over his head. I knew he'd pass out if I kept this up. He was heaving and retching, on the verge of throwing up. He started twisting and pulling away from me. In a fit of strength he broke free and immediately fell to the floor, coughing and sputtering – totally out of control. He just lay there, crying shamefully, humiliated by his failure.

I started to pull him up off his knees, but he resisted.

"No, please," he said gasping. "I can do it. Give me a minute. Then let me finish. I want you to fuck my throat until you cum, sir."

He just stared up at me, defiantly. But before I could reply, he went into action.

Something inside of him broke, and he literally dove onto my cock. I pumped hard into the back of his throat, as he sputtered and coughed. Fresh tears streaked his cheeks as I continued my assault. As he choked and suffered, I tightened my grip and pulled his head even farther into my crotch. I could tell he was in a groove of euphoria, focused on satisfying my dick. By this time I was pumping into his throat furiously. I looked down and could see that his boy cock throbbed and ached in frustration, dripping long strands of pre-cum onto the floor. We were going for broke this time.

"Fuck yeah, boy. Stay with me. I know you can do it. Stay focused."

I fucked harder that I thought possible. Sweat was splashing everywhere, his boy dick dripping as his throat made uncontrolled gagging noises.

"Tighten those lips for me. Squeeze my shaft with those throat muscles."

Matt did his best, throwing himself at the task. All of a sudden I let out a growl that shook the room. I was fucking his face like a jack rabbit, my balls slapping against his chin. It didn't take long until the sounds of his gagging sent me over the edge. My load of sperm erupted into his throat and started spilling out of his mouth. Suddenly I felt his boy cum spurt over my legs as he struggled to swallow. The only sounds in the room were the two of us panting, trying to get our breathing under control.

"Christ, kid. That was incredible."

I scooped up some of the cum dripping off his chin and fed it to him. He sucked it all down, like a starving man. How could it get better that this?

He was about to show me, as he found my jeans and drew the belt from the loops. He placed it on the table as he stretched out face down on the dining surface, settling into a familiar position. From force of habit he spread his legs wide and stood on tiptoe, lifting his butt for punishment. I rallied to the occasion, knowing he had earned it. This is what we both needed. I leathered his ass mercilessly until Matt found his submissive groove. He cursed and yelled, but always asked for more. I gave it to him, drawing welts all over his cheeks and thighs.

His hips pumped the table, now slick with pre-cum. Matt was a champion leaker. I strapped him harder and faster, until he was shouting incomprehensibly. His ass was soon an angry red, just the way I liked it, and the room was filled with loud smacks of leather on sexy boy flesh. His writhing body laid bare before me was a beautiful sight, I'll tell you that. I stayed on task, feeding him the pain he had come to crave. True to form, he eventually shot a second load onto the table top. He gasped and heaved as he came down from a pain high, as I stood back and admired his punished body, recovering from a wild ride. Eventually I pulled him up off the table and led him out of the room. We stumbled to the bedroom and collapsed into senseless heaps, hugging each other tight, our minds off the recent complications.

But it turned out to be a short reprieve. That weekend we found out that a friend of Ralph and Joe's had gone to the police.

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